847 resultados para nurse midwife
Australia needs more Indigenous nurses. This is widely recognised in both academic literature and government policy. In 2012, only 0.8 percent of the Australian nursing workforce was Indigenous (AIHW, 2012). In spite of the clear need, there is little discussion about how to successfully recruit, retain and graduate Indigenous nursing students. This paper describes a successful program being implemented at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). Between 2000 and 2012, USQ graduated 80 Indigenous nurses and midwives, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In this paper, the authors outline the journey they undertook to develop the successful program at USQ: the Indigenous Nursing Support (INS) Model: Helping Hands. They argue that four elements underpin success for Indigenous nursing students: the availability of Indigenous academics, Indigenous health content in the nursing curriculum, Indigenous-specific recruitment materials, and individual mentoring and nurturing of Indigenous students.
Executive Summary Queensland University of Technology (QUT) was contracted to conduct an evaluation of an integrated chronic disease nurse practitioner service conducted at Meadowbrook Primary Care Practice. This evaluation is a collaborative project with nurse practitioners (NP) from Logan Hospital. The integrated chronic disease nurse practitioner service is an outpatient clinic for patients with two or more chronic diseases, including chronic kidney disease (CKD), heart failure (HF), diabetes (type I or II). This document reports on the first 12 months of the service (4th June, 2014 to 25th May, 2015). During this period: • 55 patients attended the NP clinic with 278 occasions of service provided • Almost all (95.7%) patients attended their scheduled appointments (only 4.3% did not attend an appointment) • Since attending the NP clinic, the majority of patients (77.6%) had no emergency department visits related to their chronic disease; only 3 required hospital admission. • 3 patients under the service were managed with Hospital In the Home which avoided more than 25 hospital bed days • 41 patients consented to join a prospective cohort study of patient-reported outcomes and patient satisfaction • 14 patient interviews and 3 stakeholder focus groups were also conducted to provide feedback on their perceptions of the NP-led service innovation. The report concludes with seven recommendations.
Introduction: Emergency department nurse practitioner services are one of the most frequently implemented service delivery models in Australian hospitals. This research examined factors influencing sustainability of this innovative service delivery model and offers some recommendations for future service integration. Background Many health service innovations have been implemented in an attempt to meet the growing demand for efficient, cost effective health care however, sustainability of many of these innovations has not been evaluated and is poorly understood. Aim The aim of the research was to identify factors that influence sustainability of emergency department nurse practitioner services and to operationalise a theoretical framework for evaluating innovation sustainability. Methodology The research used case study methodology. The case was emergency nurse practitioner services, and units of analysis were emergency department staff, emergency nurse practitioners and documents relating to nurse practitioner services. The data collection methods included, survey, one-on-one interviews, document analysis and telephone survey. Results This research shows that emergency nurse practitioner services partially comply with the factors of sustainability as described in the Sustainability of Innovation theoretical framework: Political, Organisational, Workforce, Financial and Innovation specific factors. Where services do not entirely meet the factors the existing benefits of the service may outweigh the barriers and other means of working around shortfalls are also implemented by staff to ensure patient safety. Conclusion The rapidly expanding emergency nurse practitioner service has been examined using case study methodology to find that certain factors may be threatening the sustainability of this health service innovation. Potentially an innovation may be sustained when only some factors are met in the short term, however, long term sustainability may be challenged if factors are not addressed and supported.
Introduction Hospitalisation for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is often short, with limited nurse-teaching time and poor information absorption. Currently, patients are discharged home only to wait up to 4-8 weeks to commence a secondary prevention program and visit their cardiologist. This wait is an anxious time for patients and confidence or self-efficacy (SE) to self-manage may be low. Objectives To determine the effects of a nurse-led, educational intervention on participant SE and anxiety in the early post-discharge period. Methods A pilot study was undertaken as a randomised controlled clinical trial. Thirty-three participants were recruited, with n=13 randomised to the intervention group. A face-to-face, nurse-led, educational intervention was undertaken within the first 5-7 days post-discharge. Intervention group participants received standard post-discharge education, physical assessment, with a strong focus on the emotional impact of cardiovascular events and PCI. Early reiteration of post-discharge education was offered, along with health professional support with the aim to increase patients’ SE and to effectively manage their post-discharge health and well being, as well as anxieties. Self-efficacy to return to normal activities was measured to gauge participants’ abilities to manage post-PCI after attending the intervention using the cardiac self-efficacy (CSE) scale. State and trait anxiety was also measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to determine if an increase in SE would influence participant anxiety. Results There were some increases in mean CSE scores in the intervention group participants over time. Areas of increase included return to normal social activities and confidence to change diet. Although reductions were observed in mean state and trait anxiety scores in both groups, an overall larger reduction in intervention group participants was observed over time. Conclusion It is essential that patients are given the education, support, and skills to self-manage in the early post-discharge period so that they have greater SE and are less anxious. This study provides some initial evidence that nurse-led support and education during this period, particularly the first week following PCI, is beneficial and could be trialled using alternate modes of communication to support remote and rural PCI patients and extend to other cardiovascular patients.
A national prostate cancer specialist nursing pilot program, supported by Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, was launched in May 2012 with funding support from The Movember Foundation. The pilot program aimed to trial a best practice model for providing specialist nursing care to those affected by prostate cancer. Prostate cancer specialist nurses were allocated to 12 hospitals across all Australian states and territories to work in the context of multidisciplinary care. The Prostate Cancer Foundation provided professional development support for nurses through a structured program. This article presents key outcomes from the research commissioned by the Prostate Cancer Foundation to evaluate the prostate cancer specialist nurse role. Specifically, the paper reports evaluation data relating to the roles and functions of the prostate cancer specialist nurse to explore the influence of the role on outcomes for patients, carers and services.
Objective To identify factors associated with critical care nurses’ engagement in end-of-life care practices. Methods Multivariable regression modelling was undertaken on 392 responses to an online self-report survey of end-of-life care practices and factors influencing practice by Australian critical care nurses’. Univariate general linear models were built for six end-of-life care practice areas. Results Six statistically significant (p < 0.001) models were developed: Information sharing F(3, 377) = 40.53, adjusted R2 23.8%; Environmental modification F(5, 380) = 19.55, adjusted R2 19.4%; Emotional support F(10, 366) = 12.10, adjusted R2 22.8%; Patient and family centred decision making F(8, 362) = 17.61 adjusted R2 26.4%; Symptom management F(8, 376) = 7.10, adjusted R2 11.3%; and Spiritual support F(9, 367) = 14.66, adjusted R2 24.6%. Stronger agreement with values consistent with a palliative approach, and greater support for patient and family preferences were associated with higher levels of engagement in end-of-life care practices. Higher levels of preparedness and access to opportunities for knowledge acquisition were associated with engagement in the interpersonal practices of patient and family centred decision making and emotional support. Conclusion This study provides evidence for interventions to address factors associated with nurse engagement to increase participation in all end-of-life care practice areas.
Background In Australia significant health inequalities, such as an 11year life expectancy gap, impact on the continent’s traditional owners, the Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders. Evidence suggests links between improved Indigenous health and a greater proportion of Indigenous people employed in all sectors. Achieving a greater proportion of Indigenous people in health services and in the health education workforce, requires improved higher education completion rates. Currently Indigenous people are under-represented in higher education and attrition rates amongst those who do participate are high. We argue these circumstances make health and education matters of social justice, largely related to unexamined relations of power within universities where the pedagogical and social environment revolve around the norms and common-sense of the dominant culture. Project Research at Queensland University of Technology in 2010-2012, aimed to gain insights into attrition/retention in the Bachelor of Nursing. A literature review on Indigenous participation in higher education in nursing contextualised a mixed methods study. The project examined enrolment, attrition and success by an analysis of enrolment data from 1984-2012. Using Indigenous Research Assistants we then conducted 20 in-depth interviews with Indigenous students followed by a thematic analysis seeking to gain insights into the impact of students’ university experience on retention. Our findings indicate that cultural safety, mentorship, acceptance and support are crucial in student academic success. They also indicate that inflexible systems based on ethnocentric assumptions exacerbate the structural issues that impact on the students’ everyday life and are also part of the story of attrition. The findings reinforced the assumption that educational environments and processes are inherently cultural and political. This perspective calls into question the role of the students’ cultural experience at university in attrition rates. A partnership between the School of Nursing and the Indigenous Education Unit is working to better support Indigenous students.
Escalating health care delivery costs and consumer expectations have led to a range of health service and workforce innovations in the provision of high quality cost effective patient care. This research has operationalised a theoretical framework to examine factors that influence sustainability of health service innovations, in particular, emergency nurse practitioner service. The results of this research will inform health service policy and practice for future implementation of innovative workforce models and add to the understanding of factors that influence sustainability.
This research investigated the efficacy of a post-discharge nurse-led clinic, for patients who underwent a cardiovascular interventional procedure in Australia. A randomised controlled clinical trial measured the effects of the clinic on patient confidence to self-manage and minimise psychological distress given the strong link between anxiety, depression and coronary heart disease. Hospitalisation for the procedure is short and stressful, and patients may wait up to 7-64 days for post-discharge review. This study provides preliminary quantitative and qualitative evidence that nurse-led clinics undertaken within the first week post-percutaneous coronary intervention may fill a much-needed gap for patients during a potentially vulnerable period.
Este estudo de perspectiva histórico-social estuda as transformações das práticas das enfermeiras obstétricas consequente ao movimento de humanização do campo obstétrico hospitalar. Tem por objetivos: identificar o capital global das enfermeiras obstétricas; analisar as concepções das enfermeiras sobre a prática profissional no campo obstétrico hospitalar no contexto do movimento de humanização; discutir as transformações percebidas pelas enfermeiras obstétricas sobre sua prática. Utilizei como método a história oral. Os sujeitos foram 25 enfermeiras que vivenciaram no campo obstétrico hospitalar, antes e após a implementação do movimento de humanização. Os cenários foram seis maternidades municipais do Rio de Janeiro. A técnica de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada. À luz da perspectiva histórica realizarei a análise dos dados, tendo como base os pressupostos de Pierre Bourdieu. A conjuntura obstétrica do nascimento das entrevistadas era a de transição do parto domiciliar para o ambiente hospitalar. O cenário do parto e nascimento de muitas delas foi uma instituição pública de saúde ou conveniada. As agentes são oriundas de famílias humildes, com pouco capital econômico e cultural. Ressalta-se que as condições de acumulação de capital destas enfermeiras, à época, foram proporcionais às oportunidades que tiveram no campo social em que se encontravam e do processo de socialização. Algumas, após o curso de graduação em enfermagem, buscaram a especialização para adquirir um certificado, que lhes aumentasse o volume de capital e as legitimasse para a realização da assistência ao parto normal. O contexto político onde muitas adquiriram o título de especialista era o de implementação do modelo humanizado no campo obstétrico do município do Rio de Janeiro, favorável para a redução de práticas intervencionistas à parturiente com o incentivo ao parto normal focado na autonomia e no empoderamento feminino. Desse modo, as enfermeiras perceberam que as lutas dos agentes no campo obstétrico para a implantação de um novo modo de agir na obstetrícia foram importantes no processo de mudança de suas práticas. Especificamente sobre as transformações de sua práticas elas evidenciaram que, com esse movimento social e político elas passaram a ver e a assistir a mulher, de forma mais próxima, mais humanizada através da aquisição de capital cultural eficiente, outra evidência destacada foi quanto à questão das lutas, houve o reconhecimento de que as lutas foram importantes no processo de mudança, pois com estas foi possível adquirir lucros simbólicos significativos que permitiram gerar mudanças de posição e de práticas obstétricas no campo hospitalar.
A presente pesquisa aborda a temática da assistência ao parto hospitalar na Região Médio-Paraíba, considerando a política pública de humanização do parto e nascimento A medicalização do parto e nascimento vem ocorrendo em todo o mundo. Mesmo em países desenvolvidos, a grande maioria dos partos vaginais e de baixo risco ainda é conduzida com práticas intervencionistas sem evidências científicas de sua eficácia. Em contraposição a este modelo assistencial implantou-se a política de humanização do parto e nascimento. A enfermeira obstétrica tem sido elemento importante para a consolidação do uso de práticas consideradas humanizadas na assistência ao parto de baixo risco em ambiente hospitalar. O objeto deste estudo foi o emprego de tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem em partos acompanhados por enfermeiras obstétricas na Associação de Proteção a Maternidade e à Infância de Resende/RJ (APMIR). Os objetivos foram: identificar as tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica (TNICE) usualmente empregadas por enfermeiras obstétricas no cuidado a parturientes; discutir o emprego dessas TNICE por enfermeiras obstétricas no cuidado a parturientes sob a perspectiva da humanização do parto e nascimento; caracterizar o processo de implementação das TNICE na assistência ao parto na maternidade. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa desenvolvida em uma maternidade filantrópica da região sul-fluminense que pertence ao Médio-Paraíba, na qual enfermeiras obstétricas estão incluídas na equipe de acompanhamento do parto. Foram analisados os registros correspondentes aos partos acompanhados por enfermeiras obstétricas compreendendo o período de Novembro de 2012 à Julho de 2013. Houve registro de 84 partos neste período. Os dados foram obtidos através de Livro de Registros de Parto do serviço. Os registros foram feitos em formulário próprio implantado a partir da pesquisa. O projeto foi submetido à apreciação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa, tendo sido aprovado segundo parecer número 347.254 de 30/07/2013. Os dados foram analisados por procedimentos estatísticos descritivos. Os resultados apontaram que a atuação da enfermeira obstétrica no cuidado à mulher em trabalho de parto caracteriza-se por medidas que promovem a autonomia da mulher no cenário onde ela é protagonista marcando assim a forte presença dessas profissionais neste cenário onde a existência de práticas intervencionistas é significante e muito presente. O estudo concluiu que o cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica pautado sobre as tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado favorece uma assistência humanizada ao parto. Acredita-se que para um cuidado no transcorrer fisiológico do parto é necessário estabelecer uma relação de intimidade, de interação e de empatia com cada mulher dentro do seu contexto, dando a ela encorajamento para tomar posse daquilo que compete somente a ela.