973 resultados para ultraviolet B radiation


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation protection is becoming increasingly necessary for human health, and textiles play an important role. The interaction between UV light and textiles is a complex one, involving fibre, yarn and fabric parameters. In this study, an optical model is presented for examining the influences of fibre parameters on the UV protection offered by a bundle of fibres with a given mass. The effects of mean fibre diameter and fibre type on UV absorption were examined. The model was verified with results of UV–visible diffuse reflectance measurements on natural and synthetic fibres. When the mass of fibres was kept constant, within the measurement range in this study, a bundle of fibres with coarser fibres had a lower UV reflectance than that with finer ones. The model accurately predicted factors influencing UV protection, including fibre diameter, fibre transmittance, porosity and refractive index.


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The thermoluminescence (TL) response of Dy and Li doped 20CaB(4)O(7)-80CaB(2)O(4) (Wt%) glass-ceramic irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) radiation was studied. In order to act as TL activator ions, the Dy and Li ions were included in the matrix during the melting process to increase its TL efficiency. A single crystalline CaB2O4 phase was present in the glass-ceramic as determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The glass-ceramic 20CaB(4)O(7)-80CaB(2)O(4):Dy,Li wt% (named 20CBO7:Dy,Li) is a newly prepared TL material. Its thermoluminescent dosimetric characteristics have shown a linear response under UV radiation exposure and a good TL signal reproducibility, thus proving to be a promising material for using as an ultraviolet radiation dosimeter. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Peanut is one of the few plants that synthesizes resveratrol, a phenolic compound of the stilbene class, which has been associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, pulmonary diseases, diabetes and neurological diseases. Resveratrol was detected in different parts of the peanut plant, including roots, leaves, seeds and their derivatives. The wild species of the Arachis section are also strong candidates to synthesize resveratrol because they are phylogenetically closely related to cultivated peanut. Our objective was to characterize the resveratrol content in ten wild species of Arachis with three different genomes (A, B and K). The plant material was composed of leaves of the ten species treated (test) and not treated (control) with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The test and control samples were extracted and the identification and quantification of resveratrol was performed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All species studied synthesized resveratrol and the concentrations ranged from 299.5 μg/g in A. kempff-mercadoi to 819.9 μg/g in A. cardenasii. DPPH antioxidant activity varied between 18.7 % for A. duranensis and 48.2 % in A. simpsonii. The results showed that wild Arachis species are a potential source of alleles for improvement of cultivated peanut, with the aim of achieving higher resveratrol content in leaves. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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DNA damage induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be removed by nucleotide excision repair through two sub-pathways, one general (GGR) and the other specific for transcribed DNA (TCR), and the processing of unrepaired lesions trigger signals that may lead to cell death. These signals involve the tumor suppressor p53 protein, a central regulator of cell responses to DNA damage, and the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, that forms a feedback regulatory loop with p53. The involvement of cell cycle and transcription on the signaling to apoptosis was investigated in UVB-irradiated synchronized, DNA repair proficient, CS-B (TCR-deficient) and XP-C (GGR-deficient) primary human fibroblasts. Cells were irradiated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, with two doses with equivalent levels of apoptosis (low and high), defined for each cell line. In the three cell lines, the low doses of UVB caused only a transient delay in progression to the S phase, whereas the high doses induced permanent cell cycle arrest. However, while accumulation of Mdm2 correlated well with the recovery from transcription inhibition at the low doses for normal and CS-B fibroblasts, for XP-C cells this protein was shown to be accumulated even at UVB doses that induced high levels of apoptosis. Thus, UVB-induced accumulation of Mdm2 is critical for counteracting p53 activation and apoptosis avoidance, but its effect is limited due to transcription inhibition. However, in the case of XP-C cells, an excess of unrepaired DNA damage would be sufficient to block S phase progression, which would signal to apoptosis, independent of Mdm2 accumulation. The data clearly discriminate DNA damage signals that lead to cell death, depending on the presence of UVB-induced DNA damage in replicating or transcribing regions.


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UV-B-Strahlung, die durch die fortschreitende Zerstörung der Ozonschicht zunimmt, ist hauptsächlich für das Entstehen von Basaliomen und Plattenepithelkarzinomen verantwort-lich, an denen jedes Jahr etwa 2-3 Millionen Menschen weltweit erkranken. UV-B indu-zierte Hautkarzinogenese ist ein komplexer Prozess, bei dem vor allem die mutagenen und immunsuppressiven Wirkungen der UV-B-Strahlung von Bedeutung sind. Die Rolle von GM-CSF in der Hautkarzinogenese ist dabei widersprüchlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Funktion von GM-CSF in vivo in der UV-B induzierten Hautkarzinogenese mittels zwei bereits etablierter Mauslinien untersucht: Erstens transgene Mäuse, die einen GM-CSF Antagonisten unter der Kontrolle des Keratin-10-Promotors in den suprabasalen Schichten der Epidermis exprimieren und zweitens solche, die unter dem Keratin-5-Promotor murines GM-CSF in der Basalschicht der Epidermis überexprimieren. Eine Gruppe von Tieren wurde chronisch, die andere akut bestrahlt. Die konstitutionelle Verfassung der Tiere mit erhöhter GM-CSF-Aktivität in der Haut war nach chronischer UV-B-Bestrahlung insgesamt sehr schlecht. Sie wiesen deshalb eine stark erhöhte Mortali-tät auf. Dies ist sowohl auf die hohe Inzidenz als auch dem frühen Auftreten der benignen und malignen Läsionen zurückzuführen. Eine verminderte GM-CSF Aktivität verzögerte dagegen die Karzinomentwicklung und erhöhte die Überlebensrate leicht. GM-CSF wirkt auf verschiedenen Ebenen tumorpromovierend: Erstens erhöht eine gesteigerte Mastzell-anzahl in der Haut der GM-CSF überexprimierenden Tiere per se die Suszeptibilität für Hautkarzinogenese. Zweitens stimuliert GM-CSF die Keratinozytenproliferation. Dadurch kommt es nach UV-B-Bestrahlung zu einer prolongierten epidermalen Hyperproliferation, die zur endogenen Tumorpromotion beiträgt, indem sie die Bildung von Neoplasien unter-stützt. Der Antagonist verzögert dagegen den Proliferationsbeginn, die Keratinozyten blei-ben demzufolge länger in der G1-Phase und der durch UV-B verursachte DNA-Schaden kann effizienter repariert werden. Drittens kann GM-CSF die LCs nicht als APCs aktivie-ren und eine Antitumorimmunität induzieren, da UV-B-Strahlung zur Apoptose von LCs bzw. zu deren Migration in Richtung Lymphknoten führt. Zusätzlich entwickeln GM-CSF überexprimierende Tiere in ihrer Haut nach UV-B-Bestrahlung ein Millieu von antago-nistisch wirkenden Zytokinen, wie TNF-a, TGF-b1 und IL-12p40 und GM-CSF, die proinflammatorische Prozesse und somit die Karzinomentwicklung begünstigen. Der Anta-gonist hemmt nach UV-B-Bestrahlung die Ausschüttung sowohl von immunsuppressiven Zytokinen, wie etwa TNF-a, als auch solchen, die die Th2-Entwicklung unterstützen, wie etwa IL-10 und IL-4. Dies wirkt sich negativ auf die Karzinomentwicklung aus.


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Malbec es la variedad de uva tinta más importante en la vitivinicultura argentina, especialmente en Mendoza, donde se produce más del 80% del total nacional. Las zonas ubicadas a mayor altitud están experimentando un aumento en la superficie cultivada, ya que en ellas se producen uvas con altos contenidos de compuestos fenólicos, responsables de muchas de las características deseadas en los vinos tintos, por su valor organoléptico y capacidad antioxidante. A partir de estos antecedentes, se plantea como objetivo caracterizar la radiación UV-B que reciben los viñedos ubicados a mayor altitud en Mendoza, estudiando los efectos de UV-B, las aplicaciones de ABA y de su interacción, sobre aspectos fisiológicos y bioquímicos que afectan el crecimiento de las bayas (rendimiento cuantitativo) y la calidad enológica de Vitis vinifera L. cv. Malbec.


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Mixing of seawater subjects phytoplankton to fluctuations in photosynthetically active radiation (400-700 nm) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR; 280-400 nm). These irradiance fluctuations are now superimposed upon ocean acidification and thinning of the upper mixing layer through stratification, which alters mixing regimes. Therefore, we examined the photosynthetic carbon fixation and photochemical performance of a coccolithophore, Gephyrocapsa oceanica, grown under high, future (1,000 µatm) and low, current (390 µatm) CO2 levels, under regimes of fluctuating irradiances with or without UVR. Under both CO2 levels, fluctuating irradiances, as compared with constant irradiance, led to lower nonphotochemical quenching and less UVR-induced inhibition of carbon fixation and photosystem II electron transport. The cells grown under high CO2 showed a lower photosynthetic carbon fixation rate but lower nonphotochemical quenching and less ultraviolet B (280-315 nm)-induced inhibition. Ultraviolet A (315-400 nm) led to less enhancement of the photosynthetic carbon fixation in the high-CO2-grown cells under fluctuating irradiance. Our data suggest that ocean acidification and fast mixing or fluctuation of solar radiation will act synergistically to lower carbon fixation by G. oceanica, although ocean acidification may decrease ultraviolet B-related photochemical inhibition.


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Plants are continuously subjected to UV-B radiation (UV-B; 280–320 nm) as a component of sunlight causing damage to the genome. For elimination of DNA damage, a set of repair mechanisms, mainly photoreactivation, excision, and recombination repair, has evolved. Whereas photoreactivation and excision repair have been intensely studied during the last few years, recombination repair, its regulation, and its interrelationship with photoreactivation in response to UV-B-induced DNA damage is still poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed somatic homologous recombination in a transgenic Arabidopsis line carrying a β-glucuronidase gene as a recombination marker and in offsprings of crosses of this line with a photolyase deficient uvr2–1 mutant. UV-B radiation stimulated recombination frequencies in a dose-dependent manner correlating linearly with cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) levels. Genetic deficiency for CPD-specific photoreactivation resulted in a drastic increase of recombination events, indicating that homologous recombination might be directly involved in eliminating CPD damage. UV-B irradiation stimulated recombination mainly in the presence of photosynthetic active radiation (400–700 nm) irrespective of photolyase activities. Our results suggest that UV-B-induced recombination processes may depend on energy supply derived from photosynthesis.


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A combination of psoralen and ultraviolet A radiation (PUVA) is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. However, PUVA treatment increases the risk of developing skin cancer in psoriasis patients and induces skin cancer in mice. Since the DNA damage induced by PUVA is quite different from that induced by UV, we investigated whether PUVA-induced mouse skin cancers display carcinogen-specific mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. The results indicated that 10 of 13 (77%) PUVA-induced skin tumors contained missense mutations predominantly at exons 6 and 7. In contrast, tumor-adjacent, PUVA-exposed skin from tumor-bearing animals did not exhibit p53 mutation in exons 4-8. Interestingly, about 40% of all mutations in PUVA-induced skin tumors occurred at 5'-TA sites, and an equal number of mutations occurred at one base flanking 5'TA or 5'-TAT sites. Since PUVA induces DNA cross-links exclusively at these sites and since UV "signature" mutations were rarely detected in PUVA-induced skin cancers, we can conclude that PUVA acts as a carcinogen by inducing unique PUVA signature mutations in p53. This finding may have implications for identifying the etiology of skin cancer in psoriasis patients who have undergone PUVA therapy.


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A method was developed to extract adenine nucleotides AMP, ADP, and ATP from marine macroalgal tissue to gain information on the cellular energy charge. Quantification was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three species from the rocky shore of the island of Helgoland (German Bight) were examined: Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta), Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta), and Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). In L. saccharina and C. crispus, the adenylate energy charge (AEC) was determined in different thallus regions. AEC varied in relation to tissue age and function. Higher AEC values typically occurred in thallus regions with meristematic activity. Furthermore, L. saccharina and U. lactuca were exposed to UV-A and elevated UV-B radiation. The AEC was calculated and the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was determined as indicators for UV stress. In both species, the AEC remained at high values (0.72 ± 0.04), while Fv/Fm dropped rapidly. The results show that the photosynthesis of the phaeophyte is more resistant to UV radiation than the chlorophyte.


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Investigations were undertaken to study the role of the protein cross-linking enzyme tissue transglutaminase in changes associated with the extracellular matrix and in the cell death of human dermal fibroblasts following exposure to a solarium ultraviolet A source consisting of 98.8% ultraviolet A and 1.2% ultraviolet B. Exposure to nonlethal ultraviolet doses of 60 to 120 kJ per m2 resulted in increased tissue transglutaminase activity when measured either in cell homogenates, "in situ" by incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into the extracellular matrix or by changes in the epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine cross-link. This increase in enzyme activity did not require de novo protein synthesis. Incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into matrix proteins was accompanied by the cross-linking of fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase into nonreducible high molecular weight polymers. Addition of exogenous tissue transglutaminase to cultured cells mimicking extensive cell leakage of the enzyme resulted in increased extracellular matrix deposition and a decreased rate of matrix turnover. Exposure of cells to 180 kJ per m2 resulted in 40% to 50% cell death with dying cells showing extensive tissue transglutaminase cross-linking of intracellular proteins and increased cross-linking of the surrounding extracellular matrix, the latter probably occurring as a result of cell leakage of tissue transglutaminase. These cells demonstrated negligible caspase activation and DNA fragmentation but maintained their cell morphology. In contrast, exposure of cells to 240 kJ per m2 resulted in increased cell death with caspase activation and some DNA fragmentation. These cells could be partially rescued from death by addition of caspase inhibitors. These data suggest that changes in cross-linking both in the intracellular and extracellular compartments elicited by tissue transglutaminase following exposure to ultraviolet provides a rapid tissue stabilization process following damage, but as such may be a contributory factor to the scarring process that results.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation potentially damages the skin, the immune system, and structures of the eye. A useful UV sun protection for the skin has been established. Since a remarkable body of evidence shows an association between UV radiation and damage to structures of the eye, eye protection is important, but a reliable and practical tool to assess and compare the UV-protective properties of lenses has been lacking. Among the general lay public, misconceptions on eye-sun protection have been identified. For example, sun protection is mainly ascribed to sunglasses, but less so to clear lenses. Skin malignancies in the periorbital region are frequent, but usual topical skin protection does not include the lids. Recent research utilized exact dosimetry and demonstrated relevant differences in UV burden to the eye and skin at a given ambient irradiation. Chronic UV effects on the cornea and lens are cumulative, so effective UV protection of the eyes is important for all age groups and should be used systematically. Protection of children's eyes is especially important, because UV transmittance is higher at a very young age, allowing higher levels of UV radiation to reach the crystalline lens and even the retina. Sunglasses as well as clear lenses (plano and prescription) effectively reduce transmittance of UV radiation. However, an important share of the UV burden to the eye is explained by back reflection of radiation from lenses to the eye. UV radiation incident from an angle of 135°-150° behind a lens wearer is reflected from the back side of lenses. The usual antireflective coatings considerably increase reflection of UV radiation. To provide reliable labeling of the protective potential of lenses, an eye-sun protection factor (E-SPF®) has been developed. It integrates UV transmission as well as UV reflectance of lenses. The E-SPF® compares well with established skin-sun protection factors and provides clear messages to eye health care providers and to lay consumers. © 2014 Behar-Cohen et al, This work is published by Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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Introduction: Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight is a causative factor in the development of skin damage and skin cancer. Little research has been undertaken into assessing the sun exposure linking to skin damage inside buildings or behind window glass. This project directly addressed this issue by aiming to assess the role that UV exposure has on skin damage for indoor workers and drivers. Methods: Measurements of personal UV exposure using UV sensitive polymer dosimeters were undertaken of 41 indoor workers and 3 professional drivers. Physical measurements of skin characteristics including skin pigmentation and UV induced skin photoaging were also determined. In addition, demographic information along with phenotypic characteristics, sun exposure and sun protection practice history, and history of skin damage were assessed through a questionnaire. Results: Indoor workers typically received low doses of UV radiation. However, one driver received a high dose (13J/cm2 UVA and 4.99 MED UVB on the arm). Age and years residing in Australia had a positive correlation with UV induced skin pigmentation. The number of major sunburns before 18 years was a risk factor for skin damage in adults. Those participants with fair skin, non-black hair and blue/green /blue-grey eye were more likely to have skin damage related to sun exposure. Conclusions: A person’s age, years residing in Australia, numbers of major sunburn, skin colour, hair colour and eye colour are important factors associated with the development of sun-related skin damage in workers. ‘Real World’ implications: 1. The number of major sunburns before 18 years was a risk factor for skin damage in adults. This clearly confirms the importance of early prevention. To protect the skin from extensive sun exposure for your generation should have significance for further prevention of skin damage. 2. It is unsurprising that age and years residing in Australia were associated with skin damage related UV radiation. Therefore, the general public should reinforce their sun protective measures and check skin regularly. 3. Drivers should take sun protective measures during their working hours between sunrise and sunset.