890 resultados para social research evaluation tool


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to review the growing emphasis on quantifiable performance measures such as social return on investment (SROI) in third sector organisations – specifically, social enterprise – through a legitimacy theory lens. It then examines what social enterprises value (i.e. consider important) in terms of performance evaluation, using a case study approach. Design/methodology/approach Case studies involving interviews, documentary analysis, and observation, of three social enterprises at different life-cycle stages with different funding structures, were constructed to consider “what measures matter” from a practitioner's perspective. Findings Findings highlight a priority on quality outcomes and impacts in primarily qualitative terms to evaluate performance. Further, there is a noticeable lack of emphasis on financial measures other than basic access to financial resources to continue pursuing social goals. Social implications The practical challenges faced by social enterprises – many of which are small to medium sized – in evaluating performance and by implication organisational legitimacy are contrasted with measures such as SROI which are resource intensive and have inherent methodological limitations. Hence, findings suggest the limited and valuable resources of social enterprises would be better allocated towards documenting the actual outcomes and impacts as a first step, in order to evaluate social and financial performance in terms appropriate to each objective, in order to demonstrate organisational legitimacy. Originality/value Findings distinguish between processes which may hold symbolic legitimacy for select stakeholder groups, and processes which hold substantive, cognitive legitimacy for stakeholders more broadly, in the under-researched context of social enterprise.


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Acquired brain injury (ABI) is the leading cause of death and disability amongst children and adolescents andpresents itself with challenges associated in cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioural domains. These changes may interfere with academic performance and social inclusion, influencing self-esteem and personal success. The current study examined a subset of data to capture the sense of academic and social belonging for students with ABI as a function of the classroom teachers’ subjective perception of ability, their ABI knowledge, and student identification. Overall, a discrepancy was found between educators’ subjective ratings of student performance and students’ neurocognitive capacity. Educator knowledge and identification of ABI influenced student success in academic and social domains independent of teaching approach. This research has implications for the identification of ABI in the classroom and related challenges students experience. Educators are underprepared for the reintegration of students returning to school and lack appropriate knowledge and strategies to accommodate individual needs.


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Purpose – This case study presents an impact assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs of the TFM Company in order to understand how they contribute to the sustainable development of communities in areas in which they operate. Design/Methodology/Approach - Data for this study was collected using qualitative data methods that included semi-structured interviews and Focus Group Discussions most of them audio and video recorded. Documentary analysis and a field visit were also undertaken for the purpose of quality analysis of the CSR programs on the terrain. Data collected was analyzed using the Seven Questions to sustainability (7Qs) framework, an evaluation tool developed by the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) North America chapter. Content analysis method was on the other hand used to examine the interviews and FGDs of the study participants. Findings - Results shows that CSR programs of TFM SA do contribute to community development, as there have been notable changes in the communities’ living conditions. But whether they have contributed to sustainable development is not yet the case as programs that enhance the capacity of communities and other stakeholders to support these projects development beyond the implementation stage and the mines operation lifetime need to be considered and implemented. Originality/Value – In DRC, there is paucity of information of research studies that focus on impact assessment of CSR programs in general and specifically those of mining companies and their contribution to sustainable development of local communities. Many of the available studies cover issues of minerals and conflict or conflict minerals as mostly referred to. This study addressees this gap.


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Sendo um dos objetivos do Serviço Social a promoção do bem-estar social, e considerando a relevância das redes sociais pessoais e do suporte social no bem-estar das pessoas idosas, o presente estudo analisa perfis de redes sociais pessoais de idosos, tendo em conta as suas características estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais, na perspectiva do Serviço Social sistémico. Na última etapa da vida identificam-se na rede social de um individuo vários determinantes com efeitos cumulativos que favorecem o estreitamento das redes sociais, sendo os contextos de vida, as necessidades de apoio de respostas sociais e a institucionalização, fatores relevantes para a investigação. A investigação quantitativa, utilizou um inquérito por questionário para caracterizar sociodemograficamente a amostra e o Instrumento de Análise de Rede Social Pessoal (Guadalupe, 2009) para caracterizar a rede nas suas dimensões e características, privilegiando-se uma análise bivariada das variáveis. A amostra é composta por 317 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos. Comparámos três subamostras: 209 idosos que não usufruem do apoio de respostas sociais (65,9%), sendo estes maioritariamente de sexo feminino, casado(a)s ou a viver em união de facto e com média de 75 anos; 71 idosos que usufruem de apoio de respostas sociais (22,4%), na sua maioria de sexo feminino, viúvo(a)s e com 80 anos de média de idade; 37 idosos institucionalizados em Lar (11,7%), mulheres na sua maioria, viúvo(a)s, com média de 83 anos. A hipótese inicial do nosso estudo era a existência de três perfis distintos nas redes sociais pessoais de idosos, conforme a sua relação com as respostas sociais, no entanto, concluiu-se que existe um padrão comum nas redes sociais destes idosos, quer a nível estrutural, como a nível funcional ou contextual. Todavia, identificamos algumas diferenças significativas (p < 0,041) entre os perfis explorados, na composição das redes, na reciprocidade de apoio, na satisfação da rede, na densidade, na frequência de contactos, na distância geográfica e na durabilidades das relações. O estudo constitui-se como um contributo para o Serviço Social, na medida em que oferece conhecimento sobre as redes sociais dos idosos em diferentes contextos de vida, não oferecendo, no entanto, uma categorização que possibilite a construção cabal de tipologias, mas antes, fornece uma base orientadora da avaliação das redes sociais pessoais e de suporte social de idosos para o diagnóstico social. / Being one of Social Work goals the promotion of social well-being, and considering the relevance of personal social networks and social support in the well-being of the elderly, the present study analyzes personal social network’s profiles of elderly people, taking into account their structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics, in a Social Work systemic perspective. In the last stage of life are identified in an individual's various social network determinants with cumulative effects favouring the narrowing of social networks, being life contexts, the support needs of social responses and institutionalization, relevant factors to the investigation. Our quantitative research used a survey to characterize socially and demographically the sample and the Personal Social Network Analysis Tool (Guadalupe, 2009) to characterize the network in its dimensions and characteristics, using a bivariate analysis of the variables. The sample is composed of 317 elderly aged 65 years old or more. We compared three sub-samples: 209 seniors who do not have the support of social services (65.9%), mostly female, married or cohabiting and with an average of 75 years old; 71 seniors who have support of social services (22.4%), mostly women, widowed and with 80 years of average age; 37 institutionalized elderly (11.7%), mostly women, widowed, with an average age of 83 years. The initial hypothesis of our study was the existence of three distinct personal profiles on social networks, according to their relationship to the social services, however, we have concluded that there is a common pattern in social networks of these elderly, at their structural, functional or contextual level. However, we identified some significant differences (p < 0.041) between the explored profiles, in the composition of networks, support reciprocity, network satisfaction, density, frequency of contacts, geographical distance and durability of relations. The study is a contribution to Social Work, insofar as it provides knowledge about personal social networks of the elderly in different life contexts, not offering, however, a fully categorization that allows the construction of typologies, but rather, provides guidance lines in the evaluation of personal social networks and social support of the elderly to the social diagnosis.


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Em Portugal e no Mundo Ocidental a população está a envelhecer, colocando esta nova realidade enormes desafios à sociedade. A sua crescente relevância deve-se sobretudo às consideráveis repercussões a nível pessoal, familiar, sociopolítico e económico e que afetam pessoas de todas as idades e a sociedade como um todo, colocando desafios específicos relativamente às relações interpessoais, à qualidade de vida e à saúde mental na pessoa idosa. Deste modo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a associação entre a qualidade de vida, a depressão e as características das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos. Participaram no estudo 317 indivíduos, sendo 202 do sexo feminino e 115 do sexo masculino, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, com uma média de 77 anos (DP=7,57). Na recolha de dados recorremos a três instrumentos: Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS Short Form 15), (Yesavage et al., 1983; Almeida & Almeida, 1999); Instrumento de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida da OMS (WHOQOL), (OMS, 1998; Canavarro et al., 2006); Instrumento de Avaliação das Redes Sociais Pessoais (IARSP – Idosos), (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012). Dos resultados destacamos que as características funcionais da rede social pessoal se diferenciaram de forma estatisticamente significativa entre as subamostras de idosos segundo os níveis de qualidade de vida percebida. Saliente-se que, além da relação significativa entre a depressão e qualidade de vida, em que os idosos com um nível mais baixo de qualidade de vida percebida apresentam maiores níveis de depressão (p<0,001), as características funcionais das redes sociais apresentam uma associação clara com a qualidade de vida (p<0,005) e a maioria com a depressão (p<0,014), o que não acontece com as estruturais e com as relacionais-contextuais. Outros resultados indicam que indivíduos com diferentes níveis de qualidade de vida percebida possuem uma estrutura idêntica da rede social pessoal. Ao nível da análise da associação entre as variáveis funcionais da Rede Social Pessoal, Qualidade de Vida e Depressão, o modelo analítico transmite-nos indicadores de investigação e intervenção precisos, o que demonstra a necessidade da continuidade e aprofundamento do presente estudo num âmbito amostral mais alargado e heterogéneo. / In Portugal and in the eastern world, the aging of population creates huge challenges to societies. It's growing relevance is owed to considerable repercussions on the personal, familiar, socio-politic and economic level that affect people of all ages and society as a whole, creating specific challenges regarding interpersonal relationships, quality of life and mental health of the elderly. The current work has the objective of analyzing the association between quality of life, depression and the characteristics of personal social networks of the elderly. 317 individuals have participated in this study, 202 female and 115 male, with age equal or above 65 years old, with an average of 77 years old (DP=7,57). We used three assessment instruments to collect data: Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS Short Form 15), (Yesavage et al., 1983; Almeida & Almeida, 1999); WHO’s Quality of Life Evaluation instrument (WHOQOL) (WHO, 1998; Canavarro et al., 2006); Personal Social Network Analysis Tool (IARSP-Elderly),(Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012). The results show that the functional personal network characteristics are significantly different according to their level of quality of life. It should also be noted that not only there is a significant association between depression and quality of life, in which elderly people with a lower quality of life level show higher levels of depression (p<0,001), there is also a clear association between the functional social network characteristics and quality of life (p<0,005), and the majority with depression (p<0,014), which doesn’t happen with structural and relational-contextual social network characteristics. Other results indicate that different levels of quality of life acquire an identical social network structure. On the matter of association between the functional variables of social networks, quality of fife and depression, the analytic model shows precise indicators of research and intervention, which instills us a need to continue and enlarge this study with an wider and more heterogeneous sample.


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This reports summarises research that began in March 2014 and was completed in October 2015 by an experienced inter-disciplinary research team from the Centre for Social Justice and Change and Psycho-Social Research Group, School of Social Sciences, the University of East London (UEL) and included Dr Yang Li from the Centre for Geo-Information Studies, UEL, for the first phase of the study. Tottenham ‘Thinking Space’ (TTS) was a pilot therapeutic initiative based in local communities and delivered by the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust and funded by the London Borough of Haringey Directorate of Public Health. TTS aimed to improve mental health and enable and empower local communities. TTS was situated within a mental health agenda that was integral to Haringey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012-2015 and aimed to encourage people to help themselves and each other and develop confident communities. On the one hand TTS was well-suited to this agenda, but, on the other, participants were resistant to, and were trying to free themselves from labelling that implied ‘mental health difficulties’. A total of 243 meetings were held and 351 people attended 1,716 times. The majority of participants attended four times or less, and 33 people attended between 5 and 10 times and 39 people attended over 10 times. Attending a small number of times does not necessarily mean that the attendee was not helped. Attendees reflected the ethnic diversity of Tottenham; 29 different ethnic groups attended. The opportunity to meet with people from different cultural backgrounds in a safe space was highly valued by attendees. Similarly, participants valued the wide age range represented and felt that they benefited from listening to inter-generational experiences. The majority of participants were women (72%) and they were instrumental in initiating further Thinking Spaces, topic specific meetings, the summer programme of activities for mothers and young children and training to meet their needs. The community development worker had a key role in implementing the initiative and sustaining its growth throughout the pilot period. We observed that TTS attracted those whose life experiences were marked by personal struggle and trauma. Many participants felt safe enough to disclose mental health difficulties (85% of those who completed a questionnaire). Participants also came seeking a stronger sense of community in their local area. Key features of the meetings are that they are democratic, non-judgemental, respectful, and focussed on encouraging everyone to listen and to try to understand. We found that the therapeutic method was put in place by high quality facilitators and health and personal outcomes for participants were consistent with those predicted by the underpinning psychoanalytical and systemic theories. Outcomes included a reduction in anxieties and improved personal and social functioning; approximately two thirds of those who completed a questionnaire felt better understood, felt more motivated and more hopeful for the future. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents also felt good about contributing to their community, said that they were more able to cooperate with others and accepting of other cultures, and had made new friends. Participants typically had a better understanding of their current situation and how to take positive action; of those who completed a questionnaire, over half felt more confident to seek support for a personal issue and to contact services. Members of TTS supported each other and instilled hope and build community-mindedness that reduced social isolation.


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This kit, designed for youth and family services and practitioners, provides an outline of action research, suggested strategies and tools for undertaking action research, as well as discussion of various challenges.


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The Extended Adolescent Injury Checklist (E-AIC), a self-report measure of injury based on the model of the Adolescent Injury Checklist (AIC), was developed for use in the evaluation of school-based interventions. The three stages of this development involved focus groups with adolescents and consultations with medical staff, pilot testing of the revised AIC in a high school context, and use of the finalised checklist in pre- and post-questionnaires to examine its utility. Results revealed that responses to the final version of the E-AIC were meaningful and remained consistent over time. The E-AIC appears to be a promising measure of adolescent injury that is simple, time-efficient and appropriate for use in the evaluation of school-based injury prevention programs.


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A pilot Youth Court was introduced at Airdrie Sheriff Court in June 2004. Its objectives were to: • reduce the frequency and seriousness of re-offending by 16 and 17 year old offenders, particularly persistent offenders (and some 15 year olds who are referred to the court); • promote the social inclusion, citizenship and personal responsibility of these young offenders while maximising their potential; • establish fast track procedures for those young persons appearing before the Youth Court; • enhance community safety, by reducing the harm caused to individual victims of crime and providing respite to those communities which are experiencing high levels of crime; and • test the viability and usefulness of a Youth Court using existing legislation and to demonstrate whether legislative and practical improvements might be appropriate. An evaluation of the pilot commissioned by the Scottish Executive found that it appeared in many respects to be working well. It was a tightly run court that dealt with a heavy volume of business. With its fast track procedures and additional resources it was regarded as a model to be aspired to in all summary court business. Whether a dedicated Youth Court was required or whether procedural improvements would have been possible in the absence of dedicated resources and personnel was, however, more difficult to assess. Two issues in particular required further attention. First, consideration needed to be given to whether the Youth Court should be more explicitly youth focused and what this might entail. Second, greater clarity was required regarding for whom the Youth Court was intended to avoid the risk of net-widening and its consequences for young people.


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The past decade has seen increasing numbers of government programs funded to support vulnerable families with young children. Supported playgroups are one important strategy in Australia’s current family policies that are provided in all states and territories (ARTD, 2008). National policies have increasingly invested in family support programs, such as supported playgroups. Despite known challenges in engaging vulnerable families in support programs, little is known about the capacity of supported playgroups to effectively engage families to achieve desired outcomes. This project explores family patterns of attendance in supported playgroups and examines the extent to which parental characteristics and experiences of the playgroup explain variations in engagement. The findings can inform the delivery of other family support programs...


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The development of any new profession is dependent on the development of a special body of knowledge which is the domain of the profession and key to this is the conduct of research. In 2007, as part of the settlement of an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement and following sustained lobbying by Emergency Physicians, the Queensland Government agreed to establish an Emergency Medicine Research Fund to foster the development of research activities in Emergency Medicine in Queensland. That fund is now managed by the Queensland Emergency Medicine Research Foundation. The aims of this article are to describe the strategic approaches taken by the Foundation and its first three years of experience, to describe the application of research funds and to foreshadow an evaluative framework for determining the strategic value of this community investment. The Foundation has developed a range of personnel and project support funding programs and competition for funding has increased. Ongoing evaluation will seek to determine the effectiveness of this funding strategy on improving the effectiveness of research performance and the clinical and organisational outcomes that may derive from that initiative.


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This paper illustrates a field research performed with a team of experts involved in the evaluation of Trippple, a system aimed at supporting the different phases of a tourist trip, in order to provide feedback and insights, both on the functionalities already implemented (that at the time of evaluation were available only as early and very unstable prototypes), and on the functionalities still to be implemented. We show how the involvement of professionals helped to focus on challenging aspects, instead of less important, cosmetic, issues and resulted profitable in terms of early feedback, issues spotted, and improvements suggested


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Drink driving is a major public health issue and this report examines the experiences of convicted offenders who participated in an established drink driving rehabilitation program Under the Limit (UTL). Course completers were surveyed at least three months after they had finished the 11-week UTL course. The aim of this study was to examine whether the UTL program reduced the level of alcohol consumption either directly as a result of participation in the UTL drink driving program or through increased use of community alcohol program by participants. The research involved a self-report outcome evaluation to determine whether the self-reported levels of alcohol use after the course had changed from the initial alcohol use reported by offenders. The findings are based on the responses of 30 drink-driving offenders who had completed the UTL program (response rate: 20%). While a process evaluation was proposed in the initial application, the low response rate meant that this follow up research was not feasible. The response rate was low for two reasons, it was difficult to: recruit participants who consented to follow up, and subsequently locate and survey those who had consented to involvement.


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This edition of ALARj has a focus on the contribution of action learning and action research to the development of community services, particularly nonprofits. The landscape of community services has been changing rapidly in recent decades, and can be typified by the notion of complexity. Complexity in the nature of issues that services seek to respond to, complexity in the policy environment and systems of support that have tended to silo and compartmentalise problems and people, and complexity in the institutional location non-profit services occupy in ‘helping’ those who are seen as ‘in need’ or marginalised. In addition to being typified by complexity the environment in which community services are located is dynamic, undergoing profound and ongoing change as neo-liberal approaches to understanding and responding to human need, which emphasise the individualisation of risk, and market principles such as choice, competition and innovation, drive social policy. How can long held values of empowerment, care, inclusivity and benefit to individuals and communities have expression in community services as they grapple with the challenges of being viable and relevant in such a dynamically changing environment? This edition brings together a range of contributions which speak to these challenges. The thematic through these is that processes are needed which engage services and communities in ongoing processes of inquiry about how they can best proceed in contexts typified by complexity and change. Action learning and action research can provide processes of this character.