753 resultados para work-family balance


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Families in market economies worldwide have long been confronted with the demands of participating in paid work and providing care for their dependent members. The social, economic and political contexts within which families do so differ from country to country but an increasing number of governments are being asked to engage, or better engage, with this important area of public policy. What seems like a relatively simple goal – to enable families to better balance care-giving and paid employment – has raised several difficulties and dilemmas for policy makers which have been approached in different ways. This paper aims to identify and critique the nature and development of the means by which legal engagement with work-family reconciliation has, historically, been framed in the European Union. In doing so, and with reference to specific cohorts of workers, we demonstrate how disjointed the strategies are in relation to working carers and argue that the EU is unlikely to provide the legal framework necessary to bring about effective change in this fundamentally important area of social policy.


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Life quality in families: close relations and “the good life” The aim of this paper is to explore how aspects and qualities of modern family life influence subjective well-being. Although the patterns of family, work and sexuality have changed dramatically the last four decades, it is here claimed that the family is still an important base of socialization and upbringing. Thus the study of processes within the family can contribute to the understanding of the environment in which many children grow up. In most families, work, partner and family roles are intertwined, and one central hypothesis of this work is that family members influence each other in the individual formation of well-being. The main research question of this study asks: How is life quality affected by the quality of parent-child and the partner relationships and aspects of their shared everyday life? Empirical implications are tested against 2002-data from a representative, Norwegian sample. Analyses conclude that the quality of parent-child and the spousal relationship, and also aspects of families’ everyday life such as work-life balance and time pressure influence the subjective life quality, but mother’s and father’s life quality is affected by differing and partly incompatible conditions.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o teletrabalho, especialmente, sobre a dinâmica da realização do trabalho na esfera familiar, a partir do home-office telework. Investigou-se de que maneira os teletrabalhadores e sua família dão sentido aos dilemas, oportunidades e exigências da realização do trabalho no ambiente familiar, à luz de suas práticas discursivas. Para tanto, entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas com 25 teletrabalhadores e seus co-residentes e analisadas sob a ótica da análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa revela que quando a casa dá lugar às atividades profissionais do indivíduo, as relações entre as demandas pessoais, familiares e profissionais se tornam mais próximas, diluídas e entrelaçadas. A aproximação das esferas de trabalho e não-trabalho conduz a uma ruptura nas dinâmicas espaciais, temporais e psicológicas desses domínios, proporcionando aos indivíduos oportunidades de desenvolvimento pessoal. No entanto, as mudanças pelas quais os mesmos terão de passar apresentam potencialidades contraditórias. Ao mesmo tempo em que o teletrabalho proporciona uma oportunidade de integração com a família e flexibilidade para o melhor aproveitamento do tempo de trabalho e não-trabalho, a dificuldade de equilibrar dois mundos construídos sobre discursos diversos, o mundo da casa e da rua, pode despontar uma crise, dependendo do preparo de cada família para essa situação de trabalho. A fim de auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados, os pontos de conteúdo mais expressivos, os quais ilustram o exposto acima, foram expostos em quatro temas relacionados ao telehomework: espaço, flexibilidade de tempo, gênero e equilíbrio trabalho-vida pessoal.


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A indústria de transporte marítimo brasileira passa por um momento de forte expansão decorrente, entre outros fatores, de políticas governamentais que incentivam a construção, nos estaleiros nacionais, de navios para serem utilizados em apoio às atividades da indústria de óleo e gás. Ao mesmo tempo, para complementar a frota brasileira, as empresas petroleiras demandam a contratação de grande quantidade de navios estrangeiros para apoiar as suas operações. Este quadro de crescimento da frota, observado, particularmente, nos últimos 10 anos, contrasta com a escassez de mão de obra qualificada para tripular as embarcações, de modo especial dos Oficiais da Marinha Mercante (OMM). Acentuando o contraste, o Conselho Nacional de Imigração editou a Resolução Normativa n° 72/2006, determinando às empresas de navegação, que operam barcos de bandeira estrangeira, a contratação de proporções mínimas de tripulantes brasileiros, após 90 dias contínuos de operação no país. Além disso, estudos encomendados pelo Sindicato dos Armadores, SYNDARMA, apontam que a taxa de evasão dos OMM, nos anos iniciais da carreira embarcada, é de cerca de trinta por cento. Assim, o presente estudo, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica acerca da história da Marinha Mercante brasileira, da cultura brasileira, da motivação, dos conflitos família-trabalho, do trabalho em espaço confinado e da rotatividade, se desenvolveu em uma pesquisa exploratória e de campo, por meio de entrevistas pessoais, analisadas à luz da técnica da análise de conteúdo, com profissionais de reconhecida experiência com o tema, além de OMM, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores contribuintes para a evasão dos OMM nos anos iniciais da carreira embarcada. Como resultado, o estudo mostrou que os agentes motivadores intrínsecos e extrínsecos agem continuamente direcionando o comportamento dos OMM para a permanência ou saída da carreira embarcada. Nessa alternância de forças psicológicas e comportamentais, associadas à motivação, influenciam no processo decisório as alternativas existentes representadas pelas oportunidades de emprego oferecidas aos OMM, os conflitos trabalho-família e a dificuldade de adaptação ao trabalho em ambiente confinado. No caso dos OMM, do gênero feminino, a situação é ainda mais sensível, pois enfrentam dificuldades para conciliar a vida embarcada com o papel de mãe e esposa. Portanto, a motivação para a permanência ou saída da carreira embarcada está fortemente relacionada à busca pela realização das expectativas pessoais e ao desejo de equilibrar vida pessoal com a profissional.


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No nível global, a representação de líderes de sexo feminino nas empresas muitas vezes ainda se dá em números baixos em termos de percentagem. Particularmente em finanças, esses registros estão abaixo da média da indústria, e a forte concorrência e o ambiente de trabalho dominado pelos homens tornam difícil para as mulheres atingir o topo da pirâmide corporativa (Torres et al., 2013; OECD Better Life Index 2015). Isto pode ser devido a uma falta de equilíbrio trabalho-vida, diferentes estilos de liderança, as mulheres sendo intimidadas, ou a conformidade com estruturas familiares convencionalmente englobadas. No Brasil, os códigos de comportamento tradicionais são muito palpáveis na sociedade do país, embora esta também tenha se beneficiado de uma forte presença de movimentos feministas na segunda metade do século passado (Tate and Yang, 2015; Bowles et al. 2007; Niederle and Vesterlund, 2007). Nos últimos anos, o setor financeiro brasileiro tem crescido, oferecendo maiores oportunidades de emprego e desenvolvimento de carreira nas corporações nacionais e internacionais (Chiang et al., 2013; Bruschini, 2007). Esta dissertação aborda os desafios enfrentados por líderes de sexo feminino do mercado financeiro brasileiro e as suas trajetórias de carreira. Este objetivo será atingido por meio de uma análise de mídia social, focando nos anos de experiência de trabalho das mulheres analisadas, a posição atual delas e se elas têm filhos, bem como com 10 entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com executivas no setor financeiro no Brasil. Estas medidas irão abranger lacunas na literatura e consequentes recomendações para pesquisas futuras.


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The balance between the demands of two important spheres of human life, work and family, has become a challenge due to the pressures of the contemporary that is expanding around the difficulties of reconciling these two comínios. In this sense, this research aimed to understand the work-family interaction in the perception of executive secretaries. The analysis approach used was qualitative research, by worrying about a reality that can not be quantified due to the subjectivity of his goal. The data collection technique used was the semistructured interview to twenty executive secretaries, servants of a Federal Institution of Higher Education. For the understanding and interpretation of the data, we used the technique of content analysis. The results of both analyzes identified the existence of conflict as enrichment in this interaction. The time was identified as the largest generator of conflict work. The overload, relationship stress and conflict emerged as elements common to both domains. As main implications of labor disputes, were revealed: problamas health for secretaries and stress. As main implications of family conflicts emerged: motivation for work, lower performance and lack of concentration. The attempt at balance was identified as the strategy most used by secretaries to minimize work-family conflict. The work-family enrichment was seen as resources that contribute to improving the lives of the secretary in both domains. The opportunity to add knowledge was highlighted as enriching element of work and family values ​​as elements enriching family. The support and experience emerged as enrichment items common to both domains. Regarding the implications of enrichment resulting from the interaction of work and family, the more perceived by respondents were: increased knowledge and skills, material and psychological benefits, improved quality of life and personal and professional fulfillment. From the perception of executive secretaries, work and family spheres of human life are essential and complementary, and that help is contrary, however, this relationship is the primary management of conflicts, ie, how the individual sees and manages the negative side of the work-family


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Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, utilizando-se como referencial metodológico a Grounded Theory e como referencial teórico o Processo de Trabalho em Enfermagem, para compreender o papel assumido pelo enfermeiro perante as normas e rotinas hospitalares, relativas aos familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos internados em um Hospital Universitário. A análise dos dados permitiu a identificação do tema: definindo-se a modalidade de apoio familiar durante a hospitalização, que reúne duas categorias principais: tornando-se familiar visitante e tornando-se familiar acompanhante. Por meio da análise, pôde-se aprofundar a compreensão do quanto as regras estabelecidas, com o objetivo de disciplinar e tornar eficiente o trabalho desenvolvido no hospital, podem explicitar o desprovimento de autonomia no processo de trabalho, para modificar as relações nesse contexto e o quanto a apropriação do familiar como parte da equipe de saúde, está distante de ser pensada no concreto das instituições.


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This article aims, through a theoretical essay, to promote a reflection about the new roles played by people in families, at work and at the society in general. Based on papers and scientific bibliography, it broaches the changes at the contemporary society, linked to changes on world of work and family relationships, focused on the unbalance at family-work relation. Some current organizational initiatives were cited as plans of prevention and improvement of worker health, which affect their relations. It was considered the need of reconstruction of gender stereotypes and reducing the inequality of opportunity between people as focal points for changing a current scenario, which prevails in the lack of balance between requirements that can generate negative consequences both for health the individual and their families and for the organization.


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The present dissertation focuses on burnout and work engagement among teachers, with especial focus on the Job-Demands Resources Model: Chapter 1 focuses on teacher burnout. It aims to investigate the role of efficacy beliefs using negatively worded inefficacy items instead of positive ones and to establish whether depersonalization and cynism can be considered two different dimensions of the teacher burnout syndrome. Chapter 2 investigates the factorial validity of the instruments used to measure work engagement (i.e. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-17 and UWES-9). Moreover, because the current study is partly longitudinal in nature, also the stability across time of engagement can be investigated. Finally, based on cluster-analyses, two groups that differ in levels of engagement are compared as far as their job- and personal resources (i.e. possibilities for personal development, work-life balance, and self-efficacy), positive organizational attitudes and behaviours (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour) and perceived health are concerned. Chapter 3 tests the JD-R model in a longitudinal way, by integrating also the role of personal resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This chapter seeks answers to questions on what are the most important job demands, job and personal resources contributing to discriminate burned-out teachers from non-burned-out teachers, as well as engaged teachers from non-engaged teachers. Chapter 4 uses a diary study to extend knowledge about the dynamic nature of the JD-R model by considering between- and within-person variations with regard to both motivational and health impairment processes.


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Este documento es un artículo inédito que ha sido aceptado para su publicación. Como un servicio a sus autores y lectores, Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social proporciona online esta edición preliminar. El manuscrito puede sufrir alteraciones tras la edición y corrección de pruebas, antes de su publicación definitiva. Los posibles cambios no afectarán en ningún caso a la información contenida en esta hoja, ni a lo esencial del contenido del artículo.


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This article presents a sociological study of sleep issues in the British print news media, with particular focus on the relationship between sleep, work and the changing demands of ‘flexible capitalism’. Drawing on over 1000 newspaper articles from 1984 to 2005, we explore how and why sleep is framed or constructed in terms of continuity and change (in British working life and work cultures) and, equally, viewed as a neglected component of our social lives which is too easily sacrificed to the demands of the 24/7 society, long hours culture and the struggle to create a harmonious work-life balance. This is particularly the case for certain British work cultures in which sleep has conflicting and contrasting associations. Finally, we reflect on the broader class-based discourses and debates that arise from certain workers having their sleep patterns increasingly scrutinized and regulated, and the role of the media in any ensuing sleep/work ‘crisis’.


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Relocation is one organizational phenomenon where the influence of family is prominent. Our paper thus uses it as a backdrop against which to study the work–family interface. In-depth qualitative analysis of 62 interviews with Royal Air Force personnel is used to complement the literature by demonstrating the impact on and the impact of the immediate family in relocation. The analysis provides evidence that relocation influences an employee's role as family member, other family members and the family as a whole. Findings also illustrate that families influence employees' relocation behaviour, organizational tenure and work focus. In summary, this paper supports the bidirectional nature of the work-family interface and also demonstrates that regardless of whether examining the work-to-family influence or the family-to-work influence the effects are not always negative.


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This ex post facto study (N = 209) examined the relationships between employer job strategies and job retention among organizations participating in Florida welfare-to-work network programs and associated the strategies with job retention data to determine best practices. ^ An internet-based self-report survey battery was administered to a heterogeneous sampling of organizations participating in the Florida welfare-to-work network program. Hypotheses were tested through correlational and hierarchical regression analytic procedures. The partial correlation results linked each of the job retention strategies to job retention. Wages, benefits, training and supervision, communication, job growth, work/life balance, fairness and respect were all significantly related to job retention. Hierarchical regression results indicated that the training and supervision variable was the best predictor of job retention in the regression equation. ^ The size of the organization was also a significant predictor of job retention. Large organizations reported higher job retention rates than small organizations. There was no statistical difference between the types of organizations (profit-making and non-profit) and job retention. The standardized betas ranged from to .26 to .41 in the regression equation. Twenty percent of the variance in job retention was explained by the combination of demographic and job retention strategy predictors, supporting the theoretical, empirical, and practical relevance of understanding the association between employer job strategies and job retention outcomes. Implications for adult education and human resource development theory, research, and practice are highlighted as possible strategic leverage points for creating conditions that facilitate the development of job strategies as a means for improving former welfare workers’ job retention.^