951 resultados para survey research


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Com a intensificação da concorrência em nível global, as organizações necessitam de líderes que ajudem no aumento do comprometimento dos colaboradores, já que o comprometimento organizacional conduz à melhoria da produtividade e da competitividade. Estudos anteriores mostram que existe uma relação entre liderança e comprometimento organizacional. O rápido crescimento da área de tecnologia da informação (TI), aliada a evasão dos cursos de formação em TI, tem resultado em escassez de profissionais qualificados no mercado de trabalho. Dentro desse contexto torna-se cada vez mais importante para as organizações que seus líderes influenciem no aumento do comprometimento organizacional dos profissionais de TI, pois o comprometimento organizacional está relacionado não só com a produtividade, mas também com a redução do turnover. O objetivo desse estudo é identificar os estilos de liderança que afetam positivamente o comprometimento organizacional dos profissionais de TI. Para a realização desta pesquisa foram utilizados testes de verificação de hipóteses através de pesquisa survey com profissionais de TI. Os questionários foram aplicados para identificar o estilo de liderança utilizado pelos líderes dos respondentes e o comprometimento organizacional dos profissionais que responderam à pesquisa. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram confirmar a relação entre estilo de liderança e comprometimento organizacional, com destaque para a liderança transformacional que mostrou estar relacionada positivamente com o comprometimento afetivo e o comprometimento instrumental dos profissionais de TI.


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Os riscos fazem parte da vida das pessoas quaisquer que sejam suas profissões ou atividades. No caso dos policiais estes riscos são ampliados devido às situações as quais estão sujeitos e em particular no caso dos peritos criminais federais, que além dos relacionados às suas atividades policiais tem outras que são inerentes à perícia. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo identificar os principais riscos de segurança no ambiente de trabalho dos peritos criminais da Polícia Federal. A pesquisa, sob seu ponto de vista metodológico foi classificada quanto à sua natureza como aplicada; no tocante à abordagem do problema se classifica como qualitativa e quanto aos seus objetivos trata-se de pesquisa descritiva. A respeito dos procedimentos técnicos a pesquisa foi classificada como bibliográfica, pesquisa de levantamento e estudo de caso com aplicação na perícia criminal federal. Para tanto foram utilizados instrumentos de coleta de dados online os quais foram disponibilizados para peritos criminais de todas as áreas e unidades de federação. Os dados demonstraram que apesar de existirem diversos riscos relacionados com a atividade-fim pericial há outros com potencial para se transformarem em acidentes, principalmente os relacionados com questões policiais como abordagens, missões e operações. Os riscos foram mapeados por áreas da perícia utilizando-se como base a NR-5 que trata dos mapas de riscos. Com a pesquisa provocou-se a discussão a respeito dos riscos a que estão sujeitos os peritos e com isso criou-se uma conscientização da necessidade de tratamento dos mesmos. Com a participação dos peritos de todas as áreas de formação e unidades da federação, conseguiu-se numa perspectiva qualitativa identificar os principais riscos por grupos (físicos, químicos, biológicos, ergonômicos e de acidentes). Conclui-se que se faz necessário, em caráter de urgência, maior aprofundamento e discussões a respeitos dos riscos, bem como a criação de procedimentos mínimos a serem adotados para que os mesmos não se concretizem. A visão necessária para tratar estes riscos não pode ficar restrita a área pericial, mas precisa ser estendida para toda a Polícia Federal, e precisa ser inserida na filosofia, práticas e processos que permitam criar uma verdadeira cultura de gestão estratégica de riscos.


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This work, named Teaching conditions: a study in municipal schools of Currais Novos RN (2009 to 2012) aims to analyze the status of teaching in schools in the municipality of Currais Novos RN in the period ranging from 2009 - 2012, considering infrastructure, initial and continued training and intensification and casualization of teaching factors in the context of the 1990s educational reformations. It, also, assumes that teaching is a constitutive part of capitalist society, and has been reconfigured with based on the new requirements demanded by the labor market. In order to conduct this study the considered data included the survey research Teaching Work in Basic Education in Brazil (2009 to 2010) , held in seven Brazilian states being: Pará, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo. Specifically selected for deepening of the study, there were schools in the municipality of Currais Novos in which semi-structured interviews were performed with teachers of the said municipality. This research is constituted of a qualitative and quantitative approach whose survey instruments adopted were, namely: documental research, literature review, interviews and surveys. The obtained data analysis allows us to infer that the teaching work performed by teachers in the states which participated in the survey has been influenced the changes in the labor market and educational reformations and has been taking on characteristics such as flexibility, tendency to precariousness and intensification; and this trend is also present in schools that were surveyed in the municipality of Currais Novos. As pertaining to the teachers conditions in classroom, these signs are more evident, considering that they had their duties and responsibilities extended beyond the classroom environment. The data also show that in general working conditions of teachers in national, state and local levels are unprofitable and heterogeneous, increasingly deepening the gap between school units and education networks. Therefore, the implantation of public policies that enhance the teaching work and improve their working conditions in all dimensions that directly interfere in their work are crucial


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The Knowledge Management in organizations is a continuous process of learning that is given by the integration of data, information and the ability of people to use this information. The Management Skills is concerned to understand the powers of officials in the face of organizational skills (teams) and professionals (or tasks positions) want. Joints are located in the greater context of the economy of organizatio s and have the same assumption: that the possession of scarce resources, valuable and difficult to imitate gives the organization a competitive advantage. In this sense, this thesis proposes a model of knowledge management based on analysis of GAP of powers, namely the gap between the skills needed to reach the expected performance and skills already available in the organization, officials and trainees of Coordination of Registration of conductors of DETRAN-RN. Using the method of survey research could make an analysis of academic skills, techniques and emotional individual and a team of officials and trainees, identifying levels of GAP's competence in that sector of the organization and suggest a plan for training , A level of expertise for each sector of coordination, and propose a model for Knowledge Management to help the management of GAP's identified


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Demand for organic foods in the Brazil are growing year last, characterizing itself for if constituting in a new strategical segment of commercialization. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate the factor that influence the interest of the consumers in the purchase decision of organic products, aiming to characterize the level of competitiveness of these products, assisting in the creation of environmental strategies for the development of the activity and contributing in the increment of the knowledge about the subject, that can assist it in the increase of the commercialization and the consumption of these foods. From data collected in the city of Manaus/AM, it was used a survey research, of exploratory and descriptive character. The sample was obtained using 421 questionnaires, in which was realized the descriptive analysis, analysis of groupings and association analysis among variables using the test qui-square. The results found in this study indicate that the majority the of consumers of supermarkets of the Manaus/AM never to purchase organic foods. Generally the consumers to have few or some knowledge about these foods, however, the level of the interest in to obtain information about the subject is high.The barriers mains in the purchase of organic products are the label fault in the product and the quality no certificate in the product. Among the profile characteristics, the variables income and level scholar are associate to interest level in the obtain information about the subject


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The last decade, characterized by the vertiginous growth of the computers worldwide net, brought radical changes in the use of the information and communication. Internet s use at business world has been largely studied; however, few are the researches about the academic use of this technology, mainly if we take into consideration institutions of technologic education. In this context, this research made an analysis of internet s use in a technologic education institution in Brazil, analyzing, in particular, the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte CEFET/RN for that standard use of this Information Technology (IT) tools and, at the same time, studying the determinant factors of this use. To reach the considered objectives, a survey research was effected, be given data collected daily through the research s questionnaire application to 150 teachers who answered a set of closed and scaled questions. The quantitative data were qualitatively analyzed, arriving a some significant results related to the standard use and the factors that influenced in the use of these Internet technologies, like: the age scale, the exposition s to the computer level, the area of academic graduation, the area of knowledge where acts and the title, exert significant influence in the academic use of Internet between the professors


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This thesis aims to investigate the perception and behavior of goat and sheep rural producers from Central Cabugi Region of Rio Grande do Norte state, in terms of the sector competitiveness, the cooperation mechanisms, information and environmental practices integration in the supply chain, including their customers, and also among the local producers and other institutions that support this agribusiness cluster. The research problem is related to the environmental impacts from goat and sheep breeding. This problem can also be intensified by the organization of producers in a cluster. Then, it is important to examine how the environmental issues are considered by the rural producers and their perception of their suppliers, customers and the institutions that support this activity. The methodology used in this work involved literature review of the topics of supply chain management, green supply chain, clusters development and sustainable livestock. An exploratory survey research was also conducted by personal interviews using questionnaires. Three statistic techniques were used to compile the gathered data: descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, and Chi-square tests. Two clusters were found in this study, however, the entire sample believes the sector of goat and sheep breeding is a medium competitive activity. On the other hand, for the variables of the importance of environmental practices for competitiveness , perception of environmental impacts and environmental benefits from farm vegetation management , the research found 2 distinct groups of individuals when those variables were analyzed together the green supply chain management group of variables in the cluster analysis. Beyond competitiveness perception, no degree of difference was found for the use of insecticides too. The chi-square tests present that producers having at least elementary education, lands bigger 100 hectares and located in the cities of Angicos or Lajes tend to have a higher perception to supply chain management and environmental awareness issues than those with no or incomplete first-level education, producing in lands smaller than 100 hectares and located in the cities of Afonso Bezerra or Pedro Avelino. The chi-square tests also show the amount of milk produced, family s income and associational condition are not related with the variables used in the clusters composition. In this context, this work contributes to planning clusters development strategies and enhancing the production chain sustainability. This Master of Science Thesis can also help to introduce the environmental variable in the project, assessment and monitoring of development policies as well


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Demand for organic foods within in Brazil are growing, characterizing itself for if constituting in a new strategical segment of commercialization. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate the variables used by consumers in the purchase decision of organic products, aiming to characterize the level of competitiveness of these products, assisting in the creation of environmental strategies for the development of the activity and contributing in the increment of the knowledge about the subject, that can assist it in the increase of the commercialization and the consumption of these foods. From data collected in the city of Natal/RN, it was used a survey research, of exploratory and descriptive character. The sample was obtained using 401 questionnaires, in which was realized: the Test of Comparison of Averages, Descriptive analysis, analysis of Cluster and Qui-square. The results found in this study indicate that the main reasons for the organic food purchase are the absence of chemical pesticides in the product, followed by the care with own health and of the household. The main characteristics in the consumers of supermarkets, that are associates with purchase frequency of organic foods are the environmental behavior and lifestyle. Among the profile characteristics, gender, age and number of children are associates with the purchase frequency of these foods and the income and level education not showed association


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This study consists of a study on the presence of relationship between social capital and solidarity groups to endorse the Center for Support to Small Businesses - CEAPE - PI, the capital was measured by confidence levels and associations, considering trust as the expectations want, and learned associations between people and how the interactions among members within a group and between groups. The central research question seeks to identify whether there are linkages between the levels of social capital and the profile of members of the solidarity group CEAPE-PI. The overall objective is to analyze the level of social capital and whether these vary with the change in the profile of the solidarity group members. The method adopted in perspective cross-examined the level of social capital found in 300 of solidarity group members, collected through a survey research related to the profile of the solidarity group members, obtained with the CEAPEPI. The data show that micro-credit groups have relatively high levels for most variables, but to relate to the profile of microcredit results demonstrate the interesting points of analysis


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Este trabalho analisa a correlação entre a gestão da tecnologia de produtos e processos e a gestão ambiental em empresas de manufatura. Partindo de um modelo conceitual simplificado e desdobramentos das dimensões gestão da tecnologia e gestão ambiental, foi possível analisar em pesquisa de campo vários conceitos disponíveis na literatura para esses dois campos, envolvendo 78 empresas do setor de manufaturados, através de projeto de pesquisa survey e projeto de pesquisa qualitativa. Visando avaliar a capabilidade tecnológica das organizações, foram usados os conceitos de microtecnologia e macrotecnologia relatados em Silva (2003). Concluiu-se que, dentro do campo pesquisado de empresas, existe correlação positiva entre os níveis de capabilidade tecnológica e os níveis de capabilidade ambiental.


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It is notorious that the cluster formation is a possibility for micro, small and medium companies to become more competitive. This research therefore aims to analyze leading practices for product innovation in companies belonging to the cluster of Votuporanga, which is the largest furniture industry in production and exporting of São Paulo state. Therefore, we conducted a survey research and data were collected from 61 furniture companies in the region of Votuporanga-SP. Among the main results it is observed that the incremental innovation of products is a central characteristic between the companies in cluster and there is little collaboration for the joint development of products from these companies with external agents such as research institutes, universities and even suppliers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work aims to identify the main motivations and difficulties faced by Brazilian companies to obtain ISO 9001 certification. The key quality management practices that provide support to this certification and the relationship with other types of systems, such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), were also investigated. A survey research was conducted with 191 companies. The main motivations for implementing ISO 9001 are the following: internal organization improvement, production efficiency increase, and brand reliability improvement. Employee resistance was the greatest challenge found during the implementation process. On the other hand, the main benefits identified were: quality processes improvement and increased employee awareness of quality. The results reveal that the most common quality programs and tools used are: 5S, brainstorming, and Ishikawa diagram, while the least common are SERVQUAL and QFD.


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The life and work of Tatiana Belinky are steeped in fantasy, his works speak of magic and charm of the stories. This research aimed to investigate the knowledge that teachers in the early years of Primary Education (Early Childhood and 1st year of elemen tary school education) have on the work of Tatiana Belinky. Therefore, a survey research theoretical framework in printed documents and digital media (websites and platforms indexed) was performed in order that he might collect data about the life and work of this writer. Concomitantly, the benchmark survey, a field study with teachers from preschool (4) 1st year of elementary school (2), a public school in the town of Jaú, in which a questionnaire semi - structured questions was used was performed . The survey and qualitative study, a case study allowed the lifting of the life and work of the author, approximately 104 considered early childhood education. As to knowledge of teachers studied in the research almost all said they knew the author, however there were few works cited by them


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The consumers' requirements are constantly growing, as well as the concern for the environment. Considering this change of scenario, industrial companies started paying more attention to environmental issues and decided to resort to solutions such as the adoption of the Environmental Management System based on the ISO 14001 model. It is believed that the adoption of this model changes the organizational image, both internally and externally. This possible change was the focus of this research, considering that many publics related to certified companies may have the wrong idea about what being a green company really means. The objective of this study is to verify, through a survey research, the relation between the Environmental Management System based on ISO 14001 with organizational image of Brazilian firms. At first, this paper presents a theoretical review on Environmental Management System, IS0 14001, Organizational image, green Marketing, Greenwashing and Public Relations. Next, the research method is presented, as well as the results obtained through theoretical study, the research application and data analysis, and a brief analysis of the Public Relations' role in the organizational environment at issue. Finally, it presents the results obtained by tabulating the questionnaires, analysis of related data, and consideration about these