247 resultados para ureteral amyloidosis
RESUMO - Objetivos: Caracterizar a adesão à terapêutica nos doentes do CHLN, na área do VIH/SIDA, Esclerose, Artrite Reumatóide, Psoríase e Paramiloidose e avaliar a hipótese de ser possível prever o risco de um doente se tornar, num doente sem adesão. Metodologia: Estudo retrospetivo, observacional e longitudinal, realizado entre Janeiro de 2010 a 31 de Dezembro de 2013, a 4.761 doentes, em que a adesão à terapêutica foi calculada com base nos registos informáticos das dispensas de medicação, efectuados pelos Serviços Farmacêuticos, com recurso à Compliance Rate (CR) e utilizada como variável dependente. A estatística descritiva foi utilizada para caracterizar os doentes e os seus levantamentos e a regressão logística para avaliar o efeito das variáveis (idade, sexo, distrito de residência, período de observação, número de interrupções superiores a trinta dias e tempo até à primeira interrupção) sobre a adesão à terapêutica. Resultados e Conclusões: A percentagem de doentes com adesão foi de 64%, no entanto no HIV/Sida e na Artrite Reumatóide e Psoríase esta percentagem foi significativamente mais baixa, 42% dos doentes interromperam a terapêutica por períodos superiores a 30 dias, ocorrendo essa interrupção maioritariamente entre o primeiro e segundo ano de terapêutica. O modelo de regressão logística permitiu verificar que só com as variáveis sociodemográficas não é possível prever o risco de um doente se tornar num doente sem adesão, sendo para tal necessário adicionar ao modelo a variável número de interrupções superiores a 30 dias que foi identificada como importante factor preditivo da não adesão (OR=15,9, p=0,000).
Laparoscopic treatment of retroperitoneal fibrosis: report of two cases and review of the literature
OBJECTIVES: We present the results of treatment by laparoscopy of two patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis and review the literature since 1992, when the first case of this disease that was treated using laparoscopy was published. We also discuss the contemporary alternatives of clinical treatment with corticosteroids and tamoxifen. CASE REPORT: Two female patients, one with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, and other with retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with Riedel's thyroiditis, were treated using laparoscopic surgery. Both cases had bilateral pelvic ureteral obstruction and were treated using the same technique: transperitoneal laparoscopy, medial mobilization of both colons, liberation of both ureters from the fibrosis, and intraperitonealisation of the ureters. Double-J catheters were inserted before the operations and removed 3 weeks after the procedures. The first patient underwent intraperitonealisation of both ureters in a single procedure. The other had 2 different surgical procedures because of technical difficulties during the first operation. Both patients were followed for more than 1 year and recovered completely from the renal insufficiency. One of them still has occasional vague lumbar pain. There were no abnormalities in the intravenous pyelography in either case. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of retroperitoneal fibrosis, when indicated, should be attempted using laparoscopy. If possible, bilateral ureterolysis and intraperitonealisation of both ureters should be performed in the same operation.
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: Urothelial tumors of upper urinary tract are ranked among the most common types of cancers worldwide. The current standard therapy to prevent recurrence is intravesical Bacillus Calmetteâ Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy, but it presents several disadvantages such as BCG failure and intolerance. Another way is to use chemotherapy, which is generally better tolerated that BCG. In this case, drugs such as epirubicin, doxorubicin, paclitaxel and gemcitabine are used. Nevertheless, intravesical chemotherapy only prevents recurrence in the short-term. These failings can be partially attributed to the short residence time and low bioavailability of the drug within the upper urinary tract and the cancer cells, resulting in a need for frequent drug instillation. To avoid these problems, biodegradable ureteral stents impregnated by supercritical fluid CO2 (SCF) with each of the four anti-cancer drugs were produced. MATERIAL & METHODS: Four formulations with different concentrations of gelatin and alginate and crosslink agent were tested and bismuth was added to confer radiopaque properties to the stent. The preliminary in vivo validation studies in female domestic pigs was conducted at the University of Minho, Braga, after formal approval by the institutionâ s review board and in accordance with its internal ethical protocol for animal experiments. Paclitaxel, epirubicin, doxorubicin and gemcitabine were impregnated in the stents and the release kinetics was measured in artificial urine solution (AUS) for 9 days by UV spectroscopy in a microplate reader. The anti-tumoral effect of the developed stents in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) and HUVEC primary cells, used as control, was evaluated. RESULTS: The in vivo validation of this second-generation of ureteral stents performed was herein demonstrated. Biodegradable ureteral stents were placed in the ureters of a female pigs, following the normal surgical procedure. The animals remained asymptomatic, with normal urine flow. The in vitro release study in AUS of the stent impregnated showed a higher release in the first 72h for the four anti-cancer drugs impregnated after this time the plateau was achieved and the stent degraded after 9 days. The direct and indirect contact of the anti-cancer biodegradable stents with the TCC and HUVEC cell lines confirm the anti-tumor effect of the stents impregnated with the four anti-cancer drugs, reducing around 75% of the viability of the TCC cell line after 72h and no killing effect in the HUVEC cells. CONCLUSIONS: The use of biodegradable ureteral stent in urology clinical practice not only reduce the stent-related symptoms but also open new treatment therapyâ s, like in urothelial tumors of upper urinary tract. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the clinical validation in vivo pig model. This study has thus shown the killing efficacy of the anti-cancer drug eluting biodegradable stents in vitro for the TCC cell line, with no toxicity observed in the control, non-cancerous cells.The direct and indirect contact of the anti-cancer biodegradable stents with the TCC and HUVEC cell lines confirm the anti-tumor effect of the stents impregnated with the four anti-cancer drugs, reducing around 75% of the viability of the TCC cell line after 72h and no killing effect in the HUVEC cells. This study has thus shown the killing efficacy of the anti-cancer drug eluting biodegradable stents in vitro for the TCC cell line, with no toxicity observed in the control, non-cancerous cells.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the development of the ureterovesical junction in rats. METHODS: A total of 110 albino rats (50 prenatal and 60 newborn) with a gestation of 21 days were studied at the age of 17 days after conception until 5 days after birth. The lower urinary tract was microdissected. Microphotography (110 animals), histologic examination (44 animals), and scanning electron microscopy (66 animals) of the ureterovesical junction were performed. Urea and creatinine from the amniotic fluid of 20 fetuses and from the urine of 10 neonates were measured. RESULTS: At day 17 after conception, separate penetration of the mesonephric duct and ureter into the wall of the urogenital sinus was observed. Continuity between the lumen of the ureter and the urogenital sinus was established on day 19 after conception. The straight passage of the intramural ureter into the urogenital sinus at day 17 after conception changed to the definitive L-shape with a vertical entry into the bladder on day 5 after birth. In the distal ureter, the change of the mesenchymal tissue into immature smooth muscle was first observed at birth, and the muscle became mature on the fifth postnatal day. At birth, Waldeyer's sheath was recognized. The creatinine and urea levels were stable prenatally (average 22.4 micromol/L and 6.88 mmol/L, respectively) and rose significantly postnatally (average 133 micromol/L and 32.65 mmol/L, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The attachment of the ureter to the urogenital sinus and later to the bladder, the modification of its passage, and its mobility within Waldeyer's sheath may be essential in preventing vesicoureteral reflux. The production of urine and its flow does not seem to be the trigger of ureteral smooth muscle formation.
PURPOSE: To present the light and electron microscopic findings of a unique corneal dystrophy never before described in a German family carrying the Gly623Asp Mutation of the TGFBI gene with late clinical onset. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Four affected and 6 nonaffected family members. METHODS: Slit-lamp examination, photographic documentation, and isolation of genomic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes obtained from each family member examined. Exons 3, 4, 5, and 11 to 14 of the TGFBI gene were amplified and sequenced in these family members. Five corneal buttons of 3 affected siblings were excised at the time of penetrating keratoplasty. Light and electron microscopic examination were performed including immunohistochemistry with antibodies against keratoepithelin (KE) 2 and 15. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histologic characteristics of corneal opacification in affected patients and presence of coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: The specimens showed destructive changes in Bowman's layer and the adjacent stroma. Patchy Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were found within the epithelium in 1 cornea, in Bowman's layer and in the anterior stroma of all specimens also showing KE2, but not KE15, immunostaining. Electron microscopy revealed deposits mainly located in the anterior stroma and Bowman's layer and in small amounts in the basal area of some epithelial cells. The destroyed areas were strongly Alcian blue-positive, the Masson Trichrome stain proved mainly negative for the deposits. All affected but none of the unaffected family members had a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 14 of the TGFBI gene (G-->A transition at nucleotide 1915) replacing glycin by aspartic acid amino acid (Gly623Asp) at position 623 of the KE protein. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast with the patient carrying the Gly623Asp mutation of the TGFBI gene described by Afshari et al, our cases presented with Salzmann's nodular degeneration-like clinical features and their specimens contained KE2-positive amyloid. The reason for this now "meeting the expectation histologic phenotype" is unclear. The histologic findings emphasize that this is a unique corneal dystrophy, which shares no clinical characteristics with Reis-Bücklers' dystrophy and should be treated as a distinct entity. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.
AIMS OF THE STUDY: Analysis of indications and results of paediatric renal transplantation in a single centre, before and after the introduction of cyclosporine A (CSA). METHODS: Historical retrospective study. RESULTS: 19 transplantations were performed in 14 patients (5 second grafts) between 1971 and 1987 (group I). 13 patients were transplanted between 1988 and 1998 (no second transplant) (group II). In group II, all the patients had immunosuppression with CSA, but none in group I. Group II, with CSA, showed better renal survival than patients without CSA. In group I, obstructive uropathies (posterior urethral valves, pyelo-ureteral junction stenosis, vesico-ureteral reflux) represent a common cause (35%) of terminal chronic renal failure (TCRF), whereas in group II they represent only 15% of the causes and chronic glomerulonephritis is the most common cause (69%) of TCRF. Acute and chronic graft rejections were the cause of 9 and 1 graft losses in group I and II respectively. Living related donors account for 14% of all renal transplantations in group I and 46% in group II. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of paediatric patients referred to Lausanne for TCRF is stable. We have observed a constant and steady decrease in obstructive uropathies leading to TCRF and renal transplantations, whereas glomerulonephritis are increasingly frequent. Graft survival has much improved since the introduction of cyclosporine A, without an increase in morbidity. In carefully selected cases, intrafamilial renal transplantation provides good results and helps to shorten the time spent on dialysis.
Inflammation significantly contributes to the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Inflammasome-dependent cytokines, such as IL-1β and IL-18, play a role in CKD, but their regulation during renal injury is unknown. Here, we analyzed the processing of caspase-1, IL-1β, and IL-18 after unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in mice, which suggested activation of the Nlrp3 inflammasome during renal injury. Compared with wild-type mice, Nlrp3(-/-) mice had less tubular injury, inflammation, and fibrosis after UUO, associated with a reduction in caspase-1 activation and maturation of IL-1β and IL-18; these data confirm that the Nlrp3 inflammasome upregulates these cytokines in the kidney during injury. Bone marrow chimeras revealed that Nlrp3 mediates the injurious/inflammatory processes in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cellular compartments. In tissue from human renal biopsies, a wide variety of nondiabetic kidney diseases exhibited increased expression of NLRP3 mRNA, which correlated with renal function. Taken together, these results strongly support a role for NLRP3 in renal injury and identify the inflammasome as a possible therapeutic target in the treatment of patients with progressive CKD.
Introducció: La citologia urinària positiva en context de cistoscopia sense evidència de tumor macroscòpic obliga a continuar el seu estudi. En el nostre centre es realitzen biòpsies vesicals múltiples normatitzades (BMN) i citologia ureteral selectiva en aquest casos. Material i mètodes: Estudi retrospectiu de 70 pacients amb citologia urinària positiva en absència de tumor macroscòpic. Es van avaluar els resultats de totes les biòpsies vesicals múltiples i les citologies ureterals selectives realitzades. Resultats: Es va diagnosticar CIS vesical em 45 (64,3%) pacients. Es va detectar citologia ureteral positiva em 12: cinc (7,2%) en el costat esquerre i set (10%) en el dret. Es va observar CIS vesical concomitant em 2 de 5 pacients amb PAP ureteral positiu esquerra i em 5 de 7 amb PAP ureteral positiu dret. Conclusions: La biòpsia múltiple normatitzada (BMN) és útil per a aquest casos. Els pobres resultats obtinguts en citologia ureteral selectiva posen en dubte la rendibilitat de la seva utilització sistemàtica.
A major advance in our understanding of the natural history of Schistosoma haematobium-related morbidity has come through the introduction of the portable ultrasound machines for non-invasive examination of the kidneys and bladder. With the use of generators or battery packs to supply power in non-clinical field settings, and with the use of instant photography or miniaturized thermal printers to record permanent images, it is possible to examine scores of individuals in endemic communities every day. Broad-based ultrasound screening has allowed better definition of age-specific disease risks in urinary schistosomiasis. Results indicate that urinary tract abnormalities are common (18% overall prevalence) in S. haematobium transmission areas, with a 2-4% risk of either severe bladder abnormality or advanced ureteral obstruction. In longitudinal surveys, ultrasound studies have shown that praziquantel and metrifonate therapy are rapidly effective in reversing urinary tract abnormalities among children. The benefits of treating adults are less well known, but research in progress should help to define this issue. Similarly, the prognosis of specific ultrasound findings needs to be clarified, and the ease of sonographic examination will make such long-term follow-up studies feasible. In summary, the painless, quick, and reproducible ultrasound examination has become an essential tool in the study of urinary schistosomiasis.
We studied the response to F+0 renography and the relative and absolute individual kidney function in neonates and < 6-mo-old infants before and after surgery for unilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UJO). METHODS: The results obtained at diagnosis and after pyeloplasty for 9 children (8 boys, 1 girl; age range, 0.8-5.9 mo; mean age +/- SD, 2.4 +/- 1.5 mo) with proven unilateral UJO (i.e., affected kidney [AK]) and an unremarkable contralateral kidney (i.e., normal kidney [NK]) were evaluated and compared with a control group of 10 children (6 boys, 4 girls; age range, 0.8-2.8 mo; mean age, 1.5 +/- 0.7 mo) selected because of symmetric renal function, absence of vesicoureteral reflux or infection, and an initially dilated but not obstructed renal pelvis as proven by follow-up. Renography was performed for 20 min after injection of (123)I-hippuran (OIH) (0.5-1.0 MBq/kg) immediately followed by furosemide (1 mg/kg). The relative and absolute renal functions and the response to furosemide were measured on background-subtracted and depth-corrected renograms. The response to furosemide was quantified by an elimination index (EI), defined as the ratio of the 3- to 20-min activities: An EI > or = 3 was considered definitively normal and an EI < or = 1 definitively abnormal. If EI was equivocal (1 < EI < 3), the response to gravity-assisted drainage was used to differentiate AKs from NKs. Absolute separate renal function was measured by an accumulation index (AI), defined as the percentage of (123)I-OIH (%ID) extracted by the kidney 30-90 s after maximal cardiac activity. RESULTS: All AKs had definitively abnormal EIs at diagnosis (mean, 0.56 +/- 0.12) and were significantly lower than the EIs of the NKs (mean, 3.24 +/- 1.88) and of the 20 control kidneys (mean, 3.81 +/- 1.97; P < 0.001). The EIs of the AKs significantly improved (mean, 2.81 +/- 0.64; P < 0.05) after pyeloplasty. At diagnosis, the AIs of the AKs were significantly lower (mean, 6.31 +/- 2.33 %ID) than the AIs of the NKs (mean, 9.43 +/- 1.12 %ID) and of the control kidneys (mean, 9.05 +/- 1.17 %ID; P < 0.05). The AIs of the AKs increased at follow-up (mean, 7.81 +/- 2.23 %ID) but remained lower than those of the NKs (mean, 10.75 +/- 1.35 %ID; P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In neonates and infants younger than 6 mo, (123)I-OIH renography with early furosemide injection (F+0) allowed us to reliably diagnose AKs and to determine if parenchymal function was normal or impaired and if it improved after surgery.
Approximately 1% of the fetuses present some dilatation of their urinary tract in utero. More than 50% of these antenatally detected hydronephrosis will disappear spontaneously after birth. The other 50% comprises ureteropelvic junction obstruction, vesico-ureteral reflux and primary megaureters. Postnatal radiological evaluation (renal ultrasonography and VCUG) is performed in every infant with a significantly dilated renal pelvis (> 8 mm between 20 and 30 weeks or > 10 mm after 30 weeks in utero). Renal nuclear scan should be done in every child with significant/worsening post-natal hydronephrosis. Antibioprophylaxis will be started from birth to prevent urinary tract infection. Medical or surgical approach will be chosen in the light of the uroradiological exam results and the clinical progress.
Résumé : Introduction Cette étude est une analyse rétrospective des complications urétérales et de leurs prises en charge à partir d'une série monocentrique de 277 transplantations rénales consécutives. Matériel et méthode De septembre 1979 à juin 1999, 277 transplantations rénales (origine cadavérique) ont été pratiquées chez 241 patients. L'uretère provenant de la greffe rénale a été inséré dans la vessie selon la technique d'implantation extravésicale décrite par Lich-Gregoir et Campos-Freire. L'étude a analysé la date de survenue et le genre de complications observés. Les différentes procédures pour restaurer le tractus urinaire transplanté sont présentées dans cette étude. Résultats Des complications sont survenues chez 43/277 transplantations rénales (15,5%). Les fuites urinaires sur l'anastomose ou les sténoses urétérales étaient les plus fréquentes. La date de survenue de ces complications étaient soit précoce (< 1 mois) soit tardive (> 1 mois) dans un nombre similaire de cas. La plupart des cas ont été pris en charge chirurgicalement 33/43 cas (76,7%). La réparation chirurgicale la plus fréquente a été la réimplantation urétérovésicale (n-13), suivie par : l'anastomose urétérourétérale termino-terminale (uretère natif-uretère greffé, n-5) ; l'anastomose pyélourétérale (uretère natif-bassinet rénal greffé, n=5) ; la simple révision de l'implantation urétérovésicale (n=4) ; la résection et l'anastomose termino-terminale de l'uretère greffé (n=2) ; la calico-vésicostomie (vessie greffée, n=1) ; l'implantation selon Boari (n=1) ; la pyélovésicostomie avec bipartition de la vessie (n-1), et la pyéloiléocystoplastie avec greffe iléale détubularisée (n=1). Aucun décès en relation avec les complications urologiques n'a été rapporté. Cependant, 2 reflux vésico-rénaux consécutifs ont conduit à distance à la perte du greffon. Conclusion Le taux de complications constaté dans cette analyse rétrospective est similaire à celui observé dans d'autres études. Il se situe entre 2 et 20%. Si l'implantation urétérovésicale extravésicale classique reste une technique attractive en raison de sa simplicité, l'équipe chirurgicale dans un centre de formation doit rester attentive à toute mesure de prévention des complications urétérales, comme le choix d'une autre technique d'implantation de l'uretère et/ou de l'insertion transitoire d'un stent urétéral. Abstract Introduction: This study is a retrospective analysis of ureteral complications and their management from a monocenter series of 277 consecutive renal transplantations. Materials and Methods: From September 1979 to June 1999, 277 renal transplantations (cadaveric origin) were performed in 241 patients. The ureter from the kidney graft was inserted into the bladder according to the technique of extravesical implantation described by Lich-Gregoir and Campos-Freire. The study analyzed the time of occurrence and the type of complications observed. The different procedures to restore the transplanted urinary tract are presented. Results: Complications occurred in 431277 renal transplantations (15.5%). Anastomotic urine leakage or ureteral stricture were the most frequent. The time to appearance of these complications was either short (<1 month) or late (>1 month) in a similar number of cases. Most cases were managed surgically: 33/43 cases (76.7%). The most frequent surgi cal repair was ureterovesical reimplantation n =13), Followed by: ureteroureteral end, to end anastomosis (native ureter-ureter transplant, n =, 5); pyeloureteral anastomosis (native ureter-renal pelvis transplant n = 5): simple revision of ureterovesical implantation (n=4): resection and end-to end anastomosis of the transplant ureter (n=2); calico-vesicostomy graft-bladder, n = 1); implantation according to Boari (n= 1); pyelovesicostomy with bipartition of bladder (n = 1), and pyeloileocystoplasty with detubularized ileal graft (n=1). No deaths related to any of the urological complications were reported However, 2 consecutive vesico-renal refluxes led to the loss of the kidney graft in the long-term. Conclusion: The rate of complications observed in this retrospective analysis is similar to the experience of other studies, ranging from 2 to 20% If the classical extravesical ureteral bladder implantation is to remain an attractive technique due to its simplicity, the surgical team at the training center should be aware of all the means to prevent any ureteral complications, such as the choice of another implantation technique and/or insertion of a transient ureteral stent.
Endoscopic subureteral collagen injection has become an accepted means for the treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histological behavior of glutaraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen implants. The specimens were harvested from 29 patients who underwent reimplant surgery 2 to 30 months (mean 9.5) after unsuccessful subureteral injection therapy. In addition to routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, a new staining method (solophenyl red 3BL) able to demonstrate selectively neoformation of types I and III human collagen, was applied. Invasion of host fibroblasts into the bovine implant and the formation of endogenous types I and III collagen were demonstrated in all 29 cases. Adverse histological reactions were rare and, if present, they were predominantly of an inflammatory nature.