986 resultados para ALUMINUM-ALLOY


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This work reports one possible way to develop new functional coatings used to increase the life time of metallic structures. The functionalities selected and attributed to model coatings in the frame of this work were corrosion protection, self-sensing and prevention of fouling (antifouling). The way used to confer those functionalities to coatings was based on the encapsulation of active compounds (corrosion inhibitors, pH indicators and biocides) in micro and nanocontainers followed by their incorporation into the coating matrices. To confer active corrosion protection, one corrosion inhibitor (2-mercaptobenzothiazole, MBT) was encapsulated in two different containers, firstly in silica nanocapsules (SiNC) and in polyurea microcapsules (PU-MC). The incorporation of both containers in different models coatings shows a significant improvement in the corrosion protection of aluminum alloy 2024 (AA2024). Following the same approach, SiNC and PU-MC were also used for the encapsulation of phenolphthalein (one well known pH indicator) to introduce sensing properties in polymeric coatings. SiNC and PU-MC containing phenolphthalein acted as corrosion sensor, showing a pink coloration due to the beginning of cathodic reaction, resulting in a pH increase identified by those capsules. Their sensing performance was proved in suspension and when integrated in coatings for aluminium alloy 2024 and magnesium alloy AZ31. In a similar way, the biocide activity (antifouling) was assigned to two polymeric matrices using SiNC for encapsulation of one biocide (Dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one, DCOIT) and also SiNC-MBT was tested as biocide. The antifouling activity of those two encapsulated compounds was assessed through inhibition and consequent decrease in the bioluminescence of modified E. coli. That effect was verified in suspension and when incorporated in coatings for AISI 1008 carbon steel. The developed micro and nanocontainers presented the desired performance, allowing the introduction of new functionalities to model coatings, showing potential to be used as functional additives in the next generation of multifunctional coatings.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.


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Os componentes obtidos através da conformação plástica de chapas têm uma grande importância, tanto na etapa de concepção do produto como na etapa de produção na indústria automóvel. Isto comprova-se pelo facto de, em média, cada automóvel integrar cerca de 500 componentes estampados para construir o chassis e a carroçaria [Alves 2003]. Deste total de componentes, 50 são de grandes dimensões (portas, tejadilho, painéis inferior e laterais, entre outros) e necessitam, em média, de cinco ferramentas para o seu fabrico, sendo o custo estimado para cada ferramenta de 230 000 € [Col 2000, Alves 2003]. Para além da indústria automóvel, a conformação plástica de chapas metálicas é um processo tecnológico presente nas indústrias relativas à aeroespacial, petrolífera, decoração, alimentar, entre outras. Do ponto de vista do enquadramento económico, cerca de 20% do custo total de um automóvel novo é devido à incorporação de componentes metálicos estampados. [Alves 2003]. A pressão do “Mercado Global” faz com que os custos relativos à matéria-prima, energia e mão-de-obra sejam uma constante em termos de redução do seu impacte no orçamento das empresas fornecedoras destes produtos. É neste contexto que surge a necessidade da realização deste estudo de Benchmark de Softwares, tornando-se bastante importante, quer ao nível da competitividade industrial, quer ao nível da inovação para novos produtos. A análise por elementos finitos desempenha um papel primordial no tryout virtual e otimização das ferramentas e processos de conformação plástica. Os objetivos principais deste estudo de simulação numérica são a identificação e comparação dos resultados obtidos pelo AUTOFORM e pelo PAMSTAMP, para cada uma das variáveis identificadas como as mais influentes na robustez dos processos de estampagem de chapa metálica. Estas variáveis identificadas são: consumo de material (Draw-in) após conformação; forças de conformação; valores de variação de espessura e dos valores de extensão e resultados de Springback. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com os resultados experimentais e, desta forma, avalia-se a capacidade inovadora e a eficácia de cada um dos softwares, obtendo-se assim, uma orientação mais real para o software mais indicado aos objetivos impostos pela indústria automóvel. Para este efeito, a indústria automóvel, como maior impulsionador e motor da investigação na área da simulação numérica aplicada aos processos de estampagem, tem aderido em peso ao Benchmarking. Um exemplo disto, é o que acontece nas conferências Numisheet. O Benchmark #2 da conferência Numisheet 2008 é analisado pormenorizadamente e os resultados numéricos e experimentais são comparados e apresentados. Dois materiais distintos (aço HC260LAD e liga de alumínio AC170), assim como três modelos com geometrias diferentes (com e sem freios) são apresentados neste relatório. Com vista à redução dos ciclos tentativa-erro, tem-se adotado ciclos virtuais ou numéricos e tem-se incrementado a interatividade entre as fases de concepção e projeto, num conceito muito próprio, mas cada vez mais abrangente, denominado “produção virtual”. É nesta filosofia que se insere a simulação numérica dos processos de conformação de chapa.


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Le béryllium (Be) est un métal dont les propriétés physiques et mécaniques sont très recherchées, notamment dans les secteurs spatial, énergétique et électronique. Les principaux effets associés à l’exposition au Be sont la sensibilisation et la bérylliose chronique. La prévalence des effets associés au Be suggère que les risques sont, entre autres, fonction de sa spéciation. Par ailleurs, il semble que les particules fines constituent la fraction d’intérêt pour l’occurrence de tels effets. Dans cette étude nous avons vérifié l’hypothèse que la forme chimique et la taille des particules du Be jouent un rôle majeur au niveau de la toxicité et de l’apparition d’effets spécifiques à une exposition au Be. Les effets spécifiques se traduisent, entre autres, par la formation de granulomes inflammatoires pulmonaire, par la prolifération de lymphocytes TCD4+ et la production de cytokines de type Th1. Pour chacune des trois formes chimiques visées par la présente étude (le Be métallique ou Be, l’oxyde de Be ou BeO et l’alliage Be aluminium ou BeAl), la toxicité a été évaluée à la suite d’une exposition subchronique par inhalation oro-nasale à des particules fines (F) et totales (T). À cette fin, un modèle animal (souris) a été utilisé. Au total, 245 souris ont été utilisées. Elles ont été subdivisées en sept groupes de 35 souris. Un groupe a servi de contrôle, alors que chacun des six autres a été exposé soit à des particules fines soit à des particules totales, pour chacune des trois formes chimiques de Be (Be-F, Be-T, BeO-F, BeO-T, BeAl-F, BeAl-T). La durée d’exposition pour chacun des groupes s’est étendue sur 3 semaines, 5 jours par semaine, 6 heures par jour. Le niveau d’exposition des souris était de 250 µg/m3. L‘urine des souris a été recueillie avant et durant l’exposition. Au moment du sacrifice, plusieurs tissus (poumon, rate, foie et reins) ainsi que des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés puis immédiatement congelés jusqu’à leur analyse pour la détermination de leur teneur en Be. De plus, certains poumons et rates ont été analysés pour l’évaluation de la sensibilité immunologique et de l'inflammation pulmonaire. Cette étude d’exposition subchronique est la première étude murine qui étudie les effets toxiques de différentes tailles particulaires sur les changements pathologique et immunologique similaires à ceux observés chez l’humain. Cette étude a permis de constater qu’il existait des différences importantes au niveau de la toxicité du Be d’après les différentes tailles particulaires à l’étude. Ces différences seraient reliées au dépôt des particules de Be dans les voies respiratoires et également à la capacité des voies respiratoires à les éliminer totalement ou partiellement. La clairance respiratoire est fonction, notamment, du site de déposition et du caractère soluble ou non des particules. Cette recherche aura également permis de démontrer que les souris C3H/HeJ représentent un bon modèle pour l’étude des effets toxicologiques et immunologiques d’une exposition au Be. De plus, nos résultats démontrent que la sévérité des lésions pulmonaires causées par le Be, tel que l’infiltration interstitielle de lymphocytes et la formation de granulomes non-caséeux, augmente avec le temps de résidence pulmonaire des particules de Be. Combinés à d’autres résultats, nos résultats contribueront à guider les actions de prévention relativement à l’exposition au Be, incluant éventuellement la révision de la valeur limite de l’exposition et possiblement l’établissement de valeurs limites en fonction de la forme chimique et de la taille des particules.


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Trimming experiments were conducted on sheet metals including two drawing steels, an aluminum alloy and a magnesium alloy, using a specially designed die in a mechanical press. The punch-die clearance was varied and data obtained on the rollover and burr height as a function of the clearance. Samples were also partially trimmed to examine crack initiation, the generation of the fracture surface profile and mechanism of burr formation. The results showed that while the burr height and rollover depth generally increased with increasing clearance for all examined materials, there were differences in the fracture surface profile shape, the burr shape, and the mechanism of burr formation, between the two steels and the two light alloys. The major cause of these differences appeared to be the rate of crack propagation through the sheet material.


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The shearing behavior of a drawing-steel and aluminum alloy were investigated using hardness contours of partially deformed samples and a finite element model of the trimming process. Results showed that the stress and strain distributions within the work-piece were more strongly dependent on the punch penetration than the material properties of the work-piece. Differences in the final fracture surface profile and burr formation of the drawing-steel and aluminum alloy were a consequence of the shape of the stress and strain distribution when the crack in the sample became unstable, not when it was initiated. Results and existing literature suggest that a correlation may exist between the strain-rate sensitivity of the work-piece material and the burr mechanism and fracture surface profile of the trimmed part.


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Laser shock peening (LSP) is an innovative surface treatment technique for metal alloys, with the great improvement of their fatigue, corrosion and wear resistance performance. Finite element method has been widely applied to simulate the LSP to provide the theoretically predictive assessment and optimally parametric design. In the current work, 3-D numerical modelling approaches, combining the explicit dynamic analysis, static equilibrium analysis algorithms and different plasticity models for the high strain rate exceeding 106s-1, are further developed. To verify the proposed methods, 3-D static and dynamic FEA of AA7075-T7351 rods subject to two-sided laser shock peening are performed using the FEA package–ABAQUS. The dynamic and residual stress fields, shock wave propagation and surface deformation of the treated metal from different material modelling approaches have a good agreement.


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Magnesium alloys are generally found to be slower to extrude than aluminum alloys; however, limited quantitative comparisons of the actual operating windows have been published. In this work, the extrusion limits are determined for a series of commercial magnesium alloys (M1, ZM21, AZ31, AZ61, and ZK60). These are compared with the limits established for aluminum alloy AA6063. The maximum extrusion speed of alloy M1 is shown to be similar to AA6063. Alloys ZM21, AZ31, ZK60, and AZ61 exhibit maximum extrusion speeds 44, 18, 4, and 3 pct, respectively, of the maximum measured for AA6063. For AZ31, the maximum extrusion speed is increased by 22 pct after homogenization and by 64 pct for repeat extrusions. The variation in the extrusion limits with changing alloy content is rationalized in terms of differences in the hot working flow stress and solidus temperature.


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Rare earth organic compounds can provide an environmentally safe and non-toxic alternative to chromates as corrosion inhibitors for some steel and aluminium applications. For steel lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate offers corrosion protection and reduces the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement. Recent work has also indicated that it inhibits the corrosion of steel in environments containing high levels of carbon dioxide. For aluminium alloys, cerium diphenyl phosphate provides excellent corrosion inhibition in chloride environments, and reduces susceptibly to stress corrosion cracking. Furthermore, for both steel and aluminium alloys filiform corrosion can be suppressed when rare earth inhibitor compounds are added as pigments to polymer coatings. The levels of inhibition observed are thought to be due to synergistic effects between the rare earth and organic parts of these novel compounds, and are related to the various species that may be present in the complex chemical conditions that develop in solution close to a metal surface. This paper reviews some of the published research conducted by the group at Deakin University over recent years.©2014 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.


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 This report summarizes material testing on three metals used in the Numisheet 2014 Benchmark Study, a DP 600 steel sheet, a TRIP 780 steel sheet, and an aluminum alloy 5182-O sheet. The tests include r value, yield stress, and hardening in uniaxial tension at 15 degree increments of the loading axis in the plane of the sheet, r value, yield stress, and hardening in equal biaxial tension, and forming limit curves for all three metals. In addition, cyclic tension-compression tests along the rolling direction are reported for the DP 600 and aluminum alloy.


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A material model for more thorough analysis of plastic deformation of sheet materials is presented in this paper. This model considers the following aspects of plastic deformation behavior of sheet materials: (1) the anisotropy in yield stresses and in work hardening by using Hill's 1948 quadratic yield function and non-constant stress ratios which leads to different flow stress hardening in different directions, (2) the anisotropy in plastic strains by using a quadratic plastic potential function and non-associated flow rule, also based on Hill's 1948 model and r-values, and (3) the cyclic hardening phenomena such as the Bauschinger effect, permanent softening and transient behavior for reverse loading by using a coupled nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Plasticity fundamentals of the model were derived in a general framework and the model calibration procedure was presented for the plasticity formulations. Also, a generic numerical stress integration procedure was developed based on backward-Euler method, so-called multi-stage return mapping algorithm. The model was implemented in the framework of the finite element method to evaluate the simulation results of sheet metal forming processes. Different aspects of the model were verified for two sheet metals, namely DP600 steel and AA6022 aluminum alloy. Results show that the new model is able to accurately predict the sheet material behavior for both anisotropic hardening and cyclic hardening conditions. The drawing of channel sections and the subsequent springback were also simulated with this model for different drawbead configurations. Simulation results show that the current non-associated anisotropic hardening model is able to accurately predict the sidewall curl in the drawn channel sections.


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AA2024-Tx is one of the most common high-strength aluminium alloys used in the aerospace industry. This article reviews current understanding of the microstructure of sheet AA2024-T3 and chronicles the emergence of new compositions for constituent particles as well as reviews older literature to understand the source of the original compositions. The review goes on to summarise older and more recent studies on corrosion of AA2024-T3, drawing attention to areas of corrosion initiation and propagation. It pays particular attention to modern approaches to corrosion characterisation as obtained through microelectrochemical techniques and physicochemical characterisation, which provide statistical assessment of factors that contribute to corrosion of AA2024. These approaches are also relevant to other alloys.