998 resultados para >1 mm


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Based on materials on geomorphology, hydrology, lithology, and sedimentation dynamics obtained during cruises of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in the Barents Sea, the author prepared a number of charts on content of the main particle size facies in shelf surface sediments, as well as a chart of lithologic types of sediments in the Barents Sea. Factors of sedimentation control and basic features of distribution of sedimentary material over its bottom area are taken into consideration.


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The location of the seaward tip of a subduction thrust controls material transfer at convergent plate margins, and hence global mass balances. At approximately half of those margins, the material of the subducting plate is completely underthrust so that no accretion or even subduction erosion takes place. Along the remaining margins, material is scraped off the subducting plate and added to the upper plate by frontal accretion. We here examine the physical properties of subducting sediments off Costa Rica and Nankai, type examples for an erosional and an accretionary margin, to investigate which parameters control the level where the frontal thrust cuts into the incoming sediment pile. A series of rotary-shear experiments to measure the frictional strength of the various lithologies entering the two subduction zones were carried out. Results include the following findings: (1) At Costa Rica, clay-rich strata at the top of the incoming succession have the lowest strength (µres = 0.19) while underlying calcareous ooze, chalk and diatomite are strong (up to µres = 0.43; µpeak = 0.56). Hence the entire sediment package is underthrust. (2) Off Japan, clay-rich deposits within the lower Shikoku Basin inventory are weakest (µres = 0.13-0.19) and favour the frontal proto-thrust to migrate into one particular horizon between sandy, competent turbidites below and ash-bearing mud above. (3) Taking in situ data and earlier geotechnical testing into account, it is suggested that mineralogical composition rather than pore-pressure defines the position of the frontal thrust, which locates in the weakest, clay mineral-rich (up to 85 wt.%) materials. (4) Smectite, the dominant clay mineral phase at either margin, shows rate strengthening and stable sliding in the frontal 50 km of the subduction thrust (0.0001-0.1 mm/s, 0.5-25 MPa effective normal stress). (5) Progressive illitization of smectite cannot explain seismogenesis, because illite-rich samples also show velocity strengthening at the conditions tested.


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The type 1 polyaxonal (PA1) cell is a distinct type of axon-bearing amacrine cell whose soma commonly occupies an interstitial position in the inner plexiform layer; the proximal branches of the sparse dendritic tree produce 1-4 axon-like processes, which form an extensive axonal arbor that is concentric with the smaller dendritic tree (Dacey, 1989; Famiglietti, 1992a,b). In this study, intracellular injections of Neurobiotin have revealed the complete dendritic and axonal morphology of the PA1 cells in the rabbit retina, as well as labeling the local array of PA1 cells through homologous tracer coupling. The dendritic-field area of the PA1 cells increased from a minimum of 0.15 mm(2) (0.44-mm equivalent diameter) on the visual streak to a maximum of 0.67 mm(2) (0.92-mm diameter) in the far periphery; the axonal-field area also showed a 3-fold variation across the retina, ranging from 3.1 mm(2) (2.0-mm diameter) to 10.2 mm(2) (3.6-mm diameter). The increase in dendritic- and axonal-field size was accompanied by a reduction in cell density, from 60 cells/mm(2) in the visual streak to 20 cells/mm(2) in the far periphery, so that the PA1 cells showed a 12 times overlap of their dendritic fields across the retina and a 200-300 times overlap of their axonal fields. Consequently, the axonal plexus was much denser than the dendritic plexus, with each square millimeter of retina containing similar to100 mm of dendrites and similar to1000 mm of axonal processes. The strong homologous tracer coupling revealed that similar to45% of the PA1 somata were located in the inner nuclear layer, similar to50% in the inner plexiform layer, and similar to5% in the ganglion cell layer. In addition, the Neurobiotin-injected PA1 cells sometimes showed clear heterologous tracer coupling to a regular array of small ganglion cells, which were present at half the density of the PA1 cells. The PA1 cells were also shown to contain elevated levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), like other axon-bearing amacrine cells.


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We have studied the hypothesis that 6,7-dihydroxy-1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (salsolinol) is neurotoxic. Salsolinol induced a significant time and dose related inhibition of 3[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; thiazoyl blue (MTT) reduction, and increased lactate dehydrogenase release (LDH) release from human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, at concentrations within the range of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) cytotoxicity, in vitro. Cytotoxicity was not inhibited by the addition of antioxidants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors or imipramine. In confluent monolayers, salsolinol stimulated catecholamine uptake with EC50 values of 17 muM and 11 muM, for noradrenaline and dopamine, respectively. Conversely, at concentrations above 100 muM, salsolinol inhibited the uptake of noradrenaline and dopamine, with IC50 values of 411 muM and 379 muM, respectively. The inhibition of catecholamine uptake corresponded to the increase displacement of [3H]nisoxetine from the uptake 1 site by salsolinol, as the Ki (353 muM) for displacement was similar to the IC50 (411 and 379 muM) for uptake. Salsolinol stimulated catecholamine uptake does not involve the uptake recognition site, or elevation of cAMP, cGMP, or inhibition of protein kinase C. Salsolinol also inhibited both carbachol (1 mM) and K+ (100 mM, Na+ adjusted) evoked released of noradrenaline from SH-SY5Y cells, with IC50 values of 500 muM and 120 muM, respectively. In conclusion, salsolinol appears to be cytotoxic to SH-SY5Y cells, via a mechanism that does not require uptake 1, bioactivation by monoamine oxidase, or membrane based free radical damage. The effects of salsolinol on catecholamine uptake, and the mechanism of toxicity require further investigation.


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The surface layer of bottom sediments on the Barents Sea shelf has an irregular but generally very low abundance of diatoms. Tests of species belonging to present-day diatom flora were absent in nearly half of samples; their abundance was only a few shells per gram of dry sediment in 30% of the samples, it was up to 100 shells per gram in 9% of the samples, and was in thousands of shells per gram in only 13% of the samples. The lowest abundances of diatom shells were found in sediments of the eastern and northeastern parts of the sea owing to unfavorable sedimentation conditions and deficiency of dissolved silica in water. But distribution of diatom species on the surface of bottom sediments is strictly consistent with their present-day ranges. About 30% of the samples contained re-deposited Cretaceous and Paleogene diatoms indicating that bottom sediments have largely formed by scouring and re-deposition of underlying material.


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Data on glacial erosion have been compiled and synthesised using a wide range of sediment budget and sediment yield studies from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region. The data include studies ranging in timescale from 1 to 10**6 yr, and in size of drainage basin from 101 to 105 km**2. They show a clear dependence of sediment yield on the mode of glacierization. Polar glaciers erode at rates comparable to those found in Arctic fluvial basins, or about 40 t/km**-2/ yr or 0.02 mm/yr. In contrast, rates of erosion by polythermal glaciers are 800-1000 t/km**2/ yr (or ca 0.3-0.4 mm/yr), while rates from fast-flowing glaciers are slightly more than twice this: 2100 t/km**2/yr (or 1 mm/yr). Similar rates are also found for large glacierized basins like those in the southwestern parts of the Barents Sea. In contrast to the situation in fluvial basins, in which sediment yield typically decreases with increasing basin size, the tendency in glacierized basins is for erosion to be independent of basin size. In studies of sediment yield from glaciers it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between material actually dislodged from the bedrock by glaciers and material dislodged by other processes in interglacial times and simply transported to a depocenter by a glacier. Our data suggest that pulses of sediment resulting from advance of a glacier over previously-dislodged material last on the order of 10**3 yr, and result in inferred erosion rates that are approximately 25% higher than long-term average rates of glacial erosion. The maximum sediment fluxes from the large Storfjorden and Bear Island drainage basins occurred in mid-Pleistocene. The onset of this period of high sediment yield coincided with the onset of the 100 kyr glacial cycle. We presume that this was the beginning of a period of increased glacial activity, but one in which glaciers still advanced and retreated frequently. During the last two to four 100 kyr cycles, however, sediment yields appear to have decreased. This decrease may be the result of the submergence of the Barents Sea. Glacier erosion would be much higher for a subaerial Barents Sea setting than it would be for a present day subsea Barents Sea. A classical question in Quaternary Geology is whether glaciers are more erosive than rivers. We surmise that if factors such as the lithology and the available potential energy (mgh) of the precipitation falling at a given altitude, whether in liquid or solid form, are held constant, then glaciers are vastly more effective agents of erosion than rivers.


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Periplatform ooze is an admixture of pelagic carbonate and sediment derived from neritic carbonate platforms. Compositional variations of periplatform ooze allow the rectonstruction of past sea-level changes. Periplatform ooze formed during sea-level highstands is finer grained and richer in aragonit through the elevated input of material from the flooded platform compared to periplatform ooze formed during the episodes of lowered sea level. In many cases, however, the sea floor around carbonate platforms is subjected to bottom currents which are expected to affect sediment composition, i.e. through winnowing of the fine fraction. The interaction of sea-level driven highstand shedding and current impact on the formation of periplatform ooze is influenced or even distorted by changing current activity, an integrated study using seismic, hydroacoustic and sedimentological data has been performed on periplatform ooze deposited in the Inner Sea of the Maldives. The Miocene to Pleistocene succession of drift deposits is subdivided into nine units; limits of seismostratigraphic units correspond to changes or turnarounds in grain size trends in cores recovered at ODP Site 716 and NEOMA Site 1143. For the Pleistocene it can be shown how changes in grain size occur in concert with sea-level changes and changes of the monsoonal system, which is thought to be a major driver bottom currents in the Maldives. A clear hightstand shedding pattern only appears in the data at a time of of relaxation of monsoonal strength during the last 315 ky. Results imply (1) that drift sediments provide a potential target for analyzing past changes in oceanic currents and (2) that the ooze composition bears a mixed signal of input and physical winnowing at the sea floor.


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We determined the foveal Stiles-Crawford effect (SCE) as a function of up to 8D accommodation stimulus in six young emmetropes and six young myopes using a psychophysical two-channel Maxwellian system in which the threshold luminance increment of a 1 mm spot entering through variable positions in the pupil was determined against a background formed by a 4 mm spot entering the pupil centrally. The SCE became steeper in both groups with increasing accommodation stimulus, but with no systematic shift of the peak. Combining the data of both groups gave significant increases in directionality of 15-20% in horizontal and vertical pupil meridians with 6D of accommodation. However, additional experiments indicated that much of this was an artefact of higher order aberrations and accommodative lag. Thus, there appears to be little changes in orientation or directionality in the SCE with accommodation stimulus levels up to 6 D, but it is possible that changes may occur at very high accommodation levels


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Background: The aim of this work is to develop a more complete qualitative and quantitative understanding of the in vivo histology of the human bulbar conjunctiva. Methods: Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) was used to observe and measure morphological characteristics of the bulbar conjunctiva of 11 healthy human volunteer subjects. Results: The superficial epithelial layer of the bulbar conjunctiva is seen as a mass of small cell nuclei. Cell borders are sometimes visible. The light grey borders of basal epithelial cells are clearly visible, but nuclei can not be seen. The conjunctival stroma is comprised of a dense meshwork of white fibres, through which traverse blood vessels containing cellular elements. Orifices at the epithelial surface may represent goblet cells that have opened and expelled their contents. Goblet cells are also observed in the deeper epithelial layers, as well as conjunctival microcysts and mature forms of Langerhans cells. The bulbar conjunctiva has a mean thickness of 32.9 1.1 mm, and a superficial and basal epithelial cell density of 2212 782 and 2368 741 cells/ mm2, respectively. Overall goblet and mature Langerhans cell densities are 111 58 and 23 25 cells/mm2, respectively. Conclusions: LSCM is a powerful technique for studying the human bulbar conjunctiva in vivo and quantifying key aspects of cell morphology. The observations presented here may serve as a useful marker against which changes in conjunctival morphology due to disease, surgery, drug therapy or contact lens wear can be assessed.


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Aims: To investigate the change that occurs in intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) with accommodation in young adult myopes and emmetropes. Methods: Fifteen progressing myopic and 17 emmetropic young adult subjects had their IOP and OPA measured using the Pascal dynamic contour tonometer. Measurements were taken initially with accommodation relaxed, and then following 2 min of near fixation (accommodative demand 3 D). Baseline measurements of axial length and corneal thickness were also collected prior to the IOP measures. Results: IOP significantly decreased with accommodation in both the myopic and emmetropic subjects (mean change 1.861.1 mm Hg, p<0.0001). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between myopes and emmetropes in terms of baseline IOP or the magnitude of change in IOP with accommodation. OPA also decreased significantly with accommodation (mean change for all subjects 0.560.5, p<0.0001). The myopic subjects (baseline OPA 2.060.7 mm Hg) exhibited a significantly lower baseline OPA (p¼0.004) than the emmetropes (baseline OPA 3.261.3 mm Hg),and a significantly lower magnitude of change in OPA with accommodation. Conclusion: IOP decreases significantly with accommodation, and changes similarly in progressing myopic and emmetropic subjects. However, differences found between progressing myopes and emmetropes in the mean OPA levels and the decrease in OPA associated with accommodation suggested some changes in IOP dynamics associated with myopia.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE It has been proposed that BRL37344, SR58611 and CGP12177 activate b3-adrenoceptors in human atrium to increase contractility and L-type Ca2+ current (ICa-L). b3-adrenoceptor agonists are potentially beneficial for the treatment of a variety of diseases but concomitant cardiostimulation would be potentially harmful. It has also been proposed that (-)-CGP12177 activates the low affinity binding site of the b1-adrenoceptor in human atrium. We therefore used BRL37344, SR58611 and (-)-CGP12177 with selective b-adrenoceptor subtype antagonists to clarify cardiostimulant b-adrenoceptor subtypes in human atrium. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Human right atrium was obtained from patients without heart failure undergoing coronary artery bypass or valve surgery. Cardiomyocytes were prepared to test BRL37344, SR58611 and CGP12177 effects on ICa-L. Contractile effects were determined on right atrial trabeculae. KEY RESULTS BRL37344 increased force which was antagonized by blockade of b1- and b2-adrenoceptors but not by blockade of b3-adrenoceptors with b3-adrenoceptor-selective L-748,337 (1 mM). The b3-adrenoceptor agonist SR58611 (1 nM–10 mM) did not affect atrial force. BRL37344 and SR58611 did not increase ICa-L at 37°C, but did at 24°C which was prevented by L-748,337. (-)-CGP12177 increased force and ICa-L at both 24°C and 37°C which was prevented by (-)-bupranolol (1–10 mM), but not L-748,337. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS We conclude that the inotropic responses to BRL37344 are mediated through b1- and b2-adrenoceptors. The inotropic and ICa-L responses to (-)-CGP12177 are mediated through the low affinity site b1L-adrenoceptor of the b1-adrenoceptor. b3-adrenoceptor-mediated increases in ICa-L are restricted to low temperatures. Human atrial b3-adrenoceptors do not change contractility and ICa-L at physiological temperature.


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Adequate blood supply and sufficient mechanical stability are necessary for timely fracture healing. Damage to vessels impairs blood supply; hindering the transport of oxygen which is an essential metabolite for cells involved in repair. The degree of mechanical stability determines the mechanical conditions in the healing tissues. The mechanical conditions can influence tissue differentiation and may also inhibit revascularization. Knowledge of the actual conditions in a healing fracture in vivo is extremely limited. This study aimed to quantify the pressure, oxygen tension and temperature in the external callus during the early phase of bone healing. Six Merino-mix sheep underwent a tibial osteotomy. The tibia was stabilized with a standard mono-lateral external fixator. A multi-parameter catheter was placed adjacent to the osteotomy gap on the medial aspect of the tibia. Measurements of oxygen tension and temperature were performed for ten days post-op. Measurements of pressure were performed during gait on days three and seven. The ground reaction force and the interfragmentary movements were measured simultaneously. The maximum pressure during gait increased (p=0.028) from three (41.3 [29.2-44.1] mm Hg) to seven days (71.8 [61.8-84.8] mm Hg). During the same interval, there was no change (p=0.92) in the peak ground reaction force or in the interfragmentary movement (compression: p=0.59 and axial rotation: p=0.11). Oxygen tension in the haematoma (74.1 mm Hg [68.6-78.5]) was initially high post-op and decreased steadily over the first five days. The temperature increased over the first four days before reaching a plateau at approximately 38.5 degrees C on day four. This study is the first to report pressure, oxygen tension and temperature in the early callus tissues. The magnitude of pressure increased even though weight bearing and IFM remained unchanged. Oxygen tensions were initially high in the haematoma and fell gradually with a low oxygen environment first established after four to five days. This study illustrates that in bone healing the local environment for cells may not be considered constant with regard to oxygen tension, pressure and temperature.


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Adult articular cartilage has depth-dependent mechanical and biochemical properties which contribute to zone-specific functions. The compressive moduli of immature cartilage and tissue-engineered cartilage are known to be lower than those of adult cartilage. The objective of this study was to determine if such tissues exhibit depth-dependent compressive properties, and how these depth-varying properties were correlated with cell and matrix composition of the tissue. The compressive moduli of fetal and newborn bovine articular cartilage increased with depth (p < 0.05) by a factor of 4-5 from the top 0.1 mm (28 +/- 13 kPa, 141 +/- 10 kPa, respectively) to 1 mm deep into the tissue. Likewise, the glycosaminoglycan and collagen content increased with depth (both p < 0.001), and correlated with the modulus (both p < 0.01). In contrast, tissue-engineered cartilage formed by either layering or mixing cells from the superficial and middle zone of articular cartilage exhibited similarly soft regions at both construct surfaces, as exemplified by large equilibrium strains. The properties of immature cartilage may provide a template for developing tissue-engineered cartilage which aims to repair cartilage defects by recapitulating the natural development and growth processes. These results suggest that while depth-dependent properties may be important to engineer into cartilage constructs, issues other than cell heterogeneity must be addressed to generate such tissues. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to develop a reliable technique for measuring the area of a curved surface from an axial computed tomography (CT) scan and to apply this clinically in the measurement of articular cartilage surface area in acetabular fractures. The method used was a triangulation algorithm. In order to determine the accuracy of the technique, areas of hemispheres of known size were measured to give the percentage error in area measurement. Seven such hemispheres were machined into a Perspex block and their area measured geometrically, and also from CT scans by means of the triangulation algorithm. Scans of 1, 2 and 4 mm slice thickness and separation were used. The error varied with slice thickness and hemisphere diameter. It was shown that the 2 mm slice thickness provides the most accurate area measurement, while 1 mm cuts overestimate and 4 mm cuts underestimate the area. For a hemisphere diameter of 5 cm, which is of similar size to the acetabulum, the error was -11.2% for 4 mm cuts, +4.2% for 2 mm cuts and + 5.1% for 1 mm cuts. As expected, area measurement was more accurate for larger hemispheres. This method can be applied clinically to quantify acetabular fractures by measuring the percentage area of intact articular cartilage. In the case of both column fractures, the percentage area of secondary congruence can be determined. This technique of quantifying acetabular fractures has a potential clinical application as a prognostic factor and an indication for surgery in the long term.