241 resultados para Ambivalence


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BACKGROUND: Unsafe abortions are a serious public health problem and a major human rights issue. In low-income countries, where restrictive abortion laws are common, safe abortion care is not always available to women in need. Health care providers have an important role in the provision of abortion services. However, the shortage of health care providers in low-income countries is critical and exacerbated by the unwillingness of some health care providers to provide abortion services. The aim of this study was to identify, summarise and synthesise available research addressing health care providers' perceptions of and attitudes towards induced abortions in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. METHODS: A systematic literature search of three databases was conducted in November 2014, as well as a manual search of reference lists. The selection criteria included quantitative and qualitative research studies written in English, regardless of the year of publication, exploring health care providers' perceptions of and attitudes towards induced abortions in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. The quality of all articles that met the inclusion criteria was assessed. The studies were critically appraised, and thematic analysis was used to synthesise the data. RESULTS: Thirty-six studies, published during 1977 and 2014, including data from 15 different countries, met the inclusion criteria. Nine key themes were identified as influencing the health care providers' attitudes towards induced abortions: 1) human rights, 2) gender, 3) religion, 4) access, 5) unpreparedness, 6) quality of life, 7) ambivalence 8) quality of care and 9) stigma and victimisation. CONCLUSIONS: Health care providers in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia have moral-, social- and gender-based reservations about induced abortion. These reservations influence attitudes towards induced abortions and subsequently affect the relationship between the health care provider and the pregnant woman who wishes to have an abortion. A values clarification exercise among abortion care providers is needed.


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Med denna uppsats har vi velat ta reda på hur singlar över 30 år upplever sitt singelskap samt hur de förhåller sig till att inleda partnerskap och att skaffa barn. Singel är ett begrepp som inrymmer många olika aspekter och perspektiv. Genom individuella intervjuer har vi tagit del av 4 kvinnliga singlar och 4 manliga singlars egna upplevelser, alla är över 30 år och bosatta i mellan Sverige. Vi har analyserat det empiriska materialet vi fått fram med hjälp av vår teoretiska utgångspunkt som berör modernitetens samhälle där individen skapar sin självidentitet och livsstil utifrån sin kontext. Singlarna har givit oss en bild av deras liv och deras inställning till den norm om parrelationer och att skaffa barn som finns i vårt samhälle. Det empiriska materialet vi fått tillgång till har tolkats och analyserats med hjälp av Grounded theory. Vårt resultat visar på individens strävan efter känslan av frihet och oberoende. Singlarna är nöjda över sin livsstil men uppger att det kan finnas en saknad av någon ibland. En ambivalens uppstår mellan deras känsla av frihet till den ensamhet de kan uppleva. Upplevelsen av singelskapet och synen på partnerskap och barn mellan män och kvinnor visar sig inte vara så olik.


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The power of homosociality: how young men “do” masculinity in groups and individually Using young men’s narratives, about other men, friends, dates and girlfriends, this article discusses the following questions: Can the interpretation – the understanding of young men’s collective presentations of masculinity as a surface that hides a more complex masculinity – undermine how we interpret young men’s talk about and interaction with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling understanding have an impact on how young men interpret and relive the interactions with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually created masculinity shape secondary gains for the young men, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable arena of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting? Thomas Johansson, Professor of Social Work social work, states that if we only focus the homosocially created masculinity, this will reshape a less nuanced picture of young men’s way of doing masculinity (Johansson 2005). Thus, young men’s vulnerability and difficulties remain hidden. However, this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually based doings of masculinity could possibly also give secondary gains, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable field of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting. This article shows that using a fragmentised and situated masculinity, as a way of understanding the complexity and the ambivalence in young men’s project of doing masculinity, makes evident – on the one hand – the vulnerability in young men’s process of doing masculinity. On the other hand, however, this view also makes it possible for young men to avoid responsibility for their actions. Instead the situated context – e.g. if in a peer group or alone, and what kind of relations the young man has – will be significant for how the act will be interpreted. The empirical material consists of six individual interviews and one group interview with four men. The age span of the participants is 16 to 24 years old. The overall theme for the discussions is heterosexual practice and relations.


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BACKGROUND: Pregnancies among young women force girls to compromise education, resulting in low educational attainment with subsequent poverty and vulnerability. A pronounced focus is needed on contraceptive use, pregnancy, and unsafe abortion among young women. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore healthcare providers' (HCPs) perceptions and practices regarding contraceptive counselling to young people. DESIGN: We conducted 27 in-depth interviews with doctors and midwives working in seven health facilities in central Uganda. Interviews were open-ended and allowed the participant to speak freely on certain topics. We used a topic guide to cover areas topics of interest focusing on post-abortion care (PAC) but also covering contraceptive counselling. Transcripts were transcribed verbatim and data were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: The main theme, HCPs' ambivalence to providing contraceptive counselling to sexually active young people is based on two sub-themes describing the challenges of contraceptive counselling: A) HCPs echo the societal norms regarding sexual practice among young people, while at the same time our findings B) highlights the opportunities resulting from providers pragmatic approach to contraceptive counselling to young women. Providers expressed a self-identified lack of skill, limited resources, and inadequate support from the health system to successfully provide appropriate services to young people. They felt frustrated with the consultations, especially when meeting young women seeking PAC. CONCLUSIONS: Despite existing policies for young people's sexual and reproductive health in Uganda, HCPs are not sufficiently equipped to provide adequate contraceptive counselling to young people. Instead, HCPs are left in between the negative influence of social norms and their pragmatic approach to address the needs of young people, especially those seeking PAC. We argue that a clear policy supported by a clear strategy with practical guidelines should be implemented alongside in-service training including value clarification and attitude transformation to equip providers to be able to better cater to young people seeking sexual and reproductive health advice.


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There is no information whatsoever of a society in which there are no demands among private people and companies, among individuals and institutions, varying only the tenor and the intensity of the issues. It would be ideal if conflicts could be solved in common aggreement. The selfcomposition, yet, does not often occurr; leaving the remaining issues for a third part, i.e., the State. Up to the English and French Revolutions, political power was exercised by limitless governors and the State did not submit to the law. After those revolutions, rules are agregated to curb Absolutism and organize the State, which starts to acccomplish its duties under the law, i.e., a Law State. As a result, today, the individual can sue the State to make the State perform or not any undesirable action. In this dissertation, one traces back from the very beginning the role of the institutions in charge of defending the State in courts of law. The judicial defense of the Brazilian State in a court of law, since 1608 to the 1988 Constitution, was a role of the Public Ministry, along with other institutional functions, including prosecution. As a consequence of this ambivalence, the results of the State defense came even to be contradictory. The promulgation of the 1988 Federal Constitution adjusted this historical dualism. The 1988 Constituent embodied significant change to the concept and operationalization of a State Advocacy, confering to a new institution , which was called 'Advocacia Geral da União' or 'General Advocacy of the Union' (article 131), the judicial and extrajudicial representation of the Union. The final object of the reflections of this study is centred on the analysis of the activities of the 'General Advocacy of the Union', in its first years of functioning, in other words, from 1993 to 1999


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Since electric power is an essential element in modern society, this paper analyzes the historic and institutional factors that have contributed to the formation and organization of the Brazilian electric sector, from the time when it started to be used in this country until the end of year 2002. This analysis is based on a linear description of historic facts, giving emphasis to crucial events ¿ or critical incidents, as they were called for the purpose of this paper. As to these happenings, the social actors who played an important role in the development of the Brazilian electric power sector were analyzed. An analytical model based on the theoretical references offered by the Institutional Theory was used. The study also highlights the elements that comprehend the development of the phenomenon in face of the ambivalence existing in a developing country, which is the case of the Brazilian electric power sector. The organizational fields that were established at the time determined by the main crucial incidents presented throughout the length of time covered by this study. The resources that the main social actors involved in the electric power sector may use by are also identified, as well as their main interests and level of influence these actors may have. Several documents were analyzed. The qualitative methodology was used. Also, many semi-structured in-depth interviews of the people who have made the history of this sector for reliability were conducted. Finally, this study includes the main elements that have shaped the institutional model of the Brazilian electric sector. It also characterizes the external environment as the element which has most influenced the sector and has also led its way throughout the different developmental phases, especially with respect to funding. The growing rates of power consumption indicate the need for a constant increase in the supply of electric power to meet the needs of society and economic development. This requires constant investment. Lack of investment is a limiting factor. Not only does it hinder the development of the country but it may also result in very unfortunate mishaps such as electric power rationing, such as the kind we had to endure a while ago.


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Este estudo busca investigar as lógicas da ação em cooperativas de produção e associações de catadores de lixo no bojo de processos de reestruturação econômica que não somente precarizam as condições de emprego, mas também implicam em processos de desassalariamento da força de trabalho. Tomando como perspectiva analítica a sociologia da experiência de François Dubet, decompomos as lógicas da ação de trabalhadores com inserção social distinta, ou seja, um primeiro grupo caracterizado por uma cultura operária e sindical e um segundo grupo caracterizado por um processo de dissociação em relação ao mundo do trabalho formal. Neste sentido, procurou-se investigar: a) as formas de inserção e integração sociais configuradas pelas relações de solidariedade, b) a dimensão da racionalidade estratégica de cada grupo traduzida nas lutas por reconhecimento, e, c) os processos de subjetivação expressos na afirmação identitária de cada coletivo de trabalhadores. Ou seja, quais as condições de possibilidade da ruptura com as hierarquias que organizam e estruturam o universo de coletivos de trabalhadores com origens sociais tão diversas quando confrontados com o princípio meta-social da igualdade? Noutras palavras, quando compelidos com a necessidade de organizar uma cooperativa ou associação, enquanto alternativa palpável de subsistência, os trabalhadores se deparam com um contexto bem diverso da situação de assalariamento. Com efeito, a experiência associativa irá implicar que a adesão à cooperativa ou associação deve ser livre e voluntária e que a gestão e os processos de deliberação devem ser democráticos. A partir da pesquisa de campo verificou-se um processo de subjetivação marcado por estratégias distintas nas cooperativas e associações: enquanto nas cooperativas a adesão dos trabalhadores era caracterizada por uma certa ambivalência entre o compromisso com o projeto de construção da cooperativa e uma postura pautada por um certo pragmatismo tipificado por um campo de possíveis restrito no tocante as alternativas de inserção social, nas associações de catadores de lixo verificou-se um processo de ruptura com os padrões de sociabilidade primária acentuadamente hierarquizados a partir da participação das mulheres nas associações, bem como um efetivo compromisso com o projeto associativo. Na esfera da ação coletiva, a constituição de cooperativas a partir de empresas em situação falimentar revelou uma nova estratégia sindical marcada por uma ação defensiva ante os processos de reestruturação econômica que eliminam postos de trabalho. Já, na ação coletiva das associações constatou-se um movimento de luta pelo reconhecimento de direitos e recuperação da cidadania. Tal movimento é caracterizado por uma lógica do respeito possuindo uma dupla inflexão, ou seja, por um lado busca romper no âmbito da esfera privada com a dominação masculina expressa num código de honra, cuja conseqüência mais dramática se traduz na violência doméstica, e por outro lado se constata um movimento em direção à esfera pública a partir da articulação de uma associação com um movimento social traduzindo desta maneira a reivindicação pelo reconhecimento da dignidade de indivíduos sujeitos a todo tipo de reconhecimento recusado.


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Este trabalho se fundamenta na constatação da importância que os aspectos artísticos desempenham na produção e na apreciação da arquitetura, qualificando-a ao mesmo tempo em que problematizam seu ensino e sua avaliação. Considerando essa ambivalência como um traço distintivo que resiste há muito tempo à tentativa de objetivar a disciplina, o processo da subjetividade na arquitetura é aqui abordado a partir de um personagem do Renascimento, época em que efetivamente se estabelece e se consolida a crítica arquitetônica. Leon Battista Alberti, na condição de autor do primeiro tratado de arquitetura do período e de obras que contribuíram para as transformações estéticas de seu tempo, nos mostra, através da teoria e da prática profissional, a atualidade de uma postura que assume as incertezas que caracterizam a disciplina.


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This dissertation aims to comprehend how we meet with the other at cinema. For this, it receives the doubt, the uncertainty, the way that the human being is unfinished as stance of observation. It takes into consideration the multiples social vectors, historical, subjective, temporal and cultural which constitute these phenomena. The cinema is used as a cognitive resource in order to incorporate the poetic and the imaginary, making possible not forgetting gestures and knowledge that hatch from sounds, colours, remembrances, images, words, social exchanges, cognitive reciprocity that allow us to think about the culture, the society and the communication. For this, it has as theoretical prerequisites ideas of double (myselfthe other) and effective participation (projection-identification) developed by Edgar Morin, as well as the idea of communication as possibility/impossibility of constructions of bonds with the other through the body, our primary media, concepts developed by Harry Pross and Norval Baitello Jr. The chosen film to analysis is Lavoura Arcaica, it is an emblematic movie in the discussion of the human condition and in the relationship between the man and its body, its desires, with its nature/culture ambivalence. About this film are made reflections about the process of activation of the double (myself-the other) in the searching for the other through cinematographically elements of construction, as: montage, direction, screenplay, actors, scenography, costumes and soundtrack. In conclusion, the cinema, when it allows the effective participation and provides t e experiment of the double, becomes a gateway line in the path to development of the alterity


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This Masters degree dissertation presents a research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding within a hotel managers work in Natal/RN - Brazil, This Masters degree dissertation presents the research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding the hotel managers work in Natal / RN - Brazil, performing diagnosis of their activities and relating the aspects that impact the quality and productivity of hotel services and managers occupational health. This research is characterized as a case study with a qualitative approach, taking the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis which is the analysis of the managers work activity as a reference to the focus; and combining the use of observational and interactional methods. Ergonomics and macroergonomics are used in this study not only to understand the physical, cognitive and organizational constraints of the manager s duties, but also to characterize the work organizational architecture and design of that hotel. High workload, accumulation of tasks and diversion of functions performed by managers were noticed, increasing thereby the physical and psychological suffering for them. It was found that the activity of managers is characterized by the ambivalence of power, limited autonomy, cooperation, interdependence between managers and the fear of incompetence. It was also noticed that managers devote more time to the day job (37%), another time to sleep (30%), while only 33% of the rest of the day are meant for activities like taking care of health, family, social life and study. Although there are few studies addressing the health and safety of hotel managers, this research revealed that 84% of the surveyed hotel managers complain of musculoskeletal pain which 50% are obese and are 100% sedentary. It was also observed that managers adopt unsuitable postures for carrying out the work activities that contribute to becoming injured or work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the near future. Ergonomic measures were recommended as an investment in the skills and the training of managers, encouraging cooperative work, appropriateness of workload, limiting overtime, preserving the enjoyment of breaks during work and weekly holidays, changing the layout of the work sector , usage of communication technology to prevent displacement, compensatory physical activities, furniture adaptation, among others


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The present study has the purpose of catching the significances of smoking in the social dinamics based on the Theory of Social Representations. It was developed among adults with ages from 20 to 59 years, low social and economic conditions, at Natal RN, Brazil. The Free-words Association Test was applied as the instrument of data collection and a semi-structured interview with the smokers and non-smokers, besides a structured interview with smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers. All data was analyzed by the descriptive statistics using the Analysis of Content Technique of the thematic kind and by the softwares ALCESTE and EVOC 2000. Elaborations about smoking were marked by social, cultural and historical dimension, however they showed sensibility to changes and revealed positive and negative aspects of the habit. The analysis of the semi-structured interviews showed the following categories and under-categories respectively: Initiation of the habit (Friends and Family and Appreciation and Beauty); Psychosocial Implications of smoking (Personal relationship, Work and Financial); Behavior when facing smoking (Positive, Negative and Neutral); Smoking Effects (Smokers´ health and the other people health); Description about oral diseases ( Bad breath, Oral cancer and Dental problems); Smoking treatment (Physician and psychological, Supernatural and Difficulties). ALCESTE analysis presented 4 classes: Ambivalence between pleasure and get ill, Smoking as a trouble and danger to society, Social discrimination of smokers and Mouth as a place of reaffirmation of the discrimination. Those helped us to understand the psychosocial repercussion of the habit. On the social representation structure we identified as a probable central nucleus of the smoker group the categories Pleasure and Bad to the health and as peripheral elements Alcoholic Drink, Financial damage and Nervousness. For the non-smoker group the category Bad to the health comes first and Stop Smoking comes as a peripheral element. Finally, we hope that the knowledge of these representations can contribute to plan and/or to rethink over the professional practices and public policies related to smoking. Besides that, for an amplified comprehension of the study object the discussions over the identified representations should be deepen and amplified to other population and social groups


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Worldwide, the diabetes mellitus is considered a serious problem of public health; it also involves high costs for its treatment and its complications. Even though the onset of diabetes mellitus type 1 is on 5% to 10% of the diabetic population, it is the most aggressive type of anifestation; furthermore, it is the commonest chronic disease in childhood and adolescence. Such data show the importance of understanding the development of this disease from the moment the individual perceives it, according to their experience, observing the complexity of the phenomenon thoroughly. This study aimed to comprehend the experience of the adolescent with onset of diabetes mellitus type 1 in order to learn how these young individuals perceive and reason their place in the world when they experience this illness. The methodological strategy was based on qualitative research of phenomenological inspiration. We applied the main ideas of heideggerian ontology and some concepts of existential phenomenological psychology to guide our reflexive path. The participants were 10 young individuals (06 female and 04 male), ages between 15 and 18, under treatment in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. The methodological resource was the narrative, which allowed us access to the adolescents experience. The comprehension of the reports was based on the heideggerian hermeneutics, whose priority is the interpretation of the meaning expressed by the participants speech. The results showed that factors such as social, family, economic and cultural context greatly influence the perception and the way the individuals deal with, perceive and reason their experience. We noticed that the diabetes type 1 may often represent a limitation, but it does not make it impossible to be part of the world with others. The data show a significant affective ambivalence regarding the content more directly related to the disease. This demonstrates the unique way which each one gives meaning and reasons their condition of existence. This research points out the need to understand the complexity of this phenomenon in a more complete manner, considering the adolescent in their timely and historical context. We believe we can encourage thinking that may become actions which are more fit to the reality researched regarding all the parties involved with the subject, such as health professionals, adolescents, family, support programs and public health policies


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Includes bibliography


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC