939 resultados para Adult-child interaction


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study of the parental educative social skills is extremely important for promoting the development and learning of children within interactive situations. The objective of this study was to assess reliability and validity of the Parental Educative Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P). It was proceeded: a) the test-retest reliability assessment, with a sample of 41 participants assessed in two distinct moments, with an interval of two months and the Cronbach's alpha was calculated; b) 213 parents of preschoolers (n =114) and school age children (n = 98) evaluated their children,were assessed for the construct and discrimination validity studies, differentiated in groups: a) demand for psychological intervention x community children without problems and b) children with behavior problems x children without behavior problems. The results showed satisfactory values of internal consistency and validity; besides, the factorial analysis pointed a unifactorial structure called positive parent-child interaction


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Among the current trends for children’s clothing is clothing that may contribute to the development and children’s learning through interaction with their clothes. For child interaction / clothes from occurring, this dress is appropriate the knowledge of design, which assist in its construction. Thus, this study seeks to investigate design principles that can be adopted for production of clothing that can assist in the development of children, showing how notions of education can be incorporated into costumes, studying the relationships and interactions between design, fashion and education. The study addresses this garment from the perspective of design, so as to provide insights that could contribute to the creation of the pieces. To that end, we developed a theoretical framework that sought to show the infant universe, communication, clothing and design. According to the methodological procedures for the work, there was a case study in ten private schools in Bauru-sp in order to obtain data on experiences with children about their preferences, attitudes and ways of reasoning child’s world.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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La prematurità rappresenta un fattore di rischio per la qualità delle interazioni precoci e la sintomatologia materna, soprattutto in caso di nascita VLBW (peso ≤ 1500 grammi) ed ELBW (≤1000 grammi). Scopo dello studio è valutare a 3 e 9 mesi di età corretta le modalità interattive delle diadi madre-bambino e lo stato affettivo materno in due campioni di prematuri, ELBW e VLBW, confrontandoli con un gruppo di bambini nati a termine (GC). Un campione di 119 diadi madre-bambino, di cui 71 nati prematuri (30 VLBW e 21 ELBW) e 68 a termine, sono stati valutati all'età di 3 e 9 mesi. Durante gli assessment, è avvenuta la videoregistrazione dell’interazione madre-bambino, codificata mediante le Global Rating Scales (a 3 mesi) ed il CARE Index Infant (a 9 mesi), e la valutazione della sintomatologia materna, attraverso Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Social Interaction and Anxiety Scale, Social Phobia Scale, Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, Questionari italiani del Temperamento. A 3 mesi, le madri di ELBW appaiono più demanding e meno sensibili rispetto a quelle di VLBW; più intrusive rispetto a quelle di GC. Tali madri, inoltre, sono significativamente meno sensibili di quelle del GC anche a 9 mesi. In entrambi gli assessment, tali madri presentano livelli significativamente maggiori di depressione, ansia generalizzata e stress, rispetto a quelle di entrambi gli altri gruppi. Non emergono differenze rispetto all'ansia sociale nè alla percezione del temperamento. Le analisi della correlazione hanno evidenziato specifiche relazioni tra la sintomatologia materna e i pattern interattivi nei tre gruppi. La nascita pretermine rappresenta un fattore di rischio solo per le madri di ELBW, che presentano difficoltà interattive ed elevata sintomatologia; quelle dei VLBW, infatti, tendono a presentare pattern interattivi affini a quelle del GC, mostrando adeguata sensibilità e bassi livelli di depressione, ansia e stress.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationships between physical growth and medications prescribed for symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with HIV. METHODS: Analysis of data from children with perinatally acquired HIV (N = 2251; age 3-19 years), with and without prescriptions for stimulant and nonstimulant medications used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, in a long-term observational study. Height and weight measurements were transformed to z scores and compared across medication groups. Changes in z scores during a 2-year interval were compared using multiple linear regression models adjusting for selected covariates. RESULTS: Participants with (n = 215) and without (n = 2036) prescriptions were shorter than expected based on US age and gender norms (p < .001). Children without prescriptions weighed less at baseline than children in the general population (p < .001) but gained height and weight at a faster rate (p < .001). Children prescribed stimulants were similar to population norms in baseline weight; their height and weight growth velocities were comparable with the general population and children without prescriptions (for weight, p = .511 and .100, respectively). Children prescribed nonstimulants had the lowest baseline height but were similar to population norms in baseline weight. Their height and weight growth velocities were comparable with the general population but significantly slower than children without prescriptions (p = .01 and .02, respectively). CONCLUSION: The use of stimulants to treat symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder does not significantly exacerbate the potential for growth delay in children with HIV and may afford opportunities for interventions that promote physical growth. Prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings.


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BACKGROUND: Meningomyelocele (MM) results from lack of closure of the neural tube during embryologic development. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation is a modifier of MM risk in humans, leading toan interest in the folate transport genes as potential candidates for association to MM. METHODS: This study used the SNPlex Genotyping (ABI, Foster City, CA) platform to genotype 20 single polymorphic variants across the folate receptor genes (FOLR1, FOLR2, FOLR3) and the folate carrier gene (SLC19A1) to assess their association to MM. The study population included 329 trio and 281 duo families. Only cases with MM were included. Genetic association was assessed using the transmission disequilibrium test in PLINK. RESULTS: A variant in the FOLR2 gene (rs13908), three linked variants in the FOLR3 gene (rs7925545, rs7926875, rs7926987), and two variants in the SLC19A1 gene (rs1888530 and rs3788200) were statistically significant for association to MM in our population. CONCLUSION: This study involved the analyses of selected single nucleotide polymorphisms across the folate receptor genes and the folate carrier gene in a large population sample. It provided evidence that the rare alleles of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms within these genes appear to be statistically significant for association to MM in the patient population that was tested.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify systemic sclerosis (SSc) susceptibility loci via a genome-wide association study. METHODS: A genome-wide association study was performed in 137 patients with SSc and 564 controls from Korea using the Affymetrix Human SNP Array 5.0. After fine-mapping studies, the results were replicated in 1,107 SSc patients and 2,747 controls from a US Caucasian population. RESULTS: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs3128930, rs7763822, rs7764491, rs3117230, and rs3128965) of HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 on chromosome 6 formed a distinctive peak with log P values for association with SSc susceptibility (P=8.16x10(-13)). Subtyping analysis of HLA-DPB1 showed that DPB1*1301 (P=7.61x10(-8)) and DPB1*0901 (P=2.55x10(-5)) were the subtypes most susceptible to SSc in Korean subjects. In US Caucasians, 2 pairs of SNPs, rs7763822/rs7764491 and rs3117230/rs3128965, showed strong association with SSc patients who had either circulating anti-DNA topoisomerase I (P=7.58x10(-17)/4.84x10(-16)) or anticentromere autoantibodies (P=1.12x10(-3)/3.2x10(-5)), respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of our genome-wide association study in Korean subjects indicate that the region of HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 contains the loci most susceptible to SSc in a Korean population. The confirmatory studies in US Caucasians indicate that specific SNPs of HLA-DPB1 and/or DPB2 are strongly associated with US Caucasian patients with SSc who are positive for anti-DNA topoisomerase I or anticentromere autoantibodies.


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We evaluated a 47-year-old woman for recurrent migraine and syncope. The patient had 7 children (not examined by the authors), all of whom also experienced migraine and syncope. The patient's father, now deceased, had reportedly experienced migraine and episodes of feeling faint. All 5 of the patient's siblings reported migraine, and 4 of the 5 reported syncope. The case of our patient, which we discuss herein, suggests a genetic link between these 2 conditions, both of which include vascular dysregulation in their pathogenesis. To our knowledge, the medical literature contains no previous description of familial associations of combined migraine and syncope.


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BACKGROUND: Meningomyelocele (MM) is a common human birth defect. MM is a disorder of neural development caused by contributions from genes and environmental factors that result in the NTD and lead to a spectrum of physical and neurocognitive phenotypes. METHODS: A multidisciplinary approach has been taken to develop a comprehensive understanding of MM through collaborative efforts from investigators specializing in genetics, development, brain imaging, and neurocognitive outcome. Patients have been recruited from five different sites: Houston and the Texas-Mexico border area; Toronto, Canada; Los Angeles, California; and Lexington, Kentucky. Genetic risk factors for MM have been assessed by genotyping and association testing using the transmission disequilibrium test. RESULTS: A total of 509 affected child/parent trios and 309 affected child/parent duos have been enrolled to date for genetic association studies. Subsets of the patients have also been enrolled for studies assessing development, brain imaging, and neurocognitive outcomes. The study recruited two major ethnic groups, with 45.9% Hispanics of Mexican descent and 36.2% North American Caucasians of European descent. The remaining patients are African-American, South and Central American, Native American, and Asian. Studies of this group of patients have already discovered distinct corpus callosum morphology and neurocognitive deficits that associate with MM. We have identified maternal MTHFR 667T allele as a risk factor for MM. In addition, we also found that several genes for glucose transport and metabolism are potential risk factors for MM. CONCLUSIONS: The enrolled patient population provides a valuable resource for elucidating the disease characteristics and mechanisms for MM development.


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An indicated preventive intervention research program integrating attachment, attributional, and behaviorist perspectives was conducted to test the hypothesis that parent-child relationship disturbances directly effect the child's adjustment to the preschool. Anxious-withdrawn preschool children and their mothers were divided equally into treatment and control groups, and assessed on maternal self-report of parenting stress, behavioral ratings of mother-child interaction, and teacher ratings of the children in the preschool classroom. Results showed significant changes in the treatment group: mothers in the treatment group moderated their level of control to a more appropriate, less intrusive level, while children in the treatment group showed an increase in cooperation and enthusiasm during a problem solving task with mother. Teacher-rated social competence and anxious-withdrawn behavior indicated improvement, although only the former was significant. The demonstration of effects of this home intervention for the mother on the child's behavior in the preschool confirm the transactional model underlying this study and demonstrate the utility of a parent-child interaction training component for the prevention of behavioral-emotional problems in young children.


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Background. Increasing rates of maternal employment highlight the need for non-maternal child care for infants at an earlier age. Several studies have shown that employment induced maternal depression or psychological distress is associated with the child's socio-emotional and cognitive development. However, separation anxiety, a common phenomenon observed among employed mothers during early years, has seldom been studied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of maternal separation anxiety in the child's cognitive development.^ Methods. Data were obtained from Phase I (birth to 36 months) of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (NICHD SECCYD). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the association between separation anxiety groups and child outcomes. Multivariate analysis was also used to examine the mediating and/or moderating effect of sensitivity and moderating effect of difficult temperament.^ Results. Separation anxiety showed a negative association with the Bracken, attachment security, maternal sensitivity and psychological state. Children whose mothers never reported high levels of separation anxiety showed higher levels of school readiness and attachment security compared to those whose mothers experienced high levels of separation anxiety at least once. There was a significant interaction between separation anxiety and maternal sensitivity for the Bracken and attachment security indicating the moderating effect of sensitivity. Maternal sensitivity was also found to partially mediate the association between high levels of separation anxiety and school readiness or attachment security. However, the interaction between difficult temperament and separation anxiety was not significant for any of the child outcomes. ^ Conclusions. High levels of separation anxiety have a negative impact on school readiness, attachment security, maternal sensitivity and psychological state. In addition, mothers who experience high levels of separation anxiety but are sensitive during the mother-child interaction have children with high school readiness and attachment security compared to those who are less sensitive.^ Keywords. Maternal separation anxiety, School readiness. ^


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En este trabajo se presenta una hipótesis evolucionista acerca del desarrollo. Se compara la infancia humana con la de los primates no humanos y se describen sus rasgos exclusivos vinculados con la extensión y transformación del mundo emocional, la interacción adulto-bebé y la formación de procesos psicológicos complejos. Se argumenta a favor del papel constitutivo de las artes temporales en cada uno de los rasgos descriptos