839 resultados para residential building industry


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O aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida revela ser uma alternativa eficaz e promissora na indústria da construção civil, na utilização deste resíduo em muros de suporte. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a apresentação de uma técnica de aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida na execução de muros de gravidade, combinando solo e pneus. Neste sentido, tomou-se como referência um estudo realizado no Brasil por Sieira, Sayão, Medeiros e Gerscovich, para avaliar a eficiência e o custo deste tipo de estruturas, comparando-o com um muro de suporte tradicional de betão simples. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a segurança do muro de solo-pneus, de acordo com a metodologia proposta no Eurocódigo 7 (NP EN 1997-1, 2010), considerando a geometria e as características dos materiais apresentados no estudo referido e usando o programa de cálculo automático Slide, da Rocscience, para a verificação da estabilidade global. Reproduziu-se a análise numérica realizada no âmbito do caso de estudo brasileiro de referência, recorrendo também a uma formulação por elementos finitos com o programa de cálculo automático Phase2, da Rocscience. Por último, utilizando uma vez mais o programa Slide, definiu-se a geometria de um muro de betão simples cuja geometria garantisse o mesmo valor do fator de segurança à estabilidade global, obtido com o muro de solo-pneus e compararam-se os custos respetivos. O presente trabalho confirmou a eficiência e o baixo custo desta solução construtiva, sendo necessários, no entanto, estudos mais detalhados que reforcem estas conclusões.


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia na Área de Especializção em Edificações


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal relacionar a aplicação do Regulamento de desempenho energético dos edifícios de habitação com o conceito de habitação com necessidades quase nulas de energia. O trabalho começa por fazer uma comparação entre a metodologia geral do regulamento que vigora de momento e o seu predecessor de modo a perceber as alterações teóricas que estão subjacentes durante o processo de adaptação. É feito um estudo sobre os edifícios com necessidades quase nulas de energia e de várias estratégias passivas de serem utilizadas em edifícios capazes de conduzir à obtenção deste título. Por fim, realizou-se a aplicação do regulamento em vigor a um caso real e um estudo sobre efeito do aumento da área dos envidraçados tendo em conta a sua orientação, com o objetivo de aumentar a eficiência energética.


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Com a melhoria das condições de vida verificada nas últimas décadas em Portugal e no mundo, tem-se assistido a um importante desenvolvimento dos atributos funcionais dos edifícios, onde o conforto térmico assume um papel importante, é nesse sentido que a presente dissertação aborda a área do Desempenho Térmico de Edifícios, mais precisamente os do sector residencial. Esta dissertação dividiu-se em três grandes partes: inicialmente é feito um enquadramento teórico do tema, em seguida faz-se a apresentação das metodologias de cálculo e, por último, a apresentação do caso de estudo e análise dos resultados. Procura-se analisar a situação energética no sector residencial, dando particular ênfase às causas e medidas correctivas a aplicar para evitar o aumento do consumo de energia. Também são abordadas as metodologias presentes na Legislação Portuguesa em vigor, e nas novas propostas que espera-se que entrem em vigor a 1 de Dezembro de 2013. Sendo que o principal objectivo desta dissertação é o estudo da nova proposta legislativa e apresentar um documento que procure efectuar uma comparação detalhada entre o DL 80/2006, de 4 de Abril e o DL 118/20013, de 20 de Agosto e sobretudo referir quais as implicações ao nível das soluções construtivas adoptadas e da certificação energética. Após esta analise, é apresentado um caso de estudo que consiste num edifício de habitação unifamiliar que será alvo da aplicação destes dois documentos. Por último é apresentada uma análise dos resultados comparando a classe energética conseguida pelo edifício através das duas metodologias de cálculo.


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Meeting the demand for independent living from the increasing number of older people presents a major challenge for society, government and the building industry. Older people's experience of disabling conditions can be affected by the design and layout of their accommodation. Adaptations and assistive technology (AT) are a major way of addressing this gap between functional capacity and the built environment. The degree of adaptability and the differences in the average cost of adaptation of different types of property are large and there is major variation within property type. Based on a series of user profiles, it was found that a comprehensive package of adaptations and AT is likely to result in significant economies arising from a reduction in the need for formal care services. This finding is sensitive to assumptions about how long an individual would use the adaptations and AT, as well as to the input of informal care and the nature of their accommodation. The present study, which focused on social housing, has implications for how practitioners specify ways of meeting individual needs as well as providing a case to support the substantial increase in demand for specialist adaptation work.


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The Lifetime Homes (LTH) concept initiated in 1989 by the Helen Hamlyn Trust, and subsequently promoted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, emerged at a point when there was growing awareness of the decline of both private and public sector housing quality, especially in relation to floorspace standards (Karn & Sheridan, 1994). LTH were intended to offset the concerns of first, the house buying public of the appearance and affordability of homes suitable for successive generations, second, the private house building industry of the cost and marketability of incorporating 'inclusive' design features, and third, Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), who had to balance cost constraints with addressing the needs of a growing number of households with older and/or disabled people. Approved Document Part M of the building regulations was extended in 1999, from public buildings to private dwellings, and currently requires that all new housing meet minimal 'visitability' criteria. Indeed, although the signs are that Part M will be incrementally extended to comprise LTH principles, the paper argues that in their existing form they are insufficient to act as a key component of the government's 'new agenda for British housing'. This paper therefore explores how they might usefully be expanded from an approach, largely based on compromise, to one that inspires innovative, flexible and inclusive house forms, which also challenge design conventions.


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Mirror lightpipes are useful for providing healthy and energy-efficient daylight into buildings where windows and skylights are unsuitable, insufficient or generate too much heat gain. The lightpipes have been installed in dozens of buildings in the UK. Field monitoring has been carried out to assess their performance in four different buildings: the headquaters of a major insurance company, a health clinic, a residential building and a college dining hall In those cases where lighipipes with moderate aspect ratios were installed, good illuminance of up to 450 lux has been obtained with internal/external illuminance ratios around 1%. When long and narrow lightpipes with many bends are used, however, the ratio reduced to around 0.1%. These results showed that lightpipes can be effective daylighting devices provided that excessive aspect ratios and numbers of bends are avoided. Lightpipes with larger diameters should be used whenever possible. The lightpipes often improved signiScantly the visual quality af the interior environment, and high user satisfaction was found even in buildings where a relatively low level of daylight was admitted through the lightpipes


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We present projections of winter storm-induced insured losses in the German residential building sector for the 21st century. With this aim, two structurally most independent downscaling methods and one hybrid downscaling method are applied to a 3-member ensemble of ECHAM5/MPI-OM1 A1B scenario simulations. One method uses dynamical downscaling of intense winter storm events in the global model, and a transfer function to relate regional wind speeds to losses. The second method is based on a reshuffling of present day weather situations and sequences taking into account the change of their frequencies according to the linear temperature trends of the global runs. The third method uses statistical-dynamical downscaling, considering frequency changes of the occurrence of storm-prone weather patterns, and translation into loss by using empirical statistical distributions. The A1B scenario ensemble was downscaled by all three methods until 2070, and by the (statistical-) dynamical methods until 2100. Furthermore, all methods assume a constant statistical relationship between meteorology and insured losses and no developments other than climate change, such as in constructions or claims management. The study utilizes data provided by the German Insurance Association encompassing 24 years and with district-scale resolution. Compared to 1971–2000, the downscaling methods indicate an increase of 10-year return values (i.e. loss ratios per return period) of 6–35 % for 2011–2040, of 20–30 % for 2041–2070, and of 40–55 % for 2071–2100, respectively. Convolving various sources of uncertainty in one confidence statement (data-, loss model-, storm realization-, and Pareto fit-uncertainty), the return-level confidence interval for a return period of 15 years expands by more than a factor of two. Finally, we suggest how practitioners can deal with alternative scenarios or possible natural excursions of observed losses.


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The UK house building sector is facing dual pressures to expand supply, along with delivering against tougher Building Regulations’ requirements, predominantly in the areas of sustainability. A review of current literature has highlighted that the pressures the UK house building industry is currently under may be having a negative impact on build quality, causing an increase in defects. A review and synthesis of the current defect literature with respect to new-build housing and the wider construction sector has found that the prevailing emphasis is limited to the classification, causes, pathology and statistical analysis of defects. There is thus a need to better understand the overall impact of individual defects on key stakeholders within the new-build housing defect detection and remediation process. As part of ongoing research to develop and verify a defect impact assessment rating system, this paper seeks to contribute to our understanding of the impact of individual defects from a key stakeholder perspective by undertaking the literature review and synthesis phase. The literature review identifies the three distinct, but interrelated, dominant impact factors: cost, disruption, and health and safety. By pulling the strands of defect literature together the theoretical lens and key stakeholder sampling strategy is formed as the basis for the subsequent impact weighting development phase.


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House builders play a key role in controlling the quality of new homes in the UK. The UK house building sector is, however, currently facing pressures to expand supply as well as conform to tougher low carbon planning and Building Regulation requirements; primarily in the areas of sustainability. There is growing evidence that the pressure the UK house building industry is currently under may be eroding build quality and causing an increase in defects. It is found that the prevailing defect literature is limited to the causes, pathology and statistical analysis of defects (and failures). The literature does not extend to examine how house builders individually and collectively, in practice, collect and learn from defects experience in order to reduce the prevalence of defects in future homes. The theoretical lens for the research is organisational learning. This paper contributes to our understanding of organisational learning in construction through a synthesis of current literature. Further, a suitable organisational learning model is adopted. The paper concludes by reporting the research design of an ongoing collaborative action research project with the National House Building Council (NHBC), focused on developing a better understanding of house builders’ localised defects analysis procedures and learning processes.


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Housebuilding firms vary across the world in size and in the scope of their activities. This variety may seem surprising in an industry with open technologies and ease of entry. While market and technological factors may go some way to explain such differences, much of the causes of variation lie in dissimilarities in regulatory and institutional frameworks. These themes are explored through a comparative analysis of the structure of the residential development industry in Australia, the UK and the USA and in analysis of firm size hierarchies. The firm concentration ratio is much higher in the UK than the other two countries and the reasons may lie in the geography of the country but also in the peculiarities of its planning system.


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Within the framework of the REBUS project the German building industry has been investigated regarding their energy concepts. The intention was to evaluatethe establishment of renewable energy sources on the German market for new built houses and prefab houses in particular. For this purpose the products of 85manufacturers of prefab houses have been analyzed. Of special interest was the applicationof heating and hot water systems driven by solar energy and biomass. The results show that both techniques are well accepted and established. Almost 90% of themanufacturers offer solar systems on request and almost 70% heating systems based on Pellets. 24% offered solar and 7% as standard options in their range. From theachieved figures the potential of the Swedish market can be worked out. Strategies to introduce renewable energy to a greater extent to Swedish house manufacturers and builders might also be found.


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The use of roll-formed products in automotive, furniture, buildings etc. increases every year due to the low part-production cost and the complicated cross-sections that can be produced. The limitation with roll-forming until recent years is that one could only produce profiles with a constant cross-section in the longitudinal direction. About eight years ago ORTIC AB [1] developed a machine in which it was possible to produce profiles with a variable width (“3D roll-forming”) for the building industry. Experimental equipment was recently built for research and prototyping of profiles with variable cross-section in both width and depth for the automotive industry. The objective with the current study is to investigate the new tooling concept that makes it possible to roll-form hat-profiles, made of ultra high strength steel, with variable cross-section in depth and width. The result shows that it is possible to produce 3D roll-formed profiles with close tolerances.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de programação e controle da construção repetitiva denominada Linha de Balanço. E uma técnica, surgida na indústria fabril, onde a produção em série e em grande escala exige a organização dos métodos de produção e a racionalização do trabalho. O estudo, inicialmente, modela o trabalho de construção de unidades repetitivas, salientando os problemas de organização e administração destes empreendimentos. Num segundo momento, são apresentados os princípios teóricos da técnica com aplicações práticas da programação. Por fim, é analisada a metodologia usual de construção de conjuntos habitacionais através de um estudo de caso e, observadas as condições de aplicação da técnica da Linha de Balanço, não exigindo mudificações muito profundas na atual ação gerencial neste tipo de obra. As conclusões esboçadas confirmam as vantagens da técnica da Linha de Balanço para estes empreendimentos e propõem a sua utilização na organização do trabalho nos canteiros repetitivos.


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O presente trabalho consiste em uma análise das perdas de materiais na construção de edificações. Inicialmente, são classificados os diferentes tipos de perdas de materiais e apresentados os resultados de pesquisas já realizadas sobre o assunto. São discutidos, também, alguns princípios do gerenciamento das materiais e apresentados conceitos relativos a sistemas de controle. É apresentada a metodologia e os resultados de um estudo realizado em cinco canteiros de obras, situados na cidade de Porto Alegre, no qual foram levantados índices e causas de incidências de perdas de materiais. A pesquisa realizada demonstrou que há consideráveis variações em relação à incidência de perdas para diferentes insumos e de um mesmo insumo para diferentes canteiros. Estes índices são bastante elevados em comparação com os valores apontados pela bibliografia. Este estudo demonstrou, também, que existem oportunidades de redução das perdas de materiais através de melhorias no manuseio e estacagem de materiais e, principalmente, através de aplicação de métodos que possibilitem a identificação e o controle das perdas durante o processo construtivo. Por fim,é apresentado um conjunto de diretrizes para a implementação de um sistema de controle de perdas de materiais para a construcão de edificações