973 resultados para signal transduction, two-component system


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We observe coherent population trapping (CPT) in a two-electron atom-Yb-174-using the S-1(0), F= 0 -> P-3(1), F `= 1 transition. CPT is not possible for such a transition according to one-electron theory because the magnetic sublevels form a V-type system, but in a two-electron atom like Yb, the interaction of the electrons transforms the level structure into a V-type system, which allows the formation of a dark state and hence the observation of CPT. Since the two levels involved are degenerate, we use a magnetic field to lift the degeneracy. The single fluorescence dip then splits into five dips-the central unshifted one corresponds to coherent population oscillation, while the outer four are due to CPT. The linewidth of the CPT resonance is about 300 kHz and is limited by the natural linewidth of the excited state, which is to be expected because the excited state is involved in the formation of the dark state.


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Two-component systems (TCSs), which contain paired sensor kinase and response regulator proteins, form the primary apparatus for sensing and responding to environmental cues in bacteria. TCSs are thought to be highly specific, displaying minimal cross-talk, primarily due to the co-evolution of the participating proteins. To assess the level of cross-talk between the TCSs of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we mapped the complete interactome of the M. tuberculosis TCSs using phosphotransfer profiling. Surprisingly, we found extensive crosstalk among the M. tuberculosis TCSs, significantly more than that in the TCSs in Escherichia coli or Caulobacter crescentus, thereby offering an alternate to specificity paradigm in TCS signalling. Nearly half of the interactions we detected were significant novel cross-interactions, unravelling a potentially complex signalling landscape. We classified the TCSs into specific `one-to-one' and promiscuous `one-to-many' and `many-to-one' circuits. Using mathematical modelling, we deduced that the promiscuous signalling observed can explain several currently confounding observations about M. tuberculosis TCSs. Our findings suggest an alternative paradigm of bacterial signalling with significant cross-talk between TCSs yielding potentially complex signalling landscapes.


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Classical theories have successfully provided an explanation for convection in a liquid layer heated from below without evaporation. However, these theories are inadequate to account for the convective instabilities in an evaporating liquid layer, especially in the case when it is cooled from below. In the present paper, we study the onset of Marangoni convection in a liquid layer being overlain by a vapor layer.A new two-sided model is put forward instead of the one-sided model in previous studies. Marangoni-Bénard instabilities in evaporating liquid thin layers are investigated with a linear instability analysis. We define a new evaporation Biot number, which is different from that in previous studies and discuss the influences of reference evaporating velocity and evaporation Biot number on the vapor-liquid system. At the end, we explain why the instability occurs even when an evaporating liquid layer is cooled from below.


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This paper deals with the interaction of solitary waves in a two-fluid system which consistsof two superimposed incompressible inviscid fluids with a free surface and a horizontal rigidbottom. Under the assumption of shallow water wave, we first derive the basic equationssuitable for the model considered, a generalized form of the Boussinesq equations, then usingthe PLK method and the reductive perturbation method, obtain the second-order approximatesolution for the head-on collision between two pairs of interface and surface solitary waves,and give their maximum amplitudes during the collision and the nonuniform phase shiftsafter the collision which lead to the distortion of the wave profiles.


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The convective instabilities in two or more superposed layers heated from below were studied extensively by many scientists due to several interfacial phenomena in nature and crystal growth application. Most works of them were performed mainly on the instability behaviors induced only by buoyancy force, especially on the oscillatory behavior at onset of convection (see Gershuni et. Al.(1982), Renardy et. Al. (1985,2000), Rasenat et. Al. (1989), and Colinet et. Al.(1994)) . But the unstable situations of multi-layer liquid convection will become more complicated and interesting while considering at the same time the buoyancy effect combined with thermocapillary effect. This is the case in the gravity reduced field or thin liquid layer where the thermocapillary effect is as important as buoyancy effect. The objective of this study was to investigate theoretically the interaction between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and pure Marangoni instability in a two-layer system, and more attention focus on the oscillatory instability both at the onset of convection and with increasing supercriticality. Oscillatory behavious of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convective instability (R-M-B instability) and flow patterns are presented in the two-layer system of Silicon Oil (10cSt) over Fluorinert (FC70) for a larger various range of two-layer depth ratios (Hr=Hupper/Hdown) from 0.2 to 5.0. Both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation (A=L/H=10) show that the instability of the system depends strongly on the depth ratio of two-layer liquids. The oscillatory instability regime at the onset of R-M-B convection are found theoretically in different regions of layer thickness ratio for different two-layer depth H=12,6,4,3mm. The neutral stability curve of the system displaces to right while we consider the Marangoni effect at the interface in comparison with the Rayleigh-Bénard instability of the system without the Marangoni effect (Ma=0). The numerical results show different regimes of the developing of convection in the two-layer system for different thickness ratios and some differences at the onset of pure Marangoni convection and the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convections in two-layer liquids. Both traveling wave and standing wave were detected in the oscillatory instability regime due to the competition between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and Marangoni effect. The mechanism of the standing wave formation in the system is presented numerically in this paper. The oscillating standing wave results in the competition of the intermediate Marangoni cell and the Rayleigh convective rolls. In the two-layer system of 47v2 silicone oil over water, a transition form the steady instability to the oscillatory instability of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard Convection was found numerically above the onset of convection for ε=0.9 and Hr=0.5. We propose that this oscillatory mechanism is possible to explain the experimental observation of Degen et. Al.(1998). Experimental work in comparison with our theoretical findings on the two-layer Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convection with thinner depth for H<6mm will be carried out in the near future, and more attention will be paid to new oscillatory instability regimes possible in the influence of thermocapillary effects on the competition of two-layer liquids


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Some of the most exciting developments in the field of nucleic acid engineering include the utilization of synthetic nucleic acid molecular devices as gene regulators, as disease marker detectors, and most recently, as therapeutic agents. The common thread between these technologies is their reliance on the detection of specific nucleic acid input markers to generate some desirable output, such as a change in the copy number of an mRNA (for gene regulation), a change in the emitted light intensity (for some diagnostics), and a change in cell state within an organism (for therapeutics). The research presented in this thesis likewise focuses on engineering molecular tools that detect specific nucleic acid inputs, and respond with useful outputs.

Four contributions to the field of nucleic acid engineering are presented: (1) the construction of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detector based on the mechanism of hybridization chain reaction (HCR); (2) the utilization of a single-stranded oligonucleotide molecular Scavenger as a means of enhancing HCR selectivity; (3) the implementation of Quenched HCR, a technique that facilitates transduction of a nucleic acid chemical input into an optical (light) output, and (4) the engineering of conditional probes that function as sequence transducers, receiving target signal as input and providing a sequence of choice as output. These programmable molecular systems are conceptually well-suited for performing wash-free, highly selective rapid genotyping and expression profiling in vitro, in situ, and potentially in living cells.


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With the method of Green's function, we investigate the energy spectra of two-component ultracold bosonic atoms in optical lattices. We End that there are two energy bands for each component. The critical condition of the superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition is determined by the energy band structure. We also find that the nearest neighboring and on-site interactions fail to change the structure of energy bands, but shift the energy bands only. According to the conditions of the phase transitions, three stable superfluid and Mott insulating phases can be found by adjusting the experiment parameters. We also discuss the possibility of observing these new phases and their transitions in further experiments.


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Human neutrophils are a type of white blood cell, which forms an early line of defense against bacterial infections. Neutrophils are highly responsive to the chemokine, interleukin-8 (IL-8) due to the abundant distribution of CXCR1, one of the IL-8 receptors on the neutrophil cell surface. As a member of the GPCR family, CXCR1 plays a crucial role in the IL-8 signal transduction pathway in neutrophils. We sequenced the complete coding region of the CXCR1 gene in worldwide human populations and five representative nonhuman primate species. Our results indicate accelerated protein evolution in the human lineage, which was likely caused by Darwinian positive selection. The sliding window analysis and the codon-based neutrality test identified signatures of positive selection at the N-terminal ligand/receptor recognition domain of human CXCR1.


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Spin dynamics in the first and second subbands have been examined simultaneously by time resolved Kerr rotation in a single-barrier heterostructure of a 500 nm thick GaAs absorption layer. By scanning the wavelengths of the probe and pump beams towards the short wavelength in the zero magnetic field, the spin coherent time T-2(1)* in the 1st subband E-1 decreases in accordance with the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) spin decoherence mechanism. Meanwhile, the spin coherence time T-2(2)* in the 2nd subband E-2 remains very low at wavelengths longer than 810 nm, and then is dramatically enhanced afterwards. At 803 nm, T-2(2)* (450 ps) becomes ten times longer than T-2(1)* (50 ps). A new feature has been discovered at the wavelength of 811nm under the bias of -0.3V (807nm under the bias of -0.6V) that the spin coherence times (T-2(1)* and T-2(2)*) and the effective g* factors (vertical bar g*(E-1)vertical bar and vertical bar g*(E-2)vertical bar) all display a sudden change, presumably due to the "resonant" spin exchange coupling between two spin opposite bands. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008.


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A second-harmonic generation (SHG) is predicted for the Bogoliubov excitations in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. It is shown that, because the linear dispersion curve of the excitations displays two branches, the phase-matching condition for the SHG can be fulfilled if the wave vectors and frequencies of fundamental and second-harmonic waves are selected suitably from different branches. The nonlinearly coupled envelope equations for the SHG are derived by using a method of multiple scales. The explicit solutions of these envelope equations are provided and the conversion efficiency of the SHG is also discussed.


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We examine in terms of exact solutions of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, the quantum tunnelling process in Bose-Einstein condensates of two interacting species trapped in a double well configuration. Based on the two series of time-dependent SU(2) gauge transformations, we diagonalize the Hamilton operator and obtain analytic time-evolution formulas of the population imbalance and the berry phase. the particle population imbalance (a(L)(+)aL - a(R)(+)a(R)) of species A between the two wells is studied analytically.