992 resultados para urinary 2,5-hexanodione determination


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Membranes of Poly(2,5-benzimidazole) (ABPBI), prepared by polycondensation in polyphosphoric acid, were characterized from the fuel cell application point of view: mechanical properties of the membranes for different acid doping levels, thermal stability, permeability for the different gases/vapors susceptible of use in the cell (hydrogen, oxygen, methanol and ethanol), electro-osmotic water drag coefficient, oxidation stability to hydroxyl radicals, phosphoric acid leaching rate and, finally, in-plane membrane conductivity. ABPBI membranes presented an excellent thermal stability, above 500 degrees C in oxygen, suitable mechanical properties for high phosphoric acid doping levels, a low methanol and ethanol limiting permeation currents, and oxygen permeability compared to Nafion membranes, and a low phosphoric acid leaching rate when exposed to water vapor. On the contrary, hydrogen permeation current was higher than that of Nafion, and the chemical stability was very limited. Membrane conductivity achieved 0.07 S cm(-1) after equilibration with a humid environment. Fuel cell tests showed reasonable good performances, with a maximum power peak of 170 mW cm(-2) for H-2/air at 170 degrees C operating under a humidified hydrogen stream, 39.9 mW cm(-2) for CH3OH/O-2 at 200 degrees C for a methanol/water weight ratio of 1: 2, and 31.5 mW cm(-2) for CH3CH2OH/O-2 at the same conditions than for methanol. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.014207jes] All rights reserved.


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Nebulized l-epinephrine has been recommended for the treatment of viral croup. However, the few studies assessing its effect on post-extubation stridor (PES) have shown conflicting results. We compared the efficacy and safety of nebulized l-epinephrine at three different doses for the treatment of PES. We conducted a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial including all consecutive children with a PES score of a parts per thousand yen4 (Westley score). The primary efficacy outcome was change in PES score at 40 min. A reduction of a parts per thousand yen2 points in stridor score was defined as clinically significant. A total of 96 patients were randomly assigned to receive one of three doses of nebulized l-epinephrine upon achieving a PES score of 4 or more following extubation. Stridor score and vital signs were recorded before treatment, and at 20, 40, 60 and 180 min after nebulization. Baseline characteristics were similar among all study groups. No significant difference was detected among the treatments based on change in Westley score by intent-to-treat analysis. In addition, the difference in the number of patients who clinically improved among the treatment groups was not significant (p = 0.54). Patients receiving 5 ml nebulized epinephrine had a significant increase of systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 40 and 180 min. Nebulized l-epinephrine at doses of 0.5, 2.5 and 5 ml demonstrated a lack of dose response in effect on PES and a modestly clinically significant increase in undesired side effects (heart rate and blood pressure) at higher doses.


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Two novel coordination polymers with the formula {[Ln(2)(2,5-tdc)(3)(dmso)(2)].H2O}(n) (Ln = Tb(III) for (1) and Dy(III) for (2)), (2,5-tdc(2-) = 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate and dmso = dimethylsulfoxide) have been synthesized by the diffusion method and characterized by thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Structure analysis reveals that 2,5-tdc(2-) play a versatile role toward different lanthanide ions to form three-dimensional metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in which the lanthanides ions are heptacoordinated. Photophysical properties were studied using excitation and emission spectra, where the photoluminescence data show the high emission intensity of the characteristic transitions D-5(4 ->) F-7(J) (J= 6, 5, 4 and 3) for (1) and (F9/2 -> HJ)-F-4-H-6 (J = 15/2, 13/2 and 11/2) for (2), indicating that 2,5-tdc(2-) is a good sensitizer. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of 2,5-diaryl substituted furans functionalized with several amino acids were synthesized and evaluated as the cyclooxygenases COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes inhibitors. The proline-substituted compound inhibited PGE(2) secretion by LPS-stimulated neutrophils, suggesting selectivity for COX-2. Molecular docking studies in the binding site of COX-2 were performed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The performance of an ABPBI-based High Temperature H-2/O-2 PEMFC system was studied under different experimental conditions. Increasing the temperature from 130 to 170 degrees C improved the cell performance, even though further increase was not beneficial for the system. Humidification of the H-2 stream ameliorated this behaviour, even though operating above 170 degrees C is not advisable in terms of cell performance. A significant electrolyte dehydration seems to negatively affect the fuel cell performance, especially in the case of the anode. In the presence of 2% vol. CO in the H-2 stream, the temperature exerted a positive effect on the cell performance, reducing the strong adsorption of this poison on the platinum sites. Moreover, humidification of the H-2 + CO stream increased the maximum power densities of the cell, further alleviating the CO poisoning effects. Actual CO-O-2 fuel cell results confirmed the significant beneficial effect of the relative humidity on the kinetics of the CO oxidation process. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Here, we describe a female patient with autism spectrum disorder and dysmorphic features that harbors a complex genetic alteration, involving a de novo balanced translocation t(2;X)(q11;q24), a 5q11 segmental trisomy and a maternally inherited isodisomy on chromosome 5. All the possibly damaging genetic effects of such alterations are discussed. In light of recent findings on ASD genetic causes, the hypothesis that all these alterations might be acting in orchestration and contributing to the phenotype is also considered. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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[EN]In previous works, many authors have widely used mass consistent models for wind field simulation by the finite element method. On one hand, we have developed a 3-D mass consistent model by using tetrahedral meshes which are simultaneously adapted to complex orography and to terrain roughness length. In addition, we have included a local refinement strategy around several measurement or control points, significant contours, as for example shorelines, or numerical solution singularities. On the other hand, we have developed a 2.5-D model for simulating the wind velocity in a 3-D domain in terms of the terrain elevation, the surface temperature and the meteorological wind, which is consider as an averaged wind on vertical boundaries...


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The present work is part of a larger project aimed at obtaining compounds of industrial interest from renewable sources. The work is particularly aimed to investigate the reactivity of 2,5-bis-hydroxymethylfuran (BHMF), an important building block of organic nature easily obtainable from biomass, with acid catalysis. Through the study of the reactivity of BHMF in water, in the presence of an heterogeneous acid catalyst (Amberlyst 15), has been developed a new synthetic method for the preparation of α-6-hydroxy-6-methyl-4-enyl-2H-pyran-3-one a derivative whose molecular skeleton is similar to that of natural products which are used in pharmaceutical chemistry. The product is obtained in milder conditions and with better selectivity with respect to the strongly oxidizing conditions with which it is prepared in the literature starting from different precursors containing furan ring.


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In questo lavoro di Tesi Magistrale si sono esaminate le problematiche relative agli impatti ambientali delle materie plastiche, tenendo in considerazione il loro ambito di applicazione. Per quanto riguarda le materie plastiche destinate al packaging alimentare si è visto che uno smaltimento tramite discarica, incenerimento o riciclo non può essere sostenibile sul lungo periodo. Una soluzione può essere lo sviluppo di un materiale che al termine del ciclo di vita possa essere biodegradato tramite compostaggio. Al fine di eliminare la dipendenza di questo materiale plastico dalle risorse fossili, esso deve poter essere ricavato da fonti rinnovabili. Il poli(butilene furanoato) è un buon candidato come materiale plastico per il packaging alimentare, ma possiede scarse caratteristiche di biodegradabilità. Si è quindi realizzato un sistema copolimerico in cui il poli(butilene furanoato) viene statisticamente copolimerizzato con il poli(butilene diglicolato), anche quest'ultimo interamente ottenibile da fonti rinnovabili. I materiali sintetizzati sono stati sottoposti a diversi tipi di analisi, al fine di determinarne le proprietà in funzione di una possibile applicazione nel packaging alimentare: analisi strutturale, caratterizzazione termica, studio delle proprietà meccaniche e di permeabilità a diversi tipi di gas e infine valutazione della compostabilità.


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Accurate anharmonic experimental vibrational frequencies for water clusters consisting of 2−5 water molecules have been predicted on the basis of comparing different methods with MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculated and experimental anharmonic frequencies. The combination of using HF/6-31G* scaled frequencies for intramolecular modes and anharmonic frequencies for intermolecular modes gives excellent agreement with experiment for the water dimer and trimer and are as good as the expensive anharmonic MP2 calculations. The water trimer, the cyclic Ci and S4 tetramers, and the cyclic pentamer all have unique peaks in the infrared spectrum between 500 and 800 cm-1 and between 3400 and 3700 cm-1. Under the right experimental conditions these different clusters can be uniquely identified using high-resolution IR spectroscopy.


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We investigated the 6-month clinical outcomes after implantation of second-generation 3.0-mm bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular scaffolds (BVS) in small coronary vessels (<2.5 mm).