982 resultados para 250 Christian pastoral practice


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Does the current global political economic framework, or more specifically, the cost-price squeeze associated with primary production, restrict the choices of Australian cattle graziers in moving to more sustainable practices? It has often been argued by primary producers and academics, alike, that current terms of trade have resulted in reduced profitability at the property level, and as such, have made it difficult for landholders to shift to practices which are environmentally sustainable. Whilst there is mounting evidence that this is case, there is also evidence that some graziers have been able to adapt to the prevailing market conditions through an ideological as well as practice shift. Findings from qualitative research in Central Queensland, Australia has highlighted how cell grazing departs from the traditional or conventional aspects of grazing which can be described as productivist, to an approach closely approximating Lang and Heasmans (2004) ecologically integrated paradigm. It is argued that cell grazing is, at present, a marginal activity that requires an ideological and cultural shift, as well as an investment in new infrastructure, however, current cell grazing activities may also demonstrate that beef grazing has the potential to be both economically and environmentally sustainable.


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Background A brief intervention, conducted in the acute setting care setting after an alcohol-related injury, has been reported to be highly beneficial in reducing the risk of re-injury and in reducing subsequent level of alcohol consumption. This project aimed to understand Australasian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons' attitudes, knowledge and skills in terms of alcohol screening and brief intervention within acute settings for patients admitted with facial trauma. Materials and Methods A web-based survey was made available to all members (n=200-250) of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ANZAOMS), promoted through a number of email bulletins sent by the Association to all members. Implied consent is assumed for participants who complete the online survey. The survey explored their current level of involvement in treating patients with alcohol-relatd facial trauma, as well as their knowledge of and attitudes towards alcohol screening and brief intervention. The survey also explored their willingness for further training and involvement in implementing a SBI program. Parts of the survey were based on a hypothetical case with facial injury and drinking history which was presented to the participants and the participants were asked to give their response to this scenario. Results A total of 58 surgeons completed the on-line survey. 91% of surgeons surveyed were males and 88% were consultant surgeons. 71% would take alcohol history; 29% would deliver a brief alcohol intervention and 14% would refer the patients to an alcohol treatment service or clinician. 40% agreed to have adequate training in managing patients with alcohol-related injuries, while 17% and 19% felt they had adequate time and resources. 76% of surgeons reported the need for more information on where to refer patients for appropriate alcohol treatment. Conclusion The study findings confirm the challenges and barriers to implementing brief alcohol intervention in current practice. There are service gaps that exist, as well as opportunities for training.


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Chronic disease accounts for about 80 per cent of the total disease burden in Australia, and its management accounts for 70 per cent of all current health expenditure.1 Effective prevention and management of chronic disease requires a coordinated approach between primary health care, acute care services, and the patients.2 However, what is not clear is whether improvements in primary healthcare management can have a clear benefit in the cost of care of patients with chronic disease. We recently completed a pilot study in rural Western Australia to ascertain the feasibility of a coordinated general practice-based approach to managing chronic respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, and to determine the direct cost savings to the public insurer through reduction in avoidable hospital admission. The aim of this correspondence is to share our preliminary findings and encourage debate on how such a project may be scaled up or adapted to other primary healthcare settings.


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This article explores the theory/practice nexus in performance and considers a method for the transfer of theory in rehearsal and performance. In a 2011 production of Jean-Paul Sartres "No Exit", rehearsal, performance and post-performance exercises were devised to facilitate an understanding of Sartres existential concepts for audiences based on Sanford Meisners techniques. In this production, Sartres theory of the gaze was practiced by actors and audience members opening up new perspectives on the conflation of theory and practice in theatre productions.


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This paper outlines the expectations of a wide range of stakeholders for environmental assurance in the pastoral industries and agriculture generally. Stakeholders consulted were domestic consumers, rangeland graziers, members of environmental groups, companies within meat and wool supply chains, and agricultural industry, environmental and consumer groups. Most stakeholders were in favour of the application of environmental assurance to agriculture, although supply chains and consumers had less enthusiasm for this than environmental and consumer groups. General public good benefits were more important to environmental and consumer groups, while private benefits were more important to consumers and supply chains. The 'ideal' form of environmental assurance appears to be a management system that provides for continuous improvement in environmental, quality and food safety outcomes, combined with elements of ISO 14024 eco-labelling such as life-cycle assessment, environmental performance criteria, third-party certification, labelling and multi-stakeholder involvement. However, market failure prevents this from being implemented and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. In the short term, members of supply chains (the people that must implement and fund environmental assurance) want this to be kept simple and low cost, to be built into their existing industry standards and to add value to their businesses. As a starting point, several agricultural industry organisations favour the use of a basic management system, combining continuous improvement, risk assessment and industry best management practice programs, which can be built on over time to meet regulator, market and community expectations.


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The term jurisprudence is derived etymologically from the Latin juris, meaning law, and prudentia, meaning wisdom. So jurisprudence simply means the wisdom of the law, or, as it has come to mean in scholarly legal circles these days, the theory of law. It asks fundamental questions regarding the nature and definition of law. And so, the question I wish to pose to us today is what does a truly Christian theory of law look like? One that is faithful to, as taken from the conference brochure, the historic Christian faith in its principles and practice. To contextualise this question, I must give you a deceptively brief and superficial overview of prevailing theories of law and for those of you who know more about the topic, I apologise for the crass nature of my summary time prevents me from doing any more...


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The unknown future is a challenge to educators in preparing young people for life post school. While history can be said to repeat itself, the reality is that each generation is faced with new challenges and threats. Therefore, the challenge for contemporary schooling is to prepare students to live in a fast paced, complex world where threats such as terrorism, cyberbullying and depleted resources are juggled with high stakes testing and curriculum accountability. This presentation draws on the notion of a future of supercomplexity while critically examining current pastoral care delivery in schools to develop a new model of practice in preparing students for an unknown future.


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Resumen: El texto realiza una relectura del mtodo Ver-Juzgar-Actuar teniendo en cuenta el acercamiento biogrfico que ofrecen las ciencias sociales. Propone considerar que la Teologa Pastoral desarrolla as un discurso sobre la Iglesia, la Academia y la Plaza Pblica en el cruce que estos mbitos tienen en las mismas prcticas cristianas, dando lugar a una Teologa Inter Loci. Y describe el perfil teolgico emergente en dicha experiencia utilizando el marco de las inteligencias mltiples.


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Resumen: Sin pretender espiritualizar la teologa del padre Rafael Tello, este artculo ofrece algunas de las vertientes en las que abreva la espiritualidad de la pastoral popular de la que el telogo argentino es uno de sus ms originales representantes. Indagaremos en ciertos ncleos teologales y teolgicos que nos permitirn registrar una continuidad entre teologa y vida, al tiempo que nos dejarn en el umbral de una propuesta evangelizadora que no es posible comprender sin esta manera de vivir la fe cristiana. De la mano de figuras tradicionales de la mstica y de la teologa como san Juan de la Cruz y santo Toms de Aquino, el padre Tello nos propone recrear la vivencia del evangelio para los tiempos actuales.


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This dissertation explores the complexity of the understanding and practice of the Eucharist in the United Church of Christ as revealed in a textual analysis of the UCC Book of Worship (1986) and a qualitative study of five representative UCC congregations. Little has been written on this topic, save for several brief articles on the history of the theology of the sacrament in the two bodies that merged to form the UCC in 1957: the Congregational Christian Churches (CC) and the Evangelical and Reformed Church (E&R). This dissertation advances the topic through a practical-theological study that brings into critical conversation contemporary eucharistic practices in five congregations and a historical theological analysis of liturgical traditions in the UCC and antecedent denominations. Through this conversation, the study articulates common themes of a UCC eucharistic theology and explores implications for ongoing theology and practice in the denomination. The introduction explicates the methodology employed in this study, guided by Don Browning's work. The first two chapters present the findings of the focus group interviews and an interpretation of those results respectively. Chapter three analyzes the eucharistic liturgies in three historic books of worship used in the E&R heritage. In chapter four, two of the antecedent resources utilized in the CC tradition are analyzed. The short-lived Hymnal of the United Church of Christ, published in 1974, includes liturgies that would find fuller expression in the 1986 Book of Worship. That hymnal is examined in chapter five. Chapter six interprets the two services of "Word and Sacrament" found in the Book of Worship. Chapter seven offers a comparative analysis of the focus group findings and the theology inherent in the Book of Worship. The final chapter offers strategic recommendations for revised theory and practice. The conclusion points toward areas for further research: it propels a critical conversation around the notion of covenant, Christ's presence in the meal, and who can receive and officiate at the Eucharist. This dissertation concludes that the UCC lives within a balance of multiple, complementary theologies and challenges the denomination to make stronger connections between the meal and mission, reconciliation, and tradition.


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Practice can improve performance on visual search tasks; the neural mechanisms underlying such improvements, however, are not clear. Response time typically shortens with practice, but which components of the stimulus-response processing chain facilitate this behavioral change? Improved search performance could result from enhancements in various cognitive processing stages, including (1) sensory processing, (2) attentional allocation, (3) target discrimination, (4) motor-response preparation, and/or (5) response execution. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) as human participants completed a five-day visual-search protocol in which they reported the orientation of a color popout target within an array of ellipses. We assessed changes in behavioral performance and in ERP components associated with various stages of processing. After practice, response time decreased in all participants (while accuracy remained consistent), and electrophysiological measures revealed modulation of several ERP components. First, amplitudes of the early sensory-evoked N1 component at 150 ms increased bilaterally, indicating enhanced visual sensory processing of the array. Second, the negative-polarity posterior-contralateral component (N2pc, 170-250 ms) was earlier and larger, demonstrating enhanced attentional orienting. Third, the amplitude of the sustained posterior contralateral negativity component (SPCN, 300-400 ms) decreased, indicating facilitated target discrimination. Finally, faster motor-response preparation and execution were observed after practice, as indicated by latency changes in both the stimulus-locked and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs). These electrophysiological results delineate the functional plasticity in key mechanisms underlying visual search with high temporal resolution and illustrate how practice influences various cognitive and neural processing stages leading to enhanced behavioral performance.


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