999 resultados para pr??tesis


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RESUMEN: La presente tesis se enmarca en el campo del razonamiento proporcional, e indaga por el lugar de las razones, proporciones y proporcionalidad (RPP) en las pr?cticas matem?ticas institucionalizadas en dos grupos de estudiantes de la Educaci?n B?sica primaria (a saber, estudiantes de los grados 3o y 4o de una instituci?n educativa de la ciudad de Cali), por el estatus epistemol?gico de los objetos de conocimiento RPP, y por el sistema de pr?cticas que permiten su constituci?n como objetos de conocimiento, para lo cual se plantearon dos prop?sitos: (1) caracterizar los sistemas de pr?cticas matem?ticas de dos grupos de estudiantes de los grados 3o y 4o de la Educaci?n B?sica primaria, con respecto a los objetos de conocimiento matem?tico raz?n, proporci?n y proporcionalidad; (ii) indagar por las configuraciones epist?micas para dichos sistemas de pr?cticas matem?ticas. Para desarrollar lograr lo anterior, la tesis se soport? sobre elementos de la teor?a de la actividad y de la filosof?a de la pr?ctica, estudiando los procesos de constituci?n del conocimiento matem?tico en el marco de una dial?ctica entre lo individual y lo social, dial?ctica mediada por tales sistemas de pr?cticas. Adem?s, desde el punto de vista metodol?gico, la investigaci?n se organiz? en dos etapas: (i) un proceso de participaci?n en las clases de matem?ticas de estudiantes de tercero y cuarto de primaria de una instituci?n educativa de la ciudad de Cali; (ii) un estudio hist?rico-epistemol?gico de pr?cticas matem?ticas en ?pocas y lugares diferentes. Los principales hallazgos de la tesis se pueden resumir en los siguientes t?rminos: I. El lugar central de las magnitudes y la medici?n de cantidades de magnitud en los procesos de estudio de razones, proporciones y proporcionalidad, y de la noci?n de raz?n como uno de los fundamentos en las conceptualizaciones relativas a lo multiplicativo y los n?meros racionales. II. Una reconceptualizaci?n de las nociones de raz?n, proporci?n y proporcionalidad a partir de principios presentes en los procesos de constituci?n hist?rico-epistemol?gica de dichos objetos, recuperando el car?cter geom?trico de la raz?n y su funci?n epist?mica con respecto a las cantidades que pone en relaci?n: a. La raz?n como medida relativa, si se define entre dos cantidades homog?neas, o como relativizaci?n a la unidad, si se define entre dos cantidades heterog?neas. b. La raz?n como relator o como operador (cuando la raz?n se define entre cantidades homog?neas) o la raz?n como correlator o transformador (cuando se establece entre familias de cantidades, no necesariamente homog?neas).


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En esta investigaci?n se analiza la relaci?n entre las concepciones de una maestra y sus pr?cticas de Educaci?n Ambiental; teniendo como referentes cinco modelos de E.A: resolutivo, antropoc?ntrico, naturalista, activista y sist?mico. Se aplic? la metodolog?a cualitativa del estudio de caso. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de la informaci?n arrojada por encuestas a los estudiantes, una encuesta y una entrevista a la maestra, las observaciones de clase y la revisi?n de documentos. Los resultados permitieron identificar las concepciones de la maestra sobre ambiente y E.A como tambi?n las caracter?sticas del modelo de E.A presente en sus pr?cticas. La triangulaci?n permiti? establecer la relaci?n existente entre sus concepciones y su pr?ctica cuando ense?a E.A. Esta informaci?n le puede servir a la maestra para valorar las caracter?sticas de su modelo que son acordes con un enfoque sist?mico y tomar nuevas decisiones para contribuir con mayor eficiencia a la E.A deseada. Las conclusiones derivadas de este estudio de caso pueden asociarse a otras investigaciones para orientar la toma de decisiones en materia de la formaci?n de maestros que con su labor docente se vinculan a los PRAE de las instituciones educativas. En consecuencia esta investigaci?n es un aporte valioso para que las pr?cticas de E.A de los maestros en ejercicio docente y en formaci?n puedan aportar con mayor efectividad en la construcci?n de un cambio social acorde con los fines de la E.A.


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A trav?s de un proceso hist?rico en favor de la ni?ez colombiana, se ha logrado consolidar la ley 1098 de 2006 (c?digo de la infancia y adolescencia) como una pol?tica p?blica, la cual representa el conjunto de acciones desarrolladas por el Estado Colombiano a trav?s de instituciones p?blicas y privadas para llegar a las necesidades de los ni?os y ni?as de los sectores sociales m?s vulnerables. Ya que en la primera infancia es muy importante que los ni?os y ni?as reciban la adecuada alimentaci?n y cuidados para garantizar su sano desarrollo infantil. En este sentido, se busca indagar si el conocimiento de la ley de la primera infancia por parte de los docentes de preescolar de una escuela p?blica de la comuna 18 de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, ha logrado incidir en sus pr?cticas docentes.


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Esta monograf?a es una mirada b?sica de las cualidades t?cnico t?cticas en la modalidad deportiva F?tbol sala, la cual a partir de experiencias vividas pretende resaltar la importancia y diferencia de sus esquemas t?cticos y virtudes t?cnico-t?cticas de sus jugadores. Siendo el F?tbol sala un deporte pr?cticamente reci?n avalado en Colombia, la capacidad para el manejo de orden estrat?gico se va desarrollando de la mejor manera, implement?ndose inicialmente en la poblaci?n Universitaria y logrando vincular a nuestro pa?s a un nivel de profesionalismo, alcanzando buenos resultados de tipo nacional e internacional. A diferencia del f?tbol, el f?tbol sala se juega con 5 jugadores en campo y m?ximo 7 en banca. Se utiliza un bal?n de dimensiones m?s peque?as que hace que este deporte sea un deporte mucho m?s explosivo y de constante movimiento. Dentro del mismo podemos encontrar unos esquemas o patrones t?cticos que facilitan el juego, como por ejemplo, patr?n circular, patr?n de medio, cambio de ala por p?vot, entre otros. El f?tbol sala se caracteriza por ser un deporte en el que todos los jugadores deben cumplir tanto funciones defensivas como ofensivas. Por esto, es fundamental hacer un trabajo completo pues es dif?cil encontrar jugadores que cumplan ambos requisitos.


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Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a broad-spectrum resistance in plants that involves the upregulation of a battery of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. NPR1 is a key regulator in the signal transduction pathway that leads to SAR. Mutations in NPR1 result in a failure to induce PR genes in systemic tissues and a heightened susceptibility to pathogen infection, whereas overexpression of the NPR1 protein leads to increased induction of the PR genes and enhanced disease resistance. We analyzed the subcellular localization of NPR1 to gain insight into the mechanism by which this protein regulates SAR. An NPR1–green fluorescent protein fusion protein, which functions the same as the endogenous NPR1 protein, was shown to accumulate in the nucleus in response to activators of SAR. To control the nuclear transport of NPR1, we made a fusion of NPR1 with the glucocorticoid receptor hormone binding domain. Using this steroid-inducible system, we clearly demonstrate that nuclear localization of NPR1 is essential for its activity in inducing PR genes.


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Unsteady natural convection inside a triangular cavity subject to a non-instantaneous heating on the inclined walls in the form of an imposed temperature which increases linearly up to a prescribed steady value over a prescribed time is reported. The development of the flow from start-up to a steady-state has been described based on scaling analyses and direct numerical simulations. The ramp temperature has been chosen in such a way that the boundary layer is reached a quasi-steady mode before the growth of the temperature is completed. In this mode the thermal boundary layer at first grows in thickness, then contracts with increasing time. However, if the imposed wall temperature growth period is sufficiently short, the boundary layer develops differently. It is seen that the shape of many houses are isosceles triangular cross-section. The heat transfer process through the roof of the attic-shaped space should be well understood. Because, in the building energy, one of the most important objectives for design and construction of houses is to provide thermal comfort for occupants. Moreover, in the present energy-conscious society it is also a requirement for houses to be energy efficient, i.e. the energy consumption for heating or air-conditioning houses must be minimized.


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The unsteady natural convection boundary layer adjacent to an instantaneously heated inclined plate is investigated using an improved scaling analysis and direct numerical simulations. The development of the unsteady natural convection boundary layer following instantaneous heating may be classified into three distinct stages including a start-up stage, a transitional stage and a steady state stage, which can be clearly identified in the analytical and numerical results. Major scaling relations of the velocity and thicknesses and the flow development time of the natural convection boundary layer are obtained using triple-layer integral solutions and verified by direct numerical simulations over a wide range of flow parameters.


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It is found in the literature that the existing scaling results for the boundary layer thickness, velocity and steady state time for the natural convection flow over an evenly heated plate provide a very poor prediction of the Prandtl number dependency of the flow. However, those scalings provide a good prediction of two other governing parameters’ dependency, the Rayleigh number and the aspect ratio. Therefore, an improved scaling analysis using a triple-layer integral approach and direct numerical simulations have been performed for the natural convection boundary layer along a semi-infinite flat plate with uniform surface heat flux. This heat flux is a ramp function of time, where the temperature gradient on the surface increases with time up to some specific time and then remains constant. The growth of the boundary layer strongly depends on the ramp time. If the ramp time is sufficiently long, the boundary layer reaches a quasi steady mode before the growth of the temperature gradient is completed. In this mode, the thermal boundary layer at first grows in thickness and then contracts with increasing time. However, if the ramp time is sufficiently short, the boundary layer develops differently, but after the wall temperature gradient growth is completed, the boundary layer develops as though the startup had been instantaneous.


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We have examined the magnetotransport properties and the structure, by Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray data, of the phases RE(1.2)Sr(1.8)Mn(2)O(7) (RE = La, Pr, Nd). We find that on cooling, La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 undergoes a transition to a nearly perfect ferromagnet with 90% magnetization at 1.45 T, as reported by earlier workers, but the Pr and Nd phases show only a small magnetization that grows gradually as the temperature is decreased. There seems to be significant correlation between electrical transport and the Jahn-Teller elongation of the apical Mn-O bonds in these systems. The elongation of the apical Mn-O bonds forces the nine-coordinate rock-salt site to be occupied preferentially by the smaller rare-earth-metal cations. This preferential occupation is reliably obtained from the X-ray refinement. All three title phases show a magnetoresistance ratio of about 4(corresponding to a magnetoresistance, [R(0)-R(H)]/R(0), of about 75%) at a field of 7 T and temperatures around 100 K.


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In this paper we present the resistivity data for Pr and Zn codoped compound Y1-xPrxBa2[Cu1-yZny](3)O7-delta with 0 < y < 0.1 and x = 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2. The data is analysed in terms of the superconducting critical temperature T-c, residual resistivity rho(0) and the resistivity slope d rho/dT corresponding to the linear rho-T region. It is found that for x = 0.1 Pr has a minimal influence on the in-plane processes for Zn impurity alone affecting slightly T-c and rho(0). The slope dp/dT becomes larger for 0.03 < y < 0.06 leading to larger depining effect and hence slower fall of T, as a function of y. For x = 0.2 there is a drastic change, rho(0) becomes abnormally large, d rho/dT becomes negative implying absence of depinning and a totally pinned charge stripes. Superconductivity vanishes at y = 0.03. It is concluded that for x = 0.2 Pr converts the system from overdoped to underdoped region leading to the universal superconductor-insulator transition.


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Sr1−xPrxTiO3 has recently been shown to exhibit ferroelectricity at room temperature. In this paper powder x-ray and neutron-diffraction patterns of this system at room temperature have been analyzed to show that the system exhibits cubic (Pm-3m) structure for x<=0.05 and tetragonal (I4/mcm) for x>0.05. The redundancy of the noncentrosymmetric structural model (I4cm) in the ferroelectric state suggests the absence of long-range ordered ferroelectric domains and supports the relaxor ferroelectric model for this system.


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M.A. Thesis for the University of Goettingen (1987).


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The co-doping effect of Zn and Pr impurities in the compound of composition Y1-xPrxBa2[Cu1-yZny](3)O7-delta with x = 0.1, x = 0.2 and 0 <= y <= 0.1 has been investigated by analyzing the results of electrical resistivity measurements. It is found that for Pr substitution at x = 0.1, there is a minimal influence on in-plane processes, thereby slightly affecting T-c and residual resistivity rho(0), but with the resistivity slope d rho/dT becoming large for the range of y from 0.03 to 0.06, leading to a larger depinning effect. For x = 0.2 a drastic change is observed whereby rho(0) becomes abnormally large, and d rho/dT becomes negative, implying totally pinned charge stripes and no depinning. The second observation therefore suggests that Pr substitution converts the overdoped system to an optimally doped system, leading to the universal superconductor-insulator transition.


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Electrical conductivity measurements show that Ln1-xSrxCoO3, (Ln = Pr or Nd) undergoes a non-metal-metal transition when x-0 3. The d.c. conductivity of compositions with 0


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Structural, microstructural, and dielectric studies have been carried out on Pr-modified PbTiO3. A comparative analysis with La-modified PbTiO3 suggests that for chemical modification by same amount, the Pr-modified system has larger tetragonal strain and Curie point. No clear feature of relaxor ferroelectric state is observed for Pr concentration as high as x=0.35, suggesting that Pr modification is less effective, as compared to La-modification, in inducing a relaxor ferroelectric state. Results suggest that inspite of increased chemical disorder, Pr modification partly tends to restore the ferroelectric distortion of the lattice through partial occupancy of the Pr4+ ions on the Ti4+ sites.