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O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de investigar a noção de desamparo na teoria freudiana, articulada ao estudo de caso de três pacientes internados em Centro de Terapia Intensiva (CTI), no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, em Belém do Pará. Na transferência, identificou-se que a enfermidade e a internação desses pacientes produziam um sofrimento psíquico tão intenso que os remetia à revivescência do desamparo infantil. Considerou-se que, a escuta analítica desse sofrimento, deu suporte a esses pacientes no sentido de subjetivar essa vivência dolorosa. Escutar o paciente pela palavra dita ou não dita, pelas linguagens possíveis e, diante das impossibilidades reais derivadas de uso de aparelhos e sondas, colocou-nos frente às questões sobre os processos de transferência e contratransferência nesse contexto hospitalar, levando-nos a uma revisão de literatura sobre a ampliação de dispositivos clínicos em ambientes não classicamente analíticos. Neste sentido, concluiu-se que um ambiente acolhedor e seguro, constituído na e, pela transferência, permitiu aos pacientes agir criativamente sobre seu mundo externo e interno e, buscarem uma superação, ainda que nunca definitiva, do estado de desamparo, atribuindo novos sentidos para suas enfermidades, suas internações e até para suas vidas.


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Esta pesquisa aborda como temática a Educação Popular em Simón Rodríguez (1771-1854) e Antônio Carneiro Leão (1887-1966), intelectuais da América Latina. A questão norteadora deste processo investigativo é: no contexto de estruturação dos Estados-nação latinoamericanos, como os intelectuais Simón Rodríguez e Antônio Carneiro Leão pensavam a Educação popular? Como hipóteses, entendemos que: 1) Estes intelectuais tecem fios tênues que auxiliaram na significação do conceito de Educação Popular na atualidade, seja por meio da negação seja pela defesa de princípios que atualmente permeiam a conceituação da Educação Popular, ainda que o sentido atribuído à Educação Popular por eles à época não correspondam exatamente à significação presente; 2) Simón Rodríguez e Antônio Carneiro Leão, mesmo de lugares diferentes, um na Venezuela, outro no Brasil, expressaram em suas obras pensamentos com certas semelhanças no que tange à ideia de Educação Popular na América Latina. Com base na questão e hipóteses apresentadas adotou-se como objetivo geral: analisar, por meio do estudo comparado do pensamento social e da teoria descolonial, as formulações de Educação Popular em Simón Rodríguez e Antônio Carneiro Leão, com vistas a sua relação com o contexto latino-americano. Como objetivos específicos, definiu-se: a) contextualizar o conjunto de obras de Simón Rodríguez e Antônio Carneiro Leão, enfatizando os escritos sobre educação, particularmente os enunciados que tratam da idéia de Educação Popular; b) situar o pensamento dos autores no contexto histórico mais geral de seus países; c) analisar as concepções teóricas de Simón Rodríguez (exemplo de pensamento venezuelano) e compará-las com as concepções teóricas de Antônio Carneiro Leão (um exemplo de pensamento brasileiro), de modo a verificar quais os pontos convergentes e divergentes sobre a ideia de Educação Popular; d) Compreender as implicações da proposta de Educação Popular de Simón Rodríguez e Antônio Carneiro Leão para o movimento educacional latino-americano. No plano teórico-metodológico, a pesquisa se fundamenta na História Cultural (representações sociais e lutas de representações), na História Intelectual (memória coletiva e utilizagens mentais) e na Teoria Descolonial (exterioridade). Os resultados revelam que Simón Rodríguez e Carneiro Leão ao apontarem no século XIX e início do século XX a necessidade de valorização cultural das classes populares se aproximam significativamente das concepções de educação popular na atualidade. Também indicam uma similitude entre a realidade colonial hispanoamericana e a realidade luso-brasileira que aproximam essas concepções. Resguardadas as nuances históricas dos países em que nasceram e viveram os autores estudados, constatou-se que estes compreendem a educação como um instrumental imprescindível para a superação da colonização e, portanto, de consolidação da independência política, econômica e cultura do continente. Ao incursionar pela obra dos autores, sob um olhar regido pela Teoria Descolonial, identificamos que o Liberalismo, o Positivismo e as Teorias Raciais produzidos no Ocidente europeu fundamentaram o pensamento intelectual de Simón Rodríguez e Carneiro Leão, mas assumiram outras dimensões ao serem pensadas em meio às experiências vividas pelos autores no continente americano. Sensíveis ao sofrimento de uma população mestiça que não mais poderia viver fora dos parâmetros da modernidade, esses autores, que destacam a educação como um instrumental necessário à libertação política, econômica e cultural da América Latina, defendem, na teoria e na prática, um projeto educacional que fosse capaz de salvaguardar venezuelanos e brasileiros das marcas deixadas pela colonização.


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The sports activities occupy a growing space in people's lives, especially children and youth. Taking into consideration that this practice is of paramount importance, especially in childhood, where the acquired habits influence in adulthood, this work aims to investigate the role of physical education classes in adherence of children to the practice of some activity sports. These are a dynamic process, and to realize it is necessary planning, making the practice is a pleasurable activity. Thus, an important point to note is the motivation, which depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Another factor that may interfere in the sporting practices is the influence of parents on children. In this context, the contact sports can be used to gain the approval of parents and not for self-gratification, this being a way to get closer to distant parents. A point worth mentioning is the physical education, as this introduces and integrates the child's body / movement culture. Often child's first contact with the sport happens at school, leading us to the assumption that the physical education teachers at the school are responsible for the athletic student motivation, and we emphasize that the school motivational factors are very dependent on students' aspirations for that a particular motivational element can take effect. The technical and / or professional outside of school physical education also influence the child, as these can provide pleasure for the sport, being a connoisseur of motivational strategies. An important motivational aspect is friendship, as children use sports activities to make new friends and find your friends. In addition, some extrinsic factors can influence the practice, such as: win, work out, play, socializing, competition, fun, etc. The drop can be caused by various reasons, such as early specialization, participation in very specific competitions for which the child is not yet ready. In addition, other factors can be...


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Professionals of Family Health Strategy (FHS) work in communities where there are complex medical social problems. These contexts may lead them to psychological suffering, jeopardizing their care for the users, and creating yet another obstacle to the consolidation of FHS as the primary health care model in Brazil. The study investigated the difficulties and coping strategies reported by health professionals of the FHS teams when they face medical social needs of the communities where they work. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were carried out with 68 professionals of three primary care units in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Drug dealing and abuse, alcoholism, depression and domestic violence are the most relevant problems mentioned by the study group. Professionals reported lack of adequate training, work overload, poor working conditions with feelings of professional impotence and frustration. To overcome these difficulties, professionals reported collective strategies, particularly experience sharing during team meetings and matrix support groups. The results indicate that the difficulties may put the professionals in a vulnerable state, similar to the patients they care for. The promotion of specialized and long term support should be reinforced, as well as the interaction with the local network of services and communities leaders. That may help professionals to deal with occupational stress related to medical and social needs present in their routine work; in the end, it may as well contribute to the strengthening of FHS.


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Background: In the feline species, 80% to 93% of neoplasias in the mammary gland are malignant, being the majority carcinomas. Among them, there is the mammary squamous cell carcinoma, which amounts to a very rare neoplasm in the domestic cat, with considerable potential for malignancy. This study aimed to report a case of squamous cell mammary carcinoma in the feline species. Case: A female cat, mixed breed, ten years old, presented history of skin lesion. The cat had been spayed two years before, but with previous administration of contraceptives. At the physical examination, it was observed ulcer between the caudal abdominal mammary glands. The occurrence of skin or mammary neoplasia was conceived. The following complementary tests were requested: complete blood count, serum biochemical profile (renal and hepatic), chest radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, and incisional biopsy of the ulcerated region periphery, followed by classic histopathology. The lesion histopathology was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland. Due to such a diagnosis, bilateral mastectomy was recommended. The material obtained during the surgical procedure was sent for anatomopathological analysis. Microscopically, surgical margins infiltration and a regional lymph node were verified. The owner was advised of the need for complementary therapies and medical monitoring of the cat. However, there was no return. It is noteworthy that the animal's physical and laboratory examinations showed no neoplasia in other regions, being the squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland considered primary. Discussion: The malignant mammary neoplasia genesis in feline species, in general, seems to be related to steroid hormones. The ovariectomized females are less likely to develop the disease when compared to intact cats, but there is no protective effect of surgery on those spayed after two years of age regarding the appearance of the neoplasia. Thus, at the time the reported patient was ovariectomized, this effect no longer occurred. The synthetic progestins regularly used to prevent estrus increase by three times the risk of breast carcinomas onset. In humans, there is no clear definition of the etiology and pathogenesis of mammary squamous cell carcinoma. However, it has been suggested its association with extreme forms of squamous metaplasia present in pre-existing mammary adenocarcinoma, besides cysts, chronic inflammations, abscesses and mammary gland adenofibromas. In a hypothetical way, this etiology could also be related to the feline mammary carcinoma, although, for the case at issue, the exogenous and endogenous hormonal influence should not be excluded. It has been reported that mammary squamous cell carcinomas in cats are classified in grades II and III (ie, moderately and poorly differentiated, respectively). Thus, they are considered tumors with more unfavorable prognosis. However, the monitoring of the clinical course, in order to evaluate possible recurrence of the neoplasia and metastases to distant sites, was not possible as the animal under discussion did not return. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin tumor in feline species, despite the primary location in the mammary gland. It is, therefore, important to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma originated in the breast from histological types derived from skin. The description of this special and rare feline mammary carcinoma is important due to its particular characteristics and potential for malignancy.


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Objective: this study investigated the feelings of women regarding end-of-life decision making after ultrasound diagnosis of a lethal fetal malformation. The aim of this study was to present the decision making process of women that chose for pregnancy termination and to present selected speeches of women about their feelings. Design: open psychological interviews conducted by a psychologist immediately after the diagnosis of fetal malformation by ultrasound. Analysis of the results was performed through a content analysis technique. Setting: the study was carried out at a public university hospital in Brazil. Participants: 249 pregnant women who had received the diagnosis of a severe lethal fetal malformation. Findings: fetal anencephaly was the most frequent anomaly detected in 135 cases (54.3%). Termination of pregnancy was decided by 172 (69.1%) patients and legally authorised by the judiciary (66%). The reason for asking for termination was to reduce suffering in all of them. In the 77 women who chose not to terminate pregnancy (30.9%), the reasons were related to feelings of guilt (74%). Key conclusions: the results support the importance of psychological counselling for couples when lethal fetal malformation is diagnosed. The act of reviewing moral and cultural values and elements of the unconscious provides assurance in the decision-making process and mitigates the risk of emotional trauma and guilt that can continue long after the pregnancy is terminated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to determine the interaction in terms of ozone transport between two metropolitan regions of São Paulo State: The Metropolitan Region of Campinas (MRC) and Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP), with different characteristics and dimensions. In order to describe the interaction between both regions, 3-D Eulerian photochemical CIT model was used with a new approach for São Paulo regions since most previous studies deal with individual areas considering the contribution of other areas only as boundary conditions. The results from the photochemical simulations showed that the ozone concentration in the MRC is associated to local emissions and the transport of ozone and its precursors from the MRSP, demonstrating the significant impact of a megacity in its neighborhood and the importance of meteorological and topography conditions in the transport of air pollutants from the local source to distant regions.


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Background: In the feline species, 80% to 93% of neoplasias in the mammary gland are malignant, being the majority carcinomas. Among them, there is the mammary squamous cell carcinoma, which amounts to a very rare neoplasm in the domestic cat, with considerable potential for malignancy. This study aimed to report a case of squamous cell mammary carcinoma in the feline species. Case: A female cat, mixed breed, ten years old, presented history of skin lesion. The cat had been spayed two years before, but with previous administration of contraceptives. At the physical examination, it was observed ulcer between the caudal abdominal mammary glands. The occurrence of skin or mammary neoplasia was conceived. The following complementary tests were requested: complete blood count, serum biochemical profi le (renal and hepatic), chest radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, and incisional biopsy of the ulcerated region periphery, followed by classic histopathology. The lesion histopathology was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland. Due to such a diagnosis, bilateral mastectomy was recommended. The material obtained during the surgical procedure was sent for anatomopathological analysis. Microscopically, surgical margins infi ltration and a regional lymph node were verifi ed. The owner was advised of the need for complementary therapies and medical monitoring of the cat. However, there was no return. It is noteworthy that the animal’s physical and laboratory examinations showed no neoplasia in other regions, being the squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland considered primary. Discussion: The malignant mammary neoplasia genesis in feline species, in general, seems to be related to steroid hormones. The ovariectomized females are less likely to develop the disease when compared to intact cats, but there is no protective effect of surgery on those spayed after two years of age regarding the appearance of the neoplasia. Thus, at the time the reported patient was ovariectomized, this effect no longer occurred. The synthetic progestins regularly used to prevent estrus increase by three times the risk of breast carcinomas onset. In humans, there is no clear defi nition of the etiology and pathogenesis of mammary squamous cell carcinoma. However, it has been suggested its association with extreme forms of squamous metaplasia present in pre-existing mammary adenocarcinoma, besides cysts, chronic infl ammations, abscesses and mammary gland adenofi bromas. In a hypothetical way, this etiology could also be related to the feline mammary carcinoma, although, for the case at issue, the exogenous and endogenous hormonal infl uence should not be excluded. It has been reported that mammary squamous cell carcinomas in cats are classifi ed in grades II and III (ie, moderately and poorly differentiated, respectively). Thus, they are considered tumors with more unfavorable prognosis. However, the monitoring of the clinical course, in order to evaluate possible recurrence of the neoplasia and metastases to distant sites, was not possible as the animal under discussion did not return. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin tumor in feline species, despite the primary location in the mammary gland. It is, therefore, important to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma originated in the breast from histological types derived from skin. The description of this special and rare feline mammary carcinoma is important due to its particular characteristics and potential for malignancy.


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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potential life-threatening disease, which originates from inflammatory involvement of the pancreas and surrounding tissues. Serious complications eventuate and treatment is difficult. AP is classified in both interstitial edematous pancreatitis, which occurs in 70-80% of patients, and necrotizing pancreatitis, which occurs in 20-30% of patients. Diagnosis is based on the presence of two of the following criteria: abdominal pain, increased serum determination of amylase and/or lipase more than three times the reference value, and characteristic tomographic findings. Among the latter, there is the pancreatic and surrounding tissue damage as well as that related to distant organ involvement. This case report shows the fatal case of a male patient with a history of heavy alcoholic abuse admitted with the diagnosis of necrotizing pancreatitis. The authors call attention to the unusual tomographic findings; namely, a huge duodenal hematoma and a large hemoperitoneum, ischemic involvement of the spleen and kidneys, as well as pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis.


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Despite improvements in prevention and management of colorectal cancer (CRC), uncontrolled tumor growth with metastatic spread to distant organs remains an important clinical concern. Genetic deletion of CD39, the dominant vascular and immune cell ectonucleotidase, has been shown to delay tumor growth and blunt angiogenesis in mouse models of melanoma, lung and colonic malignancy. Here, we tested the influence of CD39 on CRC tumor progression and metastasis by investigating orthotopic transplanted and metastatic cancer models in wild-type BALB/c, human CD39 transgenic and CD39 deficient mice. We also investigated CD39 and P2 receptor expression patterns in human CRC biopsies. Murine CD39 was expressed by endothelium, stromal and mononuclear cells infiltrating the experimental MC-26 tumors. In the primary CRC model, volumes of tumors in the subserosa of the colon and/or rectum did not differ amongst the treatment groups at day 10, albeit these tumors rarely metastasized to the liver. In the dissemination model, MC-26 cell line-derived hepatic metastases grew significantly faster in CD39 over-expressing transgenics, when compared to CD39 deficient mice. Murine P2Y2 was significantly elevated at both mRNA and protein levels, within the larger liver metastases obtained from CD39 transgenic mice where changes in P2X7 levels were also noted. In clinical samples, lower levels of CD39 mRNA in malignant CRC tissues appeared associated with longer duration of survival and could be linked to less invasive tumors. The modulatory effects of CD39 on tumor dissemination and differential levels of CD39, P2Y2 and P2X7 expression in tumors suggest involvement of purinergic signalling in these processes. Our studies also suggest potential roles for purinergic-based therapies in clinical CRC.


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Anxiety, depression, and tragedy are all unavoidable aspects of existence that we find ourselves grappling with at some point in our lives. In those darker moments we often look beyond ourselves for a means to cope with our struggles in the hopes of transcending into enhanced states of being. The world¿s religions have provided various answers to problems of mental and physical affliction. Across cultures and throughout history, numerous techniques for ¿mending the mind¿ have emerged, conditioned by a number of factors, including the normative values of a society as well as the scientific advances and technologies available for therapeutic application. Buddhism encompasses a broad tradition of beliefs, practices, and philosophies that, taken together, aim at eliminating suffering from the human experience. It is suggested that anyone who comes to understand and practice Buddhist teachings¿Dharma¿will rise out of the life of suffering and into a condition of awakening or nirvana. With this as an intended goal, a person who is unfulfilled in their life or who is experiencing feelings of depression will, it might be assumed, find great potential in turning to Buddhism as means for alleviation of these states. In contemporary western society, however, the most common route for eliminating emotional distress is to take antidepressant medication, which aims for immediate relief of the negative feelings and experiences that arise from depression. As I will argue, while this may be a successful approach to masking unwanted feelings, it in fact fails to treat the actual roots or cause of the undesirable experiences. Moreover, such a ¿therapeutic¿ approach lacks any aspect geared towards developing a consistently rewarding lifestyle. I will argue that the incorporation of Dharma¿both a set of ideas and as a form of practices¿into daily routines and modes of thinking provides the means for a balanced lifestyle, allowing the individual to relieve suffering and depression in a manner that the narrow scope of western medicine cannot provide.


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Melanoma, occurring as a rapidly progressive skin cancer, is resistant to current chemo- and radiotherapy, especially after metastases to distant organs has taken place. Most chemotherapeutic drugs exert their cytotoxic effect by inducing apoptosis, which, however, is often deficient in cancer cells. Thus, it is appropriate to attempt the targeting of alternative pathways, which regulate cellular viability. Recent studies of autophagy, a well-conserved cellular catabolic process, promise to improve the therapeutic outcome in melanoma patients. Although a dual role for autophagy in cancer therapy has been reported, both protecting against and promoting cell death, the potential for using autophagy in cancer therapy seems to be promising. Here, we review the recent literature on the role of autophagy in melanoma with respect to the expression of autophagic markers, the involvement of autophagy in chemo- and immunotherapy, as well as the role of autophagy in hypoxia and altered metabolic pathways employed for melanoma therapy.


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Objective Arterial lactate, base excess (BE), lactate clearance, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score have been shown to correlate with outcome in severely injured patients. The goal of the present study was to separately assess their predictive value in patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) as opposed to patients suffering from injuries not related to the brain. Materials and methods A total of 724 adult trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) ≥ 16 were grouped into patients without TBI (non-TBI), patients with isolated TBI (isolated TBI), and patients with a combination of TBI and non-TBI injuries (combined injuries). The predictive value of the above parameters was then analyzed using both uni- and multivariate analyses. Results The mean age of the patients was 39 years (77 % males), with a mean ISS of 32 (range 16–75). Mortality ranged from 14 % (non-TBI) to 24 % (combined injuries). Admission and serial lactate/BE values were higher in non-survivors of all groups (all p < 0.01), but not in patients with isolated TBI. Admission SOFA scores were highest in non-survivors of all groups (p = 0.023); subsequently septic patients also showed elevated SOFA scores (p < 0.01), except those with isolated TBI. In this group, SOFA score was the only parameter which showed significant differences between survivors and non-survivors. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed lactate to be the best overall predictor for increased mortality and further septic complications, irrespective of the leading injury. Conclusion Lactate showed the best performance in predicting sepsis or death in all trauma patients except those with isolated TBI, and the differences were greatest in patients with substantial bleeding. Following isolated TBI, SOFA score was the only parameter which could differentiate survivors from non-survivors on admission, although the SOFA score, too, was not an independent predictor of death following multivariate analysis.


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MicroRNAs play roles in various biological processes like development, tumorigenesis, metastasis and pluripotency. My thesis work has demonstrated roles for p63, a p53 family member, in the upstream regulation of microRNA biogenesis. The p63 gene has a complex gene structure and has multiple isoforms. The TAp63 isoforms contain an acidic transcription activation domain. The ΔNp63 isoforms, lack the TA domain, but have a proline rich region critical for gene transactivation. To understand the functions of these isoforms, the Flores lab generated TAp63 and ΔNp63 conditional knock out mice. Using these mice and tissues and cells from these mice we have found that TAp63 transcriptionally regulates Dicer while ΔNp63 transcriptionally regulates DGCR8. TAp63 -/- mice are highly tumor prone. These mice develop metastatic mammary adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and lung adenocarcinomas to distant sites including the liver, lungs, and brain. I found that TAp63 suppresses metastasis by transcriptionally activating Dicer. TAp63 and Dicer levels were very low or lost in high grade human tumors like mammary adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and lung adenocarcinomas. Expression of Dicer in these tumor cell lines reduced their invasiveness. Using ΔNp63 -/- mice, I found that ΔNp63 transcriptionally activates DGCR8, resulting in a miRNA profile that is critical to reprogram cells to pluripotency. Analysis of epidermal cells derived from ΔNp63 -/- mice revealed that these cells expressed markers of pluripotency, including Sox2, Oct 4 and Nanog; however, genome-wide analysis revealed a novel profile of genes that are common between ΔNp63 -/- epidermal cells and embryonic stem cells. I also found that mouse cells depleted of ΔNp63 form chimeric mice and teratomas in SCID mice, demonstrating that ΔNp63 deficient cells are pluripotent. Further, I found that restoration of DGCR8 in ΔNp63 -/- epidermal cells reduces their pluripotency and induces terminal differentiation. I also demonstrated that iMS (induced multipotent stem) cells could be generated using human keratinocytes by knockdown of ∆Np63 or DGCR8. Taken together, my work has placed p63 and its isoforms at a critical node in controlling miRNA biogenesis.


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Este trabajo se propone analizar el intertexto que une al escritor Edouard Glissant con William Faulkner a través de dos obras: el ensayo Faulkner, Mississipi (1996) y la novela Sartorius (1999). En el primer texto, el autor enfatiza cuestiones presentes en su propia obra novelesca: la genealogía, la relación con el espacio de la plantación, el mestizaje, la (i)legitimidad de derechos con respecto a la posesión de la tierra, la opacidad. En el segundo, traza una línea genealógica de un personaje perteneciente a una etnia africana imaginaria, haciéndolo llegar hasta las plantaciones del sur de los Estados Unidos; paralelamente, presenta la línea genealógica de los Sartoris. En esta dirección, busco mostrar cómo el proyecto literario de Glissant dialoga con la obra de Faulkner, indagando e inventariando las mismas problemáticas con respecto al transplante de poblaciones y su inserción en el espacio de las plantaciones, tanto en el sur de los Estados Unidos como en las islas del Caribe. En las obras de ambos escritores puede percibirse el mismo vértigo trágico que persigue a los personajes, conduciéndolos a la locura, el sufrimiento y la muerte