865 resultados para time-invariant systems


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Presented at IEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015.


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In a recent paper, [J. M. Porrà, J. Masoliver, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 48, 951 (1993)], we derived the equations for the mean first-passage time for systems driven by the coin-toss square wave, a particular type of dichotomous noisy signal, to reach either one of two boundaries. The coin-toss square wave, which we here call periodic-persistent dichotomous noise, is a random signal that can only change its value at specified time points, where it changes its value with probability q or retains its previous value with probability p=1-q. These time points occur periodically at time intervals t. Here we consider the stationary version of this signal, that is, equilibrium periodic-persistent noise. We show that the mean first-passage time for systems driven by this stationary noise does not show either the discontinuities or the oscillations found in the case of nonstationary noise. We also discuss the existence of discontinuities in the mean first-passage time for random one-dimensional stochastic maps.


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The design of appropriate multifractal analysis algorithms, able to correctly characterize the scaling properties of multifractal systems from experimental, discretized data, is a major challenge in the study of such scale invariant systems. In the recent years, a growing interest for the application of the microcanonical formalism has taken place, as it allows a precise localization of the fractal components as well as a statistical characterization of the system. In this paper, we deal with the specific problems arising when systems that are strictly monofractal are analyzed using some standard microcanonical multifractal methods. We discuss the adaptations of these methods needed to give an appropriate treatment of monofractal systems.


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This thesis is done as a complementary part for the active magnet bearing (AMB) control software development project in Lappeenranta University of Technology. The main focus of the thesis is to examine an idea of a real-time operating system (RTOS) framework that operates in a dedicated digital signal processor (DSP) environment. General use real-time operating systems do not necessarily provide sufficient platform for periodic control algorithm utilisation. In addition, application program interfaces found in real-time operating systems are commonly non-existent or provided as chip-support libraries, thus hindering platform independent software development. Hence, two divergent real-time operating systems and additional periodic extension software with the framework design are examined to find solutions for the research problems. The research is discharged by; tracing the selected real-time operating system, formulating requirements for the system, and designing the real-time operating system framework (OSFW). The OSFW is formed by programming the framework and conjoining the outcome with the RTOS and the periodic extension. The system is tested and functionality of the software is evaluated in theoretical context of the Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) theory. The performance of the OSFW and substance of the approach are discussed in contrast to the research theme. The findings of the thesis demonstrates that the forged real-time operating system framework is a viable groundwork solution for periodic control applications.


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Some necessary and sufficient conditions for closed-loop eigenstructure assignment by output feedback in time-invariant linear multivariable control systems are presented. A simple condition on a square matrix necessary and sufficient for it to be the closed-loop plant matrix of a given system with some output feedback is the basis of the paper. Some known results on entire eigenstructure assignment are deduced from this. The concept of an inner inverse of a matrix is employed to obtain a condition concerning the assignment of an eigenstructure consisting of the eigenvalues and a mixture of left and right eigenvectors.


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Specific traditional plate count method and real-time PCR systems based on SYBR Green I and TaqMan technologies using a specific primer pair and probe for amplification of iap-gene were used for quantitative assay of Listeria monocytogenes in seven decimal serial dilution series of nutrient broth and milk samples containing 1.58 to 1.58×107 cfu /ml and the real-time PCR methods were compared with the plate count method with respect to accuracy and sensitivity. In this study, the plate count method was performed using surface-plating of 0.1 ml of each sample on Palcam Agar. The lowest detectable level for this method was 1.58×10 cfu/ml for both nutrient broth and milk samples. Using purified DNA as a template for generation of standard curves, as few as four copies of the iap-gene could be detected per reaction with both real-time PCR assays, indicating that they were highly sensitive. When these real-time PCR assays were applied to quantification of L. monocytogenes in decimal serial dilution series of nutrient broth and milk samples, 3.16×10 to 3.16×105 copies per reaction (equals to 1.58×103 to 1.58×107 cfu/ml L. monocytogenes) were detectable. As logarithmic cycles, for Plate Count and both molecular assays, the quantitative results of the detectable steps were similar to the inoculation levels.


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Instead of a time-invariant voltammetric profile, many electrochemical systems display a cycle-dependent current-potential response. This phenomenon has been referred to as complex voltammetric response and it has been observed during the electro-oxidation of several molecules such as methanol, ethanol, propanol and hydrogen. There are currently two explanations for the surface mechanism underlying this behavior. In one scenario, the complex voltammogram would result from the specific kinetic pathway taken during the forward sweep. In the other explanation, the phenomenon is discussed in terms of the interplay among the surface roughening and subsequent relaxation, and the ohmic drop coupled to a negative differential resistance. We report in this paper a nanogravimetric investigation of the complex voltammetric response in the electro-oxidation of methanol on platinum electrode in both acidic and alkaline media. Different periodic patterns composed of intercalated small and large hysteresis cycles were observed as a function of the applied voltage and the series resistance between the working electrode and the potentiostat. Independently, nanogravimetric results indicated no detectable difference in the delta-frequency versus voltage profile between small and large hysteresis cycles. These findings were interpreted as experimental evidence of the secondary, if any, role played by the very electrochemical reaction on the emergence of complex voltammetric response. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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With the technology progess, embedded systems using adaptive techniques are being used frequently. One of these techniques is the Variable Structure Model- Reference Adaptive Control (VS-MRAC). The implementation of this technique in embedded systems, requires consideration of a sampling period which if not taken into consideration, can adversely affect system performance and even takes the system to instability. This work proposes a stability analysis of a discrete-time VS-MRAC accomplished for SISO linear time-invariant plants with relative degree one. The aim is to analyse the in uence of the sampling period in the system performance and the relation of this period with the chattering and system instability


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This paper is concerned with the stability of discrete-time linear systems subject to random jumps in the parameters, described by an underlying finite-state Markov chain. In the model studied, a stopping time τ Δ is associated with the occurrence of a crucial failure after which the system is brought to a halt for maintenance. The usual stochastic stability concepts and associated results are not indicated, since they are tailored to pure infinite horizon problems. Using the concept named stochastic τ-stability, equivalent conditions to ensure the stochastic stability of the system until the occurrence of τ Δ is obtained. In addition, an intermediary and mixed case for which τ represents the minimum between the occurrence of a fix number N of failures and the occurrence of a crucial failure τ Δ is also considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure the stochastic τ-stability are provided in this setting that are auxiliary to the main result.


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This paper deals with a stochastic optimal control problem involving discrete-time jump Markov linear systems. The jumps or changes between the system operation modes evolve according to an underlying Markov chain. In the model studied, the problem horizon is defined by a stopping time τ which represents either, the occurrence of a fix number N of failures or repairs (TN), or the occurrence of a crucial failure event (τΔ), after which the system is brought to a halt for maintenance. In addition, an intermediary mixed case for which T represents the minimum between TN and τΔ is also considered. These stopping times coincide with some of the jump times of the Markov state and the information available allows the reconfiguration of the control action at each jump time, in the form of a linear feedback gain. The solution for the linear quadratic problem with complete Markov state observation is presented. The solution is given in terms of recursions of a set of algebraic Riccati equations (ARE) or a coupled set of algebraic Riccati equation (CARE).


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New Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) conditions are proposed for the following problem, called Strictly Positive Real (SPR) synthesis: given a linear time-invariant plant, find a constant output feedback matrix Ko and a constant output tandem matrix F for the controlled system to be SPR. It is assumed that the plant has the number of outputs greater than the number of inputs. Some sufficient conditions for the solution of the problem are presented and compared. These results can be directly applied in the LMI-based design of Variable Structure Control (VSC) of uncertain plants. ©2008 IEEE.


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Given a linear time-invariant plant Gol(s) with one input and q outputs, where q > 1, a method based on the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion is proposed to obtain a constant tandem matrix F ∈ ℝq, such that FGOl(s) is a minimumphase system. From this solution, the system FGol(s) is represented in state space by {A, B, FC} and a constant output feedback matrix K0 ∈ ℝ is obtained such that the feedback system {A - BK0C, B, FC} is Strictly Positive Real (SPR). The proposed procedure offers necessary and sufficient conditions for both problems. Initially, the general case, with a generic q, is analyzed. Following, the particular cases q = 2 and q = 3 are studied.


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This paper presents a control method for a class of continuous-time switched systems, using state feedback variable structure controllers. The method is applied to the control of a two-cell dc-dc buck converter and a control circuit design using the software PSpice is proposed. The design is based on Lyapunov-Metzler-SPR systems and the performance of the resulting control system is superior to that afforded by a recently-proposed alternative sliding-mode control technique. The dc-dc power converters are very used in industrial applications, for instance, in power systems of hybrid electric vehicles and aircrafts. Good results were obtained and the proposed design is also inexpensive because it uses electric components that can be easily found for the hardware implementation. Future researches on the subject include the hardware validation of the dc-dc converter controller and the robust control design of switched systems, with structural failures. © 2011 IEEE.