995 resultados para taxonomic revision.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are provided as the result of a taxonomic revision of Baccharis subgen. Tarchonanthoides, currently underway. A list of accepted species within the subgenus, their synonyms, and a revised sectional classification are presented. Protologues and types of previously published names have been reviewed. Currently 21 species and 10 synonyms are recognized within the subgenus. Morphologically, the species of the subgenus are classified into four sections: Canescentes (9 spp.), Coridifoliae (8 spp.), Curitybensis (2 spp.), and Tarchonanthoides (2 spp.). A new combination and status is proposed to B. coridifolia subsp. bicolor, B. uleana is assigned to subgen. Tarchonanthoides, and lectotypes are designated for B. artemisioides, B. curitybensis, B. erigeroides var. dusenii, B. gibertii, B. patens, B. psammophila and B. squarrosa, most of them providing 'second-step' lectotypes.


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The circumscription of genera belonging to tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) has traditionally been complex, with only a few genera having stable circumscriptions in the various classification systems proposed for the tribe. The genus Lundia, for instance, is well characterized by a series of morphological synapomorphies and its circumscription has remained quite stable throughout its history. Despite the stable circumscription of Lundia, the circumscription of species within the genus has remained problematic. This study aims to reconstruct the phylogeny of Lundia in order to refine species circumscriptions, gain a better understanding of relationships between taxa, and identify potential morphological synapomorphies for species and major clades. We sampled 26 accessions representing 13 species of Lundia, and 5 outgroups, and reconstructed the phylogeny of the genus using a chloroplast (ndhF) and a nuclear marker (PepC). Data derived from sequences of the individual loci were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian inference, and the combined molecular dataset was analyzed with Bayesian methods. The monophyly of Lundia nitidula, a species with a particularly complex circumscription, was tested using Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) test and the approximately unbiased test for phylogenetic tree selection (AU test). In addition, 40 morphological characters were mapped onto the tree that resulted from the analysis of the combined molecular dataset in order to identify morphological synapomorphies of individual species and major clades. Lundia and most species currently recognized within the genus were strongly supported as monophyletic in all analyses. One species, Lundia nitidula, was not resolved as monophyletic, but the monophyly of this species was not rejected by the AU and SH tests. Lundia sect. Eriolundia is resolved as paraphyletic in all analyses, while Lundia sect. Eulundia is monophyletic and supported by the same morphological characters traditionally used to circumscribe this section. The phylogeny of Lundia contributed important information for a better circumscription of species and served as basis the taxonomic revision of the genus.


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Iphisa elegans Gray, 1851 is a ground-dwelling lizard widespread over Amazonia that displays a broadly conserved external morphology over its range. This wide geographical distribution and conservation of body form contrasts with the expected poor dispersal ability of the species, the tumultuous past of Amazonia, and the previously documented prevalence of cryptic species in widespread terrestrial organisms in this region. Here we investigate this homogeneity by examining hemipenial morphology and conducting phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (CYTB) and nuclear (C-MOS) DNA sequence data from 49 individuals sampled across Amazonia. We detected remarkable variation in hemipenial morphology within this species, with multiple cases of sympatric occurrence of distinct hemipenial morphotypes. Phylogenetic analyses revealed highly divergent lineages corroborating the patterns suggested by the hemipenial morphotypes, including co-occurrence of different lineages. The degrees of genetic and morphological distinctness, as well as instances of sympatry among mtDNA lineages/morphotypes without nuDNA allele sharing, suggest that I. elegans is a complex of cryptic species. An extensive and integrative taxonomic revision of the I. elegans complex throughout its wide geographical range is needed. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166, 361376.


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Die Systematik, Phylogenie und Biogeographie der Gattung Cousinia (Asteraceae, Cardueae) als größter Gattung der Tribus Cardueae mit mehr als 600 Arten wurde untersucht. Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Hauptteile: Im ersten Teil wurde die Phylogenie und Evolution des Arctium-Cousinia-Komplexes Untersucht. Dieser Gattungskomplex enthält Arctium, Cousinia, Hypacanthium und Schmalhausenia und zeigt die höchste Diversität in der Irano-Turanischen Region und in den Gebirgen Zentralasiens. Es wurden ITS und rpS4-trnT-trnL-Sequenzen für insgesamt 138 Arten generiert, darunter von 129 (von ca. 600) Arten von Cousinia. Wie in früheren Analysen bereits gefunden, ist Cousinia nicht monophyletisch. Stattdessen sind Cousinia subg. Cynaroides und subg. Hypacanthodes mit insgesamt ca. 30 Arten enger mit Arctium, Hypacanthium und Schmalhausenia (Arctioid Clade) als mit subg. Cousinia (Cousinioid Clade) verwandt. Die Arctioid und Cousiniod clades werden auch durch Pollenmorphologie und Chromosomenzahl unterstützt, wie bereits früher bekannt war. In dem Arctioid Clade entsprechen morphologische Gattungsgrenzen, basierend auf Blattform, Blattbedornung und Morphologie der Involukralblätter, nicht den in der molekularen analyse gefundenen clades. Es kann keine taxonomische Lösung für diesen Konflikt gefunden werden, und die gennanten Merkmale wurden als homoplastisch betrachtet. Obwohl die phylogenetische Auflösung in dem Cousinioid Clade schlecht ist, enthalten die ITS und rpS4-trnT-trnL-Sequenzen phylogenetische Information. So gruppierten z.B. die sechs annuellen Arten in zwei Gruppen. Schlechte phylogenetische Auflösung resultiert wahrscheinlich aus dem Mangel an Merkmalen und der großen Artenzahl in dieser artenreichen und vergleichsweise jungen (ca. 8,7 mya) Linie. Artbildung in dem Cousinioid Clade scheint hauptsächlich allopatrisch zu sein. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation untersucht die Rolle der Hybridisierung in der Evolution von Cousinia s.s. Die in der Vergangenheit publizierteten 28 Hybrid-Kombinationen und 11 Zwischenformen wurden kritisch geprüft, und zwei Hybridindividuen wurden morphologisch und molekular untersucht. Die vermutlichen oder nachgewiesenen Eltern der Hybriden und Zwischenformen wurden auf die aus einer Bayesischen Analyse der ITS-Sequenzen von 216 Arten von Cousinia und verwandten Gattungen resultierenden Phylogenie aufgetragen. Weder Hybriden zwischen dem Cousinioid Clade und anderen Haupt-Claden des Arctium-Cousinia-Komplexes noch zwischen annuellen und perennirenden Arten von Cousinia s.s. wurden beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass Hybridisierung in Cousinia möglich is, und dass ca. 10,7% der Arten an interspezifischer Hybridisierung beteiligt sind. Obwohl Hybridisierung in Cousinia s.s. stattfindet und zu den Schwierigkeiten bei der Rekonstruktion ihrer phylogenetischen Geschichte beitragen könnte, war ihre Rolle für die Entwicklung und Diversität der Gruppe offenbar gering. Im dritten Teil wird eine taxonomische Revision der C. sect. Cynaroideae präsentiert. Cousinia sect. Cynaroideae, die größte Sektion der Gattung mit 110 veröffentlichten Arten, zeichnet sich durch eine Chromosomenzahl von 2n = 24 und durch ± herablaufende Blätter und Hüllblätter mit Anhängseln aus. Sie kommt im Iran, Irak, dem Kaukasus, der Türkei, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, dem Libanon und Anti-Libanon vor und hat ihre Hauptzentren der Artdiversität im westlichen und nordwestlichen Iran, im Irak und in der südöstlichen Türkei. Die Revision dieser Gruppe, hauptsächlich basierend auf der Untersuchung von ca. 2250 Herbarbögen, führte zu einer Verringerung der Artenzahl auf 31 Arten mit acht Unterarten. Alle Arten werden typifiziert und ausgeschlüsselt, und Beschreibungen, Abbildungen und Verbreitungskarten werden für jede Art angegeben.


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O presente trabalho trata do gênero de porcelanídeos Megalolobrachium Stimpson, 1858 e está organizado em três partes: (1) uma revisão taxonômica das espécies atualmente atribuídas a Megalobrachium Stimpson, 1858; (2) uma revisão da diversidade morfológica do gênero em um contexto maior dentro de Porcellanidae; e (3) uma análise cladística a partir de dados morfológicos com o intuito de testar o monofiletismo de Megalobrachium e propor a primeira hipótese filogenética para o gênero. A revisão taxonômica se baseou no estudo de material abundante de diferentes localidades do Pacífico oriental e Atlântico ocidental. Uma nova espécie de Megalobrachium é descrita com base no material das costas pacíficas do Panamá e Colômbia, totalizando 13 espécies em Megalobrachium. Para a análise filogenética, foram obtidos 151 caracteres; o grupo-externo foi composto por quatro espécies de três gêneros: Pachycheles Stimpson, 1858, Pisidia Leach, 1820, e Porcellana Lamarck, 1801. Uma única árvore (314 passos; IC: 64; IR: 80) foi obtida, com dois clados. O primeiro clado inclui espécies com lobos da fronte marcadamente flexionados, flagelo da antena curto, com artículos longos, patas ambulatórias curtas e robustas, abdome subtriangular em machos, pleópodo feminino iv com três segmentos, e urópodos curtos. O segundo clado contém espécies com lobos da fronte não flexionados, flagelo da antena longo, com artículos curtos, patas ambulatórias longas e delgadas, abdome sub-retangular, pleópodo feminino iv com dois segmentos, urópodos longos. O primeiro clado corresponde a Porcellanopsis Rathbun, 1910 (espécie-tipo P. festae (Nobili, 1901)), previamente tratado como sinônimo de Megalobrachium. Contudo, a combinação de diferenças morfológicas entre Megalobrachium e Porcellanopsis justifica a revalidação de Porcellanopsis. Três espécies foram erroneamente registradas no Pacífico oriental (M. mortenseni Haig, 1962, P. rosea (Rathbun, 1900) e P. soriata (Say, 1818)); essas espécies são exclusivamente distribuídas no Atlântico ocidental.


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Esta tese é dividida em duas partes: traçar a filogenia de Sericothripinae Karny, 1921 e realizar uma revisão taxonômica das espécies neotropicais. Para a análise filogenética, estados de caracteres morfológicos foram examinados entre Sericothripinae e Thysanoptera-Terebrantia relacionados, e as relações genéricas e supragenéricas foram exploradas. O monofiletismo de Sericothripinae foi recuperado, mas o formato do metasterno, usado na classificação dos gêneros, provavelmente não reflete a filogenia. De acordo com estudos moleculares recentes, o grupo genérico Scirtothrips em conjunto com o gênero Echinothrips Moulton, 1911 foram recuperados como intimamente relacionados aos Sericothripinae, mas, neste trabalho, Psilothrips Hood, 1927 e Pseudothrips Hinds, 1902 foram recuperados como não relacionados com Sericothripinae. Muitos estados de caracteres morfológicos entre os Sericothripinae são considerados homoplásticos e, na ausência de análises moleculares adequadas, alterações formais de nomenclatura não foram realizadas. Na revisão taxonômica, 14 novas espécies de Sericothripinae da região Neotropical são descritas. Chaves ilustradas foram elaboradas para as fêmeas de sete espécies de Hydatothrips Karny, 1913 e 41 espécies de Neohydatothrips John, 1929, principalmente do Brasil, mas incluindo todas as espécies registradas do sul da fronteira entre o México e os EUA até o extremo sul da América do Sul. Espécies de plantas em que associações-hospedeiras foram registradas são indicadas sempre que possível, comentários são elencados para as poucas espécies de importância econômica e uma chave para imaturos de segundo instar de cinco espécies é proposta. Neohydatothrips burungae (Hood, 1935) stat. rev. e N. aztecus Johansen, 1983 stat. rev. são retiradas de sinonímia com N. signifer (Priesner, 1932), ao passo que Sericothrips denigratus De Santis, 1966 syn. n. é sinonimizada com N. burungae. Hydatothrips williamsi (Hood, 1928) comb. n. é realocado de Neohydatothrips e, com isso, houve um caso de homônimo no gênero. Para resolver esse problema, H. tareei nom. nov. é proposto para H. williamsi Mound e Tree, 2009, da Austrália.


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Kingsleyini corresponde a uma das cinco tribos de Pseudothelphusidae, grupo exclusivamente americano de caranguejos de água doce. Atualmente a tribo inclui 59 espécies agrupadas em 13 gêneros, com distribuição associada aos rios, riachos e igarapés das bacias do Amazonas e do Orinoco. Desde a criação de Kingsleyini o aumento de novos táxons atribuídos a esta tribo não tem sido acompanhado por estudos cladísticos. No presente trabalho é realizada a análise cladística de Kingsleyini, acompanhada de uma revisão morfológica e taxonômica do grupo. Com este propósito, foram estudados espécimes de 60 espécies representantes das cinco tribos e duas subfamílias inclusas em Pseudothelphusidae. O material estudado se encontra depositado nas coleções carcinológicas de seis instituições e inclui os tipos nominais de 29 espécies. Na revisão morfológica foram descritas e ilustradas estruturas somáticas e sexuais da morfologia externa do grupo de estudo. Os estudos morfológicos foram auxiliados por técnicas de Microscopia Electrônica de Varredura (MEV) e cortes histológicos. A partir destas observações foram propostas modificações na terminologia utilizada para denominar as estruturas do primeiro apêndice sexual masculino (primeiro gonópodo) em Kingsleyini. A parte taxonômica deste trabalho inclui chaves de identificação, mapas de distribuição, listas sinonímicas e a descrição e ilustração do primeiro apêndice sexual masculino para a grande maioria das espécies examinadas, assim como a diagnose dos gêneros considerados monofiléticos. A análise filogenética foi realizada a partir de 92 caracteres obtidos de 57 táxons terminais: 49 terminais do grupo interno (Kingsleyini) e oito do grupo-externo (representantes dos demais Pseudothelphusidae). Como resultado da análise cladística foram obtidas seis hipóteses filogenéticas igualmente parcimoniosas: todas elas apoiam o monofiletismo de Kingsleyini e a exclusão do gênero Spirocarcinus da tribo. O monofiletismo dos gêneros Fredius, Kingsleya, Eudaniela e Rodriguezus também encontra-se sustentado em todas as hipóteses filogenéticas obtidas, enquanto que os gêneros Microthelphusa, Neopseudothelphusa, Orthothelphusa e Brasiliothelphusa revelaram-se parafiléticos.


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O gênero de formigas Octostruma Forel 1912 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) está restrito à região Neotropical; suas espécies ocorrem do México até a Argentina, são predadoras de pequenos artrópodes e podem nidificar no solo, serapilheira e em epífitas. No presente trabalho, a taxonomia do gênero é revista com base no exame de cerca de 4.000 exemplares. Reconheço 43 espécies de Octostruma, 34 espécies previamente conhecidas são consideradas válidas e redescritas e, portanto, nove são reconhecidas como novas. Além disso, indivíduos de castas e sexos ainda não registrados (machos, gines e ergatóides) são aqui descritos pela primeira vez para diferentes espécies. Novos registros de localidades expandem a distribuição geográfica conhecida para parte das espécies e informações sobre a biologia das espécies a partir de dados de rótulo e observações de campo, somados às poucas informações encontradas na literatura são compiladas neste trabalho. Uma chave de identificação para as operárias de todas as espécies do gênero é fornecida.


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The Early Miocene Napak XV locality (ca 20.5 Ma), Uganda, has yielded an interesting assemblage of fossils, including the very well represented amphicyonid Hecubides euryodon. The remarkable find of a nearly complete mandible, unfortunately with poorly preserved dentition, together with new dental remains allow us to obtain a better idea about the morphology and variability of this species. Additionally, we describe a newly discovered mandible of Hecubides euryodon from the Grillental-VI locality (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), which is the most complete and diagnostic Amphicyonidae material found in this area. Comparisons with Cynelos lemanensis from Saint Gérand le Pouy (France), the type locality, and with an updated sample of the species of amphicyonids described in Africa leads us to validate the genus Hecubides. Hecubides would be phylogenetically related to the medium and large size species of Amphicyonidae from Africa, most of them now grouped into the genera Afrocyon and Myacyon, both endemic to this continent.


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The Museu Geológico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geológico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).


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As a result of a floristic survey carried out in riparian habitats of northern Spain, new chorological data are provided for 9 alien and 6 native plant species. Some species are reported for the first time at regional scale, such as Carex strigosa, Helianthus x laetiflorus and Persicaria pensylvanica in Cantabria. Also noteworthy is the finding of naturalised populations of the North American grass Muhlenbergia schreberi at the Urumea river basin, which represents the second reference for the Iberian Peninsula.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2015.


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Antitropical distribution is a biogeographical pattern characterized by natural occurrences of the same species or members of the same clade in the middle- or middle-to-high-latitudinal habitats of both hemispheres, either on land or in marine environments, without appearing in the intervening tropical environments. For most of the noted examples of Permian antitropical distribution, particularly in marine invertebrates, the causes of disjunctions have been mainly linked to either dispersal or vicariance models. Little attention has been paid to other possible mechanisms. This study investigated the antitropicality of some Permian neospiriferine brachiopods through detailed taxonomic revision, comparison of palaeobiogeographical distribution, and a phylogenetic analysis. Several species, previously assigned to Kaninospirifer, are here reassigned to other genera, especially to Fasciculatia in the northern hemisphere and to Quadrospira in the southern hemisphere during the Permian. Both Kaninospirifer and Fasciculatia appear to have been restricted to north-western Pangea and north-eastern Asia during the Permian, but there is no robust evidence to suggest their presence in the southern hemisphere to which Imperiospira and Quadrospira were confined. In spite of the distributional separation between the two pairs of neospiriferine genera in the Permian palaeobiogeographical regime, they share considerable numbers of morphological characters, such as a large shell, subdued fasciculation, and reduction of ventral adminicula. Notwithstanding these morphological similarities, our phylogenetic reconstruction of the neospiriferines does not support a close relationship between these genera. This therefore must indicate that these similar morphological features were independently acquired, probably with these taxa living in spatially separate but ecologically compatible environmental conditions in the mid-latitudinal area of each hemisphere during the Permian. We regard this as an example of convergent evolution.


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The invasion pathways of pest arthropods can be traced using genetic tools to develop an understanding of the processes that have shaped successful invasions and to inform both pest management and conservation strategies in their non-native and native ranges, respectively. The redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor, is a major economic pest in Australia, successfully establishing and spreading after arrival from South Africa more than 100 years ago. Halotydeus destructor has recently expanded its range and evolved resistance to numerous pesticides in Australia, raising questions around its origin and spread. Location: South Africa and Australia. Methods: We sampled H. destructor populations in South Africa and Australia and developed a microsatellite marker library. We then examined genetic variation using mtDNA and microsatellite markers across both native and invasive ranges to determine endemic genetic diversity within South Africa, identify the likely origin of invasive populations and test genetic divergence across Australia. Results: The data show that H. destructor comprises a cryptic species complex in South Africa, with putative climatic/host plant associations that may correspond to regional variation. A lineage similar to that found near Cape Town has spread throughout Western and eastern Australia, where populations remain genetically similar. Main conclusions: Tracing the invasion pathway of this economically important pest revealed cryptic lineages in South Africa which points to the need for a taxonomic revision. The absence of significant genetic structure across the wide invasive range of H. destructor within Australia has implications for the development (and spread) of pesticide resistance and also points to recent local adaptation in physiological traits.