606 resultados para Aniso-accommodation


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Tomando por noção de espaço público o ambiente ou o território da vida social, que medeia entre a esfera privada e a autoridade pública, onde os cidadãos e as pessoas em geral podem encontrar-se livremente para tocarem ideias, conversarem, passearem, interagirem uns com os outros dentro dos limites impostos pela civilidade pública. E por ‘sem abrigo’ a situação generalizada de vivências que têm em comum o impedimento colectivo ou subjectivo do acesso a uma habitação. Habitação entendida não tanto como casa de família mas como alojamento, encarado como residência ou organização sedentária do espaço. O texto que se apresenta aborda o tema da responsabilização, organização e ocupação do espaço público com base nas representações sociais emanadas pelos representantes de algumas das organizações da sociedade civil lisboeta, que orientam a sua acção para a problçemática daqueles que fazem do espaço público o seu ‘domicílio’.


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Analyses of species-diversity patterns of remote islands have been crucial to the development of biogeographic theory, yet little is known about corresponding patterns in functional traits on islands and how, for example, they may be affected by the introduction of exotic species. We collated trait data for spiders and beetles and used a functional diversity index (FRic) to test for nonrandomness in the contribution of endemic, other native (also combined as indigenous), and exotic species to functional-trait space across the nine islands of the Azores. In general, for both taxa and for each distributional category, functional diversity increases with species richness, which, in turn scales with island area. Null simulations support the hypothesis that each distributional group contributes to functional diversity in proportion to their species richness. Exotic spiders have added novel trait space to a greater degree than have exotic beetles, likely indicating greater impact of the reduction of immigration filters and/or differential historical losses of indigenous species. Analyses of species occurring in native-forest remnants provide limited indications of the operation of habitat filtering of exotics for three islands, but only for beetles. Although the general linear (not saturating) pattern of trait-space increase with richness of exotics suggests an ongoing process of functional enrichment and accommodation, further work is urgently needed to determine how estimates of extinction debt of indigenous species should be adjusted in the light of these findings.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática. Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira


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Aims - To compare reading performance in children with and without visual function anomalies and identify the influence of abnormal visual function and other variables in reading ability. Methods - A cross-sectional study was carried in 110 children of school age (6-11 years) with Abnormal Visual Function (AVF) and 562 children with Normal Visual Function (NVF). An orthoptic assessment (visual acuity, ocular alignment, near point of convergence and accommodation, stereopsis and vergences) and autorefraction was carried out. Oral reading was analyzed (list of 34 words). Number of errors, accuracy (percentage of success) and reading speed (words per minute - wpm) were used as reading indicators. Sociodemographic information from parents (n=670) and teachers (n=34) was obtained. Results - Children with AVF had a higher number of errors (AVF=3.00 errors; NVF=1.00 errors; p<0.001), a lower accuracy (AVF=91.18%; NVF=97.06%; p<0.001) and reading speed (AVF=24.71 wpm; NVF=27.39 wpm; p=0.007). Reading speed in the 3rd school grade was not statistically different between the two groups (AVF=31.41 wpm; NVF=32.54 wpm; p=0.113). Children with uncorrected hyperopia (p=0.003) and astigmatism (p=0.019) had worst reading performance. Children in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grades presented a lower risk of having reading impairment when compared with the 1st grade. Conclusion - Children with AVF had reading impairment in the first school grade. It seems that reading abilities have a wide variation and this disparity lessens in older children. The slow reading characteristics of the children with AVF are similar to dyslexic children, which suggest the need for an eye evaluation before classifying the children as dyslexic.


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Most of small islands around the world today, are dependent on imported fossil fuels for the majority of their energy needs especially for transport activities and electricity production. The use of locally renewable energy resources and the implementation of energy efficiency measures could make a significant contribution to their economic development by reducing fossil fuel imports. An electrification of vehicles has been suggested as a way to both reduce pollutant emissions and increase security of supply of the transportation sector by reducing the dependence on oil products imports and facilitate the accommodation of renewable electricity generation, such as wind and, in the case of volcanic islands like Sao Miguel (Azores) of the geothermal energy whose penetration has been limited by the valley electricity consumption level. In this research, three scenarios of EV penetration were studied and it was verified that, for a 15% LD fleet replacement by EVs with 90% of all energy needs occurring during the night, the accommodation of 10 MW of new geothermal capacity becomes viable. Under this scenario, reductions of 8% in electricity costs, 14% in energy, 23% in fossil fuels use and CO2 emissions for the transportation and electricity production sectors could be expected.


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The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Mestre António da Silva Vieira


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Decision making in any environmental domain is a complex and demanding activity, justifying the development of dedicated decision support systems. Every decision is confronted with a large variety and amount of constraints to satisfy as well as contradictory interests that must be sensibly accommodated. The first stage of a project evaluation is its submission to the relevant group of public (and private) agencies. The individual role of each agency is to verify, within its domain of competence, the fulfilment of the set of applicable regulations. The scope of the involved agencies is wide and ranges from evaluation abilities on the technical or economical domains to evaluation competences on the environmental or social areas. The second project evaluation stage involves the gathering of the recommendations of the individual agencies and their justified merge to produce the final conclusion. The incorporation and accommodation of the consulted agencies opinions is of extreme importance: opinions may not only differ, but can be interdependent, complementary, irreconcilable or, simply, independent. The definition of adequate methodologies to sensibly merge, whenever possible, the existing perspectives while preserving the overall legality of the system, will lead to the making of sound justified decisions. The proposed Environmental Decision Support System models the project evaluation activity and aims to assist developers in the selection of adequate locations for their projects, guaranteeing their compliance with the applicable regulations.


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A detailed knowledge of the 3-D arrangement and lateral facies relationships of the stacking patterns in coastal deposits is essential to approach many geological problems such as precise tracing of sea level changes, particularly during small scale fluctuations. These are useful data regarding the geodynamic evolution of basin margins and yield profit in oil exploration. Sediment supply, wave-and tidal processes, coastal morphology, and accommodation space generated by eustasy and tectonics govern the highly variable architecture of sedimentary bodies deposited in coastal settings. But these parameters change with time, and erosional surfaces may play a prominent role in areas located towards land. Besides, lateral shift of erosional or even depositional loci very often results in destruction of large parts of the sediment record. Several case studies illustrate some commonly found arrangements of facies and their distinguishing features. The final aim is to get the best results from the sedimentological analysis of coastal units.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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RESUMO: Com o presente estudo pretendemos identificar a sobrecarga resultante do envolvimento familiar com os doentes portadores de VIH/SIDA. Numa breve introdução teórica, procedemos à revisão dos conceitos sobrecarga familiar e dos sentimentos/emoções vivenciados pelos prestadores de cuidados. Metodologia: Estudo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de 51 indivíduos, cuja finalidade consiste na caracterização dos prestadores de cuidados familiares a doentes com VIH/SIDA. Objectivos: Identificar quem o doente com VIH/SIDA, considera ser a pessoa significativa nos cuidados informais. Caracterizar, do ponto de vista sócio-demográfico, os doentes e os prestadores de cuidados familiares. Identificar sentimentos e emoções de vivências, que justifiquem o sofrimento emocional e as repercussões na sobrecarga familiar nos prestadores de cuidados informais. Instrumentos: Na avaliação da sobrecarga familiar, utilizámos o Questionário de Problemas Familiares”- FPQ (Family Problemas Questionnaire). Para identificação dos Acontecimentos de Vida, adoptámos a escala de Holmes e Rahe (Life Events); Para identificação do estrato social escolhemos escala de Graffar. Finalmente, para a caracterização sócio-demografica concebemos dois questionários: um dirigido aos doentes e o outro aos prestadores de cuidados informais. Conclusões: A sobrecarga da doença VIH/SIDA, nos prestadores de cuidados familiares, não é uniforme nas diferentes dimensões. A dimensão sobrecarga subjectiva é superior à objectiva. O suporte social revela-se fraco, relacionado com as perdas familiares, devidas a morte, pelas relações familiares disfuncionais, entre os membros da família, pela falta de apoio e informação dos técnicos de saúde. O sexo feminino é predominante nos cuidadores. As mães e esposas são o grau de parentesco dominante. Os solteiros são o grupo mais afectado pelo VIH/SIDA. Os cuidadores apresentam idade superior à dos doentes. O estrato social preponderante é o médio baixo e o baixo. Os familiares, apesar da atitude negativa dos doentes perante os cuidadores, mantêm-se envolvidos. Segundo a avaliação multiaxial proposta pelo DM-IV, constatámos, ao nível do eixo I, sintomatologia clínica do tipo das perturbações depressivas e perturbações da ansiedade. No eixo IV, os cuidadores evidenciam problemas psicossociais e ambientais, nomeadamente nas categorias problemas com o grupo de apoio primário, problemas relacionados como grupo social, problemas educacionais, problemas de alojamento, problemas económicos. Os problemas relacionados com o grupo de apoio primário, são os que mais parecem contribuir para os problemas psicossociais e ambientais.---------------------------------------ABSTRACT: This study wants to describe several problems as a result of the family’s relationship with HIV/AIDS patients, like overload. In a brief theoric introduction, we made a small revision about the concepts of family’s overload, and feelings or emotions that have been lived by the people who provide cares to the patients with this chronic disease. Methodology: This is a describing and exploratory study, with a sample with 51 individuals, with the aim to characterize the people inside the family who give care HIV/AIDS patients. Aim: To identify who are the most important people in informal cares from the patient perspective. To characterize, in a social-demographic point of view, patients and the people who take care of them. To identify feelings and emotions that could explain an emotional suffer, and some causes in the family burden. Means: to evaluate the family’s overload we used the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). To identify life events we adopted the Holmes and Rahe scale. To identify the social stratum we used the Graffer scale. Finally to do a socio-economic characterization we did two kinds of questionnaire, the first one was directed for the patients, and the second one was chosen for the people who give care. Conclusions: The HIV/AIDS disease burden on the people who takes familiar cares isn’t uniform on several areas that we studied. The subjective overload it is superior to the objective. The social support is weak and poor, and related with family losses by dead, dysfunctional family relationships, and the lack of support and information by the medical staff. Mothers and wives are the dominant relative degree. And the singles are the major group with HIV/AIDS disease. The people who take care are usually older than the sick. The major social status is low or medium-low. The relatives keep evolved though the negative attitude of the sick. According with the evaluation multiaxial proposed by the DM-IV, in axle 1 we note clinic sintomatologic belonging to the type depressive perturbations and perturbations of the anxiety. Regarding with axle IV the caretakers show up psycho-social and environmental problems, namely on the categories: problems with the primary support group and problems related as social group, educational problems, accommodation problems and.


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Shelves surrounding reefless volcanic ocean islands are formed by surf erosion of their slopes during changing sea levels. Posterosional lava flows, if abundant, can cross the coastal cliffs and fill partially or completely the accommodation space left by erosion. In this study, multibeam bathymetry, high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, and sediment samples are used to characterize the morphology of the insular shelves adjacent to Pico Island. The data show offshore fresh lava flow morphologies, as well as an irregular basement beneath shelf sedimentary bodies and reduced shelf width adjacent to older volcanic edifices in Pico. These observations suggest that these shelves have been significantly filled by volcanic progradation and can thus be classified as rejuvenated. Despite the general volcanic infilling of the shelves around Pico, most of their edges are below the depth of the Last Glacial Maximum, revealing that at least parts of the island have subsided after the shelves formed by surf erosion. Prograding lava deltas reached the shelf edge in some areas triggering small slope failures, locally decreasing the shelf width and depth of their edges. These areas can represent a significant risk for the local population; hence, their identification can be useful for hazard assessment and contribute to wiser land use planning. Shelf and subaerial geomorphology, magnetic anomalies and crustal structure data of the two islands were also interpreted to reconstruct the long-term combined onshore and offshore evolution of the Faial-Pico ridge. The subaerial emergence of this ridge is apparently older than previously thought, i.e., before approximate to 850 ka.