940 resultados para Acid Red 29


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Three new inorganic coordination polymers, {Mn(H2O)(6)]-Mn-2(H2O)(6)](Cu-6(mna)(6)]center dot 6H(2)O}, 1, {Mn-4(OH)(2)(H2O)(10)] (Cu-6(mna)6]center dot 8H(2)O}, 2, and {Mn-2(H2O)(5)]Ag-6(Hmna)(2)(mna)(4)]center dot 20H(2)O}, 3, have been synthesized at room temperature through a sequential crystallization route. In addition, we have also prepared and characterized the molecular precursor Cu-6(Hmna)(6)]. Compounds 1 and 3 have a two-dimensional structure, whereas 2 has a three-dimensional structure. The formation of 2 has been achieved by minor modification in the synthetic composition, suggesting the subtle relationship between the reactant composition and the structure. The hexanudear copper and silver duster cores have Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu and Ag center dot center dot center dot Ag distances close to the sum of the van der Waals radii of Cu1+ and Ag1+, respectively. The connectivity between Cu-6(mna)(6)](6-) cluster units and Mn2+ ions gives rise to a brucite related layer in 1 and a pcu-net in 2. The Ag-6(Hmna)(2)(mna)(4)](4-) cluster in 3, on the other hand, forms a sql-net with Mn2+. Compound 1 exhibits an interesting and reversible hydrochromic behavior, changing from pale yellow to red, on heating at 70 degrees C or treatment under a vacuum. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies indicate no change in the valence states, suggesting the color change could be due to changes in the coordination environment only. The magnetic studies indicate weak antiferromagnetic behavior. Proton conductivity studies indicate moderate proton migrations in 1 and 3. The present study dearly establishes sequential crystallization as an important pathway for the synthesis of heterometallic coordination polymers.


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Calcium plays a crucial role as a secondary messenger in all aspects of plant growth, development and survival. Calcium dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are the major calcium decoders, which couple the changes in calcium level to an appropriate physiological response. The mechanism by which calcium regulates CDPK protein is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the interactions of Ca2+ ions with the CDPK1 isoform of Cicer arietinum (CaCDPK1) using a combination of biophysical tools. CaCDPK1 has four different EF hands as predicted by protein sequence analysis. The fluorescence emission spectrum of CaCDPK1 showed quenching with a 5 nm red shift upon addition of calcium, indicating conformational changes in the tertiary structure. The plot of changes in intensity against calcium concentrations showed a biphasic curve with binding constants of 1.29 mu M and 120 mu M indicating two kinds of binding sites. Isothermal calorimetric (ITC) titration with CaCl2 also showed a biphasic curve with two binding constants of 0.027 mu M and 1.7 mu M. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra showed two prominent peaks at 208 and 222 nm indicating that CaCDPK1 is a alpha-helical rich protein. Calcium binding further increased the alpha-helical content of CaCDPK1 from 75 to 81%. Addition of calcium to CaCDPK1 also increased fluorescence of 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (ANS) indicating exposure of hydrophobic surfaces. Thus, on the whole this study provides evidence for calcium induced conformational changes, exposure of hydrophobic surfaces and heterogeneity of EF hands in CaCDPK1. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In the present study a versatile and efficient adsorbent with high adsorption capacity for adsorption of Congo red dye in aqueous solution at ambient temperature without adjusting any pH is presented over the Ag modified calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHAp). CaHAp and Ag-doped CaHAp materials were synthesized using facile aqueous precipitation method. The physico-chemical properties of the materials were determined by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-Visible spectroscopy, N-2 physisorption and acidity was determined by n-butylamine titration and pyridine adsorption methods. XRD analysis confirmed all adsorbents exhibit hexagonal CaHAp structure with P6(3)/m space group. TEM analysis confirms the rod like morphology of the adsorbents and the average length of the rods were in the range of 40-45 nm. Pyridine adsorption results indicate increase in number of Lewis acid sites with Ag doping in CaHAp. Adsorption capacity of CaHAp was found increased with Ag content in the adsorbents. Ag (10): CaHAp adsorbent showed superior adsorption performance among all the adsorbents for various concentrations of Congo red (CR) dye in aqueous solutions. The amount of CR dye adsorbed on Ag (10): CaHAp was found to be 49.89-267.81 mg g(-1) for 50-300 ppm in aqueous solution. A good correlation between adsorption capacity and acidity of the adsorbents was observed. The adsorption kinetic data of adsorbents fitted well with pseudo second-order kinetic model with correlation coefficients ranged from 0.998 to 0.999. The equilibrium adsorption data was found to best fit to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have identified a potent antibacterial agent N-(4-sec-butylphenyl)-2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1H-benzod]imidazole-4-carboxa mide (BT-benzo-29) from a library of benzimidazole derivatives that stalled bacterial division by inhibiting FtsZ assembly. A short (5 min) exposure of BT-benzo-29 disassembled the cytokinetic Z-ring in Bacillus subtilis cells without affecting the cell length and nucleoids. BT-benzo-29 also perturbed the localization of early and late division proteins such as FtsA, ZapA and SepF at the mid-cell. Further, BT-benzo-29 bound to FtsZ with a dissociation constant of 24 +/- 3 m and inhibited the assembly and GTPase activity of purified FtsZ. A docking analysis suggested that BT-benzo-29 may bind to FtsZ at the C-terminal domain near the T7 loop. BT-benzo-29 displayed significantly weaker inhibitory effects on the assembly and GTPase activity of two mutants (L272A and V275A) of FtsZ supporting the prediction of the docking analysis. Further, BT-benzo-29 did not appear to inhibit DNA duplication and nucleoid segregation and it did not perturb the membrane potential of B. subtilis cells. The results suggested that BT-benzo-29 exerts its potent antibacterial activity by inhibiting FtsZ assembly. Interestingly, BT-benzo-29 did not affect the membrane integrity of mammalian red blood cells. BT-benzo-29 bound to tubulin with a much weaker affinity than FtsZ and exerted significantly weaker effects on mammalian cells than on the bacterial cells indicating that the compound may have a strong antibacterial potential.


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[EN]A comprehensive evaluation of the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue from beef cattle produced in western Canada was undertaken to determine if the current Canadian grading system is able to distinguish classes of animals with value added potential due to their fatty acid composition. Grades included youthful Canadian Yield Grade 1 A/AA beef, under (YUTM) and over (YOTM) 30 mo of age and the four mature grades (D1, D2, D2 and D4). Subcutaneous fat between the 12th and 13th ribs over the longissimus muscle was obtained from 18_21 animals per grade. Fatty acids were analyzed using a combination of silver-ion HPLC and GC with a highly polar 100 m column. There were no differences in total trans-18:1 content amongst grades, but adipose tissue from grade D1, D2 and D4 had more 11t-18:1 than YUTM (PB0.05), whereas adipose tissue from YUTM carcasses had more 10t-18:1 than all other grades (PB0.05). Adipose tissue from YUTM carcasses also had less total CLA (PB0.05) than the D grades, mainly due to a lower level of 9c,11t-CLA, but they had slightly more 7t,9c-CLA and 10t,12c-CLA (PB0.05). Adipose tissue from YOTM and D grades contained more n-3 fatty acids relative to YUTM (0.56% vs. 0.29%; PB0.05) and lower n-6:n-3 ratios (PB0.05). Overall, older animals (YOTM and D grades) had adipose tissue compositions with higher levels of fatty acids with reported health benefits. Taken together, these higher levels may provide opportunities for value added marketing if regulatory authorities allow claims for their enrichment based on demonstrated health benefits. Higher concentrations of beneficial fatty acids, however, need to be considered within the context of the complete fatty acid profile and it would be important to demonstrate their advantages in the presence of relatively high levels of saturated fatty acids.


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Cattail (Typha latifolia L.) is a common and troublesome weed in shallow, freshwater environments throughout the United States. Alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.)Griseb.), in spite of the introduction and success of several insects as biological controls, remains a troublesome we4ed in a a number of locations in the Southeast where there are frequent human disturbances (e.g., insecticide spraying, mechaniceal removal, etc.) and/or weather conditions that affect the life cycle of the insects (Kay1992, Vogt et al. 1992). Both of these weeds routinely are managed by foliar applications of the herbicide, glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine]. Regrowth and reinfestation of previously treated areas usually necessitates additional herbicide application during subsequent years. A new product that could enhance the activity of glyphosate on these weeds would be useful in their management. In 1997, SePRO Corp. initiated t4esting of an experimental compound, SP1001, to determine its efficacy either as a herbicide or as an adjuvant to boost the activity of glyphosate for use in aquatic sites. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential for using SP1001 as an adjuvant to replace surfactants customarily used during application of glyphosate for control of cattail and alligatorweed.


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El seguimiento de distintas especies de animales contribuye en gran medida a su estudio y, por tanto, a su conservación y control. Los avances tecnológicos de los últimos años han facilitado las posibilidades de seguimiento con la creación de distintos dispositivos que permiten conocer los movimientos de la especie que se desea estudiar. Uno de los sistemas más utilizados consiste en la utilización de dispositivos GPS incorporados al espécimen sobre el que se realiza el seguimiento y cuya señal es recogida por satélites que se encargan de almacenar y posteriormente reenviar la información para su almacenamiento y procesamiento en el laboratorio. El principal problema de este sistema es su elevado coste. Existen alternativas que no presentan un coste tal alto, tales como el uso de módulos basados en telefonía móvil. Sin embargo, tienen limitaciones de cobertura, por lo que no es aplicable en todos los ámbitos. Este proyecto forma parte de una propuesta que ofrece realizar seguimiento de ejemplares de una especie de ave, la gaviota Patiamarilla, en Gipuzkoa mediante la utilización de una red de sensores y que tiene varias ventajas frente a las opciones presentadas anteriormente. En este proyecto en concreto se ha diseñado e implementado el módulo que permite recoger la información obtenida por el conjunto de sensores (cada ejemplar lleva incorporado un sensor que permite registrar su posición) y enviarla a un servidor centralizado para su posterior consulta y análisis. Adicionalmente, también se permite consultar el último estado registrado de cada dispositivo de seguimiento, además de contemplar la posibilidad de actualizar su software.


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The mobility of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni) was studied in the laboratory acidic leaching two different soils around Ibadan with simulated acid rain. The sampling was carried out from two different sites viz: Orogun and Ilupeju respectively. For Orogun site a depth of 128cm was reached (consisting of four horizons). Different length of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes were cut for different soil horizon depth as observed on the field. The PVC pipes were packed with requires masses of soil. This is then leached using simulated acid rain of different pH of 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 after spiking with known volume of standard solution of metals of interest. It was found that simulated acid rain enhanced the mobility of metals in solution. The pH, Cation Exchange capacity, % clay and organic matter were found to contributed majority to the mobility of metals. Generally as observed, the mobility of metal was to follow the order Zn>Ni>Pb>Cd as the soil is becoming more acidic


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Azken urteotan eman diren kutsatzaile desberdinen gehiegizko isurpen edo erabilpena dela eta, lurzoruetan metal astunak metatu dira eta horrek , kate trofikoaren oinarrian dauden organismoen gainean k altea k sorrarazi d itu. Eisenia fetida zizarea espezie zent inela gisa erabili da lur entsegu ekotoxikologi koet an . Esperimentu honetan Eisenia fetida - ren jariakin zelomikoan dauden eta babes funtzioa duten zelomozitoak pH desberdinetara edo Kadmio bezalako metalera esposatzeak Neutral Red (NR) edo gorri neutro tindatzaile kationikoaren harreran eta fagoz itosi ahalmenean , eragina duen aztertu nahi izan da. Esperimentua in vitro egin zen 3R filosofia jarraituz. Alde batetik, pH desberdinen eragin ari dagokio nez gorri neutroaren harrera ( NRU ) entsegua n erantzun bimodal bat behatu zen eta beste alde bate tik, f agozitatzeko ahalmenari dagokiola zelomozitoak Eagle medioan kultibatzean ez zen aldaketa esangarria ikusi kadmioa ren, kontr olaren eta kontrol positi boaren artean. Bai ordea L - 1 5 medioarekin, non kontrol posit iboa k beste biak baino absorbantzia handiagoa erakutsi zuen. Emaitza hauek erakusten dute zelomozitoe n mintza gradualki kaltetzen doala pH neutrotik aldentzen doan heinean eta puntu batetik aurrera NRU emendatzen da zelomozito batzuen (amebozitoen) fagozitosia aktibatzen d el a ko .


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Structural and infrared-to-visible upconversion fluorescence properties in ytterbium-sensitized erbrium-doped novel lead-free germanium bismuth-lanthanum glass have been studied. The structure of lead-free germanium-bismuth-lanthanum glass was investigated by peak-deconvolution of Raman spectrum, and the structural information was obtained from the peak wavenumbers. Intense green and red emissions centered at 525, 546, and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions 2H(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The quadratic dependence of the 525, 546, and 657 nm emissions on excitation power indicates that a two-photon absorption process occurs under 975 nm excitation. This novel lead-free germanium-bismuth-lanthanum glass with low maximum phonon energy (similar to 751 cm(-1)) can be used as potential host material for upconversion lasers. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Feeding habits and feeding strategy of red rockfish (Sebastes capensis) were studied from fish captured along most of the range of this species in coastal waters of South America. Stomach contents of 613 individuals, collected during 2003, were analyzed. Fish were obtained from six locations along the Chilean (23°S to 46°S) and Argentinian (43°S) coasts. The main prey items were Mysidacea (75.06% IRI), Osteichthyes (6.29% IRI),and Rhynchocinetes typus (6.03% IRI). Predator sex and size did not significantly affect the diet, but significant differences were found between locations. Four geographical areas, discriminated by prey occurrence and frequencies, were determined: three on the Pacific coast and one on the Atlantic coast. These areas correspond roughly with biogeographic zones described for the Chilean and southern Argentinian coasts. The feeding strategy index (FSI) indicated a specialized feeding strategy for S. capensis for most of its range. However, the FSI does not include the behaviour of a predator, and the FSI must be interpreted carefully for fishes like S. capensis that are passive ambush feeders. The abundance and availability of different prey may explain both the geographic differences in dietary composition and the specialized feeding strategy of S. capensis.


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This study was an attempt to apply land-based GIS analysis for freshwater aquaculture planning in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. It was based on diverse data sources in order to help decision makers at the site and also to contribute to the modelling of selection processes for aquaculture development planning in the region.