946 resultados para research data management


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This report covers the activity of Coriolis data centre for a one-year period from September 1st 2015 to August 31th 2016.


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The International Seabed Authority (ISA) regulates the activities related with the exploration and exploitation of seabed mineral resources in the Area, which are considered as the "common heritage of mankind" under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.The ISA has also the mandate to ensure the protection of the marine environment.The development of good practices for the annual reporting and data submission by Contractors is crucial for the ISA to comply with the sustainable development of the mineral marine resources. In 2015,the ISA issued a new template for reporting on exploration activities, which includes the definition of the format for all geophysical, geological and environmental data to be collected and analysed during exploration. The availability of reliable data contributes to improve the assessment of the ISA on the activities in the Area while promoting transparency, which is considered as a major principle of industry bestpractices.


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Non-perennial rivers and streams (NPRS) cover >50% of the global river network. They are particularly predominant in Mediterranean Europe as a result of dry climate conditions, climate change and land use development. Historically, both scientists and policy makers underestimated the importance of NRPS for nature and humans alike, mainly because they have been considered as systems of low ecological and economic value. During the past decades, diminishing water resources have increased the spatial and temporal extent of artificial NPRS as well as their exposure to multiple stressors, which threatening their ecological integrity, biodiversity and ecosystem services. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the structural and functional characteristics of NPRS in the European Mediterranean, and discuss gaps and problems in their management, concerning their typology, ecological assessment, legislative and policy protection, and incorporation in River Basin Management Plans. Because NPRS comprise highly unstable ecosystems, with strong and often unpredictable temporal and spatial variability - at least as far as it is possible to assess - we outline the future research needs required to better understand, manage and conserve them as highly valuable and sensitive ecosystems. Efficient collaborative activities among multidisciplinary research groups aiming to create innovative knowledge, water managers and policy makers are urgently needed in order to establish an appropriate methodological and legislative background. The incorporation of NPRS in EU-Med River Basin Management Plans in combination with the application of ecological flows is a first step towards enhancing NPRS management and conservation in order to effectively safeguard these highly valuable albeit threatened ecosystems


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The porpoise of this study was to implement research methodologies and assess the effectiveness and impact of management tools to promote best practices for the long term conservation of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Different methods were included in the project framework to investigate and expand the applicability of these methodologies to free-ranging African wild dogs in the southern African region: ethology, behavioural endocrinology and ecology field methodologies were tested and implemented. Additionally, research was performed to test the effectiveness and implication of a contraceptive implant (Suprenolin) as a management tool for the species of a subpopulation hosted in fenced areas. Attention was especially given to social structure and survival of treated packs. This research provides useful tools and advances the applicability of these methods for field studies, standardizing and improving research instruments in the field of conservation biology and behavioural endocrinology. Results reported here provide effective methodologies to expand the applicability of non-invasive endocrine assessment to previously prohibited fields, and validation of sampling methods for faecal hormone analysis. The final aim was to fill a knowledge gap on behaviours of the species and provide a common ground for future researchers to apply non-invasive methods to this species research and to test the effectiveness of the contraception on a managed metapopulation.


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This dissertation proposes an analysis of the governance of the European scientific research, focusing on the emergence of the Open Science paradigm: a new way of doing science, oriented towards the openness of every phase of the scientific research process, able to take full advantage of the digital ICTs. The emergence of this paradigm is relatively recent, but in the last years it has become increasingly relevant. The European institutions expressed a clear intention to embrace the Open Science paradigm (eg., think about the European Open Science Cloud, EOSC; or the establishment of the Horizon Europe programme). This dissertation provides a conceptual framework for the multiple interventions of the European institutions in the field of Open Science, addressing the major legal challenges of its implementation. The study investigates the notion of Open Science, proposing a definition that takes into account all its dimensions related to the human and fundamental rights framework in which Open Science is grounded. The inquiry addresses the legal challenges related to the openness of research data, in light of the European Open Data framework and the impact of the GDPR on the context of Open Science. The last part of the study is devoted to the infrastructural dimension of the Open Science paradigm, exploring the e-infrastructures. The focus is on a specific type of computational infrastructure: the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility. The adoption of HPC for research is analysed from the European perspective, investigating the EuroHPC project, and the local perspective, proposing the case study of the HPC facility of the University of Luxembourg, the ULHPC. This dissertation intends to underline the relevance of the legal coordination approach, between all actors and phases of the process, in order to develop and implement the Open Science paradigm, adhering to the underlying human and fundamental rights.


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Under the brand name “sciebo – the Campuscloud” (derived from “science box”) a consortium of more than 20 research and applied science universities started a large scale cloud service for about 500,000 students and researchers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state. Starting with the much anticipated data privacy compliant sync & share functionality, sciebo offers the potential to become a more general cloud platform for collaboration and research data management which will be actively pursued in upcoming scientific and infrastructural projects. This project report describes the formation of the venture, its targets and the technical and the legal solution as well as the current status and the next steps.


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In order to become better prepared to support Research Data Management (RDM) practices in sciences and engineering, Queen’s University Library, together with the University Research Services, conducted a research study of all ranks of faculty members, as well as postdoctoral fellows and graduate students at the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, Departments of Chemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy, School of Environmental Studies, and Geography & Planning in the Faculty of Arts and Science.


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This research was funded by the Chief Scientists Office, Scotland (CZH/4/659).


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In order to become better prepared to support Research Data Management (RDM) practices in sciences and engineering, Queen’s University Library, together with the University Research Services, conducted a research study of all ranks of faculty members, as well as postdoctoral fellows and graduate students at the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, Departments of Chemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy, School of Environmental Studies, and Geography & Planning in the Faculty of Arts and Science.


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Im Kontext des Projekts „Entwicklung eines institutionellen Konzepts zum Forschungsdatenmanagement an der Leibniz Universität Hannover“ wurden 2015/16 eine universitätsinterne Online-Umfrage und ergänzende Interviews durchgeführt. Deren Ergebnisse ermöglichen einen Einblick in den derzeitigen Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und eine Abschätzung des Bedarfs an Beratung, Schulung und technischer Infrastruktur seitens des wissenschaftlichen Personals. In diesem Bericht werden die Daten präsentiert und ausgewertet.


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This report is the second Ithaka S+R / Jisc / RLUK survey of UK academics. It asks of the UK research community their views on resource discovery, their use of these resources (online and digital), attitudes to research data management, and much more. It provides a powerful insight into how researchers view their own behaviour and the research environment within the UK today. It gives us pointers to how we can provide further support to researchers and first indications as to where resources should be best invested in the future.


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Las enfermedades huérfanas en Colombia, se definen como aquellas crónicamente debilitantes, que amenazan la vida, de baja prevalencia (menor 1/5000) y alta complejidad. Se estima que a nivel mundial existen entre 6000 a 8000 enfermedades raras diferentes(1). Varios países a nivel mundial individual o colectivamente, en los últimos años han creado políticas e incentivos para la investigación y protección de los pacientes con enfermedades raras. Sin embargo, a pesar del creciente número de publicaciones; la información sobre su etiología, fisiología, historia natural y datos epidemiológicos persiste escasa o ausente. Los registros de pacientes, son una valiosa herramienta para la caracterización de las enfermedades, su manejo y desenlaces con o sin tratamiento. Permiten mejorar políticas de salud pública y cuidado del paciente, contribuyendo a mejorar desenlaces sociales, económicos y de calidad de vida. En Colombia, bajo el decreto 1954 de 2012 y las resoluciones 3681 de 2013 y 0430 de 2013 se creó el fundamento legal para la creación de un registro nacional de enfermedades huérfanas. El presente estudio busca determinar la caracterización socio-demográfica y la prevalencia de las enfermedades huérfanas en Colombia en el periodo 2013. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal de fuente secundaria sobre pacientes con enfermedades huérfanas en el territorio nacional; basándose en el registro nacional de enfermedades huérfanas obtenido por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social en el periodo 2013 bajo la normativa del decreto 1954 de 2012 y las resoluciones 3681 de 2013 y 0430 de 2013. Las bases de datos obtenidas fueron re-categorizadas en Excel versión 15.17 para la extracción de datos y su análisis estadístico posterior, fue realizado en el paquete estadístico para las ciencias sociales (SPSS v.20, Chicago, IL). Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 13173 pacientes con enfermedades huérfanas para el 2013. De estos, el 53.96% (7132) eran de género femenino y el 46.03% (6083) masculino; la mediana de la edad fue de 28 años con un rango inter-cuartil de 39 años, el 9% de los pacientes presentaron discapacidad. El registro contenía un total de 653 enfermedades huérfanas; el 34% del total de las enfermedades listadas en nuestro país (2). Las patologías más frecuentes fueron el Déficit Congénito del Factor VIII, Miastenia Grave, Enfermedad de Von Willebrand, Estatura Baja por Anomalía de Hormona de Crecimiento y Displasia Broncopulmonar. Discusión: Se estimó que aproximadamente 3.3 millones de colombianos debían tener una enfermedad huérfana para el 2013. El registro nacional logró recolectar datos de 13173 (0.4%). Este bajo número de pacientes, marca un importante sub-registro que se debe al uso de los códigos CIE-10, desconocimiento del personal de salud frente a las enfermedades huérfanas y clasificación errónea de los pacientes. Se encontraron un total de 653 enfermedades, un 34% de las enfermedades reportadas en el listado nacional de enfermedades huérfanas (2) y un 7% del total de enfermedades reportadas en ORPHANET para el periodo 2013 (3). Conclusiones: La recolección de datos y la sensibilización sobre las enfermedades huérfanas al personal de salud, es una estrategia de vital importancia para el diagnóstico temprano, medidas específicas de control e intervenciones de los pacientes. El identificar apropiadamente a los pacientes con este tipo de patologías, permite su ingreso en el registro y por ende mejora el sub-registro de datos. Sin embargo, cabe aclarar que el panorama ideal sería, el uso de un sistema de recolección diferente al CIE-10 y que abarque en mayor medida la totalidad de las enfermedades huérfanas.


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The constant scientific production in the universities and in the research centers makes these organizations produce and acquire a great amount of data in a short period of time. Due to the big quantity of data, the research organizations become potentially vulnerable to the impacts on information booms that may cause a chaos as far as information management is concerned. In this context, the development of data catalogues comes up as one possible solution to the problems such as (I) the organization and (II) the data management. In the scientific scope, the data catalogues are implemented with the standard for digital and geospatial metadata and are broadly utilized in the process of producing a catalogue of scientific information. The aim of this work is to present the characteristics of access and storage of metadata in databank systems in order to improve the description and dissemination of scientific data. Relevant aspects will be considered and they should be analyzed during the stage of planning, once they can determine the success of implementation. The use of data catalogues by research organizations may be a way to promote and facilitate the dissemination of scientific data, avoid the repetition of efforts while being executed, as well as incentivate the use of collected, processed an also stored.


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In a networked business environment the visibility requirements towards the supply operations and customer interface has become tighter. In order to meet those requirements the master data of case company is seen as an enabler. However the current state of master data and its quality are not seen good enough to meet those requirements. In this thesis the target of research was to develop a process for managing master data quality as a continuous process and find solutions to cleanse the current customer and supplier data to meet the quality requirements defined in that process. Based on the theory of Master Data Management and data cleansing, small amount of master data was analyzed and cleansed using one commercial data cleansing solution available on the market. This was conducted in cooperation with the vendor as a proof of concept. In the proof of concept the cleansing solution’s applicability to improve the quality of current master data was proved. Based on those findings and the theory of data management the recommendations and proposals for improving the quality of data were given. In the results was also discovered that the biggest reasons for poor data quality is the lack of data governance in the company, and the current master data solutions and its restrictions.


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014