929 resultados para variance effective population size
The loss of large areas of Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) in Brazil can lead to reduced biodiversity and to the extinction of species. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the genetic fragility of populations of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf exposed to different anthropic conditions in fragments of Cerrado in the state of São Paulo. The study was carried out in two Experimental Stations operated by the Forest Institute (Assis and Itirapina), in one fully protected conservation unit (Pedregulho) and in one private property (Brotas). Analyses were conducted using leaf samples from 353 adult specimens and eight pairs of microsatellite loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 13 to 15 in all populations, but the mean number of effective alleles was approximately half this value (7.2 to 9-1). Observed heterozygosity was significant and lower than the expected in all populations. Consequently, all populations deviated from Hardy-Weinberg expected frequencies. Fixation indexes were significant for all populations, with the Pedregulho population having the lowest value (0.189) and Itirapina having the highest (0.283). The analysis of spatial genetic structure detected family structures at distance classes of 20 to 65 m in the populations studied. No clones were detected in the populations. Estimates of effective population size were low, but the area occupied by each population studied was large enough for conservation, medium and long term. Recent reductions or bottlenecks were detected in all four populations. Mean Gst’ (genetic divergence) indicated that most of the variation was within populations. Cluster structure analysis based on the genotypes detected K= 4 clusters with distinct allele frequencies patterns. The genetic differentiation observed among populations is consistent with the hypothesis of genetic and geographic isolation. Therefore, it is essential to adopt conservation strategies that raise the gene flow between fragments.
Através da análise de 18 locos isoenzimáticos polimórficos, foram estimadas as freqüências alélicas referentes a 214 indivíduos adultos de quatro populações naturais de Cryptocarya moschata de duas regiões do estado de São Paulo. Com base nas heterozigosidades observadas e esperadas, foram obtidas estimativas das estatísticas F de Wright. Para fins de comparação, utilizou-se também o método da análise da variância para estimação dos parâmetros correspondentes F = FIT, qP= FST e f = FIS. Os dois métodos forneceram resultados bastante concordantes: IT = 0,142;
ST = 0,140;
IS = 0,002 e
= 0,116;
P = 0,123 e
= 0,008, indicando que os indivíduos dentro das populações devem ser panmíticos e que a diversidade entre populações é bastante alta, sendo similar à que se espera para famílias com estruturação de meios-irmãos. Calculando
P com as populações tomadas duas a duas, notou-se tendência de
P crescer com a distância geográfica o que sugere tendência de isolamento pela distância. O fluxo gênico foi estimado em 0,9 indivíduos por geração, o que corrobora a pronunciada diferenciação populacional encontrada. Devido ao valor negligível encontrado de
IS, o tamanho efetivo de variância de cada população é equivalente ao número de indivíduos amostrados. As estratégias de manejo e conservação necessárias para a preservação da alta variabilidade genética intrapopulacional de C. moschata implicam na manutenção de populações com número grande de indivíduos. Além disso, para a preservação da espécie como um todo, a manutenção de muitas populações provavelmente é necessária.
Depuis quelques années, l'évolution moléculaire cherche à caractériser les variations et l'intensité de la sélection grâce au rapport entre taux de substitution synonyme et taux de substitution non-synonyme (dN/dS). Cette mesure, dN/dS, a permis d'étudier l'histoire de la variation de l'intensité de la sélection au cours du temps ou de détecter des épisodes de la sélection positive. Les liens entre sélection et variation de taille efficace interfèrent cependant dans ces mesures. Les méthodes comparatives, quant a elle, permettent de mesurer les corrélations entre caractères quantitatifs le long d'une phylogénie. Elles sont également utilisées pour tester des hypothèses sur l'évolution corrélée des traits d'histoire de vie, mais pour être employées pour étudier les corrélations entre traits d'histoire de vie, masse, taux de substitution ou dN/dS. Nous proposons ici une approche combinant une méthode comparative basée sur le principe des contrastes indépendants et un modèle d'évolution moléculaire, dans un cadre probabiliste Bayésien. Intégrant, le long d'une phylogénie, sur les reconstructions ancestrales des traits et et de dN/dS nous estimons les covariances entre traits ainsi qu'entre traits et paramètres du modèle d'évolution moléculaire. Un modèle hiérarchique, a été implémenté dans le cadre du logiciel coevol, publié au cours de cette maitrise. Ce modèle permet l'analyse simultané de plusieurs gènes sans perdre la puissance donnée par l'ensemble de séquences. Un travail deparallélisation des calculs donne la liberté d'augmenter la taille du modèle jusqu'à l'échelle du génome. Nous étudions ici les placentaires, pour lesquels beaucoup de génomes complets et de mesures phénotypiques sont disponibles. À la lumière des théories sur les traits d'histoire de vie, notre méthode devrait permettre de caractériser l'implication de groupes de gènes dans les processus biologique liés aux phénotypes étudiés.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is one of the most Popular population genetic markers. Its relevance as an indicator Of Population size and history has recently been questioned by several large-scale studies in animals reporting evidence for recurrent adaptive evolution, at least in invertebrates. Here we focus on mammals, a more restricted taxonomic group for which the issue of mtDNA near neutrality is crucial. By analyzing the distribution of mtDNA diversity across species and relating 4 to allozyme diversity, life-history traits, and taxonomy, we show that (i) mtDNA in mammals (toes not reject the nearly neutral model; (ii) mtDNA diversity, however, is unrelated to any of the 14 life-history and ecological variables that we analyzed, including body mass, geographic range, and The World Conservation Union (IUCN) categorization; (iii) mtDNA diversity is highly variable between mammalian orders and families; (iv) this taxonomic effect is most likely explained by variations of mutation rate between lineages. These results are indicative of a strong stochasticity of effective population size in mammalian species. They Suggest that, even in the absence of selection, mtDNA genetic diversity is essentially unpredictable, knowing species biology, and probably uncorrelated to species abundance.
Inferring the spatial expansion dynamics of invading species from molecular data is notoriously difficult due to the complexity of the processes involved. For these demographic scenarios, genetic data obtained from highly variable markers may be profitably combined with specific sampling schemes and information from other sources using a Bayesian approach. The geographic range of the introduced toad Bufo marinus is still expanding in eastern and northern Australia, in each case from isolates established around 1960. A large amount of demographic and historical information is available on both expansion areas. In each area, samples were collected along a transect representing populations of different ages and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Five demographic models of expansion, differing in the dispersal pattern for migrants and founders and in the number of founders, were considered. Because the demographic history is complex, we used an approximate Bayesian method, based on a rejection-regression algorithm. to formally test the relative likelihoods of the five models of expansion and to infer demographic parameters. A stepwise migration-foundation model with founder events was statistically better supported than other four models in both expansion areas. Posterior distributions supported different dynamics of expansion in the studied areas. Populations in the eastern expansion area have a lower stable effective population size and have been founded by a smaller number of individuals than those in the northern expansion area. Once demographically stabilized, populations exchange a substantial number of effective migrants per generation in both expansion areas, and such exchanges are larger in northern than in eastern Australia. The effective number of migrants appears to be considerably lower than that of founders in both expansion areas. We found our inferences to be relatively robust to various assumptions on marker. demographic, and historical features. The method presented here is the only robust, model-based method available so far, which allows inferring complex population dynamics over a short time scale. It also provides the basis for investigating the interplay between population dynamics, drift, and selection in invasive species.
Six microsatellite loci were used to quantify the mating system of two small fragmented populations (Selviria - SEL and Aparecida do Tabuado APT, Mato Grosso do Sul State) and isolated trees in pastures, of the bat-pollinated tropical tree Hymenaea stignocarpa, growing in the Center-west region of Brazil. In SEL population, seeds were collected from 11 mother-trees; in APT, from three trees and, in the case of isolated trees, from six individuals growing at least 500 m apart in pastures. To investigate if there are differences on mating system between trees in populations and isolated trees, trees from populations were pooled as a group and, likewise, the isolated trees were pooled to another group. The outcrossing rate was higher in the populations ((t) over cap (m)=0.873) than in isolated trees ((t) over cap (m)=0.857), but the difference was not significant. Significant and high differences between multi-locus and single-locus outcrossing rate were detected in populations ((t) over cap (m)-(t) over cap (s)=0.301, P<0.05) and isolated trees (<(t)over cap>(m)-(t) over cap (s) = 0.276, P < 0.05), suggesting mating between relatives. Higher paternity correlation was observed in trees from population (<(r)over cap>(p)=0.636) than in isolated trees ((r) over cap (p)=0.377), indicating the occurrence of some correlated matings and that part of offspring are full-sibs. It was not observed increased in self-fertilization rate in isolated trees in pastures. In general terms, the unique observed difference in mating system between populations and isolate trees was the high rate of correlated matings in trees from populations, due probably to the small distance among coespecifics and the pollinator behavior, visiting near trees.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The imprints of domestication and breed development on the genomes of livestock likely differ from those of companion animals. A deep draft sequence assembly of shotgun reads from a single Hereford female and comparative sequences sampled from six additional breeds were used to develop probes to interrogate 37,470 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 497 cattle from 19 geographically and biologically diverse breeds. These data show that cattle have undergone a rapid recent decrease in effective population size from a very large ancestral population, possibly due to bottlenecks associated with domestication, selection, and breed formation. Domestication and artificial selection appear to have left detectable signatures of selection within the cattle genome, yet the current levels of diversity within breeds are at least as great as exists within humans.
Determining the genetic structure of tropical bird populations is important for assessing potential genetic effects of future habitat fragmentation and for testing hypotheses about evolutionary mechanisms promoting diversification. Here we used 10 microsatellite DNA loci to describe levels of genetic differentiation for five populations of the lek-mating blue manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata), sampled along a 414-km transect within the largest remaining continuous tract of the highly endangered Atlantic Forest habitat in southeast Brazil. We found small but significant levels of differentiation between most populations. F-ST values varied from 0.0 to 0.023 (overall F-ST = 0.012) that conformed to a strong isolation by distance relationship, suggesting that observed levels of differentiation are a result of migration-drift equilibrium. N(e)m values estimated using a coalescent-based method were small (<= 2 migrants per generation) and close to the minimum level required to maintain genetic similarity between populations. An implication of these results is that if future habitat fragmentation reduces dispersal between populations to even a small extent, then individual populations may undergo a loss of genetic diversity due to an increase in the relative importance of drift, since inbreeding effective population sizes are relatively small (N-e similar to 1000). Our findings also demonstrate that population structuring can occur in a tropical bird in continuous habitat in the absence of geographical barriers possibly due to behavioural features of the species.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Six microsatellite loci were used to quantify the mating system of two small fragmented populations (Selviria - SEL and Aparecida do Tabuado - APT, Mato Grosso do Sul State) and isolated trees in pastures, of the bat-pollinated tropical tree Hymenaea stignocarpa, growing in the Center-west region of Brazil. In SEL population, seeds were collected from 11 mother-trees; in APT, from three trees and, in the case of isolated trees, from six individuals growing at least 500 m apart in pastures. To investigate if there are differences on mating system between trees in populations and isolated trees, trees from populations were pooled as a group and, likewise, the isolated trees were pooled to another group. The outcrossing rate was higher in the populations (t̂ m= 0.873) than in isolated trees (t̂ m=0.857), but the difference was not significant. Significant and high differences between multi-locus and single-locus outcrossing rate were detected in populations (t̂ m- t̂ s=0.301, P<0.05) and isolated trees (t̂ m- t̂ s=0.276, P<0.05), suggesting mating between relatives. Higher paternity correlation was observed in trees from population (r̂ p=0.636) than in isolated trees (r̂ p=0.377), indicating the occurrence of some correlated matings and that part of offspring are full-sibs. It was not observed increased in self-fertilization rate in isolated trees in pastures. In general terms, the unique observed difference in mating system between populations and isolate trees was the high rate of correlated matings in trees from populations, due probably to the small distance among coespecifics and the pollinator behavior, visiting near trees.
Anthropogenic changes in the reproductive population density can affect the mating system and result in an increase in selfing and correlated matings. This study investigated the mating system in small fragmented populations of the insect pollinated tropical tree species Copaifera langsdorffii, using microsatellite loci and the mixed and correlated mating models. Open-pollinated seeds were collected from 15 seed-trees located in a small forest fragment (4.8 ha), denominated Bosque and from 14 other seed-trees located in other small forest fragments of the north-western region of São Paulo State. No significant differences were observed between the seed-trees from Bosque (tm=0.933±0.028) and other fragments (tm=0.971±0.032), although these estimates were significantly different from 1.0, suggesting that selfing was occurring. Differences between multilocus and unilocus outcrossing rate were significantly high in both seed-trees of Bosque (tm -ts=0.478±0.05) and other forest fragments (tm -ts=0.475±0.018), suggesting a spatial genetic structure in those stands. The results also showed high rates of correlated mating in the samples, indicating that a good part of the offspring were full-sibs. As a consequence of selfing, mating among relatives and correlated matings, the coancestry within families was equally high in the seed-trees of Bosque ((Θ=0.237) and in the seed-trees of the other forest fragments (Θ=0.241) and the effective population size was lower than expected in panmitic populations (Ne<4). The results were discussed, focusing on the sample size of seed-trees to collect seeds for genetic conservation and enviromental reforestation.
Intensive deforestation and forest fragmentation of the Brazilian forest biomes has contributed to increase the number of trees species under the risk of extinction. Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert is one of these species. Some of its populations are being conserved ex situ by the Instituto Florestal de São Paulo through provenance and progeny tests. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation and to estimate genetic parameters at age 24 years in a progeny test of P. dubium established in Luiz Antônio, São Paulo State, Brazil. The trial was established in a random block design, with six replications, five plants per plot and 18 open-pollinated progenies. Measured were: diameter at breast height (DBH), height and stem form. The genetic parameters heritability, genetic variation and effective population size were estimated. Significant genetic differences were observed only for DBH. This trait also presented a high coefficient of genetic variation (CV g=4.8%) and heritability, especially among progeny means (h m 2=0.6607). This indicates that DBH is the most indicated trait for selection in the population. The effective population size conserved ex situ in the test was estimated to be 38.9. Concerning genetic conservation, although the effective population size in the test is small, the values of the genetic variation and of the heritability indicate that the ex situ population has sufficient genetic variation and potential to respond to changes promoted by natural and artificial selection.