982 resultados para saturation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We study proton - anti-proton cross sections in the framework of an updated minijet eikonal model. We propose a different scheme for fixing the parameters, in which we make use of the measured minijet cross section. We compare the results obtained with the GRV98, MRST98, CTEQ6-L and KLN gluon distributions. The latter includes gluon saturation effects. We conclude that in the very high energy regime the use of the KLN distribution improves significantly the behavior of the cross sections. However this improvement is due to the shape of the KLN gluon density and has little to do with saturation effects.


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There have been few studies on the mutations that cause heterozygous beta-thalassemia and how they affect the iron profile. One hundred and thirty-eight individuals were analyzed, 90 thalasemic β0 and 48 thalasemic β+, identified by classical and molecular methods. Mutations in the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene, detected using PCR-RFLP, were found in 30.4% of these beta-thalassemic patients; heterozygosity for H63D (20.3%) was the most frequent. Ferritin levels and transferrin saturation were similar in beta-thalassemics with and without mutations in the HFE gene. Ferritin concentrations were significantly higher in men and in individuals over 40 years of age. Transferrin saturation also was significantly higher in men, but only in those without HFE gene mutations. There was no significant difference in the iron profile among the β0 and β+ thalassemics, with and without HFE gene mutations. The frequency of ferritin values above 200 ng/mL in women and 300 ng/mL in men was also similar in β0 and β+ thalassemics (P > 0.72). Our conclusion is that ferritin levels are variable in the beta-thalassemia, trait regardless of the type of beta-globin mutation. Furthermore, HFE gene polymorphisms do not change the iron profile in these individuals. ©FUNPEC-RP www.funpecrp.com.br.


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Background: Early trauma care is dependent on subjective assessments and sporadic vital sign assessments. We hypothesized that near-infrared spectroscopy-measured cerebral oxygenation (regional oxygen saturation [rSO 2]) would provide a tool to detect cardiovascular compromise during active hemorrhage. We compared rSO 2 with invasively measured mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output, heart rate, and calculated pulse pressure. Methods: Six propofol-anesthetized instrumented swine were subjected to a fixed-rate hemorrhage until cardiovascular collapse. rSO 2 was monitored with noninvasively measured cerebral oximetry; SvO2 was measured with a fiber optic pulmonary arterial catheter. As an assessment of the time responsiveness of each variable, we recorded minutes from start of the hemorrhage for each variable achieving a 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% change compared with baseline. Results: Mean time to cardiovascular collapse was 35 minutes ± 11 minutes (54 ± 17% total blood volume). Cerebral rSO 2 began a steady decline at an average MAP of 78 mm Hg ± 17 mm Hg, well above the expected autoregulatory threshold of cerebral blood flow. The 5%, 10%, and 15% decreases in rSO 2 during hemorrhage occurred at a similar times to SvO2, but rSO 2 lagged 6 minutes behind the equivalent percentage decreases in MAP. There was a higher correlation between rSO 2 versus MAP (R =0.72) than SvO2 versus MAP (R =0.55). Conclusions: Near-infrared spectroscopy- measured rSO 2 provided reproducible decreases during hemorrhage that were similar in time course to invasively measured cardiac output and SvO2 but delayed 5 to 9 minutes compared with MAP and pulse pressure. rSO 2 may provide an earlier warning of worsening hemorrhagic shock for prompt interventions in patients with trauma when continuous arterial BP measurements are unavailable. © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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The surface free energy of conditioned-dentin is one of the factors that interfere with monomeric infiltration of the interfibrillar spaces. Saturation of the tooth matrix with different substances may modulate this energy and, consequently, the wettability of the dentin. To evaluate the influence of different substances used to saturate conditioned-dentin on surface free energy (SFE) of this substrate. Dentin blocks (4 × 7 × 1 mm, n = 6/ group), obtained from the roots of bovine incisors, were etched using phosphoric acid for 15 seconds, rinsed and gently dried. The surfaces were treated for 60 seconds with: ultra-purified water (H20-control); ethanol (EtOH), acetone (ACT), chlorhexidine (CHX), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); or sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). The tooth surfaces were once again dried with absorbent paper and prepared for SFE evaluation using three standards: water, formamide and bromonaphthalene. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Dunnet's tests (a = 0.05) were applied to the data. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was the only substance that caused a change to the contact angle for the standards water and formamide, while only EtOH influenced the angles formed between formamide and the dentin surface. None of the substances exerted a significant effect for bromonaphtha-lene. In comparison to the control, only EDTA and NaOCl altered both polar components of the SFE. Total SFE was increased by saturation of the collagen matrix by EDTA and reduced when NaOCl was used. Saturation of the collagen matrix by EDTA and EtOH changed the surface free energy of the dentin. In addition, the use of NaOCl negatively interfered with the properties evaluated. The increase of surface free energy and wettability of the dentin surface would allow higher penetration of the the adhesive system, which would be of importance to the clinical success of resin-dentin union.


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OBJECTIVES: Hemodynamic support is aimed at providing adequate O-2 delivery to the tissues; most interventions target O-2 delivery increase. Mixed venous O-2 saturation is a frequently used parameter to evaluate the adequacy of O-2 delivery. METHODS: We describe a mathematical model to compare the effects of increasing O-2 delivery on venous oxygen saturation through increases in the inspired O-2 fraction versus increases in cardiac output. The model was created based on the lungs, which were divided into shunted and non-shunted areas, and on seven peripheral compartments, each with normal values of perfusion, optimal oxygen consumption, and critical O-2 extraction rate. O-2 delivery was increased by changing the inspired fraction of oxygen from 0.21 to 1.0 in steps of 0.1 under conditions of low (2.0 L.min(-1)) or normal (6.5 L.min(-1)) cardiac output. The same O-2 delivery values were also obtained by maintaining a fixed O-2 inspired fraction value of 0.21 while changing cardiac output. RESULTS: Venous oxygen saturation was higher when produced through increases in inspired O-2 fraction versus increases in cardiac output, even at the same O-2 delivery and consumption values. Specifically, at high inspired O-2 fractions, the measured O-2 saturation values failed to detect conditions of low oxygen supply. CONCLUSIONS: The mode of O-2 delivery optimization, specifically increases in the fraction of inspired oxygen versus increases in cardiac output, can compromise the capability of the "venous O-2 saturation" parameter to measure the adequacy of oxygen supply. Consequently, venous saturation at high inspired O-2 fractions should be interpreted with caution.


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This paper proposes a model that adequately describes the operation of the transformer at deep saturation, suitable for power-electronics applications, and a method for determining its parameters. Simulation and experimental results are presented to confirm the validity of the model and the method.


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Nell'ambito della Fisica Medica, le simulazioni Monte Carlo sono uno strumento sempre più diffuso grazie alla potenza di calcolo dei moderni calcolatori, sia nell'ambito diagnostico sia in terapia. Attualmente sono disponibili numerosi pacchetti di simulazione Monte Carlo di carattere "general purpose", tra cui Geant4. Questo lavoro di tesi, svolto presso il Servizio di Fisica Sanitaria del Policlinico "S.Orsola-Malpighi", è basato sulla realizzazione, utilizzando Geant4, di un modello Monte Carlo del target del ciclotrone GE-PETtrace per la produzione di C-11. Nel modello sono stati simulati i principali elementi caratterizzanti il target ed il fascio di protoni accelerato dal ciclotrone. Per la validazione del modello sono stati valutati diversi parametri fisici, tra i quali il range medio dei protoni nell'azoto ad alta pressione e la posizione del picco di Bragg, confrontando i risultati con quelli forniti da SRIM. La resa a saturazione relativa alla produzione di C-11 è stata confrontata sia con i valori forniti dal database della IAEA sia con i dati sperimentali a nostra disposizione. Il modello è stato anche utilizzato per la stima di alcuni parametri di interesse, legati, in particolare, al deterioramento dell'efficienza del target nel corso del tempo. L'inclinazione del target, rispetto alla direzione del fascio di protoni accelerati, è influenzata dal peso del corpo del target stesso e dalla posizione in cui questo é fissato al ciclotrone. Per questo sono stati misurati sia il calo della resa della produzione di C-11, sia la percentuale di energia depositata dal fascio sulla superficie interna del target durante l'irraggiamento, al variare dell'angolo di inclinazione del target. Il modello che abbiamo sviluppato rappresenta, dunque, un importante strumento per la valutazione dei processi che avvengono durante l'irraggiamento, per la stima delle performance del target nel corso del tempo e per lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli di target.


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The study of inorganic carbon chemistry of the coastal ocean is conducted in the Gulf of Cádiz (GoC). Here we describe observations obtained during 4 sampling cruises in March, June, September and November 2015. The primary data set consists of state-of-the-art measurements of the keystone parameters of the marine CO2 system: Total Alkalinity (TA), pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). We have then calculated aragonite and calcite saturation state. The distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters in the north eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz showed temporal and spatial variability. River input, mixing, primary production, respiration and remineralization were factors that controlled such distributions. Data related to carbonate saturation of calcite and aragonite reveal the occurrence of a supersaturated water; in any case, both species increased with distance and decreased with depth. The carbon system parameters present a different behaviour close to the coast to offshore ad at deeper water. In this area six water masses are clearly identified by their different chemical properties: Surface Atlantic Water, North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) and Mediterranean Water (MOW). Moreover, with this work the measurement of calcium in seawater is optimize, allowing a better quantification for future work of the saturation state of CaCO3.


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Background The goal when resuscitating trauma patients is to achieve adequate tissue perfusion. One parameter of tissue perfusion is tissue oxygen saturation (StO2), as measured by near infrared spectroscopy. Using a commercially available device, we investigated whether clinically relevant blood loss of 500 ml in healthy volunteers can be detected by changes in StO2 after a standardized ischemic event. Methods We performed occlusion of the brachial artery for 3 minutes in 20 healthy female blood donors before and after blood donation. StO2 and total oxygenated tissue hemoglobin (O2Hb) were measured continuously at the thenar eminence. 10 healthy volunteers were assessed in the same way, to examine whether repeated vascular occlusion without blood donation exhibits time dependent effects. Results Blood donation caused a substantial decrease in systolic blood pressure, but did not affect resting StO2 and O2Hb values. No changes were measured in the blood donor group in the reaction to the vascular occlusion test, but in the control group there was an increase in the O2Hb rate of recovery during the reperfusion phase. Conclusion StO2 measured at the thenar eminence seems to be insensitive to blood loss of 500 ml in this setting. Probably blood loss greater than this might lead to detectable changes guiding the treating physician. The exact cut off for detectable changes and the time effect on repeated vascular occlusion tests should be explored further. Until now no such data exist.


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Arts speech therapy (AST) is a therapeutic method within complementary medicine and has been practiced for decades for various medical conditions. It comprises listening and the recitation of different forms of speech exercises under the guidance of a licensed speech therapist. The aim of our study was to noninvasively investigate whether different types of recitation influence hemodynamics and oxygenation in the brain and skeletal leg muscle using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Seventeen healthy volunteers (eight men and nine women, mean age ± standard deviation 35.6 ± 12.7 years) were enrolled in the study. Each subject was measured three times on different days with the different types of recitation: hexameter, alliteration, and prose verse. Before, during, and after recitation, relative concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin (Δ[O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin (Δ[HHb]), total hemoglobin (Δ[tHb]), and tissue oxygenation saturation (StO2) were measured in the brain and skeletal leg muscle using a NIRS device. The study was performed with a randomized crossover design. Significant concentration changes were found during recitation of all verses, with mainly a decrease in Δ[O2Hb] and ΔStO2 in the brain, and an increase in Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[tHb] in the leg muscle during recitation. After the recitations, significant changes were mainly increases of Δ[HHb] and Δ[tHb] in the calf muscle. The Mayer wave spectral power (MWP) was also significantly affected, i.e., mainly the MWP of the Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[tHb] increased in the brain during recitation of hexameter and prose verse. The changes in MWP were also significantly different between hexameter and alliteration, and hexameter and prose. Possible physiological explanations for these changes are discussed. A probable reason is a different effect of recitations on the sympathetic nervous system. In conclusion, these changes show that AST has relevant effects on the hemodynamics and oxygenation of the brain and muscle.