990 resultados para 150-250 µm


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Durante el cielo agrícola 1987-1988, se llevó a cabo un experimento En la finca el plantel del ISCA, en suelo de la serie, Zambrano, utilizando un diseño de parcelas divididas con cuatro réplicas para determinar la in fluencia de los niveles y el fraccionamiento del nitrógeno sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo del maíz. Se estudiaron 4 niveles de nitrógeno: 60, 90, 120, y 150 kg/ha y 4 formas de fraccionamiento: 50% del N en la siembra y 50% a los 33 días; 25% del N en la siembra, 50% a los 30 días y 250% en la floración; 25% del N en la siembra, 25% a los 30 días y 50% en la floración; 50% del N en la siembra y 50% en la floración. El nitrógeno influyo significativamente en el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo del maíz. Los niveles de 150kg/ha de nitrógeno favorecieron la obtención de altos rendimientos de grano. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el rendimiento para las diferentes formas de fraccionamiento del nitrógeno.


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En el lote de terreno llamado, Sta. Rosa, de la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Calera, del M.A.G. se sembró de "primera" en 1965 un ensayo para determinar el efecto, sobre el rendimiento de grano y otros caracteres del maíz, de 6 niveles de fertilización nitrogenada. Los tratamientos probados fueron: 0-0-0, 50-100-50, 100-100-50, 150-100-50, 200-100-50,250-100-50 y 300-100-50 libras por manzana de nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio respectivamente. Estos tratamientos fueron aplicados en forma de un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con 4 repeticiones. Las fuentes de elementos fertilizantes fueron el Sulfato de Amonio, Triplesuperfosfato y Muriato de Potasio. El nitrógeno fue aplicado en forma dividida en los niveles de 150 a 300 lbs/Mz. y los otros tratamientos fueron aplicados al momento de la siembra. El maíz fue el híbrido doble Rocamex H-503. Durante el ciclo de desarrollo del maíz se praticaron el control de malezas e insectos nocivos para una buena cosecha. La cantidad y distribución del agua de lluvia sin embargo fue tan deficiente que fue necesario dar 2 riegos, uno al momento de la floración y otro 10 días después. No fue posible determinar visualmente, durante el desarrollo de las plantas del maíz, efecto sobre el color, vigor y altura de las plantas, en los diferentes niveles de nitrógeno aplicados al suelo. Los caracteres medidos al momento de la cosecha fueron: altura de planta y de inserción de la mazorca, grosor del tallo, tamaño de la mazorca, porcentaje de humedad del grano y rendimiento de grano. Las diferencias aparentes encontradas en estos caracteres fueron estadísticamente significantes solo para la altura de inserción de mazorca, grosor del tallo y tamaño de mazorca. El rendimiento de grano no fue afectado significativamente en este ensayo, atribuyéndose esta falla principalmente a la deficiencia de humedad. Aunque las tendencias de respuestas de los caracteres medidos en este ensayo indicaron un efecto ascendente y correspondencia con el aumento de los niveles de nitrógeno, la falta de significación estadística para las diferencias en el rendimiento de grano no permiten concluir sobre este particular en base a este experimento.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada y la densidad de siembra sobre la producción de biomasa y la composición química del Marango (Moringa oleífera) en 1 corte a 90 días en periodo de establecimiento, en suelo arcilloso de Juigalpa, Chontales. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en la hacienda «San Esteban", localizada geográficamente a 12°07'26.80" latitud Norte y 85°27'13.93" longitud Oeste, municipio de Juigalpa, Chontales, de agosto a diciembre 201O. El diseño experimental usado fue un bifactorial con 3 niveles de fertilización nitrogenada (TI-O kg N ha'1,T2-100 kg N ha'1 y T3-150 kg N ha'1),como factor principal y 2 densidades de siembra (Dl-200,000 plantas ha·1 y D2-250,000 plantas ha'1), como factor secundario en bloques completos al azar con arreglo de parcelas divididas usando los niveles de fertilización nitrogenada como parcela principal y las densidades de siembra como sub parcela. Se realizó análisis de varianza y comparación de media con la prueba de Tukey, utilizando el Software Statical Analisys System versión 8, 2001. La fertilización nitrogenada mostró efectos significativos (p<0.05) sobre: altura de planta, diámetro de copa, emergencia de plántula, rendimiento de biomasa fresca y seca: total, fracción fina y fracción gruesa de Moringa oleífera, siendo menor en T1 y superior en T3, que no mostró diferencias estadísticas con T2; la densidad de siembra no mostró efectos significativos (p<0.05) en dichas variables, aunque numéricamente los valores superiores los mostró DI. En las variables de composición química, mostraron efectos significativos tanto fertilización nitrogenada como densidad de siembra, el contenido de materia seca mostró valores similares tanto en fertilización nitrogenada como en densidad de siembra; los contenidos de cenizas y proteína cruda mostraron menores valores en dosis de fertilización nitrogenada de l00 y 150 kg N ha·1 con respecto al tratamiento de O kg N ha·1 y en la densidad menor correspondiente a 200,000 plantas ha'1; los contenidos de fibra detergente neutro y fibra detergente ácida mostraron superior valor en dosis mayores de nitrógeno y en la densidad menor.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.


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Os líderes da Campanha Nacional de Coleta de Assinaturas para as Emendas Populares fizeram um primeiro balanço do movimento e acreditam ser possível a entrega de quarenta emendas. O representante dos líderes disse que a última esperança da sociedade brasileira na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) são as emendas populares. Constituintes discutem a primeira emenda popular, que propõe a educação religiosa no ensino de 1º e 2º graus. O Deputado Roberto Freire (PCB-PE) acredita que, para haver liberdade religiosa, é necessário que não haja obrigatoriedade de ensino religioso nas escolas. A Deputada Sandra Cavalcanti (PFL-RJ) relata que a proposta apenas solicita que conste no currículo escolar do aluno o ensino religioso. O Deputado Manoel Moreira (PMDB-SP) acredita que, da forma como está redigida, a proposta garante a oficialidade da religião católica com o Estado, significando um retrocesso. Os constituintes devem apresentar pelo menos trinta mil emendas até o dia 13 de agosto. Servidora da Secretaria Geral da Mesa diz que todos irão trabalhar muito para entregar o serviço a tempo. Cada emenda está sendo separada por assunto. Funcionário da Secretaria Geral da Mesa explica que foi elaborado um gráfico para facilitar o trabalho. O Senador Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP) conta que, por experiência, sabe que muitas emendas são repetitivas. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) vê o número elevado de emendas como um desabafo do Constituinte.


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O Deputado Virgílio Guimarães (PT-MG) propõe que a nova Constituição seja referendada pelo voto popular. A Mesa da Constituinte decidirá se envia o projeto ao Plenário. O Deputado Alceni Guerra (PFL-PR) quer plebiscitos parciais, por temas. O Deputado Henrique Córdova (PDS-SC) acha que o voto popular deve abranger a totalidade da Constituição e deve ser precedido de uma ampla campanha de esclarecimento. Armando Rollemberg, Presidente da FENAJ, pede aos brasileiros a participação nas emendas populares em favor da democratização dos meios de comunicação. A CUT e a CGT decidem entregar emendas populares no dia doze de agosto, mesma data marcada também para a greve geral. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadã gostaria de saber como está a questão da educação na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Deputado Joaci Góes (PMDB-BA) responde que a educação está sendo prioridade para os constituintes e acredita que vai haver uma importante dotação de verbas para este setor, mas diz que o mais importante é estabelecer como essas verbas serão aplicadas. Outra cidadã gostaria de saber o que será feito pelos aposentados. O Deputado Lélio de Souza (PMDB-RS) responde que, na nova Constituição, há um dispositivo estabelecendo que nenhum benefício de prestação continuada poderá ser inferior ao salário mínimo.


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Executive Summary: This study describes the socio-economic characteristics of the U.S. Caribbean trap fishery that encompasses the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands. In-person interviews were administered to one hundred randomly selected trap fishermen, constituting nearly 25% of the estimated population. The sample was stratified by geographic area and trap tier. The number of traps owned or fished to qualify for a given tier varied by island. In Puerto Rico, tier I consisted of fishermen who had between 1-40 fish traps, tier II was made up of fishermen who possessed between 41 and 100 fish traps, and tier III consisted of fishermen who held in excess of 100 fish traps. In St. Thomas and St. John, tier I was composed of fishermen who held between 1 and 50 fish traps, tier II consisted of fishermen who had between 51-150 fish traps and tier III was made up of fishermen who had in excess of 150 fish traps. Lastly, in St. Croix, tier I was made up of fishermen who had less than 20 fish traps and tier II consisted of fishermen who had 20 or more fish traps. The survey elicited information on household demographics, annual catch and revenue, trap usage, capital investment on vessels and equipment, fixed and variable costs, behavioral response to a hypothetical trap reduction program and the spatial distribution of traps. The study found that 79% of the sampled population was 40 years or older. The typical Crucian trap fisherman was older than their Puerto Rican and St. Thomian and St. Johnian counterparts. Crucian fishermen’s average age was 57 years whereas Puerto Rican fishermen’s average age was 51 years, and St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen’s average age was 48 years. As a group, St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen had 25 years of fishing experience, and Puerto Rican and Crucian fishermen had 30, and 29 years, respectively. Overall, 90% of the households had at least one dependent. The average number of dependents across islands was even, ranging between 2.8 in the district of St. Thomas and St. John and 3.4 in the district of St. Croix. The percentage utilization of catch for personal or family use was relatively low. Regionally, percentage use of catch for personal or family uses ranged from 2.5% in St. Croix to 3.8% in the St. Thomas and St. John. About 47% of the respondents had a high school degree. The majority of the respondents were highly dependent on commercial fishing for their household income. In St. Croix, commercial fishing made up 83% of the fishermen’s total household income, whereas in St. Thomas and St. John and Puerto Rico it contributed 74% and 68%, respectively. The contribution of fish traps to commercial fishing income ranged from 51% in the lowest trap tier in St. Thomas and St. John to 99% in the highest trap tier in St. Croix. On an island basis, the contribution of fish traps to fishing income was 75% in St. Croix, 61% in St. Thomas and St. John, and 59% in Puerto Rico. The value of fully rigged vessels ranged from $400 to $250,000. Over half of the fleet was worth $10,000 or less. The St. Thomas and St. John fleet reported the highest mean value, averaging $58,518. The Crucian and Puerto Rican fleets were considerably less valuable, averaging $19,831 and $8,652, respectively. The length of the vessels ranged from 14 to 40 feet. Fifty-nine percent of the sampled vessels were at least 23 feet in length. The average length of the St. Thomas and St. John fleet was 28 feet, whereas the fleets based in St. Croix and Puerto Rico averaged 21 feet. The engine’s propulsion ranged from 8 to 400 horsepower (hp). The mean engine power was 208 hp in St. Thomas and St. John, 108 hp in St. Croix, and 77 hp in Puerto Rico. Mechanical trap haulers and depth recorders were the most commonly used on-board equipment. About 55% of the sampled population reported owning mechanical trap haulers. In St. Thomas and St. John, 100% of the respondents had trap haulers compared to 52% in Puerto Rico and 20% in St. Croix. Forty-seven percent of the fishermen surveyed stated having depth recorders. Depth recorders were most common in the St. Thomas and St. John fleet (80%) and least common in the Puerto Rican fleet (37%). The limited presence of emergency position indication radio beacons (EPIRBS) and radar was the norm among the fish trap fleet. Only 8% of the respondents had EPIRBS and only 1% had radar. Interviewees stated that they fished between 1 and 350 fish traps. Puerto Rican respondents fished on average 39 fish traps, in contrast to St. Thomian and St. Johnian and Crucian respondents, who fished 94 and 27 fish traps, respectively. On average, Puerto Rican respondents fished 11 lobster traps, and St. Thomian and St. Johnian respondents fished 46 lobster traps. None of the Crucian respondents fished lobster traps. The number of fish traps built or purchased ranged between 0 and 175, and the number of lobster traps built or bought ranged between 0 and 200. Puerto Rican fishermen on average built or purchased 30 fish traps and 14 lobster traps, and St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen built or bought 30 fish traps and 11 lobster traps. Crucian fishermen built or bought 25 fish traps and no lobster traps. As a group, fish trap average life ranged between 1.3 and 5 years, and lobster traps lasted slightly longer, between 1.5 and 6 years. The study found that the chevron or arrowhead style was the most common trap design. Puerto Rican fishermen owned an average of 20 arrowhead traps. St. Thomian and St. Johnian and Crucian fishermen owned an average of 44 and 15 arrowhead fish traps, respectively. The second most popular trap design was the square trap style. Puerto Rican fishermen had an average of 9 square traps, whereas St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen had 33 traps and Crucian fishermen had 2 traps. Antillean Z (or S) -traps, rectangular and star traps were also used. Although Z (or S) -traps are considered the most productive trap design, fishermen prefer the smaller-sized arrowhead and square traps because they are easier and less expensive to build, and larger numbers of them can be safely deployed. The cost of a fish trap, complete with rope and buoys, varied significantly due to the wide range of construction materials utilized. On average, arrowhead traps commanded $94 in Puerto Rico, $251 in St. Thomas and St. John, and $119 in St. Croix. The number of trips per week ranged between 1 and 6. However, 72% of the respondents mentioned that they took two trips per week. On average, Puerto Rican fishermen took 2.1 trips per week, St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen took 1.4 trips per week, and Crucian fishermen took 2.5 trips per week. Most fishing trips started at dawn and finished early in the afternoon. Over 82% of the trips lasted 8 hours or less. On average, Puerto Rican fishermen hauled 27 fish traps per trip whereas St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen and Crucian fishermen hauled 68 and 26 fish traps per trip, respectively. The number of traps per string and soak time varied considerably across islands. In St. Croix, 84% of the respondents had a single trap per line, whereas in St. Thomas and St. John only 10% of the respondents had a single trap per line. Approximately, 43% of Puerto Rican fishermen used a single trap line. St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen soaked their traps for 6.9 days while Puerto Rican and Crucian fishermen soaked their traps for 5.7 and 3.6 days, respectively. The heterogeneity of the industry was also evidenced by the various economic surpluses generated. The survey illustrated that higher gross revenues did not necessarily translate into higher net revenues. Our analysis also showed that, on average, vessels in the trap fishery were able to cover their cash outlays, resulting in positive vessel income (i.e., financial profits). In Puerto Rico, annual financial profits ranged from $4,760 in the lowest trap tier to $32,467 in the highest tier, whereas in St. Thomas and St. John annual financial profits ranged from $3,744 in the lowest tier to $13,652 in the highest tier. In St. Croix, annual financial profits ranged between $9,229 and $15,781. The survey also showed that economic profits varied significantly across tiers. Economic profits measure residual income after deducting the remuneration required to keep the various factors of production in their existing employment. In Puerto Rico, annual economic profits ranged from ($9,339) in the lowest trap tier to $ 8,711 in the highest trap tier. In St. Thomas and St. John, annual economic profits ranged from ($7,920) in the highest tier to ($18,486) in the second highest tier. In St. Croix, annual economic profits ranged between ($7,453) to $10,674. The presence of positive financial profits and negative economic profits suggests that higher economic returns could be earned from a societal perspective by redirecting some of these scarce capital and human resources elsewhere in the economy. Furthermore, the presence of negative economic earnings is evidence that the fishery is overcapitalized and that steps need to be taken to ensure the long-run economic viability of the industry. The presence of positive financial returns provides managers with a window of opportunity to adopt policies that will strengthen the biological and economic performance of the fishery while minimizing any adverse impacts on local fishing communities. Finally, the document concludes by detailing how the costs and earnings information could be used to develop economic models that evaluate management proposals. (PDF contains 147 pages)


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Traz o texto atualizado da lei que regulamenta os direitos dos trabalhadores domésticos, Lei Complementar nº 150, de 1º de junho de 2015.


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Recently, the size dependence of mechanical behaviors, particularly the yield strength and plastic deformation mode, of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) has created a great deal of interest. Contradicting conclusions have been drawn by different research groups, based on various experiments on different BMG systems. Based on in situ compression transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments on Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (Vit 1) nanopillars, this paper provides strong evidence that shear banding still prevails at specimen length scales as small as 150 nm in diameter. This is supported by in situ and ex situ images of shear bands, and by the carefully recorded displacement bursts under load control its well as load drops under displacement control. Finite element modeling of the stress state within the pillar shows that the unavoidable geometry constraints accompanying such experiments impart a strong effect on the experimental results, including non-uniform stress distributions and high level hydrostatic pressures. The seemingly improved compressive ductility is believed to be due to such geometry constraints. Observations underscore the notion that the mechanical behavior of metallic glasses, including strength and plastic deformation mode, is size independent at least in Vit 1. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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250 years ago, in Hamburg a herring polar migration theory was published as part of the "Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Straße Davis" from the literary remains of the mayor Dr. Johann Anderson. Based on various sources and capable to answer to the herring questions of the time, this one-stock-migration theory became international hypothesis during the following tenth of years. It still is classified as remarkable because some actual ideas on herring migration were thought already 250 years ago. Abstract DE: In Hamburg wurde vor 250 Jahren eine Polarstamm-Theorie zur Heringswanderung als Teil der Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis aus dem Nachlass des Bürgermeisters Dr. Johann Anderson veröffentlicht. Aufbauend auf unterschiedliche Quellen und in der Lage, die damaligen Fragen um den Hering zu beantworten, wurde diese Ein-Stamm-Theorie zur heringswanderung über Jahrzehnte internationale Lehrmeinung. Sie wird auch heute noch als bemerkenswert eingestuft. Denn sie enthielt vor 250 Jahren schon Gedankengänge, die noch aktuell sind.


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Levofloxacino é uma fluorquinolona sintética de 3 geração. É eficaz contra uma variedade de infecções, incluindo o trato respiratório superior e inferior, trato urinário, obstétrico, ginecológico, e infecções dermatológicas. Com o objetivo de quantificar o levofloxacino em medicamentos e amostras de pacientes saudáveis e ter a resolução de seu espectro, foram realizados estudos preliminares em medicamento utilizando espectrofluorescência molecular com concentrações na faixa de 28,8 108 ng/mL e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) na faixa de concentração de 2,9 10,8 g/mL; e também quantificação em urina de paciente em tratamento com o medicamento, usando os dois métodos citados. Após isso, foram feitos estudos conclusivos utilizando espectrofluorescência molecular e os métodos univariado e PLS para determinação de levofloxacino na faixa de concentração de 0 250 ng/mL e PARAFAC combinado com o método da adição de padrão, para quantificação de levofloxacino em urina de paciente saudável, na faixa de concentração de 0 150 ng/mL, com diluição da amostra em três níveis (100 x, 500 x e 1000x). O método de ordem zero se mostrou mais eficiente na determinação de levofloxacino em medicamento que o de primeira ordem, seus desvios padrão foram 2,0% e 7,9%, respectivamente. Já o PARAFAC com o método de adição de padrão apresentou melhores resultados com a urina, pois possibilitou a quantificação do antibiótico em uma amostra complexa, de forma mais precisa e exata com o aumento da diluição da urina, sem necessidade de tratamento prévio.


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The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal is a man-made waterway connecting the upper Chesapeake Bay with the Delaware Bay. It started in 1829 as a private barge canal with locks, two at the Delaware end, and one at the Chesapeake end. For the most part, natural tidal and non-tidal waterways were connected by short dredged sections to form the original canal. In 1927, the C and D Canal was converted to a sea-level canal, with a controlling depth of 14 feet, and a width of 150 feet. In 1938 the canal was deepened to 27 feet, with a channel width of 250 feet. Channel side slopes were dredged at 2.5:1, thus making the total width of the waterway at least 385 feet in those segments representing new cuts or having shore spoil area dykes rising above sea level. In 1954 Congress authorized a further enlargement of the Canal to a depth of 35 feet and a channel width of 450 feet. (pdf contains 27 pages)


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Electric dipole internal conversion has been experimentally studied for several nuclei in the rare earth region. Anomalies in the conversion process have been interpreted in terms of nuclear structure effects. It was found that all the experimental results could be interpreted in terms of the j ∙ r type of penetration matrix element; the j ∙ ∇ type of penetration matrix element was not important. The ratio λ of the El j ∙ r penetration matrix element to the El gamma-ray matrix element was determined from the experiments to be:

Lu175,396 keV, λ = - 1000 ± 100;

282 keV, λ = 500 ± 100;

144 keV, λ = 500 ± 250;

Hf177, 321 keV λ = - 1400 ± 200;

208 keV λ = - 90 ± 40;

72 keV |λ| ≤ 650;

Gd155, 86 keV λ = - 150 ± 100;

Tm169, 63 keV λ = - 100 ± 100;

W182, 152 keV, λ = - 160 ±80;

67 keV, λ = - 100 ± 100.

Predictions for λ are made using the unified nuclear model.