Sedimentology of core M74/4_1143-1

Autoria(s): Betzler, Christian G; Lüdmann, Thomas; Hübscher, Christian; Fürstenau, Jörn

LATITUDE: 4.825000 * LONGITUDE: 73.084000 * DATE/TIME START: 2007-12-12T09:55:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2007-12-12T09:55:00




Periplatform ooze is an admixture of pelagic carbonate and sediment derived from neritic carbonate platforms. Compositional variations of periplatform ooze allow the rectonstruction of past sea-level changes. Periplatform ooze formed during sea-level highstands is finer grained and richer in aragonit through the elevated input of material from the flooded platform compared to periplatform ooze formed during the episodes of lowered sea level. In many cases, however, the sea floor around carbonate platforms is subjected to bottom currents which are expected to affect sediment composition, i.e. through winnowing of the fine fraction. The interaction of sea-level driven highstand shedding and current impact on the formation of periplatform ooze is influenced or even distorted by changing current activity, an integrated study using seismic, hydroacoustic and sedimentological data has been performed on periplatform ooze deposited in the Inner Sea of the Maldives. The Miocene to Pleistocene succession of drift deposits is subdivided into nine units; limits of seismostratigraphic units correspond to changes or turnarounds in grain size trends in cores recovered at ODP Site 716 and NEOMA Site 1143. For the Pleistocene it can be shown how changes in grain size occur in concert with sea-level changes and changes of the monsoonal system, which is thought to be a major driver bottom currents in the Maldives. A clear hightstand shedding pattern only appears in the data at a time of of relaxation of monsoonal strength during the last 315 ky. Results imply (1) that drift sediments provide a potential target for analyzing past changes in oceanic currents and (2) that the ooze composition bears a mixed signal of input and physical winnowing at the sea floor.


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Supplement to: Betzler, Christian G; Lüdmann, Thomas; Hübscher, Christian; Fürstenau, Jörn (2013): Current and sea-level signals in periplatform ooze (Neogene, Maldives, Indian Ocean). Sedimentary Geology, 290, 126-137, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.03.011

Palavras-Chave #<2 µm, >9 phi; <63 µm; >125 µm; 1; 1-0.5 mm; 125-63 µm; 16-8 µm; 16-8 mm; 2; 2-1 mm; 250-125 µm; 3; 32-16 µm; 32-16 mm; 4-2 µm; 4-2 mm; 500-250 µm; 63-32 µm; 64-32 mm; 8-4 µm; 8-4 mm; Aragonite; Aragonite (integrated peak area); Arg; Arg (int peak A); CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon dioxide; CO2; D50; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; G. ruber d13C; G. ruber d18O; Globigerinoides ruber, d13C; Globigerinoides ruber, d18O; Grain size, mean; Gravel; gs mean; High magnesium calcite; High magnesium calcite (integrated peak area); HMC; HMC (int peak A); Kurt; Kurtosis; LMC; LMC (int peak A); Low magnesium calcite; Low magnesium calcite (integrated peak area); M74/4; M74/4_1143-1; Median, grain size; Meteor (1986); Mode; Mode, grain size; Mode size; NEOMA: The Neogene of the Maldives; PC; Piston corer; S; Sand; Silt/clay; Silt/clay ratio; Size fraction < 0.002 mm, > 9 phi, clay; Size fraction < 0.063 mm, mud, pelite, silt+clay; Size fraction > 0.125 mm; Size fraction 0.004-0.002 mm, 8.0-9.0 phi, very fine silt; Size fraction 0.008-0.004 mm, 7.0-8.0 phi, fine silt; Size fraction 0.016-0.008 mm, 6.0-7.0 phi, medium silt; Size fraction 0.032-0.016 mm, 5.0-6.0 phi, coarse silt; Size fraction 0.063-0.032 mm, 4.0-5.0 phi, very coarse silt; Size fraction 0.125-0.063 mm, 3.0-4.0 phi, very fine sand; Size fraction 0.250-0.125 mm, 2.0-3.0 phi, fine sand; Size fraction 0.500-0.250 mm, 1.0-2.0 phi, medium sand; Size fraction 1.000-0.500 mm, 0.0-1.0 phi, coarse sand; Size fraction 16-8 mm, medium gravel; Size fraction 2.000-1.000 mm, (-1.0)-0.0 phi, very coarse sand; Size fraction 32-16 mm, coarse gravel, pebble; Size fraction 4.0-2.0 mm, very fine gravel, granule; Size fraction 64-32 mm, very coarse gravel; Size fraction 8.0-4.0 mm, fine gravel; Size fraction mode size; Skew; Skewness; SO3; Sort; Sorting; Sulfur, total; Sulfur trioxide; TOC; Trimethylamine; X-ray diffraction (XRD)
