899 resultados para self-image
Abstract Background The presence of traumatic dental injuries and malocclusions can have a negative impact on quality of life of young children and their parents, affecting their oral health and well-being. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of traumatic dental injuries and anterior malocclusion traits on the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of children between 2 and 5 years-old. Methods Parents of 260 children answered the six domains of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) on their perception of the OHRQoL (outcome). Two calibrated dentists assessed the types of traumatic dental injuries (Kappa = 0.9) and the presence of anterior malocclusion traits (Kappa = 1.0). OHRQoL was measured using the ECOHIS. Poisson regression was used to associate the type of traumatic dental injury and the presence of anterior malocclusion traits to the outcome. Results The presence of anterior malocclusion traits did not show a negative impact on the overall OHRQoL mean or in each domain. Only complicated traumatic dental injuries showed a negative impact on the symptoms (p = 0.005), psychological (p = 0.029), self image/social interaction (p = 0.004) and family function (p = 0.018) domains and on the overall OHRQoL mean score (p = 0.002). The presence of complicated traumatic dental injuries showed an increased negative impact on the children's quality of life (RR = 1.89; 95% CI = 1.36, 2.63; p < 0.001). Conclusions Complicated traumatic dental injuries have a negative impact on the OHRQoL of preschool children and their parents, but anterior malocclusion traits do not.
Clowninnen. Portrait einer Berufsgruppe Eine neue Berufsgruppe etabliert sich: Die Clownin! Seit den 1980er Jahren treten vermehrt Frauen als Clownin in die europäische Öffentlichkeit. Sie erobern zunehmend weitere gesellschaftliche Bereiche, treten aus dem Zirkus heraus, hinein in die wirtschaftliche, religiöse, medizinische, pädagogische und soziale Sphäre. Die Erweiterung der Arbeitsfelder beinhaltet differenzierte Aktionsmöglichkeiten für die Clownin und prägt die Beziehung zu den Zuschauern, die vom Einzelkontakt z.B. im Altenheim über Seminargruppen bis hin zu hunderten von Personen bei Bühnenstücken reichen. Die Zugangswege zur Clownsarbeit sind individuell, wobei sich die früher typisch familiäre Bindung in Zirkus- und anderen Künstlerfamilien nicht mehr finden lässt. Das Clown-Sein begreifen die Frauen als einen Prozess, der vor allem durch Persönlichkeitsarbeit und Lebenserfahrung geprägt ist. Bestimmte Aspekte des Clowns erschließen sich erst im und durch das Clownsspiel, wobei immer wieder Grenzen auf persönlicher und gesellschaftlicher Ebene aufgebrochen werden. Kernstück der Studie bilden zehn qualitative Interviews mit Frauen aus Deutschland und der Schweiz, die beruflich als Clownin in unterschiedlichen Arbeitsfeldern tätig sind. Ergänzend beobachtete die Autorin Auftritte in verschiedenen Arbeitsbereichen und führte eine Befragung an 16 Clownsschulen durch. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Ausbildungswege, Arbeitsfelder und Arbeitsweisen dieser neuen Berufsgruppe aus emischer Sicht darzulegen. Vertiefend wird das Selbstverständnis der Clowninnen vorgestellt. Welche Ziele verfolgen die Frauen in ihrer Arbeit und wo sehen sie die Grenzen des Clowns? Welche Bedeutung messen sie der Spiritualität und dem Tod zu? Wie gestaltet sich das Wechselspiel zwischen Privatperson und Clownin? In mehreren Portraits und in vergleichenden Darstellungen finden sich Antworten auf diese Fragen, bei denen die Frauen durch vielfältige Zitate immer wieder selber zu Wort kommen.
Women with vulval neoplasia often experience severe post-surgical complications. This study focuses on symptom experience of women during the first 6 months following surgical treatment for vulval neoplasia considering their socio-cultural context. In this qualitative study using a critical hermeneutic approach, narrative interviews were conducted. A purposeful sample of 20 patients was recruited from one Swiss and two German university hospitals. Content analysis was employed to analyse the transcribed interviews considering women's experiences and social perceptions. Narratives showed eight interrelated themes: delayed diagnosis, disclosed disease, disturbed self-image, changed vulva care, experienced wound-related symptoms, evoked emotions, affected interpersonal interactions and feared illness progression. The women experienced a general lack of information pertaining to above themes and all described strategies used to handle their situation, which affected their distress. The communication, assessment and treatment of symptoms were hampered by the society's and the health system's tendency to overlook these symptoms and leave them in the realm of the unspeakable. Health professionals need new strategies to support these women to recognise, assess and evaluate the seriousness of symptoms, and to communicate their symptom experience so that timely medical treatment is sought. This support may minimise potentially preventable complications and symptom-related distress.
During the last months and years the English expression 'gender' has become a well-known word all over Germany, often with the annex 'mainstreaming'. Gender mainstreaming was initiated as a political strategy by the Women's World Conference in Beijing in 1995 and adopted by the European Union in 1997 (COM(96)76 final). It basically means that all actions and initiatives planned have to be tested as to their effects on women and men and should not be taken if they disadvantage either one. But gender is also a category in the discussion about democratic features. Gender democracy means that males and females should be represented equally in the public, political, cultural, social and economic sphere of a society. On this background, this paper traces the gender issue in the field of organizations in the social sector of Germany, in particular the 'welfare organizations'. In this article, 'welfare organizations' is used as a translation of the German word 'Wohlfahrtsverbände'. The reason for this choice is the endeavor to indicate their difference from for instance English 'charitable associations' or French 'associations sociale et sanitaire', because social organizations in the EU-member states differ considerably in regard to their history, function, self-image , financing, political power etc.. The terms 'social non-governmental organizations' (NGOs) or 'social nonprofit organizations' (NPOs ) are used synonymously.
The unique characteristics of special populations such as pre-school children and Down syndrome kids in crisis and their distorted self-image were never studied before, because of the difficulty of crisis reproduction. This study proposes a VR setting that tries to model some special population's behaviour in the time of crises and offers them a training scenario. The sample population consisted of 30 pre-school children and 20 children with Down syndrome. The VR setting involved a high-speed PC, a VPL EyePhone 1, a MR toolkit, a vibrations plate, a motion capture system and other sensors. The system measured and modelled the typical behaviour of these special populations in a Virtual Earthquake scenario with sight and sound and calculated a VR anthropomorphic model that reproduced their behaviour and emotional state. Afterwards one group received an emotionally enhanced VR self-image as feedback for their training, one group received a plain VR self-image and another group received verbal instructions. The findings strongly suggest that the training was a lot more biased by the emotionally enhanced VR self-image than the other approaches. These findings could highlight the special role of the self-image to therapy and training and the interesting role of imagination to emotions, motives and learning. Further studies could be done with various scenarios in order to measure the best-biased behaviour and establish the most natural and affective VR model. This presentation is going to highlight the main findings and some theories behind them.
INTRODUCTION: Task stressors typically refer to characteristics such as not having enough time or resources, ambiguous demands, or the like. We suggest the perceived lack of legitimacy as an additional feature of tasks as a source of stress. Tasks are “illegitimate” to the extent that it is perceived as improper to expect employees to execute them – not because of difficulties in executing them, but because of their content for a given person, time, and situation; they are illegitimate because a) they are not conforming to a specific occupational role, as in “non-nursing activities” (called unreasonable) or b) there is no legitimate need for them to exist (called unnecessary; Semmer et al., 2007). These features make illegitimate tasks a unique task-related stressor. The concept of illegitimate tasks grew from the “Stress-as-Offense-to-Self” theory (SOS; Semmer et al, 2007); it is conceptually related to role stress (Kahn et al., 1964; Beehr & Glazer, 2005) and the organizational justice tradition (Cropanzano et al., 2001; Greenberg, 2010). SOS argues that a threat to one’s self-image is at the core of many stressful experiences. Violating role expectations, illegitimate tasks can be regarded as a special case of role conflict. As roles shape identities, this violation is postulated to constitute a threat to one’s professional identity. Being assigned a task considered illegitimate is likely to be considered unfair. Lack of fairness, in turn, contains a message about one’s social standing, and thus, the self. However, the aspects discussed have not received much attention in the role stress or the justice/fairness tradition. OBJECTIVE: Illegitimate tasks are a rather recent concept that has to be established as a construct in its own right by showing that it is associated with well-being/strain while controlling for other stressors, most notably role conflict and lack of justice. The aim of the presentation is to present the evidence accumulated so far. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present several studies employing different designs, using different control variables, and testing associations with different criteria. Study 1 demonstrates associations of illegitimate tasks with self-esteem, feelings of resentment against one’s organization, and burnout, controlling for distributive justice, role conflict, and social stressors (i.e. tensions). Study 2 yielded comparable results, using the same outcome variables but controlling for distributive as well as procedural / interactional justice. Study 3 demonstrated associations between illegitimate tasks and feelings of stress, sleeping problems, and emotional exhaustion, controlling for demands, control, and social support among medical doctors. Study 4 showed that feeling appreciated by one’s superior acted as a mediator between illegitimate tasks and job satisfaction and resentments towards the military in Swiss military officers. Study 5 demonstrated an association of illegitimate tasks with counterproductive work behavior (Semmer et al. 2010). Studies 1 to 5 were cross-sectional. In Study 6, illegitimate demands predicted irritability and resentments towards one’s organization longitudinally. Study 7 also was longitudinal, focusing on intra-individual variation in multilevel modeling; occasion-specific illegitimate tasks predicted cortisol among those who judged their health as comparatively poor. Studies 1-3 and 6 used SEM, and measurement models that used unreasonable and unnecessary tasks as indicators (isolated parceling) yielded a good fit. IMPLICATIONS & CONCLUSIONS: These studies demonstrate that illegitimate tasks are a stressor in its own right that is worth studying. It illuminates the social meaning of job design, emphasizing the implications of tasks for the (professional) self, and thus combining aspects that are traditionally treated as separate, that is, social aspects and task characteristics. Practical implications are that supervisors and managers should be alerted to the social messages that may be contained in task assignments (cf. Semmer & Beehr, in press).
Seit der Öffnung des Landes in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewegte sich Japan rasant auf dem Weg zur industrialisierten Weltmacht. Das dort seit den 1890er Jahren durch Mori Ogai aus Europa ›eingeführte‹ romantische Syndrom jedoch verzauberte insbesondere die jungen Intellektuellen und trieb sie zur Suche nach der japanischen kulturellen Identität an. Ziel war es, nach innen die gesamte Bevölkerung zu integrieren und nach außen das Land vom »Westen« unterscheidbar zu machen – und zwar paradoxerweise im Geist der europäischen Romantik. Takemitsu Morikawa geht diesen bemerkenswerten Entwicklungen auf den Grund und zeichnet die Entstehung und die Kanonisierung des vermeintlichen Selbstbildes des modernen Japan nach.
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito abordar los Diarios de mi vida de Rufino Blanco Fombona a través de un análisis de las diferentes imágenes que de sí da el diarista a lo largo del diario a partir de dos vertientes: su autofiguración artística y mundana y su autofiguración política. Al mismo tiempo, busca realizar un acercamiento a aquellos momentos de quiebre en los que la intimidad se manifiesta, corroyendo y desestabilizando esas imágenes y la propia escritura.
This is a report on data raised through research, which has already finished, about Identification references in adolescents . Objetives : To analyze and reflect upon the collected data, adolescents' representations about the work field and their projects for future work. To conceptualize about the crises of social significances which produce and order sense and, therefore, organize our perceptions of work through social discourses and practices which have an impact on the subjectivity of adolescents and young adults. Methodology: Brief presentation of the concepts which frame the qualitative research in this area. Reading and analysis of fragments from adolescents' accounts, obtained in focal groups at different state secondary schools. Conclusions: The adolescents researched portray a self-image full of uncertainty and skepticism as regards their future possibilities. The impact produced by the fall of work as an ideal of doing and being is made evident in their accounts. Only some of them link their future project with an invested and valuable activity, even if this is not associated with economic safety and wellbeing. Others present themselves as incapable to modify the state of things, which offers a field connected with consumerist values and with the idea that "you are worth what you have (in material things)".
This is a report on data raised through research, which has already finished, about Identification references in adolescents . Objetives : To analyze and reflect upon the collected data, adolescents' representations about the work field and their projects for future work. To conceptualize about the crises of social significances which produce and order sense and, therefore, organize our perceptions of work through social discourses and practices which have an impact on the subjectivity of adolescents and young adults. Methodology: Brief presentation of the concepts which frame the qualitative research in this area. Reading and analysis of fragments from adolescents' accounts, obtained in focal groups at different state secondary schools. Conclusions: The adolescents researched portray a self-image full of uncertainty and skepticism as regards their future possibilities. The impact produced by the fall of work as an ideal of doing and being is made evident in their accounts. Only some of them link their future project with an invested and valuable activity, even if this is not associated with economic safety and wellbeing. Others present themselves as incapable to modify the state of things, which offers a field connected with consumerist values and with the idea that "you are worth what you have (in material things)".
This is a report on data raised through research, which has already finished, about Identification references in adolescents . Objetives : To analyze and reflect upon the collected data, adolescents' representations about the work field and their projects for future work. To conceptualize about the crises of social significances which produce and order sense and, therefore, organize our perceptions of work through social discourses and practices which have an impact on the subjectivity of adolescents and young adults. Methodology: Brief presentation of the concepts which frame the qualitative research in this area. Reading and analysis of fragments from adolescents' accounts, obtained in focal groups at different state secondary schools. Conclusions: The adolescents researched portray a self-image full of uncertainty and skepticism as regards their future possibilities. The impact produced by the fall of work as an ideal of doing and being is made evident in their accounts. Only some of them link their future project with an invested and valuable activity, even if this is not associated with economic safety and wellbeing. Others present themselves as incapable to modify the state of things, which offers a field connected with consumerist values and with the idea that "you are worth what you have (in material things)".
Fashion is one of the most vibrant sectors in Europe and important contributors to the European Union (EU) economy. In particular, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major part in European fashion industry (EU 2012). Just like fashion, where people¿s style has inherently meant to be shared as it is foremost a representation of one¿s self-image, social media allow the reflection of ones' personality and emotions. Although fashion practitioners have embraced social media in their marketing activities, it is still relatively few known at an academic level about the specificities of fashion industry when approaching social media marketing (SMM) strategies. This study sets out to explore fashion companies' SMM strategy and its activities. From an exploratory approach, we present case studies of two Spanish SME fashion companies, anonymously named hereafter as Company A and Company B, to deepen our understanding on how fashion brands implement their SMM strategy. Company A offers high-end fashion products while Company B produces medium fashion products. We analyzed the case studies using qualitative (interviews to companies' executives) and a mix of qualitative and quantitative (content analysis of companies' social media platform) methods. Public posts data of both companies' Facebook brand pages were used to perform the content analysis. Our findings through case studies of the two companies reveal that branding-oriented strategic objectives are the main drivers of their SMM implementations. There are significant differences between both companies. The main strategic action employed by Company A is engaging customers to participate into brand's offline social gathering events by inviting them through social media platform, while Company B focuses its effort on posting product promotion related contents and engaging influencers such as fashion bloggers. Our results are expected to serve as a basis of further investigations on how SMM strategy and strategic actions implemented by fashion brands may influence marketing outcomes.
A presente pesquisa propõe-se a estudar possíveis relações entre idade, tempo de serviço como clérigo ou clériga na Igreja Metodista e auto-imagem destes últimos acerca de altruísmo. O tema do altruísmo é abordado a partir da filosofia, da psicanálise, dos estudos evolucionistas e da psicologia cognitiva do desenvolvimento moral. Examina as críticas e contribuições que a psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan deu aos debates sobre altruísmo, bem como as possíveis relações com o tema proporcionadas pelas investigações de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg sobre a elaboração de juízos éticos pelas pessoas. Analisa a imagem que pastores(as) metodistas no Brasil têm ou apresentam acerca de si mesmos(as), no tocante a ações visando ao bem-estar de outros seres humanos, levando-se em conta suas respostas e justificativas ao questionário apresentado, no qual aparecem situações hipotéticas em que o altruísmo é requerido. Os resultados evidenciam que clérigos(as) mais idosos possuem uma auto-imagem mais positiva do que a apresentada pelos mais jovens, no tocante ao altruísmo.(AU)
A presente pesquisa propõe-se a estudar possíveis relações entre idade, tempo de serviço como clérigo ou clériga na Igreja Metodista e auto-imagem destes últimos acerca de altruísmo. O tema do altruísmo é abordado a partir da filosofia, da psicanálise, dos estudos evolucionistas e da psicologia cognitiva do desenvolvimento moral. Examina as críticas e contribuições que a psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan deu aos debates sobre altruísmo, bem como as possíveis relações com o tema proporcionadas pelas investigações de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg sobre a elaboração de juízos éticos pelas pessoas. Analisa a imagem que pastores(as) metodistas no Brasil têm ou apresentam acerca de si mesmos(as), no tocante a ações visando ao bem-estar de outros seres humanos, levando-se em conta suas respostas e justificativas ao questionário apresentado, no qual aparecem situações hipotéticas em que o altruísmo é requerido. Os resultados evidenciam que clérigos(as) mais idosos possuem uma auto-imagem mais positiva do que a apresentada pelos mais jovens, no tocante ao altruísmo.(AU)
O desenvolvimento de competências profissionais em processos de ensino-aprendizagem insere a simulação na perspectiva tecnológica realística de situações clínicas para atingir objetivos educacionais, visando segurança e qualidade. A ação competente operacionaliza saberes pela combinação de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. A competência avaliação de risco para úlcera por pressão é privativa do enfermeiro, o agravo é indicador de qualidade e segurança do paciente. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem ante a estratégia de simulação clínica, visando o desenvolvimento da competência profissional avaliação de risco para úlceras por pressão e seus respectivos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. Fundamentou-se, teoricamente, o estudo, nos preceitos da andragogia, no modelo de Simulação da National League for Nursing/Jeffries, nas concepções de competências de Le Boterf e recomendações para prevenção de úlcera por pressão do NPUAP/ EPUAP. Trata-se de estudo descritivo com análise quanti e qualitativa, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Simulação da Universidade Federal do Piauí, em Teresina, com estudantes de enfermagem do último ano do curso. Constou de três etapas: construção e validação de conteúdo do instrumento para conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes da competência, elaboração do plano de aula e sequência didática do cenário de simulação, aplicação de pré/pós-teste sobre o componente \"conhecimento\", aula expositiva, execução do cenário de simulação pelos estudantes, avaliação dos cenários pelo comitê de juízes e debriefing por grupo focal, após o cenário. Verificou-se confiabilidade do construto e do instrumento de medida da competência com concordância predominando de 80 a 100% de pertinência. O instrumento constou de 32 itens: conhecimento (14), habilidades (8) e atitudes (10), com escala de resposta de cinco pontos, de nada (1) a extremamente (5). Inicialmente o estudo contou com 35 estudantes. Desses, 29 (82,8%) participaram da simulação. Predominou o sexo feminino 22 (76%), faixa etária de 21 a 24 anos, 24 (82,7%) e procedentes de Universidades Públicas do Estado do Piauí (83%). Os resultados mostraram melhores níveis de combinação de saberes para o componente conhecimentos, após a aplicação das estratégias de ensino autorreferidos pelos estudantes. Na avaliação dos conhecimentos, habilidade e atitudes, durante o cenário, houve discordância entre os juízes: para o juiz 1 predominaram parâmetros negativos da escala (nada e muito pouco) e para o juiz 2 e 3 os positivos (bastante e extremamente). As comparações pelo teste de variância ANOVA mostraram diferenças significativas entre juiz 1 e 2 (p-valor = < 0,01) e juiz 1 e 3 (p-valor=<0,01) para todos os componentes. A análise dos dados obtidos, durante o debriefing, originou cinco categorias com suas respectivas unidades de registro temáticas pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Os resultados sugerem que a estratégia é capaz de resgatar o raciocínio operativo dos estudantes durante a ação, desenvolver pensamento crítico-reflexivo sobre a competência, identificar lacunas de aprendizagem, promover satisfação aos estudantes e melhorar a autoimagem profissional. Conclui-se que a estratégia possibilita o desenvolvimento da competência avaliação de risco para úlcera por pressão nas dimensões de saberes (conhecimento), fazeres (habilidades) e querer-agir, saber-agir e poder-agir (atitudes), explorados neste estudo.