244 resultados para trailing spouse


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ResumenEl abuso físico y el abuso psicológico representan un problema de salud pública frecuente en mujeres colombianas. No obstante, pocas investigaciones exploran las variables asociadas en mujeres adultas. Objetivo: establecer variables psicosociales asociadas a abuso físico y psicológico en mujeres de Bogotá (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: se diseñó un estudio analítico transversal. Se solicitó la participación de mujeres adultas con pareja de estrato socioeconómico bajo. Se aplicaron las escalas: Apgar familiar (disfunción familiar), Escala de Rosenberg (autoestima), Cuestionario General de Salud (GHQ-12, trastornos mentales comunes) e Índice de Abuso a la Pareja (Index of Spouse Abuse, ISA-8, ISA-F e ISA-P). Mediante regresión logística se ajustaron la variables psicosociales asociadas al abuso físico y al abuso psicológico. Resultados: participaron 292 mujeres. La media para la edad fue 33,0 años (DE = 9,23). La prevalencia de baja autoestima fue del 29,1%; de disfunción familiar, del 82,5%; de trastornos mentales comunes, del 73,6%; de abuso psicológico, del 68,5% y de abuso físico, del 70,2%. Los trastornos mentales comunes (OR = 4,0; IC 95% 2,2-7,5), baja autoestima (OR = 2,4; IC 95% 1,2-4,7) y disfunción familiar (OR = 2,3; IC 95% 1,1-4,8) se asociaron a abuso psicológico; y baja autoestima (OR = 2,6; IC 95% 1,4-5,0) y trastornos mentales comunes (OR = 2,4; IC 95% 1,4-4,3) a abuso físico. Conclusiones: es alta la frecuencia de maltrato conyugal en mujeres de estrato socioeconómico bajo de Bogotá. El trastorno mental común y la baja autoestima se asocian a abuso psicológico y a abuso físico.


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Desde la adopción de un significado integral de salud por la Organización mundial de la salud (OMS) donde esta es definida como “…un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solamente la ausencia de enfermedad… 1948”, ha sido fundamental entender las motivaciones colectivas e individuales que se involucran como determinantes del proceso de bienestar y enfermedad, estos mismos hacen que se torne el estado de salud en una compleja sinfonía de variables dinámicas que se transforman de lugar a lugar o de individuo a individuo. Desde allí, el entorno, en todos sus aspectos ha mostrado gran importancia imprimiendo patrones en las conductas comunes e individuales que se transfiguran finalmente sobre el individuo.


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Introducción: Según OMS en 2011, 536.000 mujeres murieron en el mundo por causas relacionadas al embarazo y el parto; obteniendo Colombia índices altos de mortalidad materna (Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, 2010); mientras Casanare reportó cuatro casos en 2009, y Yopal en 2010 alcanzó una tasa de 66,5 por 100.000 NV (Plan de desarrollo municipio de Yopal); por tanto se busca identificar factores que afectan la adherencia al control prenatal. Metodología: Estudio observacional de prevalencia analítica realizado con datos de gestantes de Yopal (Casanare) canalizadas por Intervenciones Colectivas 2011, con una muestra de 621 gestantes en las semanas de gestación 8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,38 y 40.. Resultados: La adherencia al control prenatal fue del 15% y los factores que mostraron asociación estadísticamente significativa con adherencia al control prenatal fueron: régimen de salud (P=0.010); semana de gestación (p=0.000); trimestre del embarazo, antecedentes de abortos, apoyo económico (OR=1.738; IC=95%; 1.026-2.945); embarazo planeado, soporte familiar, satisfacción de compartir tiempo y espacio con el cónyuge (p=0.009, 0.001, 0.006); convivencia con familia materna (P=0.032), razón de verosimilitud 0.046, y valor OR=0.444; IC=95%; 0.208 – 0.948; y se identificaron barreras como inoportunidad de citas e insatisfacción por los servicios, donde el 98,9% de gestantes que no las encontraron tuvieron adherencia al control prenatal. Conclusión: Es necesario fortalecer programas de promoción de salud materna, control prenatal, prevención del embarazo adolescente y derechos de la mujer; reforzando acciones de vigilancia para disminuir las barreras de aseguramiento y calidad de los servicios.


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A climatology of extratropical cyclones is produced using an objective method of identifying cyclones based on gradients of 1-km height wet-bulb potential temperature. Cyclone track and genesis density statistics are analyzed and this method is found to compare well with other cyclone identification methods. The North Atlantic storm track is reproduced along with the major regions of genesis. Cyclones are grouped according to their genesis location and the corresponding lysis regions are identified. Most of the cyclones that cross western Europe originate in the east Atlantic where the baroclinicity and the sea surface temperature gradients are weak compared to the west Atlantic. East Atlantic cyclones also have higher 1-km height relative vorticity and lower mean sea level pressure at their genesis point than west Atlantic cyclones. This is consistent with the hypothesis that they are secondary cyclones developing on the trailing fronts of preexisting “parent” cyclones. The evolution characteristics of composite west and east Atlantic cyclones have been compared. The ratio of their upper- to lower-level forcing indicates that type B cyclones are predominant in both the west and east Atlantic, with strong upper- and lower-level features. Among the remaining cyclones, there is a higher proportion of type C cyclones in the east Atlantic, whereas types A and C are equally frequent in the west Atlantic.


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The study examined the effects of psychological response and gender on coping with late life widowhood. Forty-six men and 46 women (55 years +) were interviewed about their experiences of widowhood. Participants were classified as to whether they were coping well or less well. Data were analyzed using grounded theory, content. analysis, and three-way loglinear analyses. Loglinear analyses revealed three-way interactions for Gender, Coping, and Response. Men who report feeling upset or selfish are more likely to be coping, as are women who report being comfortable alone. There were two-way interactions between Coping and Response and Gender and Response. Participants who talk to their dead spouse are more Rely to be coping than those who do not. Those who "keep themselves to themselves" are more likely not to be coping than those who do not. Gender differences, were found in psychological response. Differences were also found between those who coped and those who coped less well. The study has enabled the synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data to present a more complete view of late life widowhood than has previously been possible. In addition, the article draws attention to the importance of distinguishing between the effects of bereavement and those of widowhood.


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This research explores the relationship between inheritance, access to resources and the intergenerational transmission of poverty among the Serer ethnic group in rural and urban environments in Senegal. In many Sub-Saharan African countries, customary law excludes women from owning and inheriting assets, such as land and property. Yet, assets controlled by women often result in increased investments in the next generation's health, nutrition and schooling and reduce the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Qualitative research with 60 participants in Senegal reveals the important role that land, housing and financial assets may play in building resilience to household shocks and interrupting the intergenerational transmission of poverty. However, the protection afforded by these assets was often dependent on other factors, including human, social and environmental capital. The death of a spouse or parent had major emotional and material impacts on many Serer families. The inheritance and control of assets and resources was strongly differentiated among family members along lines of gender, age and generation. Younger widows and their children were particularly vulnerable to chronic poverty. Although inheritance disputes were rare, the research suggests they are more likely between co-wives in polygamous unions and their children, particularly in urban areas. In addition to experiencing economic and health-related shocks, many interviewees were exposed to a range of climate-related risks and environmental pressures which increased their vulnerability. Family members coped with these shocks and risks by diversifying livelihoods, migrating to urban areas and other regions for work, participating in women's co-operatives and associations and developing supportive social networks with extended family and community members. Policies and practices that may help to alleviate poverty, safeguard women's and young people's inheritance and build resilience to financial, health-related and environmental shocks and risks include: - Social protection measures targeted towards poor widows and orphaned children, such as social and cash transfers to pay for basic needs including food, healthcare and children's schooling. - Micro-finance initiatives and credit and savings schemes, alongside training and capacity-building targeted to women and young people to develop income-generation activities and skills. - Free legal advice, support and advocacy for women and young people to pursue inheritance claims through the legal system. - Raising awareness about women's and children's legal rights and working with government and community and religious leaders to tackle discriminatory inheritance practices and contradictions caused by legal pluralism. - Increasing women's control of land and access to inputs, enhancing their business, organisational, and leadership skills and promoting civic participation in local, regional and national decision-making processes. - Improving access to basic services in rural areas, particularly healthcare, building the quality of education and promoting girls' access to education - Enhancing agricultural production and providing more employment opportunities, apprenticeships and vocational training for young people, particularly in rural areas.


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During propagation, Magnetic Clouds (MC) interact with their environment and, in particular, may reconnect with the solar wind around it, eroding away part of its initial magnetic flux. Here we quantitatively analyze such an interaction using combined, multipoint observations of the same MC flux rope by STEREO A, B, ACE, WIND and THEMIS on November 19–20, 2007. Observation of azimuthal magnetic flux imbalance inside a MC flux rope has been argued to stem from erosion due to magnetic reconnection at its front boundary. The present study adds to such analysis a large set of signatures expected from this erosion process. (1) Comparison of azimuthal flux imbalance for the same MC at widely separated points precludes the crossing of the MC leg as a source of bias in flux imbalance estimates. (2) The use of different methods, associated errors and parametric analyses show that only an unexpectedly large error in MC axis orientation could explain the azimuthal flux imbalance. (3) Reconnection signatures are observed at the MC front at all spacecraft, consistent with an ongoing erosion process. (4) Signatures in suprathermal electrons suggest that the trailing part of the MC has a different large-scale magnetic topology, as expected. The azimuthal magnetic flux erosion estimated at ACE and STEREO A corresponds respectively to 44% and 49% of the inferred initial azimuthal magnetic flux before MC erosion upon propagation. The corresponding average reconnection rate during transit is estimated to be in the range 0.12–0.22 mV/m, suggesting most of the erosion occurs in the inner parts of the heliosphere. Future studies ought to quantify the influence of such an erosion process on geo-effectiveness.


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Some recent winters in Western Europe have been characterized by the occurrence of multiple extratropical cyclones following a similar path. The occurrence of such cyclone clusters leads to large socio-economic impacts due to damaging winds, storm surges, and floods. Recent studies have statistically characterized the clustering of extratropical cyclones over the North Atlantic and Europe and hypothesized potential physical mechanisms responsible for their formation. Here we analyze 4 months characterized by multiple cyclones over Western Europe (February 1990, January 1993, December 1999, and January 2007). The evolution of the eddy driven jet stream, Rossby wave-breaking, and upstream/downstream cyclone development are investigated to infer the role of the large-scale flow and to determine if clustered cyclones are related to each other. Results suggest that optimal conditions for the occurrence of cyclone clusters are provided by a recurrent extension of an intensified eddy driven jet toward Western Europe lasting at least 1 week. Multiple Rossby wave-breaking occurrences on both the poleward and equatorward flanks of the jet contribute to the development of these anomalous large-scale conditions. The analysis of the daily weather charts reveals that upstream cyclone development (secondary cyclogenesis, where new cyclones are generated on the trailing fronts of mature cyclones) is strongly related to cyclone clustering, with multiple cyclones developing on a single jet streak. The present analysis permits a deeper understanding of the physical reasons leading to the occurrence of cyclone families over the North Atlantic, enabling a better estimation of the associated cumulative risk over Europe.


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A cornerstone of conservation is the designation and management of protected areas (PAs): locations often under conservation management containing species of conservation concern, where some development and other detrimental influences are prevented or mitigated. However, the value of PAs for conserving biodiversity in the long term has been questioned given that species are changing their distributions in response to climatic change. There is a concern that PAs may become climatically unsuitable for those species that they were designated to protect, and may not be located appropriately to receive newly-colonizing species for which the climate is improving. In the present study, we analyze fine-scale distribution data from detailed resurveys of seven butterfly and 11 bird species in Great Britain aiming to examine any effect of PA designation in preventing extinctions and promoting colonizations. We found a positive effect of PA designation on species' persistence at trailing-edge warm range margins, although with a decreased magnitude at higher latitudes and altitudes. In addition, colonizations by range expanding species were more likely to occur on PAs even after altitude and latitude were taken into account. PAs will therefore remain an important strategy for conservation. The potential for PA management to mitigate the effects of climatic change for retracting species deserves further investigation.


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1. Species’ distributions are likely to be affected by a combination of environmental drivers. We used a data set of 11 million species occurrence records over the period 1970–2010 to assess changes in the frequency of occurrence of 673 macro-moth species in Great Britain. Groups of species with different predicted sensitivities showed divergent trends, which we interpret in the context of land-use and climatic changes. 2. A diversity of responses was revealed: 260 moth species declined significantly, whereas 160 increased significantly. Overall, frequencies of occurrence declined, mirroring trends in less species-rich, yet more intensively studied taxa. 3. Geographically widespread species, which were predicted to be more sensitive to land use than to climate change, declined significantly in southern Britain, where the cover of urban and arable land has increased. 4. Moths associated with low nitrogen and open environments (based on their larval host plant characteristics) declined most strongly, which is also consistent with a land-use change explanation. 5. Some moths that reach their northern (leading edge) range limit in southern Britain increased, whereas species restricted to northern Britain (trailing edge) declined significantly, consistent with a climate change explanation. 6. Not all species of a given type behaved similarly, suggesting that complex interactions between species’ attributes and different combinations of environmental drivers determine frequency of occurrence changes. 7. Synthesis and applications. Our findings are consistent with large-scale responses to climatic and land-use changes, with some species increasing and others decreasing. We suggest that land-use change (e.g. habitat loss, nitrogen deposition) and climate change are both major drivers of moth biodiversity change, acting independently and in combination. Importantly, the diverse responses revealed in this species-rich taxon show that multifaceted conservation strategies are needed to minimize negative biodiversity impacts of multiple environmental changes. We suggest that habitat protection, management and ecological restoration can mitigate combined impacts of land-use change and climate change by providing environments that are suitable for existing populations and also enable species to shift their ranges.


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The mechanisms resulting in large daily rainfall events in Northeast Brazil are analyzed using data filtering to exclude periods longer than 30 days. Composites of circulation fields that include all independent events do not reveal any obvious forcing mechanisms as multiple patterns contribute to Northeast Brazil precipitation variability. To isolate coherent patterns, subsets of events are selected based on anomalies that precede the Northeast Brazil precipitation events at different locations. The results indicate that at 10 degrees S, 40 degrees W, the area of lowest annual rainfall in Brazil, precipitation occurs mainly in association with trailing midlatitude synoptic wave trains originating in either hemisphere. Closer to the equator at 5 degrees S, 37.5 degrees W, an additional convection precursor is found to the west, with a spatial structure consistent with that of a Kelvin wave. Although these two sites are located within only several hundred kilometers of each other and the midlatitude patterns that induce precipitation appear to be quite similar, the dates on which large precipitation anomalies occur at each location are almost entirely independent, pointing to separate forcing mechanisms.


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In offset printing, dampening solution is used to create a good balance in the process. If too much water is transferred to the paper, the sheet can change its size between the printing units, due to water absorption, and cause a problem with the colour register. This phenomenon is usually referred to as fanout. In this degree project, an investigation was made to see if the paper dimensions changed through its way in the sheet-fed printing process. The instrument Luchs Register Measuring Systems (Lynx) was used, and a method for measuring if the paper changed its dimensions with this instrument, was developed. Paper qualities with three different grammages were used, 90, 130 and 250 gsm. This investigation showed that all paper qualities changed their size with widening in the gripper edge in the range of 10 - 70 µm and in the trailing edge the increase was 10 - 130 µm. The elongations of the papers were in the range of 10- 300 µm. The papers with lowest grammage changed more than the heavier. To see if the print had been affected of the widening and elongation, print quality parameters like relative contrast, dot gain and mottle were correlated with the Lynx data from the sheets. The group of papers that gave correlations were in 130 gsm. The sheets had visual doubling and the combined standard deviation from the Lynx marks K3, K5 and K21 correlated with dot gain. When the variations increased so did the dot gain and this indicates that the doubling was due to the widening. There was also a correlation between the standard deviation from K3 and Mottle. The sheets widened with an average of 30 µm in the gripper edge and since there probably were doubling due to widening it also affected the Mottle values. What the widening depends on is hard to tell. Since widening was so small, it could be due to water absorption, papers being ironed out or maybe the sheets have been flattened out. It probably needs a more detailed investigation to find out what causes the widening. Further investigations about how print quality is affected by the register accuracy of a printing machine should include a print form with measuring areas close to the Lynx marks. The measuring areas should contain fine hairlines, negative text printed with at least two colours and some pictures to evaluate together with standard measuring should give a good knowledge about the subject.


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Idag ökar den palliativa omvårdnaden i hemmet. För att den sjuke ofta har en önskan om att få dö hemma. Det ställer krav på anhörigvårdarna som är dem som kommer att bli dem primära vårdarna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka anhörigvårdarnas upplevelser av att vårda hemma, i livets slutskede, med hjälp av det palliativa teamet. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Genom litteraturstudien fick man fram de positiva och negativa upplevelserna från anhörigvårdarna som vårdat den sjuke i hemmet. Studien visade att anhörigvårdarna skulle välja att vårda den sjuke i hemmet igen med hjälp av det palliativa teamet. Detta trots att flera negativa upplevelser kom fram. Anhörigvårdarna ville vara mer delaktiga i omvårdnadsarbetet och detta gjorde att anhörigvårdarna upplevde en större tillfredställelse av själv, genom att kunna ge något tillbaka till den sjuke. Anhörigvårdarna önskade mer stöd från vårdpersonalen eftersom de ansåg sig ha bristande kompetens om medicinteknik, kroppens hälsa, sjukdomen, dess symptom, behandling, och prognos etc.


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The purpose of the study was to investigate, using data from the sacerdotal culture, t h espouses of five priests. The main questions were: How does the priestly calling affect thespouse? Do the spouses involve themselves with voluntary work? Do the spouses feel thecongregation have expectations? Do the female and male answers differ?The sacerdotal culture has consisted of several elements. The main element is the priest’scalling for his work. As far as the spouse is concerned within the congregation, the spouseshave been seen as necessary for voluntary work. The congregation has also expected thespouse to act in a certain way and to undertake certain tasks.How the five informants feel about and react to the sacerdotal culture is focus for this study.The study shows that the sacerdotal culture is still strong today and it is something that thespouses take into account. They can choose not to participate but that might involve, forinstance, having to live somewhere else. The study found that the calling affects the femaleinformants, but not so much the males. The amount of participation varies from spouse tospouse and is a matter of their own choice. Expectations can also vary and participation inthe congregation can create higher expectations.


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Latin America is the region that bears the highest rates of inequality in the world. Deininger and Squire (1996) showed that Latin American countries achieved only minor reductions in inequality between 1960 and 1990. On the other hand, East Asian countries, recurrently cited in recent literature on this issue, have significantly narrowed the gap in income inequality, while achieving sustained economic growth. These facts have triggered a renewed discussion on the relationship between income inequality and economic growth. According to the above literature, income inequality could have an adverse effect on countries’ growth rates. The main authors who spouse this line of thinking are Persson and Tebellini (1994), Alesina and Rodrik (1994), Perotti (1996), Bénabou (1996), and Deininger and Squire (1996, 1998). More recently, however, articles were published that questioned the evidence presented previously. Representatives of this new point of view, namely Li and Zou (1998), Barro (1999), Deininger and Olinto (2000) and Forbes (2000), believe that the relation between these variables can be positive, i.e., income inequality can indeed foster economic growth. Using this literature as a starting point, this article seeks to evaluate the relation between income inequality and economic growth in Latin America, based on a 13-country panel, from 1970 to 1995. After briefly reviewing the above articles, this study estimates the per capita GDP and growth rate equations, based on the neoclassical approach for economic growth. It also estimates the Kuznets curve for this sample of countries. Econometric results are in line with recent work conducted in this area – particularly Li and Zou (1998) and Forbes (2000) – and confirm the positive relation between inequality and growth, and also support Kuznets hypothesis.