956 resultados para Amazonas Fan
A suposição de que prováveis deficiências de elementos minerais nas pastagens de terra firme do Estado do Amazonas estivessem relacionadas com o denominado "mal de secar", doença que ocorre em bovinos, oportunizou a realização do presente trabalho.
O acompanhamento de propriedades, no segmento de pesquisa e experimentação do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado do Amazonas se insere no item de estudos de administração rural. O estudo será desenvolvido numa amostra de produtores. Tem por objetivo identificar o processo produtivo da pequena propriedade, caracterizar o grupo doméstico, a interação do homem com o ecossistema e suas relações de trabalho.
O trabalho situa a olericultura de maneira geral, abordando os vários aspectos de uma atividade agrícola, recente no Estado do Amazonas. Caracteriza o produtor, bem como as condições edafoclimáticas em que se pratica o cultivo de hortaliças. Identifica os problemas limitantes à produção, bem como os resultados obtidos pela pesquisa até então e as linhas atuais de pesquisa, além de abrir espaço para novas explorações. Enfoca as diretrizes políticas, globalizando todos os segmentos prioritários para o desenvolvimento da atividade olerícola no Estado.
A oferta de sementes agrícolas aos produtores amazonenses constitui sério obstáculo ao desenvolvimento da agricultura. Fatores como distancia dos centros de produção e condições singulares de clima explicam parcialmente o problema. Pretende-se estabelecer as diretrizes de um Programa Piloto capaz de engendrar um plano ou sistema amplo de produção de sementes a nível estadual. A metodologia visa ao aproveitamento dos recursos humanos e infra-estruturais, ora disponíveis no Estado. Propõe-se, inicialmente, que o Estado atue como produtor de sementes agrícola (plano-piloto), face a demanda relativamente pequena. O incremento dessa demanda levaria o Amazonas a outorgar a produtores credenciados a função de produzir tais sementes (evolução ao programa amplo).
Neste trabalho apresentam-se os sistemas amazónicos de crenças segundo a taxonomia para o estudioso das classificações religiosas. O chamanismo, como praxis religiosa amazónica, apresenta-se como um elemento definido pela religião. Elemento central das culturas amazónicas passadas e presentes, o chamanismo apresenta-se aqui nos seus aspectos essenciais. The Amazonian systems of beliefs are here presented following the traditional classification of religious systems studies. Shamanism, as an Amazonian religious praxis, is presented as an element defined by religion. A central element in both past and present Amazonian cultures, the main aspects of Shamanism are here presented.
[60] hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías, diapositivas.
561 hojas : ilustraciones.
8 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.
34 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
By the British "East Design Alliance" (West East Design Group) was launched, entitled "Sichuan Express" (Delivery to Sichuan) earthquake relief concept design exhibition in September 2008 from 1 to 5 at the Alan Baxter gallery...
In the past 15 years in the UK, the state has acquired powers, which mark a qualitative shift in its relationship to higher education. Since the introduction and implementation of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 and the Higher Education Act 2004, a whole raft of changes have occurred which include the following: Widening participation; the development of interdisciplinary, experiential and workplace-based learning focused on a theory-practice dialogue; quality assurance; and new funding models which encompass public and private partnerships. The transformation of higher education can be placed in the context of New Labour’s overall strategies for overarching reform of public services, as set out in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit’s discussion paper The UK Government’s Approach to Public Service Reform (2006). An optimistic view of changes to higher education is that they simultaneously obey democratic and economic imperatives. There is an avowed commitment through the widening participation agenda to social inclusion and citizenship, and to providing the changing skills base necessary for the global economy. A more cynical view is that, when put under critical scrutiny, as well as being emancipatory, in some senses these changes can be seen to mobilise regulatory and disciplinary practices. This paper reflects on what kinds of teaching and learning are promoted by the new relationship between the state and the university. It argues that, whilst governmental directives for innovations and transformations in teaching and learning allegedly empower students and put their interests at the centre, reforms can also be seen to consist of supervisory and controlling mechanisms with regard both to our own practices as teachers and the knowledge/ learning we provide for the students.
Variation of the bypass nozzle exit area enables optimization of the turbofan engine operating cycle over a wider range of operational conditions resulting in improved thrust and/or fuel consumption. Two mechanisms for varying the nozzle area have been investigated. The first uses an array of chevrons which when closed, form a full body of revolution and when warped/curved, increase the exit area while forming a serrated trailing edge. The second technique incorporates an axially translating section of the nacelle shroud and uses the change in the nozzle boat-tail radial location with the axial location as a means to vary the nozzle exit area. To analyse the effects on a typical rotor/stator stage, computational fluid dynamics simulations of the NASA Rotor 67, Stator 67A stage integrated into a custom-built nacelle were performed. Nozzles with 8, 12, and 16 chevrons were simulated to evaluate the impact of the variation in geometry upon the nacelle wake and local forces. Gross thrust of the nacelle and the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) variation through the wake is compared. The chevron nozzle attains a nearly 2 per cent maximum thrust improvement over the translating nozzle technique. The chevron nozzle also has significantly lower (nearly 8 per cent) peak TKE levels in the jet plume.
In the last half of the nineteenth century, the folding fan was phenomenally popular in France. The accessory was a ubiquitous component of women’s dress, yet it also attracted the attention of some prominent collectors and Orientalists as well as acquiring an importance in the art and literature of the period. In many plastic works and literary texts devoted to it, the fan retains a link with femininity, and particularly with feminine sexuality, even as its identity as an art object is emphasized. Octave Uzanne’s L’Éventail (1882), a self-professed literary history of the fan, exemplifies this dualistic treatment as it presents the fan both as a titillating intimate companion of women and as a literary and (although to a lesser extent) art historical subject. This article focuses on Uzanne’s treatment of the fan’s early history in the Far and Middle East. By comparing his text with other contemporary histories of the fan, it demonstrates that the “history” of the accessory may be more accurately described as a mythology.