958 resultados para simian-virus-40 (SV40) large tumour-antigen nuclear localization sequence


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MyoD, a member of the family of helix-loop-helix myogenic factors that plays a crucial role in skeletal muscle differentiation, is a nuclear phosphoprotein. Using microinjection of purified MyoD protein into rat fibroblasts, we show that the nuclear import of MyoD is a rapid and active process, being ATP and temperature dependent. Two nuclear localization signals (NLSs), one present in the basic region and the other in the helix 1 domain of MyoD protein, are demonstrated to be functional in promoting the active nuclear transport of MyoD. Synthetic peptides spanning these two NLSs and biochemically coupled to IgGs can promote the nuclear import of microinjected IgG conjugates in muscle and nonmuscle cells. Deletion analysis reveals that each sequence can function independently within the MyoD protein since concomittant deletion of both sequences is required to alter the nuclear import of this myogenic factor. In addition, the complete cytoplasmic retention of a beta-galactosidase-MyoD fusion mutant protein, double deleted at these two NLSs, argues against the existence of another functional NLS motif in MyoD.


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Importin-alpha is the nuclear import receptor that recognizes cargo proteins with nuclear localization sequences (NLSs). Tile study of NLS peptidomimetics can provide a better understanding of the requirements for the molecular recognition of cargo proteins by importin-alpha, and potentially engender a large number of applications in medicine. Importin-a was crystallized with a set of six NLS peptidomimetics, and X-ray diffraction data were collected in the range 2.1-2.5 angstrom resolution. Preliminary electron density calculations show that the ligands are present in the crystals. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is increasingly being appreciated as an intracellular signaling molecule that affects inflammatory and immune responses. Elevated arterial CO(2) (hypercapnia) is encountered in a range of clinical conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and as a consequence of therapeutic ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome. In patients suffering from this syndrome, therapeutic hypoventilation strategy designed to reduce mechanical damage to the lungs is accompanied by systemic hypercapnia and associated acidosis, which are associated with improved patient outcome. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of hypercapnia and the relative contribution of elevated CO(2) or associated acidosis to this response remain poorly understood. Recently, a role for the non-canonical NF-?B pathway has been postulated to be important in signaling the cellular transcriptional response to CO(2). In this study, we demonstrate that in cells exposed to elevated CO(2), the NF-?B family member RelB was cleaved to a lower molecular weight form and translocated to the nucleus in both mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549). Furthermore, elevated nuclear RelB was observed in vivo and correlated with hypercapnia-induced protection against LPS-induced lung injury. Hypercapnia-induced RelB processing was sensitive to proteasomal inhibition by MG-132 but was independent of the activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3ß or MALT-1, both of which have been previously shown to mediate RelB processing. Taken together, these data demonstrate that RelB is a CO(2)-sensitive NF-?B family member that may contribute to the beneficial effects of hypercapnia in inflammatory diseases of the lung.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Background Long-term changes in synaptic plasticity require gene transcription, indicating that signals generated at the synapse must be transported to the nucleus. Synaptic activation of hippocampal neurons is known to trigger retrograde transport of transcription factor NF-κB. Transcription factors of the NF-κB family are widely expressed in the nervous system and regulate expression of several genes involved in neuroplasticity, cell survival, learning and memory. Principal Findings In this study, we examine the role of the dynein/dynactin motor complex in the cellular mechanism targeting and transporting activated NF-κB to the nucleus in response to synaptic stimulation. We demonstrate that overexpression of dynamitin, which is known to dissociate dynein from microtubules, and treatment with microtubule-disrupting drugs inhibits nuclear accumulation of NF-κB p65 and reduces NF-κB-dependent transcription activity. In this line, we show that p65 is associated with components of the dynein/dynactin complex in vivo and in vitro and that the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) within NF-κB p65 is essential for this binding. Conclusion This study shows the molecular mechanism for the retrograde transport of activated NF-κB from distant synaptic sites towards the nucleus.


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In common with other members of the p120-catenin subclass of catenins, ARVCF-catenin appears to have multiple cellular and developmental functions. In Xenopus, our lab recently demonstrated that xARVCF- and Xp120-catenins are each essential for early vertebrate embryogenesis, being functionally linked to Rho-family GTPases (RhoA, Rac) and cadherin metabolic stability. For the project described here, the yeast two-hybrid system was employed to screen a Xenopus laevis neurula library for proteins that interact with xARVCF, resulting in the identification of the Xenopus homolog of Kazrin (xKazrin). Kazrin is a variably-spliced protein of unknown function that has been shown to interact with periplakin and envoplakin, components of desmosomal junctions. Kazrin's primary sequence is highly conserved across vertebrate species and is composed of an amino-terminal nuclear export sequence (NES), a carboxy-terminal nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and a central predicted coiled-coil domain. In vitro and in vivo authenticity tests demonstrated that xARVCF-catenin interacts directly with xKazrin via xARVCF's Armadillo and carboxy-terminal regions and xKazrin's coiled-coil domain. The interaction of xARVCF-catenin with xKazrin is specific and does not extend to the related Xp120-catenin. xKazrin co-localized with E-cadherin at sites of cell-cell contact and could be co-immunoprecipitated with components of the cadherin complex. xKazrin was also present in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Suggestive of a nuclear role, mutation of xKazrin's predicted NLS resulted in nuclear exclusion, while deletion of the predicted NES resulted in loss of sensitivity to nuclear export inhibitors. Within Xenopus embryos, xKazrin was expressed across all developmental stages and appeared at varying levels in adult tissues. Morpholino depletion of xKazrin from Xenopus embryos resulted in axial elongation abnormalities and loss of tissue integrity after neurulation. Over-expression of xKazrin had no effect, while over-expression of a NLS mutant resulted in a mild phenotype similar to that seen in xKazrin depleted embryos. Interestingly, the axial phenotype resulting from reduced xKazrin levels was largely rescuable by xARVCF over-expression. In conjunction with xARVCF-catenin, xKazrin has properties consistent with its function at cell-cell contact sites and in the nucleus. ^


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We have developed a sensitive, non-radioactive method to assess the interaction of transcription factors/DNA-binding proteins with DNA. We have modified the traditional radiolabeled DNA gel mobility shift assay to incorporate a DNA probe end-labeled with a Texas-red fluorophore and a DNA-binding protein tagged with the green fluorescent protein to monitor precisely DNA-protein complexation by native gel electrophoresis. We have applied this method to the DNA-binding proteins telomere release factor-1 and the sex-determining region-Y, demonstrating that the method is sensitive (able to detect 100 fmol of fluorescently labeled DNA), permits direct visualization of both the DNA probe and the DNA-binding protein, and enables quantitative analysis of DNA and protein complexation, and thereby an estimation of the stoichiometry of protein-DNA binding.


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EBV-encoded nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) binding to a cis-acting viral DNA element, oriP, enables plasmids to persist in dividing human cells as multicopy episomes that attach to chromosomes during mitosis. In investigating the significance of EBNA-1 binding to mitotic chromosomes, we identified the basic domains of EBNA-1 within amino acids 1–89 and 323–386 as critical for chromosome binding. In contrast, the EBNA-1 C terminus (amino acids 379–641), which includes the nuclear localization signal and DNA-binding domain, does not associate with mitotic chromosomes or retain oriP plasmid DNA in dividing cell nuclei, but does enable the accumulation of replicated oriP-containing plasmid DNA in transient replication assays. The importance of chromosome association in episome maintenance was evaluated by replacing EBNA-1 amino acids 1–378 with cell proteins that have similar chromosome binding characteristics. High-mobility group-I amino acids 1–90 or histone H1–2 could substitute for EBNA-1 amino acids 1–378 in mediating more efficient accumulation of replicated oriP plasmid, association with mitotic chromosomes, nuclear retention, and long-term episome persistence. These data strongly support the hypothesis that mitotic chromosome association is a critical factor for episome maintenance. The replacement of 60% of EBNA-1 with cell protein is a significant step toward eliminating the need for noncellular protein sequences in the maintenance of episomal DNA in human cells.


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The Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA)-6 protein is essential for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced immortalization of primary human B-lymphocytes in vitro. In this study, fusion proteins of EBNA-6 with green fluorescent protein (GFP) have been used to characterize its nuclear localization and organization within the nucleus. EBNA-6 associates with nuclear structures and in immunofluorescence demonstrate a punctate staining pattern. Herein, we show that the association of EBNA-6 with these nuclear structures was maintained throughout the cell cycle and with the use of GFP-E6 deletion mutants, that the region amino acids 733-808 of EBNA-6 contains a domain that can influence the association of EBNA-6 with these nuclear structures. Co-immunofluorescence and confocal analyses demonstrated that EBNA-6 and EBNA-3 co-localize in the nucleus of cells. Expression of EBNA-6, but not EBNA-3, caused a redistribution of nuclear survival of motor neurons protein (SMN) to the EBNA-6 containing nuclear structures resulting in co-localization of SMN with EBNA-6. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A large number of polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites are needed to develop a genetic map for shrimp. However, developing an SSR map is very time-consuming, expensive, and most SSRs are not specifically linked to gene loci of immediate interest. We report here on our strategy to develop polymorphic markers using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) by designing primers flanking single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeats. A subtracted cDNA library was prepared using RNA from specific pathogen-free (SPF) Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles (similar to 1 g) collected before (0) and after (48 h) inoculation with the China isolate of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). A total of 224 clones were sequenced, 194 of which were useful for homology comparisons against annotated genes in NCBI nonredundant (nr) and protein databases, providing 179 sequences encoded by nuclear DNA, 4 mitochondrial DNA, and 11 were similar to portions of WSSV genome. The nuclear sequences clustered in 43 groups, 11 of which were homologous to various ESTs of unknown function, 4 had no homology to any sequence, and 28 showed similarities to known genes of invertebrates and vertebrates, representatives of cellular metabolic processes such as calcium ion balance, cytoskeleton mRNAs, and protein synthesis. A few sequences were homologous to immune system-related (allergens) genes and two were similar to motifs of the sex-lethal gene of Drosophila. A large number of EST sequences were similar to domains of the EF-hand superfamily (Ca2+ binding motif and FRQ protein domain of myosin light chains). Single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeats were found in approximately 61 % of the 179 nuclear sequences. Primer sets were designed from 28 sequences representing 19 known or putative genes and tested for polymorphism (EST-SSR marker) in a small test panel containing 16 individuals. Ten (53%) of the 19 putative or unknown function genes were polymorphic, 4 monomorphic, and 3 either failed to satisfactorily amplify genomic DNA or the allele amplification conditions need to be further optimized. Five polymorphic ESTs were genotyped with the entire reference mapping family, two of them (actin, accession #CX535973 and shrimp allergen arginine kinase, accession #CX535999) did not amplify with all offspring of the IRMF panel suggesting presence of null alleles, and three of them amplified in most of the IRM F offspring and were used for linkage analysis. EF-hand motif of myosin light chain (accession #CX535935) was placed in ShrimpMap's linkage group 7, whereas ribosomal protein S5 (accession #CX535957) and troponin I (accession #CX535976) remained unassigned. Results indicate that (a) a large number of ESTs isolated from this cDNA library are similar to cytoskeleton mRNAs and may reflect a normal pathway of the cellular response after im infection with WSSV, and (b) primers flanking single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeats from shrimp ESTs could be an efficient approach to develop polymorphic markers useful for linkage mapping. Work is underway to map additional SSR-containing ESTs from this and other cDNA libraries as a plausible strategy to increase marker density in ShrimpMap.


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Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal


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Les virus sont utilisés depuis longtemps dans la recherche sur le cancer et ont grandement contribué à l’avancement des connaissances de même qu’à l’établissement de préceptes importants encore valables aujourd’hui dans le domaine. L’un des défis actuels est de mieux définir les étapes menant à la transition d’une cellule normale à une cellule transformée et c’est sur cette problématique que nous nous sommes penchés. Pour ce faire, nous avons tiré profit de l’utilisation de l’antigène grand-T du virus de polyome (PyLT), un virus capable d’induire des tumeurs chez les rongeurs. Cet oncogène viral à lui seul possède des propriétés intéressantes qui suggèrent que, en plus de l’immortalisation, il peut également contribuer aux événements précoces de la carcinogénèse. Ceci repose principalement sur la capacité de PyLT à induire des tumeurs en souris transgéniques et ce, avec une certaine latence ce qui suggère que des événements supplémentaires sont nécessaires. Ainsi, l’utilisation de PyLT dans un modèle de culture cellulaire permet de disséquer les changements qui lui sont attribuables. Dans un premier temps, l’établissement du profil d'expression génique associé à l'expression de PyLT dans un modèle murin nous a permis de sélectionner un bon nombre de gènes, parmi lesquels figurait Necdin. Nous avons choisi d’étudier Necdin plus en détail puisque peu d’attention était accordée à cette protéine dans le domaine du cancer, malgré que différentes données de la littérature lui suggèrent à la fois des fonctions suppresseurs de tumeur et oncogéniques. Nous avons démontré que, malgré sa fonction proposée de suppresseur de croissance, l’expression de Necdin n’est pas incompatible avec la prolifération dans la lignée cellulaire de souris NIH 3T3 et les cellules primaires humaines (IMR90), bien que l’inhibition de son expression par shARN confère un avantage prolifératif. Nous avons confirmé que Necdin est un gène cible de p53 induit par différents agents génotoxiques, toutefois son expression peut également être régulée de façon p53-indépendante. De plus, Necdin agit négativement sur l’arrêt du cycle cellulaire en réponse à l’activation de p53. Ceci suggère que Necdin est impliqué dans une boucle de régulation négative de la voie de p53 et que l’augmentation anormale de l’expression de Necdin pourrait contribuer à la perturbation la voie du suppresseur de tumeur p53. L’activation de p53 permet l’arrêt transitoire du cycle cellulaire en condition de stress, mais est aussi impliquée dans l’établissement d’un arrêt permanent nommé sénescence. La sénescence est un mécanisme de protection contre l’accumulation de mutations qui peut contribuer à l’initiation du cancer. Vu l’intéressante implication de Necdin dans la régulation de l’activité de p53, nous avons transposé les connaissances acquises du modèle murin à un modèle humain, plus adapté pour l’étude de la sénescence. La caractérisation de l’expression de Necdin dans des fibroblastes primaires humains à différents passages montre que les jeunes cellules en prolifération active expriment Necdin et que son niveau diminue avec l’établissement de la sénescence réplicative. Le même phénomène est observé lors de la sénescence prématurée provoquée par l’expression d’un oncogène et par l’exposition aux radiations ionisantes. De plus, dans des conditions normales de prolifération, la modulation de Necdin par des essais de gain et de perte de fonction n’affecte pas la durée de vie des cellules primaires. Toutefois, en condition de stress génotoxique dû à l’exposition aux irradiations, les cellules surexprimant Necdin présentent une radiorésistance accrue de la même façon que lorsque p53 est inactivé directement. Ce résultat en cellules humaines vient appuyer l’effet observé dans les cellules de souris sur l’impact qu’aura le niveau de Necdin sur la réponse de p53 en condition de stress. Un bref survol a été fait pour aborder de quelle façon nos résultats en culture cellulaire pouvaient se traduire dans des modèles de cancer chez l’humain. Nous avons caractérisé l’expression de Necdin dans deux types différents de cancer. D’abord, dans le cancer de l’ovaire, le niveau élevé de Necdin dans les tumeurs à faible potentiel de malignité (LMP) en comparaison aux cancers agressifs de l’ovaire de type séreux suggère que l’expression de Necdin se limite aux cellules de cancer LMP, qui présente généralement un p53 de type sauvage. Son expression est aussi retrouvée dans deux lignées cellulaires du cancer de l’ovaire non-tumorigéniques en xénogreffe de souris, dont l’une possède un p53 fonctionnel. De plus, la caractérisation de Necdin dans les lignées cellulaires du cancer de la prostate suggère une relation entre son expression et la présence de p53 fonctionnel. Dans le cancer de la prostate, tout comme pour le cancer de l’ovaire, Necdin semble être présent dans les lignées représentant un stade moins avancé de la maladie. L’utilisation de l’oncoprotéine virale PyLT nous a permis de révéler des propriétés intéressantes de Necdin. Nous proposons que dans certains contextes, l’expression constitutive de Necdin pourrait contribuer au cancer en retardant une réponse par p53 appropriée et possiblement en participant à l’augmentation de l’instabilité génomique. La fonction potentiellement oncogénique de Necdin quant à sa relation avec p53 que nous avons révélée requiert davantage d’investigation et les cancers caractérisés ici pourraient constituer de bons modèles à cette fin.


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Les virus ont besoin d’interagir avec des facteurs cellulaires pour se répliquer et se propager dans les cellules d’hôtes. Une étude de l'interactome des protéines du virus d'hépatite C (VHC) par Germain et al. (2014) a permis d'élucider de nouvelles interactions virus-hôte. L'étude a également démontré que la majorité des facteurs de l'hôte n'avaient pas d'effet sur la réplication du virus. Ces travaux suggèrent que la majorité des protéines ont un rôle dans d'autres processus cellulaires tel que la réponse innée antivirale et ciblées pas le virus dans des mécanismes d'évasion immune. Pour tester cette hypothèse, 132 interactant virus-hôtes ont été sélectionnés et évalués par silençage génique dans un criblage d'ARNi sur la production interferon-beta (IFNB1). Nous avons ainsi observé que les réductions de l'expression de 53 interactants virus-hôte modulent la réponse antivirale innée. Une étude dans les termes de gène d'ontologie (GO) démontre un enrichissement de ces protéines au transport nucléocytoplasmique et au complexe du pore nucléaire. De plus, les gènes associés avec ces termes (CSE1L, KPNB1, RAN, TNPO1 et XPO1) ont été caractérisé comme des interactant de la protéine NS3/4A par Germain et al. (2014), et comme des régulateurs positives de la réponse innée antivirale. Comme le VHC se réplique dans le cytoplasme, nous proposons que ces interactions à des protéines associées avec le noyau confèrent un avantage de réplication et bénéficient au virus en interférant avec des processus cellulaire tel que la réponse innée. Cette réponse innée antivirale requiert la translocation nucléaire des facteurs transcriptionnelles IRF3 et NF-κB p65 pour la production des IFNs de type I. Un essai de microscopie a été développé afin d'évaluer l’effet du silençage de 60 gènes exprimant des protéines associés au complexe du pore nucléaire et au transport nucléocytoplasmique sur la translocation d’IRF3 et NF-κB p65 par un criblage ARNi lors d’une cinétique d'infection virale. En conclusion, l’étude démontre qu’il y a plusieurs protéines qui sont impliqués dans le transport de ces facteurs transcriptionnelles pendant une infection virale et peut affecter la production IFNB1 à différents niveaux de la réponse d'immunité antivirale. L'étude aussi suggère que l'effet de ces facteurs de transport sur la réponse innée est peut être un mécanisme d'évasion par des virus comme VHC.


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Mouse cell lines were immortalized by introduction of specific immortalizing genes. Embryonic and adult animals and an embryonal stem cell line were used as a source of primary cells. The immortalizing genes were either introduced by DNA transfection or by ecotropic retrovirus transduction. Fibroblasts were obtained by expression of SV40 virus large T antigen (TAg). The properties of the resulting fibroblast cell lines were reproducible, independent of the donor mouse strains employed and the cells showed no transformed properties in vitro and did not form tumors in vivo. Endothelial cell lines were generated by Polyoma virus middle T antigen expression in primary embryonal cells. These cell lines consistently expressed relevant endothelial cell surface markers. Since the expression of the immortalizing genes was expected to strongly influence the cellular characteristics fibroblastoid cells were reversibly immortalized by using a vector that allows conditional expression of the TAg. Under inducing conditions, these cells exhibited properties that were highly similar to the properties of constitutively immortalized cells. In the absence of TAg expression, cell proliferation stops. Cell growth is resumed when TAg expression is restored. Gene expression profiling indicates that TAg influences the expression levels of more than 1000 genes that are involved in diverse cellular processes. The data show that conditionally immortalized cell lines have several advantageous properties over constitutively immortalized cells.


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It is commonly accepted that pathways that regulate proliferation/differentiation processes, if altered in their normal interplay, can lead to the induction of programmed cell death. In a previous work we reported that Polyoma virus Large Tumor antigen (PyLT) interferes with in vitro terminal differentiation of skeletal myoblasts by binding and inactivating the retinoblastoma antioncogene product. This inhibition occurs after the activation of some early steps of the myogenic program. In the present work we report that myoblasts expressing wild-type PyLT, when subjected to differentiation stimuli, undergo cell death and that this cell death can be defined as apoptosis. Apoptosis in PyLT-expressing myoblasts starts after growth factors removal, is promoted by cell confluence, and is temporally correlated with the expression of early markers of myogenic differentiation. The block of the initial events of myogenesis by transforming growth factor β or basic fibroblast growth factor prevents PyLT-induced apoptosis, while the acceleration of this process by the overexpression of the muscle-regulatory factor MyoD further increases cell death in this system. MyoD can induce PyLT-expressing myoblasts to accumulate RB, p21, and muscle- specific genes but is unable to induce G00 arrest. Several markers of different phases of the cell cycle, such as cyclin A, cdk-2, and cdc-2, fail to be down-regulated, indicating the occurrence of cell cycle progression. It has been frequently suggested that apoptosis can result from an unbalanced cell cycle progression in the presence of a contrasting signal, such as growth factor deprivation. Our data involve differentiation pathways, as a further contrasting signal, in the generation of this conflict during myoblast cell apoptosis.