998 resultados para AAA


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The main objective for this degree project was to analyze the Endpoint Security Solutions developed by Cisco, Microsoft and a third minor company solution represented by InfoExpress. The different solutions proposed are Cisco Network Admission Control, Microsoft Network Access Protection and InfoExpress CyberGatekeeper. An explanation of each solution functioning is proposed as well as an analysis of the differences between those solutions. This thesis work also proposes a tutorial for the installation of Cisco Network Admission Control for an easier implementation. The research was done by reading articles on the internet and by experimenting the Cisco Network Admission Control solution. My background knowledge about Cisco routing and ACL was also used. Based on the actual analysis done in this thesis, a conclusion was drawn that all existing solutions are not yet ready for large-scale use in corporate networks. Moreover all solutions are proprietary and incompatible. The future possible standard for Endpoint solution might be driven by Cisco and Microsoft and a rude competition begins between those two giants.


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Bakgrund: Över 150 000 människor i Sverige behandlas årligen för hjärt- och kärlsjukdom. En vanlig form är ateroskleros, åderförkalkning. Av alla de som idag avlider på grund av annan orsak än naturligt åldrande, gör de flesta det av komplikationer till aterosklerossjukdom. En av dessa komplikationer är aortaanerysm, mera känt som ”pulsåderbråck”. Det vanligast förekommande är abdominellt aortaanerysm, bukaortaaneurysm. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa livssituationer, livskvalitet och omvårdnadsbehov hos patienter med diagnosen AAA samt att visa på omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar hälsa hos patienter med denna diagnos. Metod: En litteraturgranskning gjordes i databaserna PubMed, Chinal och Psychinfo samt Högskolan Dalarnas sökmotor Elin. Artiklarna valdes ut efter relevans till syftet. Dess kvalitet värderades med hjälp av granskningsmallar. Fyra kvalitativa och 16 kvantitativa ansatser ingick i studien. Resultat: Det framkom att HRQoL hos patienter som fick diagnosen AAA försämrades signifikant perioperativt. Oro och rädsla samt känslor av overklighet, nära döden upplevelser och existentiella frågor var vanligt perioperativt. Ingen påvisbar skillnad före och efter screening i HRQoL eller upplevd hälsa iakttogs. Mer information kring exempelvis sexualitet perioperativt kunde lindra oro och rädsla. Diskussion: Omvårdnaden är otillräcklig vid diagnostillfället samt postoperativt. Screening har positiv inverkan på patienternas generella hälsa. Konklusion: Studien visade på ökat behov av omvårdnad i samband med att diagnosen ställts samt efter utskrivning postoperativt.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur djur påverkade livskvalitet hos äldre. Metod: Artikelsökning utfördes via databaserna; CINAHL, SCOPUS och sökmotorn ELIN. För att artiklarna skulle få vara med i studien var kravet att de skulle vara publicerade mellan åren 2000 - 2010 och skrivna på engelska eller svenska. Sammanlagt ligger 14 vetenskapliga artiklar till grund för resultatet i denna systematiska litteraturstudie. Huvudresultat: Flertalet studier visade att Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) främjade sociala interaktioner mellan äldre individer, lindrade känslor av ensamhet samt hade positiv effekt vid depression. Vidare kunde AAT ha en gynnsam effekt på apatiska symtom och äldres humör. Slutsats: Djur i vården var ett välkommet avbrott för de äldre och medförde en positiv attityd gentemot djuren. Djur i vården kunde bidra till glädje hos äldre individer och ha en positiv påverkan på den äldres ensamhet och depressiva symtom. Även sociala interaktioner främjades och den äldre individen stimulerades på flera plan.


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Uppsatsen undersöker skillnader mellan att jobba som ljuddesigner på mindre indieprojekt jämfört med större spelproduktioner. Skillnader mellan att jobba som intern ljuddesigner jämfört med som konsult och hur andra utvecklare ser på ljud i spel tas även upp. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa intervjuer och tre intervjuer genomfördes. Analysen av intervjuerna utgår från uppsatsens syfte och frågeställning samt tidigare forskning om ljud i spel och inom organisationssociologi. Studien visar att det finns stora skillnader inom de olika produktionerna. Även inom olika indieprojekt. Kommunikation med resten av teamet och det administrativa arbetet skiljer sig mellan projekten. De större projekten har här en större fördel tack vare mer vana och användandet av en audio director.


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The linear rescaling of the variance of an asset's return is used by many asset pricing models when an annualised risk coefficient is required. However, this approach may not be appropriate for time series, which are not independent and identically distributed (IID). This paper investigates the scaling relationships for daily credit spreads, from January 1995 to May 1998, between AAA-, AA-, and A-rated Australian dollar denominated Eurobonds with maturities of 2, 5, 7, and 10 years. The credit spread return all display similar scaling properties with the estimated standard deviation, based upon a scaling at the square root of time, significantly underestimating the actual level of risk predicted from a normal distribution. These results have implications for risk managers and trading of credit spread instruments.


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The relationship between daily yields on Japanese government bonds (JGBs), and high grade (AA and AAA) yen eurobonds is investigated. We find the cointegration vector differs slightly from the expected order predicted by the expectations hypothesis and attribute this to differing degrees of liquidity in the eurobond and JGB markets. We conclude that the concentration of new Japanese government issues in maturities of five to ten years, combined with the practice by the authorities of holding a significant amount of outstanding bonds, has distorted the transmission process between different risk classes of bonds. An example of the dynamics of the credit spread on the ten-year AA eurobond is provided.


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To survive within its host erythrocyte, Plasmodium falciparum must export hundreds of proteins across both its parasite plasma membrane and surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane, most of which are likely to use a protein complex known as PTEX (Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins). PTEX is a putative protein trafficking machinery responsible for the export of hundreds of proteins across the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and into the human host cell. Five proteins are known to comprise the PTEX complex, and in this study, three of the major stoichiometric components are investigated including HSP101 (a AAA+ ATPase), a protein of no known function termed PTEX150, and the apparent membrane component EXP2. We show that these proteins are synthesized in the preceding schizont stage (PTEX150 and HSP101) or even earlier in the life cycle (EXP2), and before invasion these components reside within the dense granules of invasive merozoites. From these apical organelles, the protein complex is released into the host cell where it resides with little turnover in the parasitophorous vacuole membrane for most of the remainder of the following cell cycle. At this membrane, PTEX is arranged in a stable macromolecular complex of >1230 kDa that includes an ∼600-kDa apparently homo-oligomeric complex of EXP2 that can be separated from the remainder of the PTEX complex using non-ionic detergents. Two different biochemical methods undertaken here suggest that PTEX components associate as EXP2-PTEX150-HSP101, with EXP2 associating with the vacuolar membrane. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that EXP2 oligomerizes and potentially forms the putative membrane-spanning pore to which the remainder of the PTEX complex is attached.


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Following the recent success in quantitative analysis of essential fatty acid compositions in a commercial microencapsulated fish oil (?EFO) supplement, we extended the application of portable attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic technique and partial least square regression (PLSR) analysis for rapid determination of total protein contents-the other major component in most commercial ?EFO powders. In contrast to the traditional chromatographic methodology used in a routine amino acid analysis (AAA), the ATR-FTIR spectra of the ?EFO powder can be acquired directly from its original powder form with no requirement of any sample preparation, making the technique exceptionally fast, noninvasive, and environmentally friendly as well as being cost effective and hence eminently suitable for routine use by industry. By optimizing the spectral region of interest and number of latent factors through the developed PLSR strategy, a good linear calibration model was produced as indicated by an excellent value of coefficient of determination R2 = 0.9975, using standard ?EFO powders with total protein contents in the range of 140-450 mg/g. The prediction of the protein contents acquired from an independent validation set through the optimized PLSR model was highly accurate as evidenced through (1) a good linear fitting (R2 = 0.9759) in the plot of predicted versus reference values, which were obtained from a standard AAA method, (2) lowest root mean square error of prediction (11.64 mg/g), and (3) high residual predictive deviation (6.83) ranked in very good level of predictive quality indicating high robustness and good predictive performance of the achieved PLSR calibration model. The study therefore demonstrated the potential application of the portable ATR-FTIR technique when used together with PLSR analysis for rapid online monitoring of the two major components (i.e., oil and protein contents) in finished ?EFO powders in the actual manufacturing setting.


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In this work, optical sensing performance of tapered multimode fiber tip coated with graphene oxide (GO) nanostructured thin film towards aqueous ethanol with different concentrations is investigated. The tapering process of the optical fiber is done by a glass processing machine. The multimode optical fiber tip is dip-coated with GO and annealed at 70 °C to enhance the binding of the nanomaterials to the silica fiber. FESEM, Raman microscopy and XRD analyses are performed to micro-characterize the GO thin films. The morphology of the GO is observed to be in sheets forms. The reflectance response of the GO coated fiber tip is compared with the uncoated tip. The measurements are taken using a spectrophotometer in the optical wavelength range of 550-720 nm. The reflectance response of the GO coated fiber tip reduced proportionally, upon exposure to ethanol with concentration range of 5-80%. The dynamic response of the developed sensor showed strong reversibility and repeatability when it is exposed to ethanol with concentrations of 5%, 20% and 40% in distilled water. At room temperature, the sensor shows fast response and recovery as low as 19 and 25 s, respectively. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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O trabalho investiga, numa perspectiva de risco e retorno, o risco inerente à terra agrícola, em comparação com as ações formadoras do Índice da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo – IBOVESPA, com vistas a identificar possíveis correlações entre estes ativos, que permitam recomendar a posse do primeiro como elemento redutor do risco do segundo, nos períodos de crise do mercado acionário. Parte do pressuposto que, sendo a terra um bem finito e útil, a sua posse como bem de investimento pode ser, nesta perspectiva, conveniente, independente da forma como se pretenda usá-la, desde que haja a possibilidade de sua comercialização futura. Investiga os elementos determinantes do preço da terra, particularmente as variáveis especulativas que influem na sua comercialização, com vistas a identificar nela, eventuais semelhanças com os demais ativos de risco. Estuda a evolução dos preços da terra de cultura de primeira do Estado de São Paulo, no espaço de vinte anos (1980 a 1999), em comparação com o IBOVESPA, concentrando-se nos períodos de crise do mercado acionário, para determinar a influência que teria a inclusão do ativo terra, em uma carteira diversificada de ações, sobre o grau de risco e a rentabilidade do portfolio como um todo. Analisa o comportamento do mercado acionário brasileiro no mesmo período, quando são identificados seis períodos de crise, durante os quais é simulado o desempenho de duas stimentos, compostas, a primeira, por ações e terra, em diferentes proporções, e a segunda por ações e caderneta de poupança, também com vários graus de composição. Das seis crises estudadas, em quatro delas, a associação de uma parcela terra com as ações representativas do IBOVESPA, contribuiu para a redução do grau de risco ou melhora da rentabilidade da carteira de investimentos como um todo; as duas outras crises, durante as quais a terra não apresentou as mesmas características de segurança e/ou rentabilidade, coincidem com períodos atípicos, quando o seu mercado passava por processos de ajustamento. A conclusão confirma a hipótese alternativa, de que a terra, quando em condições normais de negociação, possui características de segurança e rentabilidade que permitem recomendar a sua posse combinada com carteiras de ações, pelos investidores mais avessos aos riscos do mercado acionário.


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Trata da revolução em curso nos canais de distribuição dos grandes bancos varejistas em função dos impactos provocados pela tecnologia, pela globalização, pelas parcerias e pela formação de um novo ambiente de distribuição eletrônico, remoto e virtual denominado como marketspace. Esse novo ambiente, até o ano de 2007, deverá canalizar 2/3 dos negócios bancários que envolvam efetiva intermediação financeira. A revolução é tão importante que pode significar o início de um novo ciclo no negócio dos grandes bancos varejistas. Os impactos sobre marketing são igualmente poderosos, exigindo dos bancos uma completa revisão de sua estratégia mercadológica. Evidências foram colhidas de extensiva revisão bibliográfica, através de entrevistas em profundidade e de pesquisa amostrai com clientes bancários. Cursos de ação são sugeridos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)