944 resultados para 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors


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Background and Purpose: The antimalarial compounds quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine affect the electrophysiological properties of Cys-loop receptors and have structural similarities to 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. They may therefore act at 5-HT3 receptors. Experimental Approach: The effects of quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine on electrophysiological and ligand binding properties of 5-HT3A receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells and Xenopus oocytes were examined. The compounds were also docked into models of the binding site. Key Results: 5-HT3 responses were blocked with IC50 values of 13.4 μM, 11.8 μM and 9.36 μM for quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine. Schild plots indicated quinine and chloroquine behaved competitively with pA2 values of 4.92 (KB=12.0 μM) and 4.97 (KB=16.4 μM). Mefloquine displayed weakly voltage-dependent, non-competitive inhibition consistent with channel block. On and off rates for quinine and chloroquine indicated a simple bimolecular reaction scheme. Quinine, chloroquine and mefloquine displaced [3H]granisetron with Ki values of 15.0, 24.2 and 35.7 μM. Docking of quinine into a homology model of the 5-HT3 receptor binding site located the tertiary ammonium between W183 and Y234, and the quinoline ring towards the membrane, stabilised by a hydrogen bond with E129. For chloroquine, the quinoline ring was positioned between W183 and Y234 and the tertiary ammonium stabilised by interactions with F226. Conclusions and Implications: This study shows that quinine and chloroquine competitively inhibit 5-HT3 receptors, while mefloquine inhibits predominantly non-competitively. Both quinine and chloroquine can be docked into a receptor binding site model, consistent with their structural homology to 5-HT3 receptor antagonists.


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Drugs acting at 5-HT receptors were evaluated on three animal models of anxiety. On the elevated X-maze test the majority of 5-HT1 agonists were found to be anxiogenic. However, ipsapirone was anxiolytic and buspirone and gepirone were inactive. The 5-HT2 agonist DOI and the 5-HT2 antagonist ritanserin were anxiolytic while ICI 169,369, a 5-HT2 antagonist was inactive. All 5-HT3 antagonists tested were inactive in this test, while the indirect serotomimetics zimeldine and fenfluramine were anxiogenic. Neither beta-adrenoceptor agonists nor antagonists had reproducible effects on anxiety in this model. Combined beta-1/beta-2 adrenoceptor antagonists reversed the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH-DPAT while selective beta-1 or beta-2 antagonists did not. On the social interaction model the 5-HT1 agonists 8-OH-DPAT, RU 24969 and 5-MeODMT were anxiogenic and ipsapirone was anxiolytic. The 5-HT2 agonist DOI and the beta-adrenoceptor- and 5-HT- antagonist pindolol were anxiolytic, while the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonists were inactive. In the marble burying test, the 5-HT upake inhibitors zimeldine, fluvoxamine, indalpine and citalopram, the 5-HT1B/5-HT1C agonists mCPP and TFMPP and the 5-HT2/5-HT1C agonist DOI reduced marble burying without affecting locomotor activity. 5-HT1A agonists and the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonists were without effect. Lesions of the dorsal raphe nucleus reversed the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH-DPAT in the X-maze model. The implication of these results for the understanding of the pharmacology of 5-HT in anxiety is discussed.


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Mood disorders, including depression and anxiety, are among the most prevalent mental illnesses with high socioeconomic impact. Although the underlying mechanisms have not yet been clearly defined in the last decade the importance of the role of neuropeptides, including Galanin (GAL), and/or their receptors in the treatment of stress-related mood disorders is becoming increasingly apparent. GAL is involved in mood regulation, including depression-related and anxiety-like behaviors. Activation of GALR1 and GALR3 receptors results in a depression like behavior while stimulation of GALR2 receptor leads to anti-depressant-like effects. Moreover, GAL modulates 5-HT1A receptors (5-HT1AR), a key receptor in depression at autoreceptor and postsynaptic level in the brain. This interaction can in part be due to the existence of GALR1-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes in discrete brain regions [1]. Not only GAL but also the N-terminal fragments like GAL(1-15) are active in the Central Nervous System [2, 3]. Recently, we described that GAL(1-15) induces strong depression-related and anxiogenic-like effects in rats, and these effects were significantly stronger than the ones induced by GAL [4]. The GALR1-GALR2 heteroreceptor complexes in the dorsal hippocampus and especially in the dorsal raphe (DR), areas rich in GAL(1-15) binding sites [5] were involved in these effects [4, 6] and demonstrated also in cellular models. In the present study, we have analyzed the ability of GAL(1-15) to modulate 5-HT1AR located at postjunctional sites and at the soma-dendritic level in rats. We have analyzed the effect of GAL(1-15) on the 5-HT1AR-mediated response in a behavioral test of depression and the involvement of the GALR2 in these effects. GAL(1-15) enhanced the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1AR agonist 8-OH-DPAT in the forced swimming test [7]. These effects were stronger than the ones induced by GAL. The mechanism of this action involved interactions at the receptor level in the plasma membrane with changes also at the transcriptional level. Thus, GAL(1-15) affected the binding characteristics as well as the mRNA level of 5-HT1AR in the dorsal hippocampus and DR. GALR2 was involved in these effects, since the specific GALR2 antagonist M871 blocked GAL(1-15) mediated actions at the behavioral and receptor level [7]. Furthermore, the results on the proximity ligation assay (PLA) in this work suggest the existence of GALR1-GALR2-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes since positive PLA were obtained for both GALR1-5-HT1AR and GALR2-5-HT1AR complexes in the DR and hippocampus. Moreover the studies on RN33B cells, where GALR1, GALR2 and 5-HT1AR exist [4], also showed PLA-positive clusters indicating the existence of GALR1-5-HT1AR and GALR2-5-HT1AR complexes in these cells [7]. In conclusion, our results indicate that GAL(1–15) enhances the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1AR agonist 8-OH-DPAT probably acting on GALR1-GALR2-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor located at postjunctional sites and at the soma-dendritic level. The development of new drugs specifically targeting these heteroreceptor complexes may offer a novel strategy for treatment of depression. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucia CVI646 1. Borroto-Escuela, D.O., et al., Galanin receptor-1 modulates 5-hydroxtryptamine-1A signaling via heterodimerization. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010. 393(4): p. 767-72. 2. Hedlund, P.B. and K. Fuxe, Galanin and 5-HT1A receptor interactions as an integrative mechanism in 5-HT neurotransmission in the brain. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1996. 780: p. 193-212. 3. Diaz-Cabiale, Z., et al., Neurochemical modulation of central cardiovascular control: the integrative role of galanin. EXS, 2010. 102: p. 113-31. 4. Millon, C., et al., A role for galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) in anxiety- and depression-related behaviors in rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 2015. 18(3). 5. Hedlund, P.B., N. Yanaihara, and K. Fuxe, Evidence for specific N-terminal galanin fragment binding sites in the rat brain. Eur J Pharmacol, 1992. 224(2-3): p. 203-5. 6. Borroto-Escuela, D.O., et al., Preferential activation by galanin 1-15 fragment of the GalR1 protomer of a GalR1-GalR2 heteroreceptor complex. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2014. 452(3): p. 347-53. 7. Millon, C., et al., Galanin (1-15) enhances the antidepressant effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT: involvement of the raphe-hippocampal 5-HT neuron system. Brain Struct Funct, 2016.


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Bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein found in bone matrix, has been implicated in the formation of mammary microcalcifications and osteotropic metastasis of human breast cancer (HBC). BSP possesses an integrin-binding RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) domain, which may promote interactions between HBC cells and bone extracellular matrix. Purified BSP, recombinant human BSP fragments and BSP-derived RGD peptides are shown to elicit migratory, adhesive, and proliferative responses in the MDA-MB-231 HBC cell line. Recombinant BSP fragment analysis localized a significant component of these activities to the RGD domain of the protein, and synthetic RGD peptides with BSP flanking sequences (BSPRGD) also conferred these responses. The fibronectin-derived RGD counterpart, GRGDSP (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro), could not support these cellular responses, emphasizing specificity of the BSP configuration. Although most of the proliferative and adhesive responses could be attributed to RGD interactions, these interactions were only partly responsible for the migrational responses. Experiments with integrin-blocking antibodies demonstrated that BSP-RGD-induced migration utilizes the αvβ3 vitronectin receptor, whereas adhesion and proliferation responses were αvβ5-mediated. Using fluorescence activated cell sorting, we selected two separate subpopulations of MDA-MB-231 cells enriched for αvβ3 or αvβ5 respectively. Although some expression of the alternate αv integrin was still retained, the αvβ5-enriched MDA-MB-231 cells showed enhanced proliferative and adhesive responses, whereas the αvβ3-enriched subpopulation was suppressed for proliferation and adhesion, but showed enhanced migratory responses to BSP-RGD. In addition, similar analysis of two other HBC cell lines showed less marked, but similar RGD-dependent trends in adhesion and proliferation to the BSP fragments. Collectively, these data demonstrate BSP effects on proliferative, migratory, and adhesive functions in HBC cells and that the RGD-mediated component differentially employs αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrin receptors.


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The therapeutic effects induced by serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants are initially triggered by blocking the serotonin transporter and rely on long-term adaptations of pre- and post-synaptic receptors. We show here that long-term behavioral and neurogenic SSRI effects are abolished after either genetic or pharmacological inactivation of 5-HT(2B) receptors. Conversely, direct agonist stimulation of 5-HT(2B) receptors induces an SSRI-like response in behavioral and neurogenic assays. Moreover, the observation that (i) this receptor is expressed by raphe serotonergic neurons, (ii) the SSRI-induced increase in hippocampal extracellular serotonin concentration is strongly reduced in the absence of functional 5-HT(2B) receptors and (iii) a selective 5-HT(2B) agonist mimics SSRI responses, supports a positive regulation of serotonergic neurons by 5-HT(2B) receptors. The 5-HT(2B) receptor appears, therefore, to positively modulate serotonergic activity and to be required for the therapeutic actions of SSRIs. Consequently, the 5-HT(2B) receptor should be considered as a new tractable target in the combat against depression.


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Extracts from the Ginkgo biloba tree are widely used as herbal medicines, and include bilobalide (BB) and ginkgolides A and B (GA and GB). Here we examine their effects on human 5-HT(3)A and 5-HT(3)AB receptors, and compare these to the effects of the structurally related compounds picrotin (PTN) and picrotoxinin (PXN), the two components of picrotoxin (PTX), a known channel blocker of 5-HT3, nACh and GABA(A) receptors. The compounds inhibited 5-HT-induced responses of 5-HT3 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes, with IC50 values of 470 mu M (BB), 730 mu M (GB), 470 mu M (PTN), 11 mu M (PXN) and > 1 mM (GA) in 5-HT(3)A receptors, and 3.1 mM (BB), 3.9 mM (GB), 2.7 mM (PTN), 62 mu M (PXN) and > 1 mM (GA) in 5-HT(3)AB receptors. Radioligand binding on receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells showed none of the compounds displaced the specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonist [H-3]granisetron, confirming that they do not act at the agonist binding site. Inhibition by GB at 5-HT(3)A receptors is weakly use-dependent, and recovery is activity dependent, indicating channel block. To further probe their site of action at 5-HT(3)A receptors, BB and GB were applied alone or in combination with PXN, and the results fitted to a mathematical model; the data revealed partially overlapping sites of action. We conclude that BB and GB block the channel of the 5-HT(3)A receptor. Thus these compounds have comparable, although less potent, behaviour than at some other Cys-loop receptors, demonstrating their actions are conserved across the family. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This study was aimed at testing the hypothesis that serotoninergic receptors in the locus coeruleus (LC) play a role in bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced fever. To this end, 5-HT1A (WAY-100635; 3 mu g/100 nL) and 5-HT2A (ketanserin; 2 mu g/100 nL) antagonists were microinjected into the LC and body temperature was monitored by biotelemetry. Intra-LC microinjections of ketanserin or WAY-100635 caused no change in body temperature of euthermic animals. 5-HT2A antagonism abolished the first phase of the lipopolysaccharide-induced fever. Taken together, these results indicate that serotonin acting on 5-HT2A receptors in the LC mediates the first phase of the febrile response, whereas 5-HT1A receptors are not involved in the lipopolysaccharide-induced fever.


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A growing body of evidence indicates that facilitation of serotonin-2C receptor (5-HT2CR)-mediated neurotransmission in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is involved in anxiety generation. We investigated here whether BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs exert a differential role in the regulation of defensive behaviours related to generalized anxiety (inhibitory avoidance) and panic (escape) disorders. We also evaluated whether activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the anxiogenic effect caused by acute systemic administration of the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine. Male Wistar rats were tested in the elevated T-maze after intra-BLA injection of the endogenous agonist 5-HT, the 5-HT2CR agonist MK-212 or the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB-242084. This test allows the measurement of inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression. We also investigated whether intra-BLA administration of SB-242084 interferes with the acute anxiogenic effect caused by imipramine and fluoxetine in the Vogel conflict test, and imipramine in the elevated T-maze. While intra-BLA administration of 5-HT and MK-212 facilitated inhibitory avoidance acquisition, suggesting an anxiogenic effect, SB-242084 had the opposite effect. None of these drugs affected escape performance. Intra-BLA injection of a sub-effective dose of SB-242084 fully blocked the anxiogenic effect caused either by the local microinjection of 5-HT or the systemic administration of imipramine and fluoxetine. Our findings indicate that 5-HT(2C)Rs in BLA are selectively involved in the regulation of defensive behaviours associated with generalized anxiety, but not panic. The results also provide the first direct evidence that activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the short-term aversive effect of antidepressants.


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CD80 and CD86 are closely linked genes on chromosome 3 that code for glycoproteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily, expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. These costimulatory molecules play essential roles for stimulation and inhibition of T cells through binding to CD28 and CTLA-4 receptors. In this study, CD80 promoter and CD86 exon 8 polymorphisms were analyzed to investigate the genetic diversity and microevolution of the 2 genes. We genotyped 1,124 individuals, including Brazilians of predominantly European, mixed African and European, and Japanese ancestry, 5 Amerindian populations, and an African sample. All variants were observed in Africans, which suggests their origin in Africa before the human migrations out of that continent. Five new CD80 promoter alleles were identified and confirmed by cloning and sequencing, and promoter 2 is most likely the ancestral allele. Nucleotide -79 is monomorphic in 4 Amerindian populations, where the presence of the -79 G allele is probably the result of gene flow from non-Amerindians. (C) 2012 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Für diese Arbeit wurden sechs neue Benzodiazepinderivate, TC07, TC08, TC09, TC10, TC11 und TC12, hergestellt. Diese wurden mittels Radioligandenbindungsassay sowohl auf ihre Bindungseigenschaften für Membranen des Cerebellum, des Hippo-campus und des Cortex der Ratte hin untersucht, als auch für Membranen von HEK293 Zellen, die transient rekombinante GABAA Rezeptoren exprimierten. Zusätz-lich wurden kompetitive in situ Rezeptorautoradiographien an Rattenhirnschnitten mit den Liganden [3H]Ro15-4513 und [3H]R015-1788 durchgeführt. Zusammen ergaben sich aus diesen Experimenten deutliche Hinweise auf eine Selektivität der Verbindun-gen TC07, TC11 und TC12 für a5-Untereinheiten enthaltende GABAA Rezeptoren mit a5-Affinitäten im niedrigen nanomolaren Bereich. In vivo Bindungsexperimente in Ratten, mit [3H]Ro15-1788 als Tracer und TC07 als Kompetitor, ergaben, dass TC07 mehr [3H]Ro15-1788 im Vorderhirn als im Cerebellum verdrängt. Bezog man die regionale Verteilung der a5-Untereinheit des GABAA Rezep-tors im Rattenhirn mit ein – sehr wenige a5-Untereinheiten im Cerebellum, etwa 20 % der GABAA Rezeptor-Untereinheiten im Hippocampus – untermauerten diese Ergeb-nisse die Vermutung, TC07 könne a5-selektiv sein. Diese Daten bestätigten darü-berhinaus, dass TC07 die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren kann. Für elektrophysiologische Messungen mit TC07 und TC12 wurden die oben erwähnten transient transfizierten HEK293 Zellen verwendet, welche die GABAA Rezeptor Unte-reinheitenkombination a5b3g2 exprimierten. Das Dosis-Antwort Verhalten ergab keinen signifikanten Effekt für TC12. Die Daten von TC07 dagegen lassen auf einen schwach negativ modulatorischen Effekt schließen, was, zumindest theoretisch, die Möglichkeit eröffnet, TC07 auch als sogenannten cognitive enhancer einzusetzen. Der errechnete Ki-Wert lag in derselben Größenordnung wie der Ki-Wert, der anhand der Bindungsas-saydaten errechnet wurde. Insgesamt rechtfertigen die bisherigen Ergebnisse die radiochemische Markierung mit 18F von drei der sechs getesteten Verbindungen in der Reihenfolge TC07, TC12 und TC11. Des Weiteren wurde [18F]MHMZ, ein potentiell 5-HT2A selektiver Ligand und PET-Tracer einschließlich Vorläufer und Referenzverbindungen, mit hohen Ausbeuten syn-thetisiert (Herth, Debus et al. 2008). Autoradiographieexperimente mit Rattenhirn-schnitten zeigten hervorragende in situ Bindungseigenschaften der neuen Verbindung. Die Daten wiesen eine hohe Selektivität für 5-HT2A Rezeptoren in Verbindung mit einer niedrigen unspezifischen Bindung auf. [18F]MHMZ erfährt in vivo eine schnelle Metabo-lisierung, wobei ein polarer aktiver Metabolit entsteht, welcher vermutlich nicht die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren kann. Transversale, sagittale und coronale Kleintier-PET-Bilder des Rattenhirns zeigten eine hohe Anreicherung im frontalen Cortex und im Striatum, während im Cerebellum so gut wie keine Anreicherung festzustellen war. Diese Verteilung deckt sich mit der bekann-ten Verteilung der 5-HT2A Rezeptoren. Die in vivo Anreicherung scheint sich ebenfalls gut mit der Verteilung der in den Autoradiographieexperimenten gemessenen Bindung zu decken. Nach Berechnungen mit dem 4-Parameter Referenzgewebe Modell beträgt das Bindungspotential (BP) für den frontalen Cortex 1,45. Das Cortex zu Cerebellum Verhältnis wurde auf 2,7 nach 30 Minuten Messzeit bestimmt, was bemerkenswert nah an den von Lundkvist et al. für [11C]MDL 100907 publizierten Daten liegt. Abgesehen von der etwas niedrigeren Affinität waren die gemessenen in vitro, in situ und in vivo Daten denen von [3H]MDL 100907 und [11C]MDL 100907 sehr ähnlich, so dass wir ein [18F]Analogon in der Hand haben, das die bessere Selektivität von MDL 100907 verglichen mit Altanserin mit der längeren Halbwertszeit und den besse-ren Eigenschaften für die klinische Routine von 18F verglichen mit 11C verbindet. Die Ergebnisse von [18F]MHMZ rechtfertigenden weitere Experimente, um diesen Liganden für die klinische Routine am Menschen nutzbar zu machen.


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Zolpidem is a positive allosteric modulator of GABA(A) receptors with sensitivity to subunit composition. While it acts with high affinity and efficacy at GABA(A) receptors containing the alpha(1) subunit, it has a lower affinity to GABA(A) receptors containing alpha(2), alpha(3), or alpha(5) subunits and has a very weak efficacy at receptors containing the alpha(5) subunit. Here, we show that replacing histidine in position 105 in the alpha(5) subunit by cysteine strongly stimulates the effect of zolpidem in receptors containing the alpha(5) subunit. The side chain volume of the amino acid residue in this position does not correlate with the modulation by zolpidem. Interestingly, serine is not able to promote the potentiation by zolpidem. The homologous residues to alpha(5)H105 in alpha(1), alpha(2), and alpha(3) are well-known determinants of the action of classical benzodiazepines. Other studies have shown that replacement of these histidines alpha(1)H101, alpha(2)H101, and alpha(3)H126 by arginine, as naturally present in alpha(4) and alpha(6), leads to benzodiazepine insensitivity of these receptors. Thus, the nature of the amino acid residue in this position is not only crucial for the action of classical benzodiazepines but in alpha(5) containing receptors also for the action of zolpidem.


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In the COS7 cells transfected with cDNAs of the Kir6.2, SUR2A, and M1 muscarinic receptors, we activated the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel with a K+ channel opener and recorded the whole-cell KATP current. The KATP current was reversibly inhibited by the stimulation of the M1 receptor, which is linked to phospholipase C (PLC) by the Gq protein. The receptor-mediated inhibition was observed even when protein kinase C (PKC) was inhibited by H-7 or by chelating intracellular Ca2+ with 10 mM 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetate (BAPTA) included in the pipette solution. However, the receptor-mediated inhibition was blocked by U-73122, a PLC inhibitor. M1-receptor stimulation failed to inhibit the KATP current activated by the injection of exogenous phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) through the whole-cell patch pipette. The receptor-mediated inhibition became irreversible when the replenishment of PIP2 was blocked by wortmannin (an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol kinases), or by including adenosine 5′-[β,γ–imido]triphosphate (AMPPNP, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue) in the pipette solution. In inside-out patch experiments, the ATP sensitivity of the KATP channel was significantly higher when the M1 receptor in the patch membrane was stimulated by acetylcholine. The stimulatory effect of pinacidil was also attenuated under this condition. We postulate that stimulation of PLC-linked receptors inhibited the KATP channel by increasing the ATP sensitivity, not through PKC activation, but most probably through changing PIP2 levels.


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The 5-HT3 receptors are members of the cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels. Two functional subtypes are known, the homomeric 5HT3A and the heteromeric 5HT3A/B receptors, which exhibit distinct biophysical characteristics but are difficult to differentiate pharmacologically. Atomic force microscopy has been used to determine the stoichiometry and architecture of the heteromeric 5HT3A/B receptor. Each subunit was engineered to express a unique C-terminal epitope tag, together with six sequential histidine residues to facilitate nickel affinity purification. The 5-HT3 receptors, ectopically expressed in HEK293 cells, were solubilised, purified and decorated with antibodies to the subunit specific epitope tags. Imaging of individual receptors by atomic force microscopy revealed a pentameric arrangement of subunits in the order BBABA, reading anti-clockwise when viewed from the extracellular face. Homology models for the heteromeric receptor were then constructed using both the electron microscopic structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, from Torpedo marmorata, and the X-ray crystallographic structure of the soluble acetylcholine binding protein, from Lymnaea stagnalis, as templates. These homology models were used, together with equivalent models constructed for the homomeric receptor, to interpret mutagenesis experiments designed to explore the minimal recognition differences of both the natural agonist, 5-HT, and the competitive antagonist, granisetron, for the two human receptor subtypes. The results of this work revealed that the 5-HT3B subunit residues within the ligand binding site, for both the agonist and antagonist, are accommodating to conservative mutations. They are consistent with the view that the 5-HT3A subunit provides the principal and the 5-HT38 subunit the complementary recognition interactions at the binding interface.


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The modulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-related head-twitchbehaviour by antimigraine drugs and migraine triggers was examined inmice. The antimigraine drugs examined produced either inhibition or noeffect on 5-HT-related head-twitching. On the basis of these resultsit is suggested that 5-HT-related head-twitching is unlikely to beuseful in the preclinical screening and discovery of systemically-activeantimigraine agents. The migraine triggers examined, tyramineand beta-PEA initially produced a repeatable complex time-relatedeffect on 5-HT-related head-twitching, with both inhibition andpotentiation of this behaviour being observed, however, when furtherexamination of the effect of the migraine triggers on 5-HT-relatedhead-twitching was attempted some time later the effects seeninitially were no longer produced. The effect of (±)-1-<2, 5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane,((±)DOl), on on-going behaviour of mice and rats was examined. Shakingbehaviour was observed in both species. In mice, excessive scratchingbehaviour was also present. (±)DOl-induced scratching and shakingbehaviour were found to be differentially modulated by noradrenergicand serotonergic agents, however, the fact that both behaviours wereblocked by ritanserin (5-HT2/5-HT1c receptor antagonist) and inhibitedby FLA-63 (a dopamine-beta-oxidase inhibitor which depletesnoradrenaline), suggests the pathways mediating these behaviours mustbe convergent in some manner, and that both behaviours require intact5-HT receptors, probably 5-HT2 receptors, for their production. Ingeneral, the behavioural profile of (±)DOI was as expected for anagent which exhibits high affinity binding to 5-HT2/5-HT1c receptors.Little sign of the 5-HTl-related '5-HT syndrome' was seen in eithermice or rats. The effect of a variety of noradrenergic agents on head-twitchinginduced by a variety of shake-inducing agents was examined. A patternof modulatory effect was seen whereby the modulatory effect of thenoradrenergic agents on 5-hydroxytryptophan <5-HTP) (and in some cases, 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeODMT)) was found to be the opposite of that observed with quipazine and (±)DOI. The relationship between these effects, and their implications for understanding the pharmacology of centrally acting drugs is discussed.


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Computer graphic analyses on a broad spectrum of adenosine receptor ligands has shown that both the A1 and A2 adenosine receptors have three binding sites. The spatial relationship of these three binding sites has been defined. Adenosine orientation at A1 and A2 is different.