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Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The identification of new cancer biomarkers is necessary to reduce the mortality rates through the development of new screening assays and early diagnosis, as well as new target therapies. In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of noncardia gastric neoplasias of individuals from Northern Brazil. The proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. For the identification of differentially expressed proteins, we used statistical tests with bootstrapping resampling to control the type I error in the multiple comparison analyses. We identified 111 proteins involved in gastric carcinogenesis. The computational analysis revealed several proteins involved in the energy production processes and reinforced the Warburg effect in gastric cancer. ENO1 and HSPB1 expression were further evaluated. ENO1 was selected due to its role in aerobic glycolysis that may contribute to the Warburg effect. Although we observed two up-regulated spots of ENO1 in the proteomic analysis, the mean expression of ENO1 was reduced in gastric tumors by western blot. However, mean ENO1 expression seems to increase in more invasive tumors. This lack of correlation between proteomic and western blot analyses may be due to the presence of other ENO1 spots that present a slightly reduced expression, but with a high impact in the mean protein expression. In neoplasias, HSPB1 is induced by cellular stress to protect cells against apoptosis. In the present study, HSPB1 presented an elevated protein and mRNA expression in a subset of gastric cancer samples. However, no association was observed between HSPB1 expression and clinicopathological characteristics. Here, we identified several possible biomarkers of gastric cancer in individuals from Northern Brazil. These biomarkers may be useful for the assessment of prognosis and stratification for therapy if validated in larger clinical study sets.


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Background: The high and increasing prevalence of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) represents a serious public health issue. Novel technologies have been used aiming to improve diagnosis and the therapeutic approach. In this context, speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) uses natural myocardial markers to analyze the systolic deformation of the left ventricle (LV). Objective: Measure the longitudinal transmural global strain (GS) of the LV through STE in patients with severe DCM, comparing the results with normal individuals and with echocardiographic parameters established for the analysis of LV systolic function, in order to validate the method in this population. Methods: Seventy-one patients with severe DCM (53 +/- 12 years, 72% men) and 20 controls (30 +/- 8 years, 45% men) were studied. The following variables were studied: LV volumes and ejection fraction calculated by two and three-dimensional echocardiography, Doppler parameters, Tissue Doppler Imaging systolic and diastolic LV velocities and GS obtained by STE. Results: Compared with controls, LV volumes were higher in the DCM group; however, LVEF and peak E-wave velocity were lower in the latter. The myocardial performance index was higher in the patient group. Tissue Doppler myocardial velocities (S', e', a') were significantly lower and E/e' ratio was higher in the DCM group. GS was decreased in the DCM group (-5.5% +/- 2.3%) when compared with controls (-14.0% +/- 1.8%). Conclusion: In this study, GS was significantly lower in patients with severe DCM, bringing new perspectives for therapeutic approaches in this specific population. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(3):834-842)


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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disease of the pulmonary vasculature characterized by vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling leading to a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). It is becoming increasingly recognized that it is the response of the right ventricle (RV) to the increased afterload resulting from this increase in PVR that is the most important determinant of patient outcome. A range of hemodynamic, structural, and functional measures associated with the RV have been found to have prognostic importance in PAH and, therefore, have potential value as parameters for the evaluation and follow-up of patients. If such measures are to be used clinically, there is a need for simple, reproducible, accurate, easy-to-use, and noninvasive methods to assess them. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is regarded as the "gold standard" method for assessment of the RV, the complex structure of which makes accurate assessment by 2-dimensional methods, such as echocardiography, challenging. However, the majority of data concerning the use of CMRI in PAH have come from studies evaluating a variety of different measures and using different techniques and protocols, and there is a clear need for the development of standardized methodology if CMRI is to be established in the routine assessment of patients with PAH. Should such standards be developed, it seems likely that CMRI will become an important method for the noninvasive assessment and monitoring of patients with PAH. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2012;110[suppl]:25S-31S)


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Background: The hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in numerous mechanisms highly relevant to the maintenance of body homeostasis, such as the control of food intake and energy expenditure. Impairment of these mechanisms has been associated with the metabolic disturbances involved in the pathogenesis of obesity. Since rodent species constitute important models for metabolism studies and the rat hypothalamus is poorly characterized by proteomic strategies, we performed experiments aimed at constructing a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) profile of rat hypothalamus proteins. Results: As a first step, we established the best conditions for tissue collection and protein extraction, quantification and separation. The extraction buffer composition selected for proteome characterization of rat hypothalamus was urea 7 M, thiourea 2 M, CHAPS 4%, Triton X-100 0.5%, followed by a precipitation step with chloroform/methanol. Two-dimensional (2-D) gels of hypothalamic extracts from four-month-old rats were analyzed; the protein spots were digested and identified by using tandem mass spectrometry and database query using the protein search engine MASCOT. Eighty-six hypothalamic proteins were identified, the majority of which were classified as participating in metabolic processes, consistent with the finding of a large number of proteins with catalytic activity. Genes encoding proteins identified in this study have been related to obesity development. Conclusion: The present results indicate that the 2-DE technique will be useful for nutritional studies focusing on hypothalamic proteins. The data presented herein will serve as a reference database for studies testing the effects of dietary manipulations on hypothalamic proteome. We trust that these experiments will lead to important knowledge on protein targets of nutritional variables potentially able to affect the complex central nervous system control of energy homeostasis.


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Introduction: This study aimed to describe the anatomy of mandibular premolars with type IX canal configuration by using micro–computed tomography. Methods: Mandibular premolars with radicular grooves (n = 105) were scanned, and 16 teeth with type IX configuration were selected. Number and location of canals, distances between anatomic landmarks, occurrence of apical delta, root canal fusion, and furcation canals, as well as 2-dimensional (area, perimeter, roundness, major and minor diameters) and 3-dimensional (volume, surface area, and structuremodel index) analysis were performed. Data were statistically compared by using analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis tests (a = 0.05). Results: Overall, specimens had 1 root with a main canal that divided into mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and lingual canals at the furcation level. Mean length of the teeth was 22.9 2.06 mm, and the configuration of the pulp chamber was mostly triangle-shaped. Mean distances from the furcation to the apex and cementoenamel junction were 9.14 2.07 and 5.59 2.19 mm, respectively. Apical delta, root canal fusion, and furcation canals were present in 4, 5, and 10 specimens, respectively. No statistical differences were found in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional analyses between root canals (P > .05). Conclusions: Type IX configuration of the root canal system was found in 16 of 105 mandibular premolars with radicular grooves. Most of the specimens had a triangle-shaped pulp chamber. Within this anatomic configuration, complexities of the root canal systems such as the presence of furcation canals, fusion of canals, oval-shaped canals in the apical third, small orifices at the pulp chamber level, and apical delta were also observed


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Das Verstaendnis der in der Atmosphaere stattfindendenOzonproduktions- und Ozonabbaumechanismen ist eines derwichtigsten Ziele der aktuellen Umweltforschung. Da Ozon inder Atmosphaere ausschliesslich durch photochemischeProzesse gebildet wird, ist die Kenntnis der aktinischenStrahlung eine grundlegende Voraussetzung fuer die Prognosevon Ozonkonzentrationen. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sichdaher mit der Modellierung der aktinischen Strahlung alsBasis zur Untersuchung photochemischer Prozesse. Dazu wurde eine Modellhierarchie entwickelt, welcheausgehend von der Berechnung der optischen Eigenschaften deratmosphaerischen Extingenten den Strahlungstransport in derAtmosphaere bestimmt. Dazu wurden verschiedeneStrahlungstransportmodelle verwendet, welche sich durch dieLoesungsmethode der Strahlungstransportgleichung und dieAnzahl der raeumlichen Dimensionen unterscheiden. Zur Ueberpruefung der entwickelten Modellhierarchie und zurUntersuchung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Extingentenauf das atmosphaerische Strahlungsfeld wurden zahlreicheSensitivitaetsstudien durchgefuehrt. Dabei zeigte sich, dasssich der Einfluss von Ozon fast ausschliesslich auf denAnteil der Strahlung mit Wellenlaengen kleiner 340 nmauswirkt. Bei der Untersuchung des Einflusses vonAerosolpartikeln und Wolkentropfen auf die aktinischeStrahlung wurde festgestellt, dass die chemischeZusammensetzung, das Vertikalprofil, die Groesse und dieGroessenverteilung der Partikel einen entscheidendenEinfluss nehmen. Eine Evaluierung des 1-dimensionalenStrahlungstransportmodells an Hand von Vergleichen mit denErgebnissen anderen Strahlungstransportmodelle undverschiedenen Messungen ergab, dass die entwickelteModellhierarchie sehr zuverlaessige Resultate liefert. Die Effekte durchbrochener Bewoelkung konnten mit einer2-dimensionalen Simulation untersucht werden. DieUntersuchungen zeigen, dass die haeufig durchgefuehrteapproximative Betrachtung von partieller Bewoelkung mit1-dimensionalen Strahlungstransportmodellen im Vergleich zuden Ergebnissen der 2-dimensionalen Simulation grosse Fehlerverursacht, da die Effekte an den seitlichen Wolkenraendernvon den 1-dimensionalen Strahlungstransportmodellen nichtberuecksichtigt werden koennen.


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Arrhythmia is one kind of cardiovascular diseases that give rise to the number of deaths and potentially yields immedicable danger. Arrhythmia is a life threatening condition originating from disorganized propagation of electrical signals in heart resulting in desynchronization among different chambers of the heart. Fundamentally, the synchronization process means that the phase relationship of electrical activities between the chambers remains coherent, maintaining a constant phase difference over time. If desynchronization occurs due to arrhythmia, the coherent phase relationship breaks down resulting in chaotic rhythm affecting the regular pumping mechanism of heart. This phenomenon was explored by using the phase space reconstruction technique which is a standard analysis technique of time series data generated from nonlinear dynamical system. In this project a novel index is presented for predicting the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. Analysis of continuously captured long-term ECG data recordings was conducted up to the onset of arrhythmia by the phase space reconstruction method, obtaining 2-dimensional images, analysed by the box counting method. The method was tested using the ECG data set of three different kinds including normal (NR), Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), extracted from the Physionet ECG database. Statistical measures like mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation (σ/μ) for the box-counting in phase space diagrams are derived for a sliding window of 10 beats of ECG signal. From the results of these statistical analyses, a threshold was derived as an upper bound of Coefficient of Variation (CV) for box-counting of ECG phase portraits which is capable of reliably predicting the impeding arrhythmia long before its actual occurrence. As future work of research, it was planned to validate this prediction tool over a wider population of patients affected by different kind of arrhythmia, like atrial fibrillation, bundle and brunch block, and set different thresholds for them, in order to confirm its clinical applicability.


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Durch globale Expressionsprofil-Analysen auf Transkriptom-, Proteom- oder Metabolom-Ebene können biotechnologische Produktionsprozesse besser verstanden und die Erkenntnisse für die zielgerichtete, rationale Optimierung von Expressionssystemen genutzt werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Überexpression einer Glukose-Dehydrogenase (EC, die von der Roche Diagnostics GmbH für die diagnostische Anwendung optimiert worden war, in Escherichia coli untersucht. Die Enzymvariante unterscheidet sich in sieben ihrer 455 Aminosäuren vom Wildtyp-Enzym und wird im sonst isogenen Wirt-/Vektor-System in signifikant geringeren Mengen (Faktor 5) gebildet. Das prokaryontische Expressionssystem wurde auf Proteom-Ebene charakterisiert. Die 2-dimensionale differenzielle Gelelektrophorese (DIGE) wurde zuvor unter statistischen Aspekten untersucht. Unter Berücksichtigung von technischen und biologischen Variationen, falsch-positiven (α-) und falsch-negativen (β-) Fehlern sowie einem daraus abgeleiteten Versuchsdesign konnten Expressionsunterschiede als signifikant quantifiziert werden, wenn sie um den Faktor ≥ 1,4 differierten. Durch eine Hauptkomponenten-Analyse wurde gezeigt, dass die DIGE-Technologie für die Expressionsprofil-Analyse des Modellsystems geeignet ist. Der Expressionsstamm für die Enzymvariante zeichnete sich durch eine höhere Variabilität an Enzymen für den Zuckerabbau und die Nukleinsäure-Synthese aus. Im Expressionssystem für das Wildtyp-Enzym wurde eine unerwartet erhöhte Plasmidkopienzahl nachgewiesen. Als potenzieller Engpass in der Expression der rekombinanten Glukose-Dehydrogenase wurde die Löslichkeitsvermittlung identifiziert. Im Expressionsstamm für das Wildtyp-Enzym wurden viele Proteine für die Biogenese der äußeren Membran verstärkt exprimiert. Als Folge dessen wurde ein sog. envelope stress ausgelöst und die Zellen gingen in die stationäre Wuchsphase über. Die Ergebnisse der Proteomanalyse wurden weiterführend dazu genutzt, die Produktionsleistung für die Enzymvariante zu verbessern. Durch den Austausch des Replikationsursprungs im Expressionsvektor wurde die Plasmidkopienzahl erhöht und die zelluläre Expressionsleistung für die diagnostisch interessantere Enzymvariante um Faktor 7 - 9 gesteigert. Um die Löslichkeitsvermittlung während der Expression zu verbessern, wurde die Plasmidkopienzahl gesenkt und die Coexpression von Chaperonen initiiert. Die Ausbeuten aktiver Glukose-Dehydrogenase wurden durch die Renaturierung inaktiven Produkts aus dem optimierten Expressionssystem insgesamt um einen Faktor von 4,5 erhöht. Somit führte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine proteombasierte Expressionsprofil-Analyse zur zielgerichteten, rationalen Expressionsoptimierung eines prokaryontischen Modellsystems.


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The Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz analysis is carried out for the extended-CP^N class of integrable 2-dimensional Non-Linear Sigma Models related to the low energy limit of the AdS_4xCP^3 type IIA superstring theory. The principal aim of this program is to obtain further non-perturbative consistency check to the S-matrix proposed to describe the scattering processes between the fundamental excitations of the theory by analyzing the structure of the Renormalization Group flow. As a noteworthy byproduct we eventually obtain a novel class of TBA models which fits in the known classification but with several important differences. The TBA framework allows the evaluation of some exact quantities related to the conformal UV limit of the model: effective central charge, conformal dimension of the perturbing operator and field content of the underlying CFT. The knowledge of this physical quantities has led to the possibility of conjecturing a perturbed CFT realization of the integrable models in terms of coset Kac-Moody CFT. The set of numerical tools and programs developed ad hoc to solve the problem at hand is also discussed in some detail with references to the code.


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To migrate efficiently through the interstitium, dendritic cells (DCs) constantly adapt their shape to the given structure of the extracellular matrix and follow the path of least resistance. It is known that this amoeboid migration of DCs requires Cdc42, yet the upstream regulators critical for localization and activation of Cdc42 remain to be determined. Mutations of DOCK8, a member of the atypical guanine nucleotide exchange factor family, causes combined immunodeficiency in humans. In the present study, we show that DOCK8 is a Cdc42-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is critical for interstitial DC migration. By generating the knockout mice, we found that in the absence of DOCK8, DCs failed to accumulate in the lymph node parenchyma for T-cell priming. Although DOCK8-deficient DCs migrated normally on 2-dimensional surfaces, DOCK8 was required for DCs to crawl within 3-dimensional fibrillar networks and to transmigrate through the subcapsular sinus floor. This function of DOCK8 depended on the DHR-2 domain mediating Cdc42 activation. DOCK8 deficiency did not affect global Cdc42 activity. However, Cdc42 activation at the leading edge membrane was impaired in DOCK8-deficient DCs, resulting in a severe defect in amoeboid polarization and migration. Therefore, DOCK8 regulates interstitial DC migration by controlling Cdc42 activity spatially.


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Whether or not there are molecular differences, at the intra- and extracellular level, between aortic dilatation in patients with bicuspid (BAV) and those with a tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) has remained controversial for years. We have performed 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry coupled with dephosphorylation and phosphostaining experiments to reveal and define protein alterations and the high abundant structural phosphoproteins in BAV compared to TAV aortic aneurysm samples. 2-D gel patterns showed a high correlation in protein expression between BAV and TAV specimens (n=10). Few proteins showed significant differences, among those a phosphorylated form of heat shock protein (HSP) 27 with significantly lower expression in BAV compared to TAV aortic samples (p=0.02). The phosphoprotein tracing revealed four different phosphoproteins including Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor 1, calponin 3, myosin regulatory light chain 2 and four differentially phosphorylated forms of HSP27. Levels of total HSP27 and dually phosphorylated HSP27 (S78/S82) were investigated in an extended patient cohort (n=15) using ELISA. Total HSP27 was significantly lower in BAV compared to TAV patients (p=0.03), with no correlation in levels of phospho-HSP27 (S78/S82) (p=0.4). Western blots analysis showed a trend towards lower levels of phospho-HSP27 (S78) in BAV patients (p=0.07). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that differences in HSP27 occur in the cytoplasma of VSMC's and not extracellularly. Alterations in HSP27 may give early evidence for intracellular differences in aortic aneurysm of patients with BAV and TAV. Whether HSP27 and the defined phosphoproteins have a specific role in BAV associated aortic dilatation remains to be elucidated.


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Proteomics describes, analogous to the term genomics, the study of the complete set of proteins present in a cell, organ, or organism at a given time. The genome tells us what could theoretically happen, whereas the proteome tells us what does happen. Therefore, a genomic-centered view of biologic processes is incomplete and does not describe what happens at the protein level. Proteomics is a relatively new methodology and is rapidly changing because of extensive advances in the underlying techniques. The core technologies of proteomics are 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry. Proteomic approaches might help to close the gap between traditional pathophysiologic and more recent genomic studies, assisting our basic understanding of cardiovascular disease. The application of proteomics in cardiovascular medicine holds great promise. The analysis of tissue and plasma/serum specimens has the potential to provide unique information on the patient. Proteomics might therefore influence daily clinical practice, providing tools for diagnosis, defining the disease state, assessing of individual risk profiles, examining and/or screening of healthy relatives of patients, monitoring the course of the disease, determining the outcome, and setting up individual therapeutic strategies. Currently available clinical applications of proteomics are limited and focus mainly on cardiovascular biomarkers of chronic heart failure and myocardial ischemia. Larger clinical studies are required to test whether proteomics may have promising applications for clinical medicine. Cardiovascular surgeons should be aware of this increasingly pertinent and challenging field of science.


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OBJECTIVE: Dynamic ventilation (3)He-MRI is a new method to assess pulmonary gas inflow. As differing airway diameters throughout the ventilatory cycle can influence gas inflow this study intends to investigate the influence of volume and timing of a He gas bolus with respect to the beginning of the tidal volume on inspiratory gas distribution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An ultrafast 2-dimensional spoiled gradient echo sequence (temporal resolution 100 milliseconds) was used for dynamic ventilation (3)He-MRI of 11 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs. The applied (3)He gas bolus was varied in volume between 100 and 200 mL. A 150-mL bolus was varied in its application time after the beginning of the tidal volume between 0 and 1200 milliseconds. Signal kinetics were evaluated using an in-house developed software after definition of parameters for the quantitative description of (3)He gas inflow. RESULTS: The signal rise time (time interval between signal in the parenchyma reaches 10% and 90% of its maximum) was prolonged with increasing bolus volume. The parameter was shortened with increasing delay of (3)He application after the beginning of the tidal volume. Timing variation as well as volume variation showed no clear interrelation to the signal delay time 10 (time interval between signal in the trachea reaches 50% of its maximum and signal in the parenchyma reaches 10% of its maximum). CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic ventilation (3)He-MRI is able to detect differences in bolus geometry performed by volume variation. Pulmonary gas inflow as investigated by dynamic ventilation (3)He-MRI tends to be accelerated by an increasing application delay of a (3)He gas bolus after the beginning of the tidal volume.


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The report explores the problem of detecting complex point target models in a MIMO radar system. A complex point target is a mathematical and statistical model for a radar target that is not resolved in space, but exhibits varying complex reflectivity across the different bistatic view angles. The complex reflectivity can be modeled as a complex stochastic process whose index set is the set of all the bistatic view angles, and the parameters of the stochastic process follow from an analysis of a target model comprising a number of ideal point scatterers randomly located within some radius of the targets center of mass. The proposed complex point targets may be applicable to statistical inference in multistatic or MIMO radar system. Six different target models are summarized here – three 2-dimensional (Gaussian, Uniform Square, and Uniform Circle) and three 3-dimensional (Gaussian, Uniform Cube, and Uniform Sphere). They are assumed to have different distributions on the location of the point scatterers within the target. We develop data models for the received signals from such targets in the MIMO radar system with distributed assets and partially correlated signals, and consider the resulting detection problem which reduces to the familiar Gauss-Gauss detection problem. We illustrate that the target parameter and transmit signal have an influence on the detector performance through target extent and the SNR respectively. A series of the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves are generated to notice the impact on the detector for varying SNR. Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence is applied to obtain the approximate mean difference between density functions the scatterers assume inside the target models to show the change in the performance of the detector with target extent of the point scatterers.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate fracture patterns in bicondylar tibial plateau fractures and their impact on treatment strategy. DESIGN: Prospective data analysis with documentation of initial injury and treatment strategy, computed tomography scans, conventional x-rays, long-term evaluation of radiographs, and functional assessments. SETTING: Level 1 regional trauma center. PATIENTS: Prospective data acquisition of 14 consecutive patients (10 male and 4 female) with a bicondylar tibial plateau fracture (AO Type C). INTERVENTION: Application of a stepwise reconstruction strategy of the tibial plateau starting with the reposition and fixation of the posteromedial split fragment using a 3.5 buttress plate, followed by reposition and grafting of the lateral compartment and lateral fixation with a 3.5 plate in 90 degree to the medial fixation device. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: All patients were evaluated with full-length standing film, standardized x-rays, Lysholm score for functional assessment, and patient's self-appraisal. RESULTS: Most of the complex bicondylar fractures follow a regular pattern in that the medial compartment is split in a mediolateral direction with a posteromedial main fragment, combined with various amounts of multifragmental lateral compartment depression. The technique introduced allows for accurate and stable reduction and fixation of this fracture type. The final Lysholm knee score showed an average of 83.5 points (range: 64.5-92). CONCLUSIONS: Complex bicondylar tibial plateau fractures follow a regular pattern, which is not represented in existing 2-dimensional fracture classifications. A 2-incision technique starting with the reduction of the posteromedial edge results in accurate fracture reduction with low complication rates and excellent knee function.