922 resultados para stem cell transplantation, leukemia, alloreactivity, HLA molecules, mismatch


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Immune haemolytic anaemia (IHA) is a recognised complication after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) and occurs more frequently if marrow cells have been subjected to T cell depletion (TCD). Among 58 consecutive patients who underwent TCD-allogeneic SCT from volunteer unrelated donors for the treatment of CML at the Hammersmith Hospital during a 3-year period (1 March 1996 to 28 February 1999) we identified nine cases of IHA. All patients had a strongly positive direct and indirect antiglobulin test and in eight patients the serological findings were typical of warm-type haemolysis often with antibody specificities within the Rh system. All nine cases had clinically significant haemolysis and were treated initially with prednisolone and immunoglobulin. The onset of IHA coincided with the occurrence of leukaemic relapse in six cases, and the presence of host haemopoiesis confirmed by lineage-specific chimerism in all four cases studied. Five patients received donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI); in three molecular remission and the restoration of full donor chimerism coincided with resolution of haemolysis. We conclude that in the context of leukaemic relapse, DLI is an effective therapy for IHA following allografts involving TCD.


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Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains a significant complication in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) using a reduced intensity conditioning regimen. Although T-cell depletion (TCD) reduces the risk of GVHD after a myeloablative conditioning regimen, it is associated with an increased risk of graft failure. We have therefore examined whether TCD compromises engraftment using a fludarabine-based conditioning regimen. Fifteen patients have been transplanted using such a regimen of whom 13 underwent ex vivo TCD. All but one patient demonstrated durable engraftment and no patient receiving a TCD product developed severe GVHD. Thus, TCD may play a role in GvHD prophylaxis using such regimens.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) is one of the major public health problems in the western world. Patients with IDC in functional class IV (New York Health Association - NYHA), even after therapeutic optimization, have high mortality. Stem cell therapy has emerged as a potential therapeutic option for cell death-related heart diseases and several positive effects were assigned to cell therapy in cardiomyopathy. The aim of this study was identify short-term result of cell transplantation in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy patients (IDC) who were treated by transplantation of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC). Intracoronary injections of autologous BMMC were performed in eight patients with severe ventricle dysfunction (mean of left ventricle ejection fraction – LEVF=20.03%), cardiac mass muscle around 156.2 g and NYHA between III and IV grades, other 8 IDC patients received placebo. The IDCs were followed - up for one and two years, by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results after one year showed significant improvement in LVEF (mean=181.4) and muscle mass increasing (mean=181.4 g), after two years the LVEF continued improving, reaching a mean of 32.69% and the cardiac muscle mass kept stable (mean=179.4 g). Excepted for one patient, all the other had improvement in the NYHA functional class. The placebo group did not show any improvement. We believe that BMMC implant may be a beneficial therapeutic option for IDC patients.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a disease whose genesis may include metabolic dysregulation. Cancer stem cells are attractive targets for therapeutic interventions since their aberrant expansion may underlie tumor initiation, progression, and recurrence. To investigate the actions of metabolic regulators on cancer stem cell-like cells (CSC) in CRC, we determined the effects of soybean-derived bioactive molecules and the anti-diabetes drug metformin (MET), alone and together, on the growth, survival, and frequency of CSC in human HCT116 cells. Effects of MET (60 μM) and soybean components genistein (Gen, 2 μM), lunasin (Lun, 2 μM), β-conglycinin (β-con, 3 μM), and glycinin (Gly, 3 μM) on HCT116 cell proliferation, apoptosis, and mRNA/protein expression and on the frequency of the CSC CD133(+)CD44(+) subpopulation by colonosphere assay and fluorescence-activated cell sorting/flow cytometry were evaluated. MET, Gen, and Lun, individually and together, inhibited HCT116 viability and colonosphere formation and, conversely, enhanced HCT116 apoptosis. Reductions in frequency of the CSC CD133(+)CD44(+) subpopulation with MET, Gen, and Lun were found to be associated with increased PTEN and reduced FASN expression. In cells under a hyperinsulinemic state mimicking metabolic dysregulation and without and with added PTEN-specific inhibitor SF1670, colonosphere formation and frequency of the CD133(+)CD44(+) subpopulation were decreased by MET, Lun and Gen, alone and when combined. Moreover, MET + Lun + Gen co-treatment increased the pro-apoptotic and CD133(+)CD44(+)-inhibitory efficacy of 5-fluorouracil under hyperinsulinemic conditions. Results identify molecular networks shared by MET and bioavailable soy food components, which potentially may be harnessed to increase drug efficacy in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with CRC.


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We evaluated the effect of acute and chronic GVHD on relapse and survival after allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) for multiple myeloma using non-myeloablative conditioning (NMA) and reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC). The outcomes of 177 HLA-identical sibling HSCT recipients between 1997 and 2005, following NMA (n = 98) or RIC (n = 79) were analyzed. In 105 patients, autografting was followed by planned NMA/RIC allogeneic transplantation. The impact of GVHD was assessed as a time-dependent covariate using Cox models. The incidence of acute GVHD (aGVHD; grades I-IV) was 42% (95% confidence interval (CI), 35-49%) and of chronic GVHD (cGVHD) at 5 years was 59% (95% CI, 49-69%), with 70% developing extensive cGVHD. In multivariate analysis, aGVHD (>= grade I) was associated with an increased risk of TRM (relative risk (RR) = 2.42, P = 0.016), whereas limited cGVHD significantly decreased the risk of myeloma relapse (RR = 0.35, P = 0.035) and was associated with superior EFS (RR = 0.40, P = 0.027). aGVHD had a detrimental effect on survival, especially in those receiving autologous followed by allogeneic HSCT (RR = 3.52, P = 0.001). The reduction in relapse risk associated with cGVHD is consistent with a beneficial graft-vs-myeloma effect, but this did not translate into a survival advantage. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2012) 47, 831-837; doi:10.1038/bmt.2011.192; published online 26 September 2011


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To address the prognostic value of minimal residual disease (MRD) before unrelated cord blood transplantation (UCBT) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), we analyzed 170 ALL children transplanted in complete remission (CR) after myeloablative conditioning regimen. In all, 72 (43%) were in first CR (CR1), 77 (45%) in second CR (CR2) and 21 (12%) in third CR (CR3). The median interval from MRD quantification to UCBT was 18 days. All patients received single-unit UCBT. Median follow-up was 4 years. Cumulative incidence (CI) of day-60 neutrophil engraftment was 85%. CI of 4 years relapse was 30%, incidence being lower in patients with negative MRD before UCBT (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.4, P = 0.01) and for those transplanted in CR1 and CR2 (HR = 0.3, P = 0.002). Probability of 4 years leukemia-free survival (LFS) was 44%, (56, 44 and 14% for patients transplanted in CR1, CR2 and CR3, respectively (P = 0.0001)). Patients with negative MRD before UCBT had better LFS after UCBT compared with those with positive MRD (54% vs 29%; HR = 2, P = 0.003). MRD assessment before UCBT for children with ALL in remission allows identifying patients at higher risk of relapse after transplantation. Approaches that may decrease relapse incidence in children given UCBT with positive MRD should be investigated to improve final outcomes. Leukemia (2012) 26, 2455-2461; doi:10.1038/leu.2012.123


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Die allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (allo-HSCT) bietet bei einem hohen Anteil akuter Leukämien die einzige kurative Behandlungsmöglichkeit. Um die mit ihr assoziierte Morbidität und Mortalität zu senken und ihre Effektivität zu steigern, soll die GvL (graft-versus-leukemia)-Reaktion als eigentliches Therapieziel gegenüber der unerwünschten GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) möglichst selektiv verstärkt werden. Wesentliche Mediatoren beider Effekte sind alloreaktive T-Zellen. Bei HLA-Übereinstimmung zwischen Spender und Empfänger sind so genannte Minorhistokompatibilitätsantigene (mHAgs) und Leukämie-assoziierte Antigene (LAA) die mutmaßlichen Zielstrukturen beider Reaktionen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden in dem Leukämie-Modell der Patientin MZ201 [akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) vom Subtyp FAB M5] mittels T-Zell-basierter cDNA-Expressionsklonierung zwei neue Antigene identifiziert, die von allogenen, AML-reaktiven CD8+ T-Lymphozyten aus Blut eines HLA-passenden gesunden Spenders erkannt wurden. Es handelt sich zum einen um das HLA-B*5601-restringierte mHAg PLAUR-317P, das aus einem Polymorphismus des Gens PLAUR (plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor) resultiert. Das von den T-Zellen am Besten erkannte Peptid enthält die Aminosäuren 316 - 327. PLAUR wird in lymphohämatopoetischen Zellen und in verschiedenen Malignomen überexprimiert und ist dabei mit schlechterer Prognose und vermehrter Gewebeinvasivität assoziiert. Etwa 30% getesteter Individuen tragen das Allel PLAUR-317P. Zum anderen handelt es sich um ein Epitop aus der Signalregion des Chemokins CXCL3 [chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3], das von CD8+ T-Zellen des gleichen Spenders auf Leukämiezellen der Patientin MZ201 in Assoziation mit HLA-A*0201 erkannt wurde. Auch CXCL3 wird vorwiegend in Zellen der Myelopoese exprimiert. Aufgrund ihres Expressionsmusters sind beide Antigene potentielle Zielstrukturen für die Elimination der Empfänger-Hämatopoese unter Einschluss der Leukämieblasten im Rahmen der allo-HSCT. Weiterführende Untersuchungen müssen zeigen, ob diese Antigene tatsächlich in vivo GvL-Reaktionen hervorrufen. Die Kenntnis eines repräsentativen Spektrums solcher Antigene würde verbesserte Spenderselektionen erlauben und neue Wege des adoptiven T-Zelltransfers erschließen helfen.


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In Leukemias, recent developments have demonstrated that the Hedgehog pathway plays a key-role in the peculiar ability of self renewal of leukemia stem cells. The aim of this research activity was to investigate, through a first in man, Phase I, open label, clinical trial, the role and the impact, mainly in terms of safety profile, adverse events and pharmacokinetics, of a Sonic Hedgehog inhibitor compound on a population of heavely pretreated patients affected by AML, CML, MF, or MDS, resistant or refractory to standard chemotherapy. Thirty-five patients have been enrolled. The drug was administered orally, in 28 days cycles, without rest periods. The compound showed a good safety profile. The half life was of 17-35 hours, justifying the daily administration. Significant signs of activity, in terms of reduction of bone marrow blast cell amount were seen in most of the patients enrolled. Interestingly, correlative biological studies demonstrated that, comparing the gene expression profyiling signature of separated CD34+ cells before and after one cycle of treatment, the most variably expressed genes were involved in the Hh pathway. Moreover, we observed that many genes involved in MDR (multidrug resistance)were significantly down regulated after treatment. These data might lead to future clinical trials based on combinatory approaches, including, for instance, Hh inhibitors and conventional chemotherapy.


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Solid organ transplantation (SOT) is considered the treatment of choice for many end-stage organ diseases. Thus far, short term results are excellent, with patient survival rates greater than 90% one year post-surgery, but there are several problems with the long term acceptance and use of immunosuppressive drugs. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation (HSCT) concerns the infusion of haematopoietic stem cells to re-establish acquired and congenital disorders of the hematopoietic system. The main side effect is the Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD) where donor T cells can cause pathology involving the damage of host tissues. Patients undergoing acute or chronic GvHD receive immunosuppressive regimen that is responsible for several side effects. The use of immunosuppressive drugs in the setting of SOT and GvHD has markedly reduced the incidence of acute rejection and the tissue damage in GvHD however, the numerous adverse side effects observed boost the development of alternative strategies to improve the long-term outcome. To this effect, the use of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) as a cellular therapy is an attractive approach for autoimmunity disease, GvHD and limiting immune responses to allograft after transplantation. Treg have a pivotal role in maintaining peripheral immunological tolerance, by preventing autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. Results of my thesis provide the characterization and cell processing of Tregs from healthy controls and patients in waiting list for liver transplantation, followed by the development of an efficient expansion-protocol and the investigation of the impact of the main immunosuppressive drugs on viability, proliferative capacity and function of expanded cells after expansion. The conclusion is that ex vivo expansion is necessary to infuse a high Treg dose and although many other factors in vivo can contribute to the success of Treg therapy, the infusion of Tregs during the administration of the highest dose of immunosuppressants should be carefully considered.


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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a very aggressive cancer of the hematopoietic system. Chemotherapy and immunotherapeutical approaches including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) are the only curative options available. The beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect of cellular immunotherapy is mostly mediated by donor-derived CD8+ T lymphocytes that recognize minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) and leukemia-associated antigens (LAAs) presented on the surface of AML blasts (Falkenburg et al. 2008; Kolb 2008). A main complication is graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) that can be induced when cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize broadly expressed antigens. To reduce the risk of GVHD, specific allogeneic T-cell therapy inducing selective GVL responses could be an option (Barrett & Le Blanc 2010; Parmar et al. 2011; Smits et al. 2011). This requires efficient in vitro strategies to generate AML-reactive T cells with an early differentiation phenotype as well as vigorous effector functions and humanized mouse models to analyze the anti-leukemic potential of adoptively transferred T cells in vivo. In this study, AML-reactive CTL clones and oligoclonal T-cell lines could be reliably generated from the naive subset of healthy HLA-class I-identical donors by stimulation with primary AML blasts in mini-mixed-lymphocyte / leukemia cultures (MLLCs) in eight different patient / donor pairs. These CTLs were promising candidates for cellular immunotherapy because of their relatively early differentiation phenotype and strong proliferative and lytic capabilities. The addition of the common γ-chain cytokine IL-21 to the stimulation protocol enabled more precursors to develop into potent leukemia-reactive CTLs, presumably by its beneficial effects on cell survival and antigen-specific proliferation during the first weeks of cultures. It also strengthened the early-stage phenotype. Three long-term cultured CTLs exemplarily transferred into leukemia-engrafted immunodeficient NSG mice mediated a significant reduction of the leukemic burden after a single transfusion. These results demonstrate that CTL clones with reactivity to patient-derived AML blasts can be isolated from the naive compartment of healthy donors and show potent anti-leukemic effects in vivo. The herein described allo-MLLC approach with in vitro “programmed” naive CTL precursors independent of a HSCT setting is a valuable alternative to the conventional method of isolating in vivo primed donor CTLs out of patients after transplantation (Kloosterboer et al. 2004; Warren et al. 2010). This would make leukemia-reactive CTLs already available at the time point of HSCT, when residual leukemia disease is minimal and the chances for complete leukemia eradication are high. Furthermore, leukemia-reactive CTLs effectively expanded by this in vitro protocol can be used as screening populations to identify novel candidate LAAs and mHags for antigen-specific immunotherapy.


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Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a cancer of the haematopoietic system, which can in many cases only be cured by haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) (Burnett et al., 2011). This therapy is associated with the beneficial graft-versus-leukaemia (GvL) effect mediated by transplanted donor T and NK cells that either recognise mismatch HLA molecules or polymorphic peptides, so-called minor histocompatibility antigens, leukaemia-associated or leukaemia-specific antigens in the patient and thus eliminate remaining leukaemic blasts. Nevertheless, the mature donor-derived cells often trigger graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), leading to severe damages in patients’ epithelial tissue, mainly skin, liver and intestine (Bleakley & Riddell, 2004). Therefore, approaches for the selective mediation of strong GvL effects are needed, also in order to prevent relapse after transplantation. One promising opportunity is the in vitro generation of AML-reactive CD4+ T cells for adoptive transfer. CD4+ T cells are advantageous compared to CD8+ T cells, as HLA class II molecules are under non-inflammatory conditions only expressed on haematopoietic cells; a fact that would minimise GvHD (Klein & Sato, 2000). In this study, naive CD4+ T cells were isolated from healthy donors and were successfully stimulated against primary AML blasts in mini-mixed lymphocyte/leukaemia cell cultures (mini-MLLC) in eight patient/donor pairs. After three to seven weekly restimulations, T cells were shown to produce TH1 type cytokines and to be partially of monoclonal origin according to their TCR Vβ chain usage. Furthermore, they exhibited lytic activity towards AML blasts, which was mediated by the release of granzymes A and B and perforin. The patient/donor pairs used in this study were fully HLA-class I matched, except for one pair, and also matched for HLA-DR and -DQ, whereas -DP was mismatched in one or both alleles, reflecting the actual donor selection procedure in the clinic (Begovich et al., 1992). Antibody blocking experiments suggested that the generated CD4+ T cells were directed against the HLA-DP mismatches, which could be confirmed by the recognition of donor-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) electroporated with the mismatched DP alleles. Under non-inflammatory conditions primary fibroblasts did not express HLA-DP and were thus not recognised, supporting the idea of a safer application of CD4+ T cells regarding induction of GvHD. For the assessment of the biological significance of these T cells, they were adoptively transferred into NSG mice engrafted with human AML blasts, where they migrated to the bone marrow and lymphoid tissue and succeeded in eliminating the leukaemic burden after only one week. Therefore, AML-reactive CD4+ T cells expanded from the naive compartment by in vitro stimulation with primary leukaemia blasts appear to be a potent tool for DLI in HSCT patients and promise to mediate specific GvL effects without causing GvHD.


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Allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantationen (HSZTs) werden insbesondere zur Behandlung von Patienten mit Hochrisiko-Leukämien durchgeführt. Dabei bewirken T-Zellreaktionen gegen Minorhistokompatibilitätsantigene (mHAgs) sowohl den therapeutisch erwünschten graft-versus-leukemia (GvL)-Effekt als auch die schädigende graft-versus-host (GvH)-Erkrankung. Für die Identifizierung neuer mHAgs mittels des T-Zell-basierten cDNA-Expressionsscreenings waren leukämiereaktive T-Zellpopulationen durch Stimulation naïver CD8+-T-Lymphozyten gesunder HLA-Klasse I-identischer Buffy Coat-Spender mit Leukämiezellen von Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie (AML) generiert worden (Albrecht et al., Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 60:235, 2011). Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit diesen im AML-Modell des Patienten MZ529 das mHAg CYBA-72Y identifiziert. Es resultiert aus einem bekannten Einzelnukleotidpolymorphismus (rs4673: CYBA-242T/C) des Gens CYBA (kodierend für Cytochrom b-245 α-Polypeptid; syn.: p22phox), der zu einem Austausch von Tyrosin (Y) zu Histidin (H) an Aminosäureposition 72 führt. Das mHAg wurde von T-Lymphozyten sowohl in Assoziation mit HLA-B*15:01 als auch mit HLA-B*15:07 erkannt. Eine allogene T-Zellantwort gegen CYBA-72Y wurde in einem weiteren AML-Modell (MZ987) beobachtet, die ebenso wie in dem AML-Modell MZ529 polyklonal war. Insgesamt konnte bei drei von fünf getesteten HLA-B*15:01-positiven Buffy Coat-Spendern, die homozygot für CYBA-72H (H/H) waren, eine CYBA-72Y-spezifische T-Zellantwort generiert werden. Das von den T-Lymphozyten übereinstimmend in niedrigster Konzentration erkannte Peptid umfasste die Aminosäuren 69 - 77, wobei das homologe Peptid aus CYBA-72H auch in hohen Konzentrationen keine Reaktivität auslöste. Eine reziproke Immunogenität des mHAg ist bislang nicht belegt. T-Lymphozyten gegen CYBA-72Y erkannten Leukämiezellen bei acht von zwölf HLA-B*15:01-positiven Patienten (FAB-Subtypen: M1, M2, M4, M5). Da das Gen CYBA für eine Komponente des mikrobiziden Oxidasesystems von phagozytierenden Zellen kodiert, ist es überwiegend in Zellen des hämatopoetischen Systems exprimiert. Von Leukozytensubtypen, aufgereinigt aus HLA-B*15:01-positiven Buffy Coat-Spendern mit CYBA-242T-Allel, wurden Monozyten und daraus abgeleitete dendritische Zellen durch CYBA-72Y-reaktive T-Lymphozyten sehr stark, untransformierte B-Zellen in weit geringerem Maße und Granulozyten sowie T-Lymphozyten nicht erkannt. Das für CYBA-72Y kodierende Allel CYBA-242T wurde bei 56% aller getesteten gesunden Spender und Malignompatienten (n=481) nachgewiesen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Häufigkeit des präsentierenden HLA-Allels ist davon auszugehen, dass etwa 4,5% der Kaukasier das mHAg CYBA-72Y zusammen mit HLA-B*15:01 tragen. Nach bisherigen Beobachtungen führt ein immunogener CYBA-72Y-Mismatch bei allogenen HSZTs nicht notwendigerweise zu einer schweren GvH-Erkrankung. Das hier beschriebene mHAg CYBA-72Y erscheint potenziell geeignet, im Rahmen einer allogenen HSZT die präferenzielle Elimination der Empfänger-Hämatopoese unter Einschluss von myeloischen Leukämiezellen zu bewirken. Jedoch sind weiterführende Untersuchungen erforderlich, um die therapeutische Relevanz des Antigens zu belegen.