998 resultados para spin transport


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Contrary to the antiferromagnetic and insulating character of bulk NiO, one-dimensional chains of this material can become half metallic due to the lower coordination of their atoms. Here we present ab initio electronic structure and quantum transport calculations of ideal infinitely long NiO chains and of more realistic short ones suspended between Ni electrodes. While infinite chains are insulating, short suspended chains are half-metallic minority-spin conductors that displays very large magnetoresistance and a spin-valve behavior controlled by a single atom.


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A scanning tunneling microscope can probe the inelastic spin excitations of a single magnetic atom in a surface via spin-flip assisted tunneling in which transport electrons exchange spin and energy with the atomic spin. If the inelastic transport time, defined as the average time elapsed between two inelastic spin flip events, is shorter than the atom spin-relaxation time, the scanning tunnel microscope (STM) current can drive the spin out of equilibrium. Here we model this process using rate equations and a model Hamiltonian that describes successfully spin-flip-assisted tunneling experiments, including a single Mn atom, a Mn dimer, and Fe Phthalocyanine molecules. When the STM current is not spin polarized, the nonequilibrium spin dynamics of the magnetic atom results in nonmonotonic dI/dV curves. In the case of spin-polarized STM current, the spin orientation of the magnetic atom can be controlled parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic moment of the tip. Thus, spin-polarized STM tips can be used both to probe and to control the magnetic moment of a single atom.


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We propose cotunneling as the microscopic mechanism that makes possible inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic atoms in surfaces for a wide range of systems, including single magnetic adatoms, molecules, and molecular stacks. We describe electronic transport between the scanning tip and the conducting surface through the magnetic system (MS) with a generalized Anderson model, without making use of effective spin models. Transport and spin dynamics are described with an effective cotunneling Hamiltonian in which the correlations in the magnetic system are calculated exactly and the coupling to the electrodes is included up to second order in the tip MS and MS substrate. In the adequate limit our approach is equivalent to the phenomenological Kondo exchange model that successfully describes the experiments. We apply our method to study in detail inelastic transport in two systems, stacks of cobalt phthalocyanines and a single Mn atom on Cu2N. Our method accounts for both the large contribution of the inelastic spin exchange events to the conductance and the observed conductance asymmetry.


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We study the effect of sublattice symmetry breaking on the electronic, magnetic, and transport properties of two-dimensional graphene as well as zigzag terminated one- and zero-dimensional graphene nanostructures. The systems are described with the Hubbard model within the collinear mean field approximation. We prove that for the noninteracting bipartite lattice with an unequal number of atoms in each sublattice, in-gap states still exist in the presence of a staggered on-site potential ±Δ/2. We compute the phase diagram of both 2D and 1D graphene with zigzag edges, at half filling, defined by the normalized interaction strength U/t and Δ/t, where t is the first neighbor hopping. In the case of 2D we find that the system is always insulating, and we find the Uc(Δ) curve above which the system goes antiferromagnetic. In 1D we find that the system undergoes a phase transition from nonmagnetic insulator for Utransport properties of a heterojunction with two magnetic graphene ribbon electrodes connected to a finite length armchair ribbon and we find a strong spin filter effect.


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We study a single-electron transistor (SET) based upon a II–VI semiconductor quantum dot doped with a single-Mn ion. We present evidence that this system behaves like a quantum nanomagnet whose total spin and magnetic anisotropy depend dramatically both on the number of carriers and their orbital nature. Thereby, the magnetic properties of the nanomagnet can be controlled electrically. Conversely, the electrical properties of this SET depend on the quantum state of the Mn spin, giving rise to spin-dependent charging energies and hysteresis in the Coulomb blockade oscillations of the linear conductance.


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Detection of a single nuclear spin constitutes an outstanding problem in different fields of physics such as quantum computing or magnetic imaging. Here we show that the energy levels of a single nuclear spin can be measured by means of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). We consider two different systems, a magnetic adatom probed with scanning tunneling microscopy and a single Bi dopant in a silicon nanotransistor. We find that the hyperfine coupling opens new transport channels which can be resolved at experimentally accessible temperatures. Our simulations evince that IETS yields information about the occupations of the nuclear spin states, paving the way towards transport-detected single nuclear spin resonance.


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Spin–orbit coupling changes graphene, in principle, into a two-dimensional topological insulator, also known as quantum spin Hall insulator. One of the expected consequences is the existence of spin-filtered edge states that carry dissipationless spin currents and undergo no backscattering in the presence of non-magnetic disorder, leading to quantization of conductance. Whereas, due to the small size of spin–orbit coupling in graphene, the experimental observation of these remarkable predictions is unlikely, the theoretical understanding of these spin-filtered states is shedding light on the electronic properties of edge states in other two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulators. Here we review the effect of a variety of perturbations, like curvature, disorder, edge reconstruction, edge crystallographic orientation, and Coulomb interactions on the electronic properties of these spin filtered states.


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Poster presented in TNT 2005 "Trends in Nanotechnology", Oviedo, Spain, 29 August-02 September, 2005.


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Ab initio quantum transport calculations show that short NiO chains suspended in Ni nanocontacts present a very strong spin-polarization of the conductance.The generalized gradient approximation we use here predicts a similar polarization of the conductance as the one previously computed with non-local exchange, confirming the robustness of the result. Their use as nanoscopic spinvalves is proposed.


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We study single electron transport across a single Bi dopant in a silicon nanotransistor to assess how the strong hyperfine coupling with the Bi nuclear spin I = 9/2 affects the transport characteristics of the device. In the sequential tunneling regime we find that at, temperatures in the range of 100 mK, dI/dV curves reflect the zero field hyperfine splitting as well as its evolution under an applied magnetic field. Our non-equilibrium quantum simulations show that nuclear spins can be partially polarized parallel or antiparallel to the electronic spin just tuning the applied bias.


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We study single-electron transport through a graphene quantum dot with magnetic adsorbates. We focus on the relation between the spin order of the adsorbates and the linear conductance of the device. The electronic structure of the graphene dot with magnetic adsorbates is modeled through numerical diagonalization of a tight-binding model with an exchange potential. We consider several mechanisms by which the adsorbate magnetic state can influence transport in a single-electron transistor: tuning the addition energy, changing the tunneling rate, and in the case of spin-polarized electrodes, through magnetoresistive effects. Whereas the first mechanism is always present, the others require that the electrode has to have either an energy- or spin-dependent density of states. We find that graphene dots are optimal systems to detect the spin state of a few magnetic centers.


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We report electrical conductance measurements of Bi nanocontacts created by repeated tip-surface indentation using a scanning tunneling microscope at temperatures of 4 and 300 K. As a function of the elongation of the nanocontact, we measure robust, tens of nanometers long plateaus of conductance G0=2e2/h at room temperature. This observation can be accounted for by the mechanical exfoliation of a Bi(111) bilayer, a predicted quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator, in the retracing process following a tip-surface contact. The formation of the bilayer is further supported by the additional observation of conductance steps below G0 before breakup at both temperatures. Our finding provides the first experimental evidence of the possibility of mechanical exfoliation of Bi bilayers, the existence of the QSH phase in a two-dimensional crystal, and, most importantly, the observation of the QSH phase at room temperature.


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The first few low-lying spin states of alternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules of several shapes showing defect states induced by contour hydrogenation have been studied both by ab initio methods and by a precise numerical solution of Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) interacting model. In accordance with Lieb's theorem, the ground state shows a spin multiplicity equal to one for balanced molecules, and it gets larger values for imbalanced molecules (that is, when the number of π electrons on both subsets is not equal). Furthermore, we find a systematic decrease of the singlet-triplet splitting as a function of the distance between defects, regardless of whether the ground state is singlet or triplet. For example, a splitting smaller than 0.001 eV is obtained for a medium size C46H28 PAH molecule (di-hydrogenated [11]phenacene) showing a singlet ground state. We conclude that π electrons unbound by lattice defects tend to remain localized and unpaired even when long-range Coulomb interaction is taken into account. Therefore they show a biradical character (polyradical character for more than two defects) and should be studied as two or more local doublets. The implications for electron transport are potentially important since these unpaired electrons can trap traveling electrons or simply flip their spin at a very small energy cost.


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We analyze the transport properties of a double quantum dot device with both dots coupled to perfect conducting leads and to a finite chain of N noninteracting sites connecting both of them. The interdot chain strongly influences the transport across the system and the local density of states of the dots. We study the case of a small number of sites, so that Kondo box effects are present, varying the coupling between the dots and the chain. For odd N and small coupling between the interdot chain and the dots, a state with two coexisting Kondo regimes develops: the bulk Kondo due to the quantum dots connected to leads and the one produced by the screening of the quantum dot spins by the spin in the finite chain at the Fermi level. As the coupling to the interdot chain increases, there is a crossover to a molecular Kondo effect, due to the screening of the molecule (formed by the finite chain and the quantum dots) spin by the leads. For even N the two Kondo temperatures regime does not develop and the physics is dominated by the usual competition between Kondo and antiferromagnetism between the quantum dots. We finally study how the transport properties are affected as N is increased. For the study we used exact multiconfigurational Lanczos calculations and finite-U slave-boson mean-field theory at T=0. The results obtained with both methods describe qualitatively and also quantitatively the same physics.


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Within the ballistic transport picture, we have investigated the spin-polarized transport properties of a ferromagnetic metal/two-dimensional semiconductor (FM/SM) hybrid junction and an FM/FM/SM structure using quantum tunnelling theory. Our calculations indicate explicitly that the low spin injection efficiency (SIE) from an FM into an SM, compared with a ferromagnet/normal metal junction, originates from the mismatch of electron densities in the FM and SM. To enhance the SIE from an FM into an SM, we introduce another FM film between them to form FM/FM/SM double tunnel junctions, in which the quantum interference effect will lead to the current polarization exhibiting periodically oscillating behaviour, with a variation according to the thickness of the middle FM film and/or its exchange energy strength. Our results show that, for some suitable values of these parameters, the SIE can reach a very high level, which can also be affected by the electron density in the SM electrode.