976 resultados para violência escolar


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Para uma sociedade empenhada em ser mais eficiente, entender os mecanismos pelos quais uma gestão escolar com autonomia financeira pode trazer ganhos educacionais deveria ser uma de suas prioridades, uma vez que o capital humano é essencial no desenvolvimento econômico e social. O Projeto Jovem de Futuro do Instituto Unibanco foi um caso de sucesso brasileiro e nosso estudo tenta auxiliar no entendimento das causas do mesmo. O uso de computadores em salas de aula, a redução do absenteísmo docente e a elevação da participação discente mostraram ser possíveis canais. Além disso, em escolas onde já existia grande presença docente, tal efeito mostrou-se ainda maior. Também examinamos indicadores de violência (que foram reduzidos pelo projeto) e a análise do efeito heterogêneo mostra que o impacto é maior quando já existia elevada presença de brigas e bebidas no ambiente escolar.


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O bullying em contexto escolar, embora não seja um fenómeno novo, só mais recentemente tem vindo a ser objeto de estudo científico, fruto da crescente violência que se verifica nas escolas entre os pares. Trata-se de um comportamento agressivo, de caráter sistemático, repetitivo e em que existe um desequilíbrio de poder entre a vítima e o agressor. Atualmente surge um novo problema que está associado ao constante crescimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação: o cyberbullying. As agressões que ocorrem em contexto escolar passam a acontecer também através da internet ou do telemóvel. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a existência dos comportamentos de bullying e de cyberbullying, numa escola particular cooperativa, da Região Autónoma da Madeira, bem como as características associadas a cada um destes fenómenos. A amostra é constituída por 651 alunos que frequentam os 2º e o 3º ciclos, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 16 anos. Para avaliar os dois fenómenos em estudo, construiu-se um questionário de autopreenchimento, que foi baseado no “Questionário para o Estudo da Violência entre Pares” de Freire, Simão e Ferreira (2006) e no questionário de cyberbullying de Campos (2009). Verificou-se que, neste estabelecimento de ensino, existe uma baixa prevalência destes fenómenos, quando comparados com os índices de bullying e de cyberbullying encontrados nos diversos estudos realizados sobre este tema. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação vão ao encontro de algumas das tendências verificadas na literatura, nomeadamente ao nível das diferenças de género e de idade nos comportamentos de agressão e de vitimização, e ainda a existência de uma relação significativa entre o bullying e o cyberbullying.


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The present dissertation tells a proposal of based pedagogical intervention in the use of practical corporal cooperatives during lessons of physical education in intention to create situations that allow to educating to reflect on the violence and its consequences in the social relations in the school. For in such a way, we leave from the following question of study: which perspectives of the physical education to contribute to minimize the aggressive and violent attitudes of the pupils in the school? Centered in the objective to reflect on the aggressiveness, the violence and bullying in the school, the light of a theoretical recital and in the perspectives of contribution of practical the corporal cooperatives for the reduction of its effect in the pertaining to school environment, in particular in the lessons of physical education, we search among others to involve the pupils in activities that stimulated the expression of human values as solidarity, respect and cooperation. In this intention, we opt to a ethnographic study for the possibility of next interaction between investigator and the investigated one. Our research is directly on to the social aspects that involve the problems of the society in a general way, in the attempt to diminish the decurrent problems of aggression situations, that they happen in one definitive municipal school of the city of Natal/RN, the sample being constituted of pupils of 6º year of Basic Education. It analyzes the practical situations lived deeply by the pupils had revealed efficient to minimize the aggressive attitudes in the pertaining to school space, as well as it opens perspectives so that the educators deal better with such attitudes, using to advantage them to educate the pupils in the direction to stimulate the good relations. We believe that with this research, to be able to of course share with other schools our experiences in the attempt of resolution of similar problems regarding thematic of the aggressiveness, respecting the specificity of each school in particular


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It is a descriptive, exploratory study, quantitative comparative approach, whose general objective was to analyze the violence at school in a comparative way in the context of two schools in Natal / RN. The specifics were to identify the types of manifestations of violence in the contexts of public and private schools, to identify the position of the leadership, teachers and school staff during and after the occurrence of manifestations of violence in the school environment, to identify measures to prevent violence within of schools. The results show that 68 of the 121 participants (56.20%) were female and 53 (43.80%) were male, 38 (31.40%) were between 40 and 49, 85 (70.2%) lived in the south of Natal (RN), 46 (38.02%) specialization, 68 (56.20%) were Catholic, 63 (52.07%) married, 41 (33.88%) received between 03 and 05 and 68 minimum wages (56.20%) were teachers, 51 (42.15%) 02 employees (01,65%) and directors, 46 (38.02%) providers had between 05 and 14 years and 11 months experience in teaching 70 (57.85%) less than five years in the job, 68 (56.20%) worked between 20 hours and 40 hours per week, 81 (16.30%) worked in the 9th grade of elementary school II. As for the sizing of violence, 111 (91.74%) respondents witnessed episodes of this event who work in the institution, 100 (82.64%) witnessed verbal violence, 87 (71.90%) called for parents when some event happenedviolent that it caused injury to students, 66 (54.55%) believed that family violence is the main reason for young people practiced bullying, 44 (38.98%) reported daily episodes of bullying, 64 (52.89% ) the event happens in the courtyard. Of the 37 victims of violence at school, 22 (59.45%) suffered verbal abuse, 18 (48.65%) experienced violence once a week, 36 (97.30%) were attacked by students, 104 (85.95 %) are able to differentiate the bad acts of bullying behavior, 28 (23.14%) separated the involved coordination and communicated verbally, 23 (19.00%) stated that the coordination of schools talked with parents about the aggressive behavior of the student. Regarding the actions taken to minimize bullying, 69 (57.02%) participated in any professional education process, 47 (38.84%) was the educational process at another institution, 49 (71.01%) took courses lasting 12 to 24 hours, 59 (48.76%) stated that interaction with parents and family was the most stimulated by the school to try to minimize and prevent the event and 116 (95.87%) participated in meetings at the institutions surveyed , 58 (50.00%) responded that the meetings took place every two months and 121 (100.00%) reported having no refresher course on school violence in the schools surveyed. We conclude that violence in schools has been expressed in any social class and that professionals are poorly prepared to deal with the situation. So we hope that education professionals through the reading of our study may realize that school violence takes place in any institution affecting the lives of all who make up the educational universe. It is extremely important that these professionals always seek to empower through knowledge so that they can develop strategies to prevent and minimize the bullying to change the reality of the workplace


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The most varied ways of manifestation of the violence phenomenon in the contemporary society are each time more found in the media spaces and among society discussions. It makes think about procedures to be taken before the growth and new outbreaks of such phenomenon. The violences manifestations in schools reveal themselves as a reflection of what happens in the scope of social violence. Its dynamics originates in society and reflects itself in scholl, that is, the violences in schools combine internal and external elements to school enviroment of many fields and spheres of which the individuals participate. To reflect about the violences in the schools requires, over all, to make a bridge with the categories: youth and violence. Violences in schools: A new look to the social relations, is a Ms. Sc. Dissertation that has as main objective: to analyze the main existing forms of violence in the school space. For its achievement, it was made a bibliographical survey, questionnaires application (annexed) and observation. Thus, this research articulated the two approaches: qualitative and quantitative. The questionnaires application happened in a state school of the Natal city and amongst yhe criteria for this choice there was the fact of the school had more than 500 pupils, to be located on a strategical place of the city, providing a subjects heterogeneity to be researched, deyond the limitations of available resources financial and material and the available time for the research accomplishment. The scool congregates objective conditions, specifically in what concerns the criteria previously defined: age range, socioenomical level and number of pupils. Amongst the main results obtained, it can be detached that the violence is a phenomenon seen, for the great majority of the research subjects, as a phenomenon connected to the most visible violence forms: the agressions. And a question always present in the public education institutions: infrastructures precariousness, high scool evasion índex and vulnerability among the pupils that makes possible to the pupil to see school as an home extension. Such dissertation concludes that the phenomenon of the violence in scools demands and requires of the most varied subjects involved in the processes na understanding of its determinants so that thus, one can intervene in such phenomenon that does not restrains itself to the physical acts of aggression, but that it is, over all, on a non respecting the different


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O artigo trata de pesquisa realizada em uma Escola de periferia considerada problemática por receber alunos de uma gangue da cidade. Procura-se aqui complexificar o tema da violência, buscando uma maior amplitude de olhar para tal fenômeno que atinge o espaço escolar.


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O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o desempenho escolar da criança vítima de violência doméstica atendida no Fórum Judicial. Participaram do estudo 20 crianças vitimizadas comparadas com seus pares da mesma sala de aula, mesmo sexo e mesma faixa etária, mas sem histórico de violência doméstica, suas respectivas mães e professoras. As crianças responderam ao Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Inventário de Estilos Parentais e ao Teste de Raven (Escala Especial) e apresentaram o caderno escolar. As mães responderam a uma entrevista e a Escala de Táticas de Conflitos Revisada (CTS-2). As professoras apresentaram sua opinião sobre o desempenho acadêmico dos participantes. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a criança vitimizada tem desempenho escolar inferior ao grupo controle. Os resultados da CTS-2 indicaram que a maioria das crianças vitimizadas estava exposta à violência conjugal. O estudo mostrou que, além da violência doméstica direta e indireta, tais crianças estavam expostas a outros fatores de risco, tais como, pobreza, baixa escolaridade materna e uso de álcool e/ou droga por familiares.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho traz como tema a violência doméstica contra a criança, diz respeito às práticas discursivas docentes face à criança maltratada, buscando desvelar os limites e as possibilidades do enfrentamento dos maus tratos infantis domésticos no espaço escolar. Para Tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso de práticas e vivências de um grupo de professoras da educação infantil de uma unidade escolar da rede pública municipal de Belém, o qual foi desenvolvido através de entrevistas semi estruturadas, no período compreendido entre Março e Junho de 2009. Portanto, categorias como: infância, historicidade dos maus tratos, responsabilidades, reconhecimento, ética, entre tantos outros, embasaram este estudo, caracteristicamente teórico e empírico. Tendo a hermenêutica como fio teórico-metodológico inspirada nos princípios hermenêuticos do agir humano de Paul Ricouer. As análises das narrativas docentes indicam que em determinado contextos e circunstâncias a responsabilidade civil perante a criança maltratada perde intensamente o seu sentido prático normativo e somente uma responsabilidade ética calçada no reconhecimento positivo das crianças, tem sustentado uma ação docente de enfrentamento dos maus tratos, este que como pretendemos sinalizar são imprescindíveis para a construção de uma cultura de respeito e defesa da dignidade humana das crianças.


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The purpose of this research is to show the types of violence committed by teachers that were experienced and/or witnessed by future teachers during their schooling history. It's a quantitative and qualitative research. The collection, organization, and analysis of data proceeded from Content Analysis (BARDIN, 1977) and the construction of Bernard Charlot and Pierre Bourdieu's works and specific literature on the theme. The subjects are 12 students that attended the Pedagogy undergraduate program in 2011 at the Faculty of Science and Arts of the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The data shows that the majority of the group of individuals claimed to have witnessed or experienced violence by teachers during their basic training. According to them, among the most recurring types of violence are those of symbolic nature. They attended, not equally, the public system and the private system. This enabled pointing out that violence, especially symbolic violence, occurred in both school systems. Therefore, this is a phenomenon that affects different fractions of social classes. Considering that the participants of this research are future teachers, it was established a relation with the notion of 'cycle of abuse', since there is a high possibility of them practicing the teaching function.


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Esta coletânea reúne textos resultantes de reflexões e pesquisas de professores de Universidades de diferentes países da America Latina tais como Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai e de países da Europa como França, Inglaterra e Espanha. Os textos procuram fazer uma reflexão a respeito da relação jovem violência e sociedade. Deste modo os textos tratam da violência como constituinte do ser humano relacionando-a à globalização e a outros processos sociais. São textos de pesquisadores brasileiros, de outros paises da América Latina e da Europa que se debruçam sobre a questão de jovens e violência, abordando aspectos como: internação de jovens em casas correcionais como uma das respostas da sociedade para o enfrentamento da violência juvenil; as diferentes formas e dimensões da violência como a violência de gênero, relações interpessoais nas instituições; a relação com o outro e a demarcação das diferenças e o imaginário presente no âmbito escolar e social