996 resultados para planejamento de informações


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The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Stream São Caetano - Botucatu (SP), through the satellite image. The cartographic databases were: planialtimetric letter in digital format (IBGE) used in georeferencing, and satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Selva was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the final thematic map. In the software CAD - CartaLinx, it was performed the delimitation of the area under study (boundary, drainage network and areas of use and coverage). The land use of the watershed showed that pasture was the class which occupied most of the area, with 34.51% (1117,94 ha), the remainder of the area was urban (692,19ha), forests (809,79ha), cultures (599,96ha) and a very small part of reforestation (19,53ha). The use of remote sensing and geoprocessing were very satisfactory in the present work. Technologies must be increasingly used in agricultural and environmental studies, because technological tools, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), present speed, efficiency, reliable results, helping in increasing sustainability


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working


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This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working


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O projeto „Por uma Biblioteca Brasiliana Digital‟ é parte integrante do projeto BRASILIANA USP, uma iniciativa da Reitoria da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), que tem por objetivo facultar para a pesquisa a maior Brasiliana custodiada por uma universidade, tornando-a disponível na internet. O trabalho que ora apresentamos é resultado da implantação de um modelo de biblioteca digital que atende aos padrões de interoperabilidade e compartilhamento de informações. Especificamente, apresentaremos os procedimentos e processos de descrição de conteúdos das diversas tipologias documentais (livros, periódicos, mapas, gravuras etc.) e formatos digitais (pdf, mp3, jpeg entre outros), bem como a consolidação de um esquema de metadados gerenciais e administrativos que contemplam as informações e dados produzidos pelo Projeto da Brasiliana Digital.


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Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia


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Brazilian law provides a series of rules and policies which regulate space use and occupancy as well as guide environmental planning. Among those are the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) which purpose is to ensure the preservation of elements that are essential to maintain the environmental function and landscape. Another important instrument identifier of spaces are geoenvironmental units, which are synthesis elements grouping areas of similar characteristics and can be used for the analysis of risk, fragility and potential use of spaces. The geoenvironmental units are defined by more complex processes (information integration), focusing not only on individual elements, but being determined from a systemic analysis. Is It possible to identify and delineate APPs from the identification and determination of geoenvironmental units? The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of geoenvironmental units in the process of identification and delineation of APPs a see how much of the study area, the area by the Coast line in Natal/RN, is still good for occupation. It was used the physiognomic method, in which the limits of the units are plotted on a synthetic document (aerial photographs), valuing aspects of relief in a range of detail by the analysis of systemic categories (element, structure, function and interaction), observed. The methodology used allowed the identification and delineation of eleven geoenvironmental units and, from these, it was possible to identify and delineate four out of the five PPAs occurring in the study area. Only a small space of 1.2 ha of the study area is not considered APP by law. Thus, the occupation of the unoccupied area by the Coast line is not feasible from a legal standpoint. The geoenvironmental units as well as the identified and delineated APPs in the area by the Coast line are spaces which preservation is guaranteed by law in various scopes and are necessary to maintain the environmental functions of the area. The planning for the use and occupation of the area should involve the recovery of degraded areas and the creation of elements that make possible the use as well as attract the community, as provided in the initial planning, by ensuring the public utility and social interest in the Project.


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This research aims to analyze the housing conditions and socioeconomic of beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program – PBF of the North side of Natal city. For that, it is necessary a survey of this region's origins and how its expansion has occurred in the context of local urban development, considering demographic evolution, in particular, from the construction of housing complex and formal and informal allotments. From the field research, consisting of a pilot in loco with some households, it became possible to start the analysis of housing conditions that culminated with a detailed study of the Single Register form of the federal Government (CadÚnico), in relation to 100% (one hundred percent) of the beneficiaries of the Bolsa Familia program (PBF) of Natal city, with qualitative and quantitative information. From this general survey, a cut was done, contemplating only beneficiaries residing in the north of the city. To better understand this reality, the survey found the Brazilian housing deficit, considering its origins, historical contexts and concepts used by the following institutions: João Pinheiro Foundation (FJP), Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Applied Economics Research Institute (IPEA), and Local Plan Housing of Social Interested (PLHIS) and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT). Furthermore, were compared the various concepts of city and its respective evolution, considering the importance of planning as an instrument of public policy necessary to governmental actions and permanent policy of State. As a result, there are a detach about the deficit and housing conditions in the city of Natal, mainly North Zone, pointing out the importance of using the Unified Register of the federal government as an effective tool to measure the living conditions of Brazilian municipalities.


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Oil exploration at great depths requires the use of mobile robots to perform various operations such as maintenance, assembly etc. In this context, the trajectory planning and navigation study of these robots is relevant, as the great challenge is to navigate in an environment that is not fully known. The main objective is to develop a navigation algorithm to plan the path of a mobile robot that is in a given position (


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Oil exploration at great depths requires the use of mobile robots to perform various operations such as maintenance, assembly etc. In this context, the trajectory planning and navigation study of these robots is relevant, as the great challenge is to navigate in an environment that is not fully known. The main objective is to develop a navigation algorithm to plan the path of a mobile robot that is in a given position (


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Considering the need of communication between public management and society and its citizens, in a way which is more effective and transparent, the aim of this research was to analyze the transparency of public information presented by the managers of the portals of southern Brazil’s Federal Institutes. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, applied as its purpose, and exploratory as its aim. In order to explain the issue from the theoretical frameworks published, it will be used as a procedure the bibliographic research and the further study field research in the six southern Brazil’s Federal Institutes. Therefore, the theoretical framework approaches aspects about public transparency, concepts of information and communication in the public sector, and it presents measurement indexes of public transparency. The data collection with the Institutes sought to measure – in the portals – the level of transparency of the information presented by the managers, applying a search tool which provided the transparency index of eleven categories of the researched items, besides verifying the presence of the required items by Access to Information Law. In the sequence, it sought to verify the Institutes managers’ perception of the aspects which composes the proposed theme, for the purpose of observing how the process of communication between public agencies and the citizen is happening. The main results obtained emphasize, in a general way, a low level of public information propagation, with a lower average of propagation to the information about social, environmental and economic responsibility, and a greater average to the information related to the institution’s general data – from its management structure to its ordinance. It was also observed that no institution which was researched fully comply with the demands of the Access of Information Law. The results about the manager perceptio demonstrate a tendency in publishing the produced information, however, elements such disorganization of information in the portals, lack of standardization of the virtual structure and type of language to use, and lack of procedures of popular participation and interaction in the portals are determiners to bring problems in the access and in the communication with the public. Besides, the short time of institutions’ creation and the short time of the managers assuming their functions must be considered as a reflex of the found results. Therewith, the present study highlighted the importance of Public Transparency theme and it reached a positive result to a scientific and social contribution.


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Desde 2006 a Embrapa Meio Ambiente, em parceria com a Prefeitura da Estância de Atibaia e com a Associação de Produtores de Morango e Hortifrutigranjeiros de Atibaia, Jarinu e Região, visa assistir à implementação da Produção Integrada de Morango (PIMo) como alternativa de aprimoramento de aspectos relacionados à segurança do alimento e ao meio ambiente. Sempre respeitando as funções sociais das entidades envolvidas, seus esforços são direcionados a validar a Norma Técnica Específica da PIMo (BRASIL, 2008), reduzir o êxodo rural e profissionalizar os produtores na adoção de boas práticas agrícolas e ambientais, fundamentadas na organização dos mesmos, como estratégia de implementação de procedimentos sustentáveis. Para atingir tais objetivos, a educação ambiental foi e vem sendo indispensável para a conscientização e tomada de decisão dos produtores, cujo poder de realização é obtido pelo planejamento e pela gestão participativa, supervisionados por especialistas, que garante o realinhamento do propósito de instrumentalizar o grupo para a obtenção de certificação. Este trabalho que apresenta um dos resultados obtidos pelo Projeto PIMo em Atibaia, Jarinu e Valinhos/SP, coordenado pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente, num contínuo e gradativo processo de conscientização, Visa demonstrar a contribuição da etapa de atualização das informações e questões que devem subsidiar o planejamento anual e o redirecionamento dos esforços individuais e coletivos, assim como a atitude do grupo de produtores perante seus parceiros.


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É inegável a importância estratégica do conhecimento, como fonte de informações sistematizadas para a organização planejada do espaço geográfico. O conjunto de informações contemplando as características do meio biofísico (sistema ambiental) e do meio social (sistema social) tem por finalidade auxiliar no desenvolvimento harmonioso entre ambos e possibilitar a identificação da existência de possíveis antagonismos (conflitos) contribuindo na possibilidade da adoção de medidas mitigadoras. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho é coletar, organizar e espacializar dados e informações utilizando técnicas e métodos relacionados ao geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto contemplando aspectos sócio-ambientais tomando como recorte espacial os limites estabelecidos para a delimitação das microrregiões do estado do Paraná.  Justifica-se esta organização espacial de elementos e fenômenos distribuídos por regiões delimitadas por fronteiras, compondo um conjunto de informações geográficas físicas e geopolíticas para compreensão das relações que se estabelecem nas regiões e suas delimitações. Este trabalho apresenta como resultados parciais a elaboração sistematizada de informações cartografadas e descritivas sobre aspectos físicos, sócio-ambientais e geopolíticos de microrregiões do Estado do Paraná.  Assim ressalta-se a eficácia de análises geopolíticas e geoambientais baseadas na organização espacial de informações estratégicas através da organização de um banco de dados e da confecção da cartografia digital como subsídio para o planejamento e desenvolvimento regional do estado do Paraná, bem como fonte de informações técnicas e didáticas.