970 resultados para social foundations


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Cezary Trutkowski (Poland). Social representations of Politics. Mr. Trutkowski is an assistant in the Institute for Social Research of the University of Warsaw and worked on this research from August 1997 to July 1999. Research into social representations requires the use of various methods to show the phenomenon from different angles. In contrast with the contemporary trend towards the measurement of attitudes in opinion surveys, Trutkowski examined social representations of politics in order to study the problem of political participation. He thus aimed to study a problem which he sees as social in nature from a really sociological perspective. His research revealed a very distinctive difference between the social representations of politics shared by politicians and by the general public. The former consider politics in general as struggle for power which can be used to pursue their own vision of social order. They perceive political activity as a kind of homage to be paid to the greater idea that they pursue. At the same time, politicians admitted that politics is very often treated by political actors as a means of gaining personal profit, becoming purely a fight for the power to rule. According to voters, politicians should be treated as employees on a contract, the duration of which depends on their performance. Politics is therefore not a homage to an idea but a service to citizens. They did however admit that this is wishful thinking in Poland today. A content analysis of electoral campaigns confirmed the dark side of the representation of politics: politicians spend the campaign making promises and presenting visions on television, and quarrelling and fighting in everyday activities that were reported by the press. Trutkowski sees his research as a contribution to the foundations of a new approach to studying mass phenomena. By reviving some forgotten ideas of Durkheim and the Chicago School and incorporating the theory of social representations with a new methodological programme, he believes that it is possible to build a more social social psychology and sociology.


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Can one observe an increasing level of individual lack of orientation because of rapid social change in modern societies? This question is examined using data from a representative longitudinal survey in Germany conducted in 2002–04. The study examines the role of education, age, sex, region (east/west), and political orientation for the explanation of anomia and its development. First we present the different sources of anomie in modern societies, based on the theoretical foundations of Durkheim and Merton, and introduce the different definitions of anomia, including our own cognitive version. Then we deduce several hypotheses from the theory, which we test by means of longitudinal data for the period 2002–04 in Germany using the latent growth curve model as our statistical method. The empirical findings show that all the sociodemographic variables, including political orientation, are strong predictors of the initial level of anomia. Regarding the development of anomia over time (2002–04), only the region (west) has a significant impact. In particular, the results of a multi-group analysis show that western German people with a right-wing political orientation become more anomic over this period. The article concludes with some theoretical implications.


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The present dissertation focuses on trust and comprises three empirical essays on the concept itself and its foundations. All three essays investigate trust as an expectation and rely on selfreport measures of trust. Whereas the first two chapters investigate social trust, the third chapter investigates political trust. Essentially, there are three related important debates to which the following chapters contribute. A first debate discusses problems with current selfreport measures. Scholars recently started to question whether standard trust questions really measure the same across countries and languages. Chapter 1 engages in this debate. Using data from Switzerland it studies whether different trust questions measure the same latent trust constructs across individuals belonging to three different culturallinguistic regions. The second debate concerns the socalled forms or dimensions of trust. Recently, scholars started investigating whether trust is a onedimensional construct, i.e. whether an individual's trust judgment differs for categories of trustees such as strangers, neighbors, family members and friends or not. Relying on confirmatory factor analysis Chapter 2 investigates whether individuals really do make a difference between different trustee categories and to what extent these judgments can be summarized into higherorder latent trust constructs. The third debate is concerned with causes of differences in trust across humans. Chapter 3 focuses on the role of laterlife experiences, more precisely victimization experiences and investigates their causal relationship with generalized social trust. Chapter 4 focuses on the impact of direct democratic institutions on the trust relationship between citizens and political authorities.


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En las últimas dos décadas, se ha puesto de relieve la importancia de los procesos de adquisición y difusión del conocimiento dentro de las empresas, y por consiguiente el estudio de estos procesos y la implementación de tecnologías que los faciliten ha sido un tema que ha despertado un creciente interés en la comunidad científica. Con el fin de facilitar y optimizar la adquisición y la difusión del conocimiento, las organizaciones jerárquicas han evolucionado hacia una configuración más plana, con estructuras en red que resulten más ágiles, disminuyendo la dependencia de una autoridad centralizada, y constituyendo organizaciones orientadas a trabajar en equipo. Al mismo tiempo, se ha producido un rápido desarrollo de las herramientas de colaboración Web 2.0, tales como blogs y wikis. Estas herramientas de colaboración se caracterizan por una importante componente social, y pueden alcanzar todo su potencial cuando se despliegan en las estructuras organizacionales planas. La Web 2.0 aparece como un concepto enfrentado al conjunto de tecnologías que existían a finales de los 90s basadas en sitios web, y se basa en la participación de los propios usuarios. Empresas del Fortune 500 –HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco– las adoptan de inmediato, aunque no hay unanimidad sobre su utilidad real ni sobre cómo medirla. Esto se debe en parte a que no se entienden bien los factores que llevan a los empleados a adoptarlas, lo que ha llevado a fracasos en la implantación debido a la existencia de algunas barreras. Dada esta situación, y ante las ventajas teóricas que tienen estas herramientas de colaboración Web 2.0 para las empresas, los directivos de éstas y la comunidad científica muestran un interés creciente en conocer la respuesta a la pregunta: ¿cuáles son los factores que contribuyen a que los empleados de las empresas adopten estas herramientas Web 2.0 para colaborar? La respuesta a esta pregunta es compleja ya que se trata de herramientas relativamente nuevas en el contexto empresarial mediante las cuales se puede llevar a cabo la gestión del conocimiento en lugar del manejo de la información. El planteamiento que se ha llevado a cabo en este trabajo para dar respuesta a esta pregunta es la aplicación de los modelos de adopción tecnológica, que se basan en las percepciones de los individuos sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con el uso de la tecnología. Bajo este enfoque, este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de los factores que influyen en la adopción de blogs y wikis en empresas, mediante un modelo predictivo, teórico y unificado, de adopción tecnológica, con un planteamiento holístico a partir de la literatura de los modelos de adopción tecnológica y de las particularidades que presentan las herramientas bajo estudio y en el contexto especifico. Este modelo teórico permitirá determinar aquellos factores que predicen la intención de uso de las herramientas y el uso real de las mismas. El trabajo de investigación científica se estructura en cinco partes: introducción al tema de investigación, desarrollo del marco teórico, diseño del trabajo de investigación, análisis empírico, y elaboración de conclusiones. Desde el punto de vista de la estructura de la memoria de la tesis, las cinco partes mencionadas se desarrollan de forma secuencial a lo largo de siete capítulos, correspondiendo la primera parte al capítulo 1, la segunda a los capítulos 2 y 3, la tercera parte a los capítulos 4 y 5, la cuarta parte al capítulo 6, y la quinta y última parte al capítulo 7. El contenido del capítulo 1 se centra en el planteamiento del problema de investigación así como en los objetivos, principal y secundarios, que se pretenden cumplir a lo largo del trabajo. Así mismo, se expondrá el concepto de colaboración y su encaje con las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0 que se plantean en la investigación y una introducción a los modelos de adopción tecnológica. A continuación se expone la justificación de la investigación, los objetivos de la misma y el plan de trabajo para su elaboración. Una vez introducido el tema de investigación, en el capítulo 2 se lleva a cabo una revisión de la evolución de los principales modelos de adopción tecnológica existentes (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), dando cuenta de sus fundamentos y factores empleados. Sobre la base de los modelos de adopción tecnológica expuestos en el capítulo 2, en el capítulo 3 se estudian los factores que se han expuesto en el capítulo 2 pero adaptados al contexto de las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0. Con el fin de facilitar la comprensión del modelo final, los factores se agrupan en cuatro tipos: tecnológicos, de control, socio-normativos y otros específicos de las herramientas colaborativas. En el capítulo 4 se lleva a cabo la relación de los factores que son más apropiados para estudiar la adopción de las herramientas colaborativas y se define un modelo que especifica las relaciones entre los diferentes factores. Estas relaciones finalmente se convertirán en hipótesis de trabajo, y que habrá que contrastar mediante el estudio empírico. A lo largo del capítulo 5 se especifican las características del trabajo empírico que se lleva a cabo para contrastar las hipótesis que se habían enunciado en el capítulo 4. La naturaleza de la investigación es de carácter social, de tipo exploratorio, y se basa en un estudio empírico cuantitativo cuyo análisis se llevará a cabo mediante técnicas de análisis multivariante. En este capítulo se describe la construcción de las escalas del instrumento de medida, la metodología de recogida de datos, y posteriormente se presenta un análisis detallado de la población muestral, así como la comprobación de la existencia o no del sesgo atribuible al método de medida, lo que se denomina sesgo de método común (en inglés, Common Method Bias). El contenido del capítulo 6 corresponde al análisis de resultados, aunque previamente se expone la técnica estadística empleada, PLS-SEM, como herramienta de análisis multivariante con capacidad de análisis predictivo, así como la metodología empleada para validar el modelo de medida y el modelo estructural, los requisitos que debe cumplir la muestra, y los umbrales de los parámetros considerados. En la segunda parte del capítulo 6 se lleva a cabo el análisis empírico de los datos correspondientes a las dos muestras, una para blogs y otra para wikis, con el fin de validar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas en el capítulo 4. Finalmente, en el capítulo 7 se revisa el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados en el capítulo 1 y se presentan las contribuciones teóricas, metodológicas y prácticas derivadas del trabajo realizado. A continuación se exponen las conclusiones generales y detalladas por cada grupo de factores, así como las recomendaciones prácticas que se pueden extraer para orientar la implantación de estas herramientas en situaciones reales. Como parte final del capítulo se incluyen las limitaciones del estudio y se sugiere una serie de posibles líneas de trabajo futuras de interés, junto con los resultados de investigación parciales que se han obtenido durante el tiempo que ha durado la investigación. ABSTRACT In the last two decades, the relevance of knowledge acquisition and dissemination processes has been highlighted and consequently, the study of these processes and the implementation of the technologies that make them possible has generated growing interest in the scientific community. In order to ease and optimize knowledge acquisition and dissemination, hierarchical organizations have evolved to a more horizontal configuration with more agile net structures, decreasing the dependence of a centralized authority, and building team-working oriented organizations. At the same time, Web 2.0 collaboration tools such as blogs and wikis have quickly developed. These collaboration tools are characterized by a strong social component and can reach their full potential when they are deployed in horizontal organization structures. Web 2.0, based on user participation, arises as a concept to challenge the existing technologies of the 90’s which were based on websites. Fortune 500 companies – HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco- adopted the concept immediately even though there was no unanimity about its real usefulness or how it could be measured. This is partly due to the fact that the factors that make the drivers for employees to adopt these tools are not properly understood, consequently leading to implementation failure due to the existence of certain barriers. Given this situation, and faced with theoretical advantages that these Web 2.0 collaboration tools seem to have for companies, managers and the scientific community are showing an increasing interest in answering the following question: Which factors contribute to the decision of the employees of a company to adopt the Web 2.0 tools for collaborative purposes? The answer is complex since these tools are relatively new in business environments. These tools allow us to move from an information Management approach to Knowledge Management. In order to answer this question, the chosen approach involves the application of technology adoption models, all of them based on the individual’s perception of the different aspects related to technology usage. From this perspective, this thesis’ main objective is to study the factors influencing the adoption of blogs and wikis in a company. This is done by using a unified and theoretical predictive model of technological adoption with a holistic approach that is based on literature of technological adoption models and the particularities that these tools presented under study and in a specific context. This theoretical model will allow us to determine the factors that predict the intended use of these tools and their real usage. The scientific research is structured in five parts: Introduction to the research subject, development of the theoretical framework, research work design, empirical analysis and drawing the final conclusions. This thesis develops the five aforementioned parts sequentially thorough seven chapters; part one (chapter one), part two (chapters two and three), part three (chapters four and five), parte four (chapters six) and finally part five (chapter seven). The first chapter is focused on the research problem statement and the objectives of the thesis, intended to be reached during the project. Likewise, the concept of collaboration and its link with the Web 2.0 collaborative tools is discussed as well as an introduction to the technology adoption models. Finally we explain the planning to carry out the research and get the proposed results. After introducing the research topic, the second chapter carries out a review of the evolution of the main existing technology adoption models (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), highlighting its foundations and factors used. Based on technology adoption models set out in chapter 2, the third chapter deals with the factors which have been discussed previously in chapter 2, but adapted to the context of Web 2.0 collaborative tools under study, blogs and wikis. In order to better understand the final model, the factors are grouped into four types: technological factors, control factors, social-normative factors and other specific factors related to the collaborative tools. The first part of chapter 4 covers the analysis of the factors which are more relevant to study the adoption of collaborative tools, and the second part proceeds with the theoretical model which specifies the relationship between the different factors taken into consideration. These relationships will become specific hypotheses that will be tested by the empirical study. Throughout chapter 5 we cover the characteristics of the empirical study used to test the research hypotheses which were set out in chapter 4. The nature of research is social, exploratory, and it is based on a quantitative empirical study whose analysis is carried out using multivariate analysis techniques. The second part of this chapter includes the description of the scales of the measuring instrument; the methodology for data gathering, the detailed analysis of the sample, and finally the existence of bias attributable to the measurement method, the "Bias Common Method" is checked. The first part of chapter 6 corresponds to the analysis of results. The statistical technique employed (PLS-SEM) is previously explained as a tool of multivariate analysis, capable of carrying out predictive analysis, and as the appropriate methodology used to validate the model in a two-stages analysis, the measurement model and the structural model. Futhermore, it is necessary to check the requirements to be met by the sample and the thresholds of the parameters taken into account. In the second part of chapter 6 an empirical analysis of the data is performed for the two samples, one for blogs and the other for wikis, in order to validate the research hypothesis proposed in chapter 4. Finally, in chapter 7 the fulfillment level of the objectives raised in chapter 1 is reviewed and the theoretical, methodological and practical conclusions derived from the results of the study are presented. Next, we cover the general conclusions, detailing for each group of factors including practical recommendations that can be drawn to guide implementation of these tools in real situations in companies. As a final part of the chapter the limitations of the study are included and a number of potential future researches suggested, along with research partial results which have been obtained thorough the research.


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Almost thirty years have passed since the City Council of Madrid approved the first Municipal Plan against Drugs, thus laying the foundations of the current commitment to offer assistance to drug addicts. A Service that has been continuously growing (in funding), maturing (in organizations) and diversifying (in actions) during these decades, in the same manner as the scenario in which these actions are deployed has been evolving. But, what can be said today about the status of drugaddiction intervention? This study adopts a sociological approach that starts with and is focused on what has been defined as the hegemonic vision on drug addiction, with the aim of studying (precisely and progressively) the different and most widely accepted theoretical-practical developments and to understand how certain conceptions or positions determine the form of this social fact. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to understand and evaluate the performative effects of certain practices, techniques and professionals on defining and addressing a reality that is in question and/or in conflict, as a social problem. In addition, this study is focused on identifying a series of fundamental elements to address what is understood as the state of the issue of drug addiction in depth (discourse of drugs Vs. discourse on drugs) in order to offer a series of sociological questions and insights to focus attention onto this reality. For this purpose, once its intentions have been defined and due to the social nature of the object under study, the present research deploys qualitative methodology as a tool for approximation, delimiting the scope that professional technicians assume regarding the issue in question as well as their own professional practices within their organizations. Thus, we have contacted certain public as well as non-governmental organizations with long-term experience in drug addiction, so as to find out first hand, in addition to their writings, the different meanings they find in the performance of their specific practice (micro) as well as the framework within which their practice is defined and materialised (macro) on a population defined or characterised by (drug) addiction...


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Introducción. En un contexto de incremento de las desigualdades y de la pobreza en la sociedad española, donde el desmantelamiento del Estado de Bienestar reduce la posibilidad de encontrar recursos e implementar políticas públicas de reducción de estos efectos; la Sociedad Civil y la ciudadanía desarrollan prácticas resilientes orientadas a satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades más afectadas por el desempleo y el recorte de servicios sociales. Material y métodos. a) Datos secundarios estadísticos procedentes de organismos y fundaciones; y webs de organizaciones resilientes; b) datos primarios producidos a partir de entrevistas y grupos de discusión. Metodología de análisis de contenido y análisis de discurso. Resultados y discusión. las prácticas resilientes como satisfactores de necesidades, son estructuradas a partir de dos dimensiones adaptación/transformación; dependencia/autonomía. Se observa que estas prácticas cuanto más abstracción presentan (de las necesidades concretas relacionadas con la subsistencia, a las necesidades más intangibles relacionadas con cuestiones simbólicas e identitarias), mayor complejidad en su diseño y organización, y mayor potencia como satisfactor.


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This paper presents an approach to the belief system based on a computational framework in three levels: first, the logic level with the definition of binary local rules, second, the arithmetic level with the definition of recursive functions and finally the behavioural level with the definition of a recursive construction pattern. Social communication is achieved when different beliefs are expressed, modified, propagated and shared through social nets. This approach is useful to mimic the belief system because the defined functions provide different ways to process the same incoming information as well as a means to propagate it. Our model also provides a means to cross different beliefs so, any incoming information can be processed many times by the same or different functions as it occurs is social nets.


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Multinational companies' (MNCs) corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs frequently comprise a portfolio of disconnected country-level programs or, alternatively, consist of blanket corporate policies that apply in the same way across the geographies where the company operates. Yet, the international nonmarket environment in which CSR programs operate is neither a completely fragmented nor a perfectly homogeneous one. Building on the concept of stakeholder-issue-networks, we develop a model that explicitly takes into consideration the role of geography in the characterization of a firm's nonmarket environment. This allows us to develop a taxonomy of nonmarket environments on the basis of their geographic spread and their degree of cross-border connectedness. We then explore the strategic and organizational implications that different ideal types of (cross-border) nonmarket environments have for the development of international CSR policies.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Partial bibliography": p. 425-436.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Construction of an international index of standards of living, incorporating social indicators and economic output, typically involves scaling and weighting procedures that lack welfare-economic foundations. Revealed preference axioms can be used to make quality-of-life comparisons if we can estimate the representative household's production technology for the social indicators. This method is applied to comparisons of gross domestic product (GDP) and life expectancy for 58 countries. Neither GDP rankings, nor the rankings of the Human Development Index (HDI), are consistent with the partial ordering of revealed preference. A method of constructing a utility-consistent index incorporating both consumption and life expectancy is suggested. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.