Integrated Chronic Disease Nurse Practitioner Service: Evaluation Final Report

Autoria(s): Bonner, Ann; Douglas, Clint; Abel, C.; Barnes, M.; Stone, M.; Heatherington, J.; Havas, Kathryn; Bashi, N.



Executive Summary Queensland University of Technology (QUT) was contracted to conduct an evaluation of an integrated chronic disease nurse practitioner service conducted at Meadowbrook Primary Care Practice. This evaluation is a collaborative project with nurse practitioners (NP) from Logan Hospital. The integrated chronic disease nurse practitioner service is an outpatient clinic for patients with two or more chronic diseases, including chronic kidney disease (CKD), heart failure (HF), diabetes (type I or II). This document reports on the first 12 months of the service (4th June, 2014 to 25th May, 2015). During this period: • 55 patients attended the NP clinic with 278 occasions of service provided • Almost all (95.7%) patients attended their scheduled appointments (only 4.3% did not attend an appointment) • Since attending the NP clinic, the majority of patients (77.6%) had no emergency department visits related to their chronic disease; only 3 required hospital admission. • 3 patients under the service were managed with Hospital In the Home which avoided more than 25 hospital bed days • 41 patients consented to join a prospective cohort study of patient-reported outcomes and patient satisfaction • 14 patient interviews and 3 stakeholder focus groups were also conducted to provide feedback on their perceptions of the NP-led service innovation. The report concludes with seven recommendations.





Queensland University of Technology


Bonner, Ann, Douglas, Clint, Abel, C., Barnes, M., Stone, M., Heatherington, J., Havas, Kathryn, & Bashi, N. (2015) Integrated Chronic Disease Nurse Practitioner Service: Evaluation Final Report. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.


© 2015 QUT


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Nursing

Palavras-Chave #111099 Nursing not elsewhere classified
