640 resultados para Alkantara Festival


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Vídeo grabado en San Sebastián


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Vídeo grabado en San Sebastián


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Der vorliegende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der performativen Aushandlung nationaler Kultur auf dem National Festival of Arts and Culture, das 2006 in Wa, Nordwestghana, stattfand. Die Autorin nahm an der Vorbereitung und Planung des Festivals in lokalen staatlichen Kulturinstitutionen teil, und beobachtete die Diskussionen um die Repräsentation einer (imaginierten) spezifischen Kultur des Nordens in scharfer Abgrenzung zu der des als dominant und diskriminierend empfundenen Südens. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Fragen der Authentizität und Authentifizierung, wie sie in der Planung und Rezeption diskutiert wurden, aufgegriffen und mit der Konzeption des Festivals als gleichzeitig einheitsstiftendes Vehikel für nationale Identität und als Austragungsort eines Wettbewerbs der Regionen um Anerkennung und Ressourcen in Verbindung gesetzt. Das Festival, so die Argumentation, ist eine cultural performance, die das Wesen einer „Kultur“ nicht nur abbildet, sondern auch die Möglichkeit des Wandels und der Subversion birgt. Performance meint hier also gleichzeitig die Aufführung und das Skript der Diskurse, die der Aufführung Bedeutung zuschreiben. Diesen doppelten Ansatz verfolgt der Artikel durch die Verknüpfung von Festivalbeobachtungen und Komiteesitzungsmitschriften im Rahmen der Vorbereitung.


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This dissertation aims to examine the field of film festival subtitling by means of the analysis of two subtitling experiences. These experiences will be approached both on a methodological and on a practical level in order to analyse how subtitlers put theory into practice. This approach will also help underline the existing differences in work methodology as far as different work experiences are concerned. The subtitling experiences examined in this dissertation are part of my internships as a subtitler in two Italian film festivals, namely “Umbria Film Festival” and “900 Fest”. In this dissertation, I chose to focus on the subtitling of two of the audiovisual products I translated. These products are a German documentary titled Befreier und Befreite and a Danish fiction film titled Stille Hjerte. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 describes audiovisual translation at its most theoretical level, focusing on subtitling criteria and strategies. Chapter 2 examines the concept of film translation, focusing on the distinctive features of documentary translation as a specific genre. This chapter also presents the concept of film festival and provides information concerning the translation policies of festivals. Chapter 3 presents the festivals I worked for and details my internship experiences. Chapter 4 focuses on the German documentary and proposes a number of solutions to its main translation problems. Chapter 5 focuses on the Danish film and offers solutions to its translation problems. At the end of the dissertation, I will provide some comments on my internship experiences as well as on the practice of film festival subtitling.


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Al giorno d'oggi l'accessibilità all’informazione e ai prodotti audiovisivi è un argomento particolarmente delicato. Spesso, le categorie più svantaggiate, come le persone affette da disabilità sensoriali e gli stranieri, non hanno pieno accesso alla programmazione televisiva o a eventi ricreativi, culturali o formativi (conferenze, workshop, spettacoli), a causa della mancanza di adeguati servizi di supporto linguistico. Tale carenza rappresenta una mancata opportunità d’integrazione e anche una potenziale perdita, in termini di pubblico e di introiti, per le emittenti e gli enti che organizzano programmi ed eventi di interesse generale. Questa tesi intende analizzare le tecniche attraverso le quali oggi viene realizzata la sottotitolazione interlinguistica in tempo reale. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di dimostrare che approfondendo la ricerca scientifica sul respeaking e su altre tecniche meno costose rispetto alla stenotipia, la sottotitolazione interlinguistica in tempo reale non sarebbe più un miraggio. Il primo capitolo fornisce una panoramica sulla sottotitolazione intralinguistica e interlinguistica e sulla sottotitolazione preregistrata, in diretta e in semi-diretta. Nel secondo capitolo presenteremo il caso dell’azienda Ericsson in Olanda, l'unica a fornire sottotitolazione interlinguistica in tempo reale nei Paesi Bassi, tramite una tecnica che combina un interprete simultaneo, uno stenotipista e un "subtitle keyer" (figura che inserisce i sottotitoli al momento opportuno). La squadra lavora su un segnale dal vivo che viene però trasmesso al pubblico olandese con alcuni secondi di ritardo, permettendo di migliorare la qualità dei sottotitoli. Grazie ad una borsa di studio concessa dal Dipartimento d’Interpretazione e Traduzione di Forlì (Università di Bologna), abbiamo potuto intervistare il responsabile dell’unità di traduzione presso Ericsson, dott. Thijs de Korte, e abbiamo avuto modo di assistere in loco alla realizzazione dei sottotitoli interlinguistici in tempo reale. Il terzo capitolo si concentrerà sulla tecnica del respeaking, dagli ambiti d’uso ai requisiti per svolgere questa professione. Ci concentreremo in particolare sulle somiglianze tra respeaker e interprete simultaneo, che ci condurranno all'esperimento descritto nel capitolo 4. Infatti, date le somiglianze riscontrate tra interpretazione simultanea e respeaking e il potenziale in termini di accessibilità offerto dalla sottotitolazione interlinguistica dal vivo, abbiamo fornito un servizio sperimentale di sottotitolazione in diretta dall’italiano verso l’inglese durante la cerimonia di premiazione del Sedicicorto International Film Festival di Forlì. Dopo aver descritto in dettaglio l’esperienza, analizzeremo i giudizi espressi da ospiti stranieri, pubblico italiano e membri dell'associazione "Sedicicorto", al fine di verificare la qualità del servizio e osservarne i benefici. La conclusione della nostra tesi è che sfruttando appieno il potenziale offerto della tecnologia moderna e approfondendo la ricerca sulle tecniche per la sottotitolazione interlinguistica dal vivo, si potrebbero ridurre i costi dei servizi di supporto linguistico a non udenti e stranieri, incoraggiando dunque aziende ed enti a garantire una maggiore accessibilità all’informazione e agli eventi culturali e formativi.


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As a female-only festival in a significantly gender-segregated society, sāmā cakevā provides a window into Maithil women’s understandings of their society and the sacred, cultural subjectivities, moral frameworks, and projects of self-construction. The festival reminds us that to read male-female relations under patriarchal social formations as a dichotomy between the empowered and the disempowered ignores the porous boundaries between the two in which negotiations and tradeoffs create a symbiotic reliance. Specifically, the festival names two oppositional camps—the male world of law and the female world of relationships—and then creates a male character, the brother, who moves between the two, loyal to each, betraying, in a sense, each, but demonstrating, by his movements, the currents and avenues of power. This article makes available to other scholars of South Asian culture and society an extended description and analysis of this distinctive festival, while also contributing to the scholarly discussion of women’s expressive traditions.


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Within the scope of Festival of Languages took place in 2009 the Conference Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax. Selected presentations are presented in this publication. The authors discuss topics such as anaphora in Svan, intonation in Georgien, pragmatics of subordinating clauses in Georgian, but also research on modern developments as SMS-communication in Georgian language area etc. DEUTSCH: Im Rahmen des Festivals der Sprachen fand im Jahre 2009 an der Universität Bremen die Tagung Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax statt. Ausgewählte Vorträge werden mit dieser Publikation vorgestellt. Die Autoren behandeln unter anderem Themen wie Ana-pher im Svanischen, Intonation im Georgischen, Pragmatik von Nebensätzen des Georgi-schen, aber auch Forschungen über moderne Entwicklungen wie die SMS-Kommunikation im georgischsprachigen Sprachraum usw. CONTENTS: NINO AMIRIDZE, TAMAR RESECK & MANANA TOPADZE GÄUMANN: Preface; KEVIN TUITE: The Kartvelian suffixal intransitive; MANANA KOBAIDZE: Towards the morphological and syntactical classification of Georgian verbs; RENÉ LACROIX: Origin of Sets I–II suffixes in South Caucasian through reanalysis; STAVROS SKOPETEAS & CAROLINE FÉRY: Prosodic cues for exhaustive interpretations: a production study on Georgian intonation; WINFRIED BOEDER: Anaphora in Svan; YASUHIRO KOJIMA : The position of rom and the pragmatics of subordinate clauses in Georgian; NATIA AMAGHLOBELI : Morphological aspects of Georgian SMS language.


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music by A. Z. Idelsohn. Text by A. Irma Cohon


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Workshop „The Narrative in Eastern and Western Art“, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto, 2-5 December 2013 Abstract by Ivo Raband, University of Berne Printed Narrative: The Festival Books for Ernest of Austria from Brussels and Antwerp 1594 During the early modern period the medium of the festival book became increasingly more important as an object of ‘political narration’ throughout Europe. Focusing on Netherlandish examples from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, my talk will focus on the festival books printed for the Joyous Entries of Archduke Ernest of Austria (1553–1595). Ernest was appointed Governor General of the Netherlands by King Philipp II in 1593, being the first Habsburg Prince to reside in Brussels since 30 years. In Brussels and Antwerp, the Archduke was greeted with the traditional Blijde Imkomst, Joyous Entry, which dates back to the fourteenth century and was a necessity to actually become the sovereign of Brabant and Antwerp and to uphold the privileges of the cities. Decorated with ephemeral triumphal arches, stages, and tableaux vivants, both cities welcomed Ernest and, at the same time, demonstrated their civic self-assurance and negotiated their statuses. In honor of these events of civic power, the city magistrates commissioned festival books. These books combine a Latin text with a description of the events and the ephemeral structures, including circa 30 engravings and etchings. Being the only visual manifestation of the Joyous Entries, the books became important representational objects. The prints featured in festival books will be my point of departure for discussing the importance of narrative political prints and the concept of the early modern festival book as a ‘political object’. By comparing the prints from Ernest’s entries with others from the period between 1549 and 1635, I will show how the prints became as important as the event itself. Thus, I want to pose the question of whether it would have been possible to substitute a printed version of the event for the actual ceremony.