967 resultados para process improvement


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Uma série de iniciativas para melhoria do processo de software surgiu recentemente visando melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade em organizações de desenvolvimento de software. Alguns modelos e normas têm buscado a implantação de melhorias no processo de desenvolvimento de software, o MPS.BR é um deles. Esse modelo de melhoria de processo é voltado para as micro, pequenas e médias empresas, de forma a atender as suas necessidades de negócio e foi o modelo escolhido para ser explorado nesse trabalho. Várias são as vantagens adquiridas com a implantação de um modelo de melhoria, umas delas é a definição de um processo sistemático de desenvolvimento de software, que auxilie tanto na qualidade e produtividade do processo quanto na qualidade do produto desenvolvido. Com um modelo de processo definido a organização pode contar com diversos benefícios associados à padronização, como, por exemplo, a otimização, a redução de custos com retrabalho, a redução de defeitos nos produtos, dentre outros. Mas não existem modelos prontos que possam ser aplicados diretamente a uma empresa específica de desenvolvimento de software e, por isso, é necessário modelar o processo, customizando-o, com o objetivo final de gerar um modelo que adequadamente represente o processo da organização. Uma das dificuldades para a implantação de modelos como o MPS.BR é a falta de metodologia que mostre como a implantação de melhoria deve ser feita e não apenas o que deve ser feito. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para a implementação do modelo MPS.BR baseada no modelo de implantação IDEAL, através de uma ferramenta específica, chamada WebAPSEE. A metodologia foi experimentada no CTIC - Centro de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação da UFPA que ao final do trabalho foi avaliado Nível G do MPS.BR.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Increasingly, the furniture market is competitive. The construction industry presents itself in growth, mainly due to the lines of existing incentives and tax credits established by the government, assisting the impulse to purchase real estate, building materials and furniture. Factors that promote and strengthen the sector's growth. With high demand from the furniture market, demand for higher quality and increasing technological advances, research is often undertaken in search of solutions for process improvement and product features, focusing on the production of materials less harmful to the environment, provision of raw press to lower cost, improve the production process and product development of cost-effective. This research focuses on the comparative study between two materials widely used in furniture manufacturing. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and MDP (Medium Density Particleboard). The subject provides the focus in furniture production, presenting and comparing data collected from three companies producing panels between physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, also presenting some of the main factors of influence on the quality of the panels, their features and applications on mobile. The study shows the high potential of using the MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) in furniture designs, as well as MDF (Medium Density Particleboard), favoring the final terms of the project , resulting in better utilization of each material , avoiding waste and increase unnecessary cost . Currently, several projects are developed in MDP and MDF furniture, where there is no relevance to their characteristics regarding their limitations. Many of these furnishings are designed without a specific study of the best use and positioning of each material, with better utilization , favoring collateral design , especially furniture designed exclusively for each environment . The lack of technical ...


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In an industry, being a big one or small one, the process improvement is always a focus for it to increase in the market. The improvement, if searched in a simple meaning, brings the unique meaning of change to better. However the meaning of process improvement can take much more than a superficial point of view. Kaizen, Process improvement, Continuous improvement, they are some denotations much more comprehensive of a such a term carried of so many meanings. A good concept of improvement if to search inside processes a more appropriate way, a more succinct, a more economic way to realize it. The idea is to make the process in a better way. In this graduation thesis, there will be presented a process improvement realized in a Vale do Paraíba company. For that, it was used the DMAIC to obtain, measure and control the process improvement. It should be noted that the goal is to present and discuss a process improvement


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In today's competitive environment the search for continuous improvement becomes an important factor for maintaining competitiveness. The present work aims to enable the reduction in the number of interruptions of production in a wire drawing mill, with the method of analysis and problem solving (MASP) and the use of quality tools. In this study, it was observed that the use of quality tools is indispensable when it comes to routine management or process improvement because it will enable the identification of improvement opportunities, as well as the definition of an action plan


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In der Herstellung fester Darreichungsformen umfasst die Granulierung einen komplexen Teilprozess mit hoher Relevanz für die Qualität des pharmazeutischen Produktes. Die Wirbelschichtgranulierung ist ein spezielles Granulierverfahren, welches die Teilprozesse Mischen, Agglomerieren und Trocknen in einem Gerät vereint. Durch die Kombination mehrerer Prozessstufen unterliegt gerade dieses Verfahren besonderen Anforderungen an ein umfassendes Prozessverständnis. Durch die konsequente Verfolgung des PAT- Ansatzes, welcher im Jahre 2004 durch die amerikanische Zulassungsbehörde (FDA) als Guideline veröffentlicht wurde, wurde der Grundstein für eine kontinuierliche Prozessverbesserung durch erhöhtes Prozessverständnis, für Qualitätserhöhung und Kostenreduktion gegeben. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich mit der Optimierung der Wirbelschicht-Granulationsprozesse von zwei prozesssensiblen Arzneistoffformulierungen, unter Verwendung von PAT. rnFür die Enalapril- Formulierung, einer niedrig dosierten und hochaktiven Arzneistoffrezeptur, wurde herausgefunden, dass durch eine feinere Zerstäubung der Granulierflüssigkeit deutlich größere Granulatkörnchen erhalten werden. Eine Erhöhung der MassRatio verringert die Tröpfchengröße, dies führt zu größeren Granulaten. Sollen Enalapril- Granulate mit einem gewünschten D50-Kornverteilung zwischen 100 und 140 um hergestellt werden, dann muss die MassRatio auf hohem Niveau eingestellt werden. Sollen Enalapril- Granulate mit einem D50- Wert zwischen 80 und 120µm erhalten werden, so muss die MassRatio auf niedrigem Niveau eingestellt sein. Anhand der durchgeführten Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die MassRatio ein wichtiger Parameter ist und zur Steuerung der Partikelgröße der Enalapril- Granulate eingesetzt werden kann; unter der Voraussetzung dass alle anderen Prozessparameter konstant gehalten werden.rnDie Betrachtung der Schnittmengenplots gibt die Möglichkeit geeignete Einstellungen der Prozessparameter bzw. Einflussgrößen zu bestimmen, welche dann zu den gewünschten Granulat- und Tabletteneigenschaften führen. Anhand der Lage und der Größe der Schnittmenge können die Grenzen der Prozessparameter zur Herstellung der Enalapril- Granulate bestimmt werden. Werden die Grenzen bzw. der „Design Space“ der Prozessparameter eingehalten, kann eine hochwertige Produktqualität garantiert werden. rnUm qualitativ hochwertige Enalapril Tabletten mit der gewählten Formulierung herzustellen, sollte die Enalapril- Granulation mit folgenden Prozessparametern durchgeführt werden: niedrige Sprührate, hoher MassRatio, einer Zulufttemperatur von mindestens > 50 °C und einer effektiven Zuluftmenge < 180 Nm³/h. Wird hingegen eine Sprührate von 45 g/min und eine mittlere MassRatio von 4.54 eingestellt, so muss die effektive Zuluftmenge mindestens 200 Nm³/h und die Zulufttemperatur mindestens 60 °C betragen, um eine vorhersagbar hohe Tablettenqualität zu erhalten. Qualität wird in das Arzneimittel bereits während der Herstellung implementiert, indem die Prozessparameter bei der Enalapril- Granulierung innerhalb des „Design Space“ gehalten werden.rnFür die Metformin- Formulierung, einer hoch dosierten aber wenig aktiven Arzneistoffrezeptur wurde herausgefunden, dass sich der Wachstumsmechanismus des Feinanteils der Metformin- Granulate von dem Wachstumsmechanismus der D50- und D90- Kornverteilung unterscheidet. Der Wachstumsmechanismus der Granulate ist abhängig von der Partikelbenetzung durch die versprühten Flüssigkeitströpfchen und vom Größenverhältnis von Partikel zu Sprühtröpfchen. Der Einfluss der MassRatio ist für die D10- Kornverteilung der Granulate vernachlässigbar klein. rnMit Hilfe der Störgrößen- Untersuchungen konnte eine Regeleffizienz der Prozessparameter für eine niedrig dosierte (Enalapril)- und eine hoch dosierte (Metformin) Arzneistoffformulierung erarbeitet werden, wodurch eine weitgehende Automatisierung zur Verringerung von Fehlerquellen durch Nachregelung der Störgrößen ermöglicht wird. Es ergibt sich für die gesamte Prozesskette ein in sich geschlossener PAT- Ansatz. Die Prozessparameter Sprührate und Zuluftmenge erwiesen sich als am besten geeignet. Die Nachregelung mit dem Parameter Zulufttemperatur erwies sich als träge. rnFerner wurden in der Arbeit Herstellverfahren für Granulate und Tabletten für zwei prozesssensible Wirkstoffe entwickelt. Die Robustheit der Herstellverfahren gegenüber Störgrößen konnte demonstriert werden, wodurch die Voraussetzungen für eine Echtzeitfreigabe gemäß dem PAT- Gedanken geschaffen sind. Die Kontrolle der Qualität des Produkts findet nicht am Ende der Produktions- Prozesskette statt, sondern die Kontrolle wird bereits während des Prozesses durchgeführt und basiert auf einem besseren Verständnis des Produktes und des Prozesses. Außerdem wurde durch die konsequente Verfolgung des PAT- Ansatzes die Möglichkeit zur kontinuierlichen Prozessverbesserung, zur Qualitätserhöhung und Kostenreduktion gegeben und damit das ganzheitliche Ziel des PAT- Gedankens erreicht und verwirklicht.rn


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Problem Statement: Classroom facilities developed as new construction or renovation projects for UT System institutions tend to be developed as individual, ad hoc project. There are significant opportunities for process improvement is establishing standard business processes for developing Smart Classroom, establishing design standards and referring to prototype facilities developed at other institutions. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Problems due to the lack of data standardization and data management have lead to work inefficiencies for the staff working with the vision data for the Lifetime Surveillance of Astronaut Health. Data has been collected over 50 years in a variety of manners and then entered into a software. The lack of communication between the electronic health record (EHR) form designer, epidemiologists, and optometrists has led to some level to confusion on the capability of the EHR system and how its forms can be designed to fit all the needs of the relevant parties. EHR form customizations or form redesigns were found to be critical for using NASA's EHR system in the most beneficial way for its patients, optometrists, and epidemiologists. In order to implement a protocol, data being collected was examined to find the differences in data collection methods. Changes were implemented through the establishment of a process improvement team (PIT). Based on the findings of the PIT, suggestions have been made to improve the current EHR system. If the suggestions are implemented correctly, this will not only improve efficiency of the staff at NASA and its contractors, but set guidelines for changes in other forms such as the vision exam forms. Because NASA is at the forefront of such research and health surveillance the impact of this management change could have a drastic improvement on the collection of and adaptability of the EHR. Accurate data collection from this 50+ year study is ongoing and is going to help current and future generations understand the implications of space flight on human health. It is imperative that the vast amount of information is documented correctly.^


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Se aplicó un nuevo método para la evaluación objetiva del color en aceitunas de mesa, basado en el análisis de la intensidad de reflexión de cada uno de los colores primarios que componen la luz blanca (rojo, verde y azul), según las longitudes de onda del Sistema RGB. Se trabajó con programas informáticos para el análisis de imágenes digitales color tipo BMP de 24 bits. Este trabajo proporciona mayor información sobre el pardeamiento de las aceitunas naturales en salmuera, lo que sería muy útil para incrementar la efectividad del proceso. El método propuesto es rápido y no destructivo, prometiendo ser muy práctico ya que permite que una misma muestra pueda ser evaluada en el tiempo. Se investigaron los cambios de color en aceitunas elaboradas naturalmente, con diferentes grados de madurez (pintas, rojas y negras) y a diferentes valores de pH (3,6 - 4,0 - 4,5), expuestas al aire durante períodos crecientes de tiempo. Se cuantificó el grado de oscurecimiento a través de Índices de Intensidad de Reflexión. La evolución del índice de reflexión en función del tiempo generó una curva polinomial de 4° grado que reveló el comportamiento sigmoidal del fenómeno de pardeamiento enzimático, con la máxima correlación a las 8 horas de aireación. Esta función permitiría predecir el fenómeno de pardeamiento en las aceitunas negras y representa una medición objetiva del grado relativo de pardeamiento. La evolución del color rojo (λ = 700,0 nm) exhibió la mayor correlación con el proceso de pardeamiento. Las aceitunas rojas naturales a pH 4,5 presentaron óptimo pardeamiento. El espectro de reflexión para el color azul (λ = 435,8 nm) se sugiere como medida de la actividad de la enzima PPO (polifenoloxidasa).


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Interviews are the most widely used elicitation technique in Requirements Engineering (RE). Despite its importance, research in interviews is quite limited, in particular from an experimental perspective. We have performed a series of experiments exploring the relative effectiveness of structured and unstructured interviews. This line of research has been active in Information Systems in the past years, so that our experiments can be aggregated together with existing ones to obtain guidelines for practice. Experimental aggregation is a demanding task. It requires not only a large number of experiments, but also considering the influence of the existing moderators. However, in the current state of the practice in RE, those moderators are unknown. We believe that analyzing the threats to validity in interviewing experiments may give insight about how to improve further replications and the corresponding aggregations. It is likely that this strategy may be applied in other Software Engineering areas as well.


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One of the key steps to achieve high efficiencies in amorphous/crystalline silicon photovoltaic structures is to design low-ohmic-resistance backcontacts with good passivation in the rear part of the cell. A well known approach to achieve this goal is to use laser-fired contact (LFC) processes in which a metal layer is fired through the dielectric to define good contacts with the semiconductor. However, and despite the fact that this approach has demonstrated to be extremely successful, there is still enough room for process improvement with an appropriate optimization. In this paper, a study focused on the optimal adjustment of the irradiation parameters to produce laser-fired contacts in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctionsolarcells is presented. We used samples consisting of crystalline-silicon (c-Si) wafers together with a passivation layer of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H(i)) deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical deposition (PECVD). Then, an aluminum layer was evaporated on both sides, the thickness of this layer varied from 0.2 to 1 μm in order to identify the optimal amount of Al required to create an appropriate contact. A q-switched Nd:YVO4laser source, λ = 532 nm, was used to locally fire the aluminum through the thin a-Si:H(i)-layers to form the LFC. The effects of laser fluences were analyzed using a comprehensive morphological and electrical characterization.


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El vertiginoso avance de la informática y las telecomunicaciones en las últimas décadas ha incidido invariablemente en la producción y la prestación de servicios, en la educación, en la industria, en la medicina, en las comunicaciones e inclusive en las relaciones interpersonales. No obstante estos avances, y a pesar de la creciente aportación del software al mundo actual, durante su desarrollo continuamente se incurre en el mismo tipo de problemas que provocan un retraso sistemático en los plazos de entrega, se exceda en presupuesto, se entregue con una alta tasa de errores y su utilidad sea inferior a la esperada. En gran medida, esta problemática es atribuible a defectos en los procesos utilizados para recoger, documentar, acordar y modificar los requisitos del sistema. Los requisitos son los cimientos sobre los cuáles se construye un producto software, y sin embargo, la incapacidad de gestionar sus cambios es una de las principales causas por las que un producto software se entrega fuera de tiempo, se exceda en coste y no cumpla con la calidad esperada por el cliente. El presente trabajo de investigación ha identificado la necesidad de contar con metodologías que ayuden a desplegar un proceso de Gestión de Requisitos en pequeños grupos y entornos de trabajo o en pequeñas y medianas empresas. Para efectos de esta tesis llamaremos Small-Settings a este tipo de organizaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo de tesis doctoral es desarrollar un metamodelo que permita, por un lado, la implementación y despliegue del proceso de Gestión de Requisitos de forma natural y a bajo coste y, por otro lado, el desarrollo de mecanismos para la mejora continua del mismo. Este metamodelo esta soportado por el desarrollo herramientas que permiten mantener una biblioteca de activos de proceso para la Gestión de Requisitos y a su vez contar con plantillas para implementar el proceso partiendo del uso de activos previamente definidos. El metamodelo contempla el desarrollo de prácticas y actividades para guiar, paso a paso, la implementación del proceso de Gestión de Requisitos para una Small-Setting utilizando un modelo de procesos como referencia y una biblioteca de activos de proceso como principal herramienta de apoyo. El mantener los activos de proceso bien organizados, indexados, y fácilmente asequibles, facilita la introducción de las mejores prácticas al interior de una organización. ABSTRACT The fast growth of computer science and telecommunication in recent decades has invariably affected the provision of products and services in education, industry, healthcare, communications and also interpersonal relationships. In spite of such progress and the active role of the software in the world, its development and production continually incurs in the same type of problems that cause systematic delivery delays, over budget, a high error rate and consequently its use is lower than expected. These problems are largely attributed to defects in the processes used to identify, document, organize, and track all system's requirements. It is generally accepted that requirements are the foundation upon which the software process is built, however, the inability to manage changes in requirements is one of the principal factors that contribute to delays on the software development process, which in turn, may cause customer dissatisfaction. The aim of the present research work has identified the need for appropriate methodologies to help on the requirement management process for those organizations that are categorised as small and medium size enterprises, small groups within large companies, or small projects. For the purposes of this work, these organizations are named Small-Settings. The main goal of this research work is to develop a metamodel to manage the requirement process using a Process Asset Library (PAL) and to provide predefined tools and actives to help on the implementation process. The metamodel includes the development of practices and activities to guide step by step the deployment of the requirement management process in Small-Settings. Keeping assets organized, indexed, and readily available are a main factor to the success of the organization process improvement effort and facilitate the introduction of best practices within the organization. The Process Asset Library (PAL) will become a repository of information used to keep and make available all process assets that are useful to those who are defining, implementing, and managing processes in the organization.