950 resultados para ALEPH training sessions


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Depuis plusieurs années, l’enseignement des sciences joue un rôle de 2e plan, après le français et les mathématiques, chez plusieurs enseignants du primaire (Lenoir, 2000). Peinant à établir des liens entre les savoirs à enseigner et la réalité quotidienne, ces enseignants ayant souvent une formation lacunaire semblent rechercher de nouveaux outils didactiques efficaces. À cet effet, l’intégration de pratiques sociales de référence (Martinand, 1986) aux situations d’apprentissage peut constituer une pratique innovante favorisant la transposition didactique des savoirs disciplinaires. Misant sur l’intérêt grandissant des Québécois pour la cuisine, cette recherche tente de déterminer l’impact d’une formation continue établissant des liens entre les sciences et les pratiques culinaires sur l’enseignement des sciences au primaire. Pour cette étude de cas descriptive, six enseignants du primaire ont participé à deux rencontres de formation durant lesquelles elles ont expérimenté une situation d’apprentissage et d’évaluation (SAÉ) intégrant des activités culinaires. À la suite d’une période de mise à l’essai de cette SAÉ en classe, les sujets ont été interviewés afin d’établir les apprentissages réalisés durant la formation et de dresser une liste des avantages et des obstacles associés à l’utilisation d’activités culinaires pour enseigner les sciences. De plus, les suggestions émises visant l’amélioration de la SAÉ (rapport bilan écrit) ont permis de mettre en relief la prédominance de préoccupations de nature pédagogique, organisationnelle et socioaffective chez les sujets de l’échantillon. Cette recherche entraîne des retombées pour les didacticiens puisqu’elle fournit des données supplémentaires pouvant contribuer à améliorer la qualité du matériel didactique mis à la disposition des praticiens. De plus, la SAÉ développée pour cette étude constitue un outil didactique novateur pouvant être utilisé par les enseignants du primaire.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation des sciences infirmières


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But: La perte unilatérale du cortex visuel postérieur engendre une cécité corticale controlatérale à la lésion, qu’on appelle hémianopsie homonyme (HH). Celle-ci est notamment accompagnée de problèmes d’exploration visuelle dans l’hémichamp aveugle dus à des stratégies oculaires déficitaires, qui ont été la cible des thérapies de compensation. Or, cette perte de vision peut s’accompagner d’une perception visuelle inconsciente, appelée blindsight. Notre hypothèse propose que le blindsight soit médié par la voie rétino-colliculaire extrastriée, recrutant le colliculus supérieur (CS), une structure multisensorielle. Notre programme a pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact d’un entraînement multisensoriel (audiovisuel) sur la performance visuelle inconsciente des personnes hémianopsiques et les stratégies oculaires. Nous essayons, ainsi, de démontrer l’implication du CS dans le phénomène de blindsight et la pertinence de la technique de compensation multisensorielle comme thérapie de réadaptation. Méthode: Notre participante, ML, atteinte d’une HH droite a effectué un entraînement d’intégration audiovisuel pour une période de 10 jours. Nous avons évalué la performance visuelle en localisation et en détection ainsi que les stratégies oculaires selon trois comparaisons principales : (1) entre l’hémichamp normal et l’hémichamp aveugle; (2) entre la condition visuelle et les conditions audiovisuelles; (3) entre les sessions de pré-entraînement, post-entraînement et 3 mois post-entraînement. Résultats: Nous avons démontré que (1) les caractéristiques des saccades et des fixations sont déficitaires dans l’hémichamp aveugle; (2) les stratégies saccadiques diffèrent selon les excentricités et les conditions de stimulations; (3) une adaptation saccadique à long terme est possible dans l’hémichamp aveugle si l’on considère le bon cadre de référence; (4) l’amélioration des mouvements oculaires est liée au blindsight. Conclusion(s): L’entraînement multisensoriel conduit à une amélioration de la performance visuelle pour des cibles non perçues, tant en localisation qu’en détection, ce qui est possiblement induit par le développement de la performance oculomotrice.


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Indian economy is witnessing stellar growth over the last few years. There have been rapid developments in infrastructural and business front during the growth period.Internet adoption among Indians has been increasing over the last one decade.Indian banks have also risen to the occasion by offering new channels of delivery to their customers.Internet banking is one such new channel which has become available to Indian customers.Customer acceptance for internet banking has been good so far.In this study the researcher tried to conduct a qualitative and quantitative investigation of internet banking customer acceptance among Indians. The researcher tried to identify important factors that affect customer's behavioral intention for internet banking .The researcher also proposes a research model which has extended from Technology Acceptance Model for predicting internet banking acceptance.The findings of the study would be useful for Indian banks in planning and upgrading their internet banking service.Banks could increase internet banking adoption by making their customer awareness about the usefulness of the service.It is seen that from the study that the variable perceived usefulness has a positive influence on internet banking use,therefore internet banking acceptance would increase when customers find it more usefulness.Banks should plan their marketing campaigns taking into consideration this factor.Proper marketing communications which would increase consumer awareness would result in better acceptance of internet banking.The variable perceived ease of use had a positive influence on internet banking use.That means customers would increase internet banking usage when they find it easier to use.Banks should therefore try to develop their internet banking site and interface easier to use.Banks could also consider providing practical training sessions for customers at their branches on usage of internet banking interface.


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Links to my public recordings from Lectures and Training Sessions.


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The use of biofeedback in the spinal cord injuryperson rehabilitation has been increasing eventhough there are no data about the effi cacy of suchtechnique. The study aimed to evaluate the effi cacyof the technique in the motor rehabilitation ofspinal cord injured patients with different lesions.Using case studies, three participants, two paraplegicsand one quadriplegic, with different lesionlevels and degrees of defi ciency were exposed toelectromyography biofeedback training sessions.Data were obtained from the training sessions withbiofeedback, from three manual test examinationsof the muscles straight and from the reports of theparticipants after the training process. These sourcesof data were compared and the results of all thethree different sources showed improvement forall the participants. The study concluded that theelectromyography biofeedback technique can bean important tool in the rehabilitation process ofpatients with this kind of lesion.


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RESUMO:O Basquetebol como desporto global, sendo visualizado e praticado em variados contextos e realidades, deve igualmente perceber-se que existem diferentes formas de vê-lo e treiná-lo. Não existe assim uma forma correta ou incorreta, mas sim várias maneiras de entender o jogo. Neste relatório, no âmbito do Mestrado em Treino Desportivo, expomos a nossa maneira de pensar o jogo bem como as decisões e ações tomadas no processo de treino dos jovens jogadores da equipa de Basquetebol de Juniores “B” Masculinos dos Salesianos Oficinas de São José (OSJ) durante a época desportiva de 2010/2011. A Escola de Basquetebol dos Salesianos OSJ surgiu há cerca de vinte anos, e é um clube integrante e sólido da formação em basquetebol na região de Lisboa. O planeamento foi estruturado num macrociclo, dividido em dois mesociclos, apresentando cada os seus pressupostos e objetivos. O primeiro mesociclo constituído por doze microciclos e o segundo mesociclo por oito microciclos, num total de cento e cinco unidades de treino. A equipa era constituída por treze atletas, com idades compreendidas entre os quinze e os dezanove anos. Relativamente aos jogadores e à equipa consideramos que os objetivos traçados foram alcançados com sucesso, sendo que os jogadores evoluíram significativamente como jogadores e pessoas, e que a equipa atingiu as classificações ambicionadas. Como Treinador considero que foi uma época enriquecedora, que proporcionou vários momentos de reflexão, sendo que estes deverão fazer parte da nossa maneira de estar no desporto, pois só através deles poderemos enriquecer a condução do processo de treino. ABSTRACT: Basketball as a global sport, being viewed and practiced in various contexts and realities, should also realize that are different ways of watching and training it. However, there’s no correct or incorrect way, but many ways of understanding the game. In this report, under the Master of Sports Training, we present our way of thinking the game and the decisions and actions taken in the process of training young basketball players from the Salesianos Oficinas de São José (OSJ) Junior “B” men´s team, during the 2010/2011 sports season. The Salesianos OSJ Basketball School was created about twenty years ago and it’s a strong team member of Young Basketball Training in the Lisbon Region. The team plan was structured in a macrocycle, divided in two mesocycles and each one has its own assumptions and goals. The first mesocycle is composed by twelve microcycles and the second one by eight microcycles, in a total of one hundred and five training sessions. The team is composed by thirteen players, aged between fifteen and nineteen years old. Relating to the players and the team, we believe that the goals were successfully achieved, and the players have evolved meaningly not only as players but also as people, and the team’s coveted standings. As a coach, I think it was an enriching season, which provided many reflective moments and these should be part of our way of being in sport, because only through them we can enrich the process of conducting the training.


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Introdução: Uma dieta do tipo mediterrânico associada a exercício físico pode ser uma estratégia eficaz na prevenção da obesidade e de co-morbilidades associadas. Objectivo: Este estudo pretendeu determinar a associação entre um programa de intervenção, constituído por uma dieta do tipo mediterrânico e exercício físico, com alterações em variáveis de composição corporal e metabólicas. Método: 12 mulheres e homens sedentários (32,5±8,74 anos, 1,69±0,11 cm), com excesso de peso (81,9±18,1 kg, 28,5±5,45 kg/m2, 36,1±8,56 % massa gorda) participaram num programa de intervenção de 12 semanas. Foi realizada avaliação da composição corporal, do dispêndio energético, da ingestão energética e de níveis séricos de lípidos em jejum. As sessões de nutrição foram realizadas semanalmente e a dieta apresentou uma distribuição de macronutrientes correspondente a 40-45% de hidratos de carbono, 15-20% de proteína e 30-35% de lípidos. As sessões de exercício foram realizadas 3 vezes por semana, com prescrição para as componentes cardiovascular e de força. Resultados: Os participantes tiveram alterações significativas nas variáveis de peso, perímetro da cintura, massa gorda, dispêndio energético e níveis séricos de colesterol e triglicéridos (p<0,05). A distribuição de macronutrientes da dieta não se alterou com a intervenção alimentar, contudo, o aumento significativo do consumo de PUFA’s revelou-se associado a menores valores de massa gorda e a maiores diferenças nos níveis de triglicéridos (p<0,05). Conclusão: O dispêndio calórico e o consumo de PUFA’s revelaram estar associados a melhorias da composição corporal (massa gorda). Este estudo também conduziu à melhoria das concentrações de colesterol e triglicéridos. No entanto, as melhorias nas concentrações de triglicéridos associaram-se apenas à dieta.


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Planos de emergência bem sucedidos devem ser funcionais, realistas, amigos do utilizador e inteligíveis. Este estudo descritivo tem como objetivo analisar a implementação de Medidas de Autoproteção (que passou a ser obrigatória, em Portugal, desde 2009) durante um período de cinco anos, num grande complexo escolar ocupado por 500 funcionários e 3000 crianças/alunos. Este estabelecimento de ensino consiste em vários edifícios desde a creche ao ensino secundário e está classificado numa categoria de risco de incêndio muito elevada. Desde 2009 até 2012 foram realizadas sessões de formação destinadas aos alunos e funcionários, bem como ações de formação sobre combate a incêndios e evacuação para as equipas de segurança. Como os exercícios de evacuação são cruciais para testar o plano de emergência e familiarizar o pessoal com as tarefas, todos os anos são realizados Simulacros de Incêndio. A fim de avaliar a sua eficácia foram recolhidos dados através de observação não participante, fotos e vídeos. A gestão de emergência neste estabelecimento escolar evidenciou ir para além das exigências legais e, ao dar um bom exemplo, tanto na escola como na comunidade, contribuiu para aumentar a segurança dos alunos e das suas famílias. / Successful emergency plans must be functional, realistic, user-friendly and understandable. This descriptive study aims to analyse the implementation of Fire Self-Protection Measures (which became mandatory, in Portugal, since 2009) during a five-year period in a large school compound occupied by 500 employees and 3000 children/students. This educational facility consists of several buildings from nursery school to high school and it’s classified in a very high fire risk category. Since 2009 until 2012 we carried out training sessions for students and school staff, as well as training courses about fire fighting and evacuation, for safety teams. Because evacuation drills are crucial for testing the emergency plan and to familiarize personnel with tasks, each year we do properly conducted fire drills. In order to evaluate it’s effectiveness, we collected data through non-participant observation, photos and videos. The school emergency management has proven to go beyond the legal requirements and by setting a good example both in school and community, it enhances the safety of students and their families.


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[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar secuencias didácticas(SD) para enseñar lengua/s diseñadas por profesores de educación primaria y proponer algunos indicadores que guíen a los enseñantes en la confección y validación (o autoevaluación) de las mismas. Entendemos la secuencia didáctica en el sentido de sus creadores ginebrinos, es decir, como una herramienta para la enseñanza del género textual como unidad comunicativa. El diseño de las secuencias estudiadas en este artículo se realiza a lo largo de unas sesiones de formación de profesorado; a la vista de los obstáculos que se observan en su elaboración (dificultades para explicitar la consigna, noción difusa del género textual, etc.), decidimos analizarlas a partir de unos ítems o criterios extraídos básicamente de los principios que rigen las secuencias didácticas. Pensamos que las principales dificultades derivarán de las concepciones teóricas y metodológicas previas que tienen los profesores y de una concepción disociada de la SD y del género textual. Los resultados ponen de relieve cuáles son algunos de los aspectos que merecen especial atención a la hora de diseñar secuencias didácticas y sugieren el interés de contar con unos indicadores que guíen al docente en la confección de las mismas. Eso no significa, sin embargo, que deba tratarse de una lista cerrada y, evidentemente, futuros trabajos habrán de modificarla y completarla. Hasta el momento, estos criterios nos permiten confirmar la importancia de insistir en las bases teóricas y metodológicas de las secuencias didácticas en el marco de las sesiones formativas.


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The present paper investigates pesticide application types adopted by smallholder potato producers in the Department of Boyacá , Colombia. In this region, environmental, health and adverse economic effects due to pesticide mis- or over-use respectively have been observed. Firstly, pesticide application types were identified based on input-effectiveness. Secondly, their determinants of adoption were investigated. Finally suggestions were given to develop intervention options for transition towards a more sustainable pesticide use. Three application types were identified for fungicide and insecticide. The types differed in terms of input (intensity of pesticide application), effect (damage control), frequency of application, average quantity applied per application, chemical class, and productivity. Then, the determinants of different pesticide application types were investigated with a multinomial logistic regression approach and applying the integrative agent centred (IAC) framework. The area of the plot, attendance at training sessions and educational and income levels were among the most relevant determinants. The analysis suggested that better pesticide use could be fostered to reduce pesticide-related risks in the region. Intervention options were outlined, which may help in targeting this issue. They aim not only at educating farmers, but to change their social and institutional context, by involving other agents of the agricultural system (i.e. pesticide producers), facilitating new institutional settings (i.e. cooperatives) and targeting social dynamics (i.e. conformity to social norms).


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The degree project has been implemented abroad in Brisbane, Australia. A literature study has beenperformed parallel to the practical work within the subject »Corporate identity through graphicaldesign«. In this study deeper research has been made concerning the establishment and manifestationof a corporate identity and its program. The knowledge given from this study has been put into practicethrough two larger projects.The first project was carried out at De Pasquale, advertising agency in Brisbane, where a corporateidentity program was designed for a new company. The company is a fitness centre, called KnockoutFitness, which specializes in different types of boxing training sessions such as Boxing, Thai Bow andBoxercise but also Aqua aerobics. They needed a full corporate identity program including a logotype,business card, letter paper-paper and address labels.The second project was carried out at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. A promotioncampaign was designed for the Department of Visual Arts, which included two information folders andone advertisement. The purpose of the campaign was to promote both the undergraduate and postgraduatecourses offered within the department.


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Despite the observation of an increase in life expectancy in individuals with Spinal cord injury (SCI), it is lower than that of the general population. Studies have shown that affected individuals have a sedentary lifestyle that reflects negatively on health and quality of life. Studies have demonstrated that HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, a high-density lipoprotein and important predictor of cardiovascular disease, are lower in this population exposing these people to a greater incidence of heart disease from atherosclerotic process In the general population, exercise increases HDL-C serum levels, but this phenomenon is not very clear in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). The present study examined the effect of both swimming and wheelchair basketball in the lipid profile of eleven men and seven women with SCI. The subjects included in regular exercise programs showed increases in HDL-C levels and decreases in CT/HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C ratios. We found better results mainly in men with lower levels of SCI and in those that sustained exercise intensities above 60% of the heart rate reserve. The duration of training sessions can be an essential factor in these results. The results suggest that both the exercise prescription and the personal characteristics of people with SCI influence changes in the lipid profile mediated through exercise. The elaboration of this work is an attempt to clarify uncertainties about health and the longevity of people with SCI generated in discussion of all members of the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, especially the physiotherapists, nutritionists, nurses and physicians that contributed considerably in all phases of the research


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The object of study of this thesis is the use of (self)training workshops as a fundamental process for the constitution of the teaching subject in mathematics education. The central purposes of the study were to describe and analyze a learning process of mathematics teachers supported by the training-research methodology, which procedures have been affected with the practice of (self)training workshops as a way of collaborating to the constitution of the teaching subject in Mathematics Education. The survey was conducted with a group of teachers in the city of Nova Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte through a process of continued education realized in the training workshops having as main goal the realization of the group s (self)training sessions in order to lead participants to the extent of their autonomy in their personal and professional transformations. The results obtained in the formative processes have shown the need to develop activities of mathematics teaching as a contribution to overcome the conceptual difficulties of the teachers, apart from their (self)reflections about themselves and the educational processes in which they belong. The results raised some propositions about (self)training workshops that may be incurred in practices to be included in the curriculum frameworks or materialize as a strategy of pedagogical work in training courses for teachers of mathematics. Also, they can constitute an administrative and educational activity to be instituted in the public schools of Basic Education


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Among the therapeutic approaches that can be used to achieve this goal is the gait training on sloping surfaces, but there are few scientific findings that elucidate the results of this practice. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of training on sloping surfaces on the gait of subjects with chronic hemiparesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A controlled, randomized, blinded clinical trial was conducted. Concluded the study twenty-four subjects with age between 40 and 70 years (54,91±9,3). Their neurological function, functional independence, motor function and balance assessed, besides the gait evaluation through kinemetry. The subjects were allocated into two groups: control group (CG) underwent gait training on treadmill with partial body weight support (PBWS) without inclination; and the experimental group (EG) submitted to gait training on treadmill with PBWS and inclination of 10%. Twelve training sessions were performed. The paired t Student test and Wilcoxon test were used in statistical analysis to compare findings before and after training for each group, and the t student test for independent samples and Mann-Whitney.test were used to compare the to groups. RESULTS: After training within-group changes were observed on balance recovery, motor function and functionality, in both experimental conditions. The EG showed changes after training on speed, stride length, step length of paretic and non-paretic side, paretic single support, double support time and non-paretic swing time. The CG the differences were detected on double support, paretic single support and hip range of movement. The EG showed better results when compared to CG on the variables: speed (p=0,034), non-paretic single support (p=0,02) and paretic swing time (p=0,02). CONCLUSION: gait training on sloping surfaces represents a promising strategy for gait training of subjects with chronic hemiparesis since it is can influence a greater number of gait variables, when compared with gait training on flat surface