895 resultados para uterine endocervix
PURPOSE: Integration of high-risk papillomavirus DNA has been considered an important step in oncogenic progression to cervical carcinoma. Disruption of the human papillomavirus (HPV) genome within the E2 gene is frequently a consequence. This study investigated the influence of episomal viral DNA on outcome in patients with advanced cervical cancer treated with primary radiotherapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Paraffin-embedded biopsies of 82 women with locally advanced cervical cancer could be analyzed for HPV infection by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by use of SPF1/2 primers. E2-gene intactness of HPV-16-positive samples was analyzed in 3 separate amplification reactions by use of the E2A, E2B, E2C primers. Statistical analyses (Kaplan-Meier method; log-rank test) were performed for overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), local progression-free survival (LPFS), and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS). RESULTS: Sixty-one (75%) of 82 carcinomas were HPV positive, 44 of them for HPV-16 (72%). Seventeen of the 44 HPV-16-positive tumors (39%) had an intact E2 gene. Patients with a HPV-16-positive tumor and an intact E2 gene showed a trend for a better DFS (58% vs. 38%, p = 0.06) compared with those with a disrupted E2 gene. A nonsignificant difference occurred regarding OS (87% vs. 66%, p = 0.16) and DMFS (57% vs. 48%, p = 0.15). CONCLUSION: E2-gene status may be a promising new target, but more studies are required to elucidate the effect of the viral E2 gene on outcome after radiotherapy in HPV-positive tumors.
PURPOSE: To retrospectively determine the sensitivity of ovarian artery (OA) visualization at aortography performed after uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) and, using OA arteriography as the reference standard, compare the extent of arterial flow to the uterus at aortography with selective ovarian arteriography, to establish the utility of aortography and ovarian arteriography in the routine practice of UFE. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study received institutional review board approval with waiver of informed consent and was HIPAA compliant. Retrospective review of 1129 consecutive UFE patients (1072 with aortograms, 57 excluded; mean age, 44 years; range, 21-60 years) was performed to identify all visible OAs. Visible OAs were independently graded by two interventional radiologists according to extent of pelvic arterial flow. If selective arteriography was performed, a second grade was assigned based on assessment of the selective study. Descriptive and summary statistics were used for assessment by the senior observer, and interobserver variability was determined. RESULTS: Of 1072 UFE patients, 184 (17.2%) had at least one visible OA. Ten (0.8%) patients were identified at aortography with collateral OA supply to more than 10% of the uterus. In total, 251 OAs were visualized, and 157 of these were further evaluated with selective study. Sixty-two (5.8%) patients were identified at selective arteriography as having collateral OA supply. The sensitivity of aortography was approximately 18%. Interobserver concordance was high (kappa values of 0.81 and 0.90 for aortography and selective study, respectively), but not perfect. CONCLUSION: Aortography rarely helps identify patients with substantial residual OA supply to the uterus and is a poor predictor of the extent of that supply, and thus may be of limited utility in routine UFE.
Malignant uterine tumours can affect the corpus or the cervix. The endometrial carcinoma with its different histological subtypes counts for most of the malignomas of the uterine body. But the rare category of uterine sarcomas (carcinosarcomas, leiomyosarcomas as well as endometrial stromal sarcomas) also belongs to this group. Cervical cancer presents an own entitity, regarding both histology and therapeutic options. Endometrial cancer is the most common genital malignoma in Northern Europe and North America. Histologically, the endometrial cancer can be subdivided in two groups: type I is hormonal sensitive and well differentiated, type II represents an undifferenciated aggressive tumour with poor prognosis. In general, the patient is elderly. Due to the main symptom - abnormal vaginal bleeding - endometrial cancer is detected in an early stage in about 75% of all patients. First choice in therapy is stage related surgery. Follow-up schemes have not proved yet to improve survival, therefore clear guidelines are missing. National and international groups recommend regular follow-up visits to detect the early vaginal vault relapse which is curable. Cervical cancer is mainly a squamous cell carcinoma and oncogenic Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) associated. Surgery is only indicated up to stage IIA, advanced stages should be treated by radio-chemotherapy. Several studies have shown that follow-up visits can improve survival rates. Intention is the detection of the curable local relapse.
The endometrium contains a distinct population of immune cells that undergo cyclic changes during the menstrual cycle and implantation. The majority of these leucocytes are uterine NK (uNK) cells, however how these cells interact with uterine stromal fibroblasts remains unclear. We therefore investigated the paracrine effect of medium conditioned by uterine decidual leucocytes (which are enriched for uNK cells) on the gene expression profile of endometrial stromal fibroblasts in vitro using a cDNA microarray. Our results, verified by real-time PCR, ELISA and FACS analysis, reveal that soluble factors from uterine leucocytes substantially alter endometrial stromal fibroblast gene expression. The largest group of up-regulated genes found was chemokines and cytokines. These include IL-8, CCL8 and CXCL1, which have also been shown to be stimulated by contact of stromal fibroblasts with trophoblast, suggesting that uNK cells work synergistically to support trophoblast migration during implantation. The decidual leucocytes also up-regulated IL-15 and IL-15Ralpha in stromal fibroblasts which could produce a niche for uNK cells allowing proliferation within and recruitment into the uterus, as seen in bone marrow. Overall this study demonstrates, for the first time, the paracrine communication between uterine leucocytes and uterine stromal fibroblasts, and adds to the understanding of how the uterine immune system contributes to the changes seen within the cycling endometrium.
Purpose: Congenital uterine anomalies often remain asymptomatic until they cause problems, for example during pregnancy. We studied the diagnostic aspects of two- and three-dimensional ultrasound and MRI. Materials and Methods: 63 women referred for suspected uterine anomalies were studied: In the first group (until July 2008) with 2 D-US and MRI, in the second group (from August 2008) additionally with 3 D-US; these women also had diagnostic or therapeutic operative confirmation. In the third group, only 3D-US was used. Results: In all women 3D-US was possible and successful. The most common anomaly was a subseptate uterus, while a septate uterus was less frequent, and uterus bicornis (unicollis) and uterus didelphys (bicornis bicollis) were rare. The women in the first two groups all underwent at least diagnostic hysteroscopy, and some (subseptate or septate uterus) underwent operative hysteroscopy. After preoperative volume imaging, laparoscopies were required less often. 3D-US diagnoses as judged by intraoperative findings were correct in 100 % of cases, while the MRI diagnoses in the same group were correct in only 7/13 cases. Conclusion: Since the introduction of volume imaging (MRI, later 3 D-US), laparoscopy during hysteroscopic septum resection was not necessary in the majority of cases. 3D-US brings the diagnostics of uterine anomalies back into the hands of the gynecologist and can provide the gynecological surgeon with a higher subjective degree of certainty during operative hysteroscopy.
Previous studies from our lab have established that large molecular weight mucin glycoproteins are major apically-disposed components of mouse uterine epithelial cells in vitro (Valdizan et al., (1992) J. Cell. Physiol. 151:451-465). The present studies demonstrate that Muc-1 represents one of the apically-disposed mucin glycoproteins of mouse uterine epithelia, and that Muc-1 protein and mRNA expression are regulated in the peri-implantation stage mouse uterus by ovarian steroids. Muc-1 expression is high in the proestrous and estrous stages, and decreases during diestrous. Both Muc-1 protein and mRNA levels decline to barely detectable levels by day 4 of pregnancy, i.e., prior to the time of blastocyst attachment. In contrast, Muc-1 expression in the cervix and vagina is maintained during this same period. Delayed implantation was established in pregnant mice by ovariectomy and maintained by administration of exogenous progesterone. Initiation of implantation was triggered by coinjection of progesterone maintained mice with a nidatory dose of 17$\beta$-estradiol. Muc-1 levels in the uterine epithelia of progesterone maintained mice declined to similar low levels as observed on day 4 of normal pregnancy. Coinjection of estradiol did not alter Muc-1 expression suggesting that down-regulation of Muc-1 is a progesterone dominated event. This was confirmed in ovariectomized, non-pregnant mice which displayed stimulation of Muc-1 expression following 6 hr of estradiol injection. Estradiol stimulated Muc-1 expression was inhibited by the pure antiestrogen, ICI 164,384. While progesterone alone had no effect on Muc-1 expression, it antagonized estradiol action in this regard. Injection of pregnant mice with the antiprogestin, RU 486, a known implantation inhibitor, on day 3 of pregnancy restored high level expression of Muc-1 mRNA on day 4, indicating that down-regulation of Muc-1 is progesterone receptor-mediated. Muc-1 appears to function as an anti-adhesive molecule at the apical cell surface of mouse uterine epithelial cells. Treatment of polarized cultures of mouse uterine epithelial cells with O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase reduced mucin expression in vitro, by about 50%, and converted polarized uterine epithelia to a functionally receptive state. Similarly, ablation of Muc-1 in Muc-1 null mice resulted in polarized uterine epithelia that were functionally receptive as compared to their wild-type counterparts in vitro. Collectively, these data indicate that Muc-1 and other mucins function as anti-adhesive molecules and that reduction or removal of these molecules is a prerequisite for the generation of a receptive uterine state. ^
Abstract Background: Aromatase deficiency may result in a complete block of estrogen synthesis because of the failure to convert androgens to estrogens. In females, this results in virilisation at birth, ovarian cysts in prepuberty and lack of pubertal development but virilisation, thereafter. Objective and methods: We studied the impact of oral 17β-estradiol treatment on ovarian and uterine development, and on LH/FSH and inhibin B during the long-term follow-up of a girl harboring compound heterozygote point mutations in the CYP19A1 gene. Results: In early childhood, low doses of oral 17β-estradiol were needed. During prepuberty treatment with slowly increasing doses of E2 resulted in normal uterine and almost normal development of ovarian volume, as well as number and size of follicles. Regarding hormonal feedback mechanisms, inhibin B levels were in the upper normal range during childhood and puberty. Low doses of estradiol did not suffice to achieve physiological gonadotropin levels in late prepuberty and puberty. However, when estradiol doses were further increased in late puberty levels of both FSH and LH declined with estradiol levels within normal range. Conclusion: Complete aromatase deficiency provides an excellent model of how ovarian and uterine development in relation to E2, LH, FSH and inhibin B feedback progresses from infancy to adolescence.
BACKGROUND Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) occurs in up to 10% of pregnancies and is considered as a major risk to develop various diseases in adulthood, such as cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, hypertension or end stage kidney disease. Several IUGR models have been developed in order to understand the biological processes linked to fetal growth retardation, most of them being rat or mouse models and nutritional models. In order to reproduce altered placental flow, surgical models have also been developed, and among them bilateral uterine ligation has been frequently used. Nevertheless, this model has never been developed in the mouse, although murine tools display multiple advantages for biological research. The aim of this work was therefore to develop a mouse model of bilateral uterine ligation as a surgical model of IUGR. RESULTS In this report, we describe the set up and experimental data obtained from three different protocols (P1, P2, P3) of bilateral uterine vessel ligation in the mouse. Ligation was either performed at the cervical end of each uterine horn (P1) or at the central part of each uterine horn (P2 and P3). Time of surgery was E16 (P1), E17 (P2) or E16.5 (P3). Mortality, maternal weight and abortion parameters were recorded, as well as placentas weights, fetal resorption, viability, fetal weight and size. Results showed that P1 in test animals led to IUGR but was also accompanied with high mortality rate of mothers (50%), low viability of fetuses (8%) and high resorption rate (25%). P2 and P3 improved most of these parameters (decreased mortality and improved pregnancy outcomes; improved fetal viability to 90% and 27%, respectively) nevertheless P2 was not associated to IUGR contrary to P3. Thus P3 experimental conditions enable IUGR with better pregnancy and fetuses outcomes parameters that allow its use in experimental studies. CONCLUSIONS Our results show that bilateral uterine artery ligation according to the protocol we have developed and validated can be used as a surgical mouse model of IUGR.
The minimally invasive approach for hysterectomy with proven benefits and lower morbidity has become the gold standard, even in women with large uterine masses. Most women with a malignant condition present with abnormal vaginal bleeding and/or suspicious imaging such that few are diagnosed by final histopathology after surgery. However, if a malignancy is not diagnosed preoperatively, intraabdominal morcellation for uterus extraction has an increased risk for potential tumor spread and peritoneal metastases, especially in cases of unexpected leiomyosarcoma. We describe a simple method to wrap the uterus in a contained environment with a plastic bag through the posterior vaginal fornix prior to conventional coring morcellation for vaginal extraction in total laparoscopic hysterectomy. We further describe our experience with a risk stratification and treatment algorithm to implement this procedure in daily routine. A video and an illustrating sketch demonstrate the simplicity and safety of the procedure.
Uterine torsion in Brown Swiss cattle: retrospective analysis from an alpine practice in Switzerland
The incidence of uterine torsion in cattle is 0.5–1 per cent of all calvings and up to 30 per cent of all dystocia cases (Berchtold and Rüsch 1993). The unstable suspension of the bovine uterus is a predisposition cited by different authors (Pearson 1971, Schulz and others 1975, Berchtold and Rüsch 1993). Age of the cow, season and weight and sex of the calf have been inconsistently reported to be associated with uterine torsion (Distl 1991, Frazer and others 1996, Tamm 1997). Small amount of fetal fluids and a large abdomen may contribute to uterine torsion (Berchtold and Rüsch 1993). Furthermore, some authors describe a predisposition in the Brown Swiss breed (Distl 1991, Schmid 1993, Frazer and others 1996) and in cows kept in alpine regions (Schmid 1993). Uterine torsion is predominantly seen under parturition, and the degree of torsion is most often between 180° and 360°. The direction is counter-clockwise in 60–90 per cent of the cases (Pearson 1971, Berchtold and Rüsch 1993, Erteld and others 2012). Vaginal delivery is possible after manual detorsion or after rolling of the cow, whereas caesarean section has to be performed after unsuccessful detorsion or if the cervix is not dilating adequately following successful correction of the torsion (Berchtold and Rüsch 1993, Frazer and others 1996). Out of all veterinary-assisted dystocia cases, 20 per cent (Aubry and others 2008) to 30 per cent (Berchtold and Rüsch 1993) are due to uterine torsion. Many publications describe fertility variables after dystocia, but only Schönfelder and coworkers described that 40 per cent of the cows got pregnant after uterine torsion followed by caesarean section (Schönfelder and Sobiraj 2005).
PURPOSE The aim of this present study was to evaluate the sonographic correlation between Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries and tumor size in patients with cervical cancer, in order to establish a new potential marker to monitor treatment response. METHODS This was a retrospective cohort study of 25 patients who underwent a sonographic evaluation of Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries before surgery or radiochemotherapy for early and locally advanced/advanced cervical cancer, respectively, was analyzed. The primary outcome was the correlation between Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries and tumor size in patients with cervical cancer. RESULTS Median age was 49 (range 26-85) years, and mean tumor size was 40.8 ± 17 mm. A significant positive correlation was found between tumor diameter and the uterine artery end-diastolic velocity (r = 0.47, p < 0.05) as well as the peak systolic velocity (r = 0.41, p < 0.05). No correlation was found between tumor size and the pulsatility index or resistance index. CONCLUSIONS In cervical cancer, uterine artery velocity parameters are associated with tumor size. This finding could become particularly useful in the follow-up of locally advanced cervical cancer patients undergoing radiochemotherapy or in corroborating the selection of women with more possibility of a high response rate during neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery.