962 resultados para new molecular tool


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Statistical complexity, a measure introduced in computational mechanics has been applied to MD simulated liquid water and other molecular systems. It has been found that statistical complexity does not converge in these systems but grows logarithmically without a limit. The coefficient of the growth has been introduced as a new molecular parameter which is invariant for a given liquid system. Using this new parameter extremely long time correlations in the system undetectable by traditional methods are elucidated. The existence of hundreds of picosecond and even nanosecond long correlations in bulk water has been demonstrated. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Since the advent of High Level Programming languages (HLPLs) in the early 1950s researchers have sought ways to automate the construction of HLPL compilers. To this end a variety of Translator Writing Tools (TWTs) have been developed in the last three decades. However, only a very few of these tools have gained significant commercial acceptance. This thesis re-examines traditional compiler construction techniques, along with a number of previous TWTs, and proposes a new improved tool for automated compiler construction called the Aston Compiler Constructor (ACC). This new tool allows the specification of complete compilation systems using a high level compiler oriented specification notation called the Compiler Construction Language (CCL). This specification notation is based on a modern variant of Backus Naur Form (BNF) and an extended variant of Attribute Grammars (AGs). The implementation and processing of the CCL is discussed along with an extensive CCL example. The CCL is shown to have an extensive expressive power, to be convenient in use, and highly readable, and thus a superior alternative to earlier TWTs, and to traditional compiler construction techniques. The execution performance of CCL specifications is evaluated and shown to be acceptable. A number of related areas are also addressed, including tools for the rapid construction of individual compiler components, and tools for the construction of compilation systems for multiprocessor operating systems and hardware. This latter area is expected to become of particular interest in future years due to the anticipated increased use of multiprocessor architectures.


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A new glass-forming organic semiconductor material was synthesized using a known electron transport material, perylene diimide, and attaching it to a molecular glass in order to allow the material to be solution processed. Devices were made using a simple metal-semiconductor-metal structure and electrodes were selected to produce Schottky diodes. Experiments were carried out to characterize this new molecular glass perylene diimide. The new material shows evidence of traps, hysteresis, and other behaviours that are explored in this thesis. The material shows some potential as an electron transport layer with possibilities of memory storage behaviour.


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The aim of this study was to assess the relative contribution of natural productivity and compound food to the growth of the juvenile blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris reared in a biofloc system. Two experiments were carried out based on the same protocol with three treatments: clear water with experimental diet (CW), biofloc with experimental diet (BF) and biofloc unfed (BU). Shrimp survival was significantly higher in biofloc rearing than in CW rearing. The contribution of the biofloc to shrimp diet was estimated through measurement of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in shrimp and food sources. Different isotopic compositions between feeds were obtained by feeding natural productivity with a mixture rich in fish meal and the shrimps with a pellet containing a high level of soy protein concentrate. Using a two source one-isotope mixing model, we found that the natural productivity of the biofloc system contributed to shrimp growth at a level of 39.8% and 36.9%, for C and N, respectively. The natural food consumed by the shrimps reared in the biofloc system resulted in higher gene expression (mRNA transcript abundance) and activities of two digestive enzymes in their digestive gland: α-amylase and trypsin. The growth of shrimp biomass reared in biofloc was, on average, 4.4 times that of those grown in clear water. Our results confirmed the best survival and promoted growth of shrimps using biofloc technology and highlighted the key role of the biofloc in the nutrition of rearing shrimps. Statement of relevance In this study, we have applied an original protocol to determine the respective contribution of natural productivity and artificial feeds on the alimentation of the juvenile blue shrimp L. stylirostris reared in biofloc system by using C and N natural stable isotope analysis. Moreover, we have compared, in shrimp digestive gland, the α-amylase and trypsin enzyme activities at biochemical and molecular levels for two different shrimp rearing systems, biofloc and clear water. In our knowledge, the use of molecular tool to study the influence of biofloc consumption on digest process of shrimp was never carried out. We think that our research is new and important to increase knowledge on biofloc topic.


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Background: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are in general used to gain a first insight into gene activities from a species of interest. Subsequently, and typically based on a combination of EST and genome sequences, microarray-based expression analyses are performed for a variety of conditions. In some cases, a multitude of EST and microarray experiments are conducted for one species, covering different tissues, cell states, and cell types. Under these circumstances, the challenge arises to combine results derived from the different expression profiling strategies, with the goal to uncover novel information on the basis of the integrated datasets. Findings: Using our new analysis tool, MediPlEx (MEDIcago truncatula multiPLe EXpression analysis), expression data from EST experiments, oligonucleotide microarrays and Affymetrix GeneChips® can be combined and analyzed, leading to a novel approach to integrated transcriptome analysis. We have validated our tool via the identification of a set of well-characterized AM-specific and AM-induced marker genes, identified by MediPlEx on the basis of in silico and experimental gene expression profiles from roots colonized with AM fungi. Conclusions: MediPlEx offers an integrated analysis pipeline for different sets of expression data generated for the model legume Medicago truncatula. As expected, in silico and experimental gene expression data that cover the same biological condition correlate well. The collection of differentially expressed genes identified via MediPlEx provides a starting point for functional studies in plant mutants.


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Lung cancer is an heterogeneous disease, with 1-2% of rare histology. New molecular profiling technologies, such as next generation sequencing (NGS), haverevolutionized the assessment of molecular alteration in clinical practice. We analyzed a cohort of 1408 NSCLC-A patients treated at the Sant'Orsola- Malpighi University Hospital from 2019 to 2021. This analysis was performed using the oncomine focus thermo fischer panel. Of them, 410 (29%) had rare alteration (RET 3%, NTRK 0,2%,FGFR1 2%, MET exon14 skipping 3%, BRAF V600 4%, ALK fusion EGFR exon 20 2%) and 36 (2%)had a uncommon mutation. We enrolled 7 RET- rearranged patients in CRETA and J2G-MC-JZJC clinical trials assessing respectively unselective and selective RET-inhibitors , another 7 patients tested positive for the BRAF V6006 mutation and have been enrolled in the Array clinical trial assessing a novel combination of anti-BRAF and anti-mek agents . Other molecular alterations found are KRAS (Gly12Cys), FGFR1-4 mutation, MET skipping ex14 mutations, respectively eligible for other ongoing open studies such as Amgen 20190009 comparing efficacy of sotorasib vs docetaxel, Fight-207 assessing activity of pemigatinib and CINC280J12201 assessing activity of the novel met inhibitor capmatinib. In 2018 we joined the CHANCE clinical trial,a multicenter study evaluating the efficacy and safety of atezolizumab in patients withrare lung cancer histologies where and 14 patients have been so far enrolled in the Bologna site. Our studies underline the need of tailored approach to NSCLC patients and our results showed that precision medicine is feasible and is an effective approach to cancer treatment.


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Almost 18-35% of cutaneous melanomas are located in the head and neck region (2-5% of them in the scalp) and according to multiple epidemiological studies they are supposed to have a worse prognosis with respect to those of other body areas. The aim of this phD project is to perform a global evaluation of head/neck region cutaneous melanomas with a distinct analysis of histological, dermoscopic and molecular features of the selected cases. The diffuse distribution of folliculotropism (≥3 HF/specimen), the presence of atypical melanocytes into the isthmus, and the perifollicular involvement were associated with melanoma recurrence. The dermoscopic parameter grey circles in lentigo maligna was correlated to the depth of folliculotropism, with a higher probability of an isthmic or bulge follicular extension of neoplastic melanocytes. The detection of grey circles, light/dark brown pseudonetwork and light brown structureless areas in lentigo maligna melanoma was associated with the distribution of folliculotropism (focal/diffuse). MiR-146a-5p expression was shown to be significantly greater in melanomas with a mitotic rate ≥1/mm2 as well as in ulcerated lesions compared to those without ulceration. No difference emerged evaluating regression when considering all melanomas subtypes, but an higher expression was noticed in the lentigo maligna melanoma group. Moreover, miR-146a-5p expression was lower in head/neck region cutaneous melanomas with Breslow thickness ≥0.8 mm. These results give further insights for the management of cutaneous melanomas with specific adverse prognostic elements. As the majority of head/neck region cutaneous melanomas are wild type of BRAF and NRAS mutations and not suitable for targeted therapies, the discovery of new molecular targets may provide relevant opportunities for their treatment.


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Background. Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is an umbrella term that includes a myriad of conditions such as urinary (UI) and anal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Literature showed high prevalence rates of PFD among athletes, especially UI, with high-impact sports have been linked with an increased risk of developing symptoms. However, comprehensive research summarising PFD prevalence across sexes, exploring treatment options, and the absence of a standardised referral screening tool are notable gaps. Misinformation is also prevalent in the sports medicine field. Methods. This doctoral project comprises four studies addressing different aspects of pelvic health in athletes. The first two studies were scoping reviews of epidemiological PFD data in male and female athletes, as well as available interventions. Study 3 concerned the development of a new screening tool for PFD in female athletes, aiming to guide sports medicine clinicians in referring patients to PFD specialists through a worldwide Delphi consensus. Study 4 summarised all previous findings, integrating data into an infographic. Results and conclusions. In Study 1, the findings of 100 articles on PFD in both sexes have been collected, highlighting a higher prevalence of studies on female athletes evaluating UI across multiple sports. Other conditions remain rarely investigated. Study 2 found a diverse range of interventions for female PFD, with a notable emphasis on conservative approaches. Recommendations for clinical practice often relied on the transferability of results from the nonathlete population or expert opinions. In Study 3, 41 international experts took part in the consensus development of the Pelvic Floor Dysfunction-ScrEeNing Tool IN fEmale athLetes (PFD-SENTINEL). It incorporates a cluster of PFD symptoms, items (risk factors, clinical, and sports-related characteristics), and a clinical algorithm. Lastly, Study 4 included ten evidence-based information with a relative description concerning pelvic floor health in athletes.


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Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) were recently given much higher attention due to technical advances in sequencing which expanded the characterization of transcriptomes in different organisms. ncRNAs have different lengths (22 nt to >1, 000 nt) and mechanisms of action that essentially comprise a sophisticated gene expression regulation network. Recent publication of schistosome genomes and transcriptomes has increased the description and characterization of a large number of parasite genes. Here we review the number of predicted genes and the coverage of genomic bases in face of the public ESTs dataset available, including a critical appraisal of the evidence and characterization of ncRNAs in schistosomes. We show expression data for ncRNAs in Schistosoma mansoni. We analyze three different microarray experiment datasets: (1) adult worms' large-scale expression measurements; (2) differentially expressed S. mansoni genes regulated by a human cytokine (TNF-α) in a parasite culture; and (3) a stage-specific expression of ncRNAs. All these data point to ncRNAs involved in different biological processes and physiological responses that suggest functionality of these new players in the parasite's biology. Exploring this world is a challenge for the scientists under a new molecular perspective of host-parasite interactions and parasite development.


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Foram analisadas seqüências de nucleotídeos do gene 16S do rDNA mitocondrial em 14 populações de triatomíneos mantidos em colônias no insetário SESA de Araraquara- SP, comparando-as com seqüências do mesmo gene disponíveis no GenBank. Os fragmentos variaram de 311 a 317 pb com baixa variação intra-específica entre as distâncias genéticas (0% a 0,6%), exceto para os relacionamentos entre espécimes de Triatoma sordida (1%) e espécimes de T. brasiliensis (1,3%) atribuídos a populações geográficas diferentes. A parafilia de Rhodniini e do gênero Panstrongylus foi evidenciada pelas analises, confirmando resultados anteriores entre estes e os estreitos relacionamentos de R. prolixus com R. robustus e de T. infestans e T. platensis. O relacionamento entre T. maculata e T. pseudomaculata não foi solucionado, uma vez que, esses táxons apareceram tanto em monofilia quanto em parafilia: T. pseudomaculata (SESA) está agrupado com T. maculata (seqüência do GenBank) e associados a T . brasiliensis (SESA), enquanto T. maculata (SESA) aparece agrupado com T. pseudomaculata do SESA e do GenBank. Os resultados evidenciam a utilidade do gene 16S como marcador de espécies de triatomíneos e sua importância em questões de sistemática e taxonomia. Há necessidade de novos estudos envolvendo outros marcadores associados a caracteres sistemáticos clássicos de morfologia, ecologia e comportamento para decisões sistemáticas adequadas uma vez, que teriam impacto não apenas sistemático mas, para as estratégias de controle.


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Swallowing dynamics involves the coordination and interaction of several muscles and nerves which allow correct food transport from mouth to stomach without laryngotracheal penetration or aspiration. Clinical swallowing assessment depends on the evaluator`s knowledge of anatomic structures and of neurophysiological processes involved in swallowing. Any alteration in those steps is denominated oropharyngeal dysphagia, which may have many causes, such as neurological or mechanical disorders. Videofluoroscopy of swallowing is presently considered to be the best exam to objectively assess the dynamics of swallowing, but the exam needs to be conducted under certain restrictions, due to patient`s exposure to radiation, which limits periodical repetition for monitoring swallowing therapy. Another method, called cervical auscultation, is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders. The potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. Even so, the captured sound has an amount of noise, which can hamper the evaluator`s decision. In that way, the present paper proposes the use of a filter to improve the quality of audible sound and facilitate the perception of examination. The wavelet denoising approach is used to decompose the noisy signal. The signal to noise ratio was evaluated to demonstrate the quantitative results of the proposed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The frequency of opportunistic fungal infection has increased drastically, mainly in patients who are immunocompromised due to organ transplant, leukemia or HIV infection. In spite of this, only a few classes of drugs with a limited array of targets, are available for antifungal therapy. Therefore, more specific and less toxic drugs with new molecular targets is desirable for the treatment of fungal infections. In this context, searching for differences between mitochondrial mammalian hosts and fungi in the classical and alternative components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain may provide new potential therapeutic targets for this purpose.


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Objective: To investigate the possible role of chromatin texture parameters, nuclear morphology, DNA ploidy and clinical functional status in discriminating benign from malignant adrenocortical tumors (ACT). Patients and Methods: Forty-eight cases of clinically benign (n=40) and clinically malignant (n=8) ACT with a minimum of 5-years` follow-up were evaluated for chromatin texture parameters (run length, standard deviation, configurable run length, valley, slope, peak and other 21 Markovian features that describe the distribution of the chromatin in the nucleus), nuclear morphology (nuclear area, nuclear perimeter, nuclear maximum and minumum diameter, nuclear shape), and DNA ploidy. Nuclear parameters were evaluated in Feulgen-stained 5 mu m paraffin-sections analyzed using a CAS 200 image analyzer. Results: Since ACTs present different biological features in children and adults, patients were divided into two groups: children (<= 15 years) and adults (>15 years). In the group of children DNA ploidy presented a marginal significance (p=0.05) in discriminating ACTs. None of the parameters discriminated between malignant and benign ACT in the adult group. Conclusion: ACTs are uncommon and definitive predictive criteria for malignancy remain uncertain, particularly in children. Our data point to DNA content evaluated by image analysis as a new candidate tool for this challenging task. Texture image analysis did not help to differentiate malignant from benign adrenal cortical tumors in children and adults.


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Background and purpose: Tinnitus is a frequent disorder which is very difficult to treat and there is compelling evidence that tinnitus is associated with functional alterations in the central nervous system. Targeted modulation of tinnitus-related cortical activity has been proposed as a promising new treatment approach. We aimed to investigate both immediate and long-term effects of low frequency (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with tinnitus and normal hearing. Methods: Using a parallel design, 20 patients were randomized to receive either active or placebo stimulation over the left temporoparietal cortex for five consecutive days. Treatment results were assessed by using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Ethyl cysteinate dimmer-single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging was performed before and 14 days after rTMS. Results: After active rTMS there was significant improvement of the tinnitus score as compared to sham rTMS for up to 6 months after stimulation. SPECT measurements demonstrated a reduction of metabolic activity in the inferior left temporal lobe after active rTMS. Conclusion: These results support the potential of rTMS as a new therapeutic tool for the treatment of chronic tinnitus, by demonstrating a significant reduction of tinnitus complaints over a period of at least 6 months and significant reduction of neural activity in the inferior temporal cortex, despite the stimulation applied on the superior temporal cortex.


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Ventilation distribution can be assessed by SPECT with Technegas. This study was undertaken in piglets with different degrees of ventilation inhomogeneity to compare PET using (68)Ga-labeled pseudogas or ""Gallgas"" with Technegas. Methods: Twelve piglets were studied in 3 groups: control, lobar obstruction, and diffuse airway obstruction. Two more piglets were assessed for lung volume (functional residual capacity). Results: In controls, SPECT and PET images showed an even distribution of radioactivity. With lobar obstruction, the absence of ventilation of the obstructed lobe was visible with both techniques. In diffuse airway obstruction, SPECT images showed an even distribution of radioactivity, and PET images showed more varied radioactivity over the lung. Conclusion: PET provides detailed ventilation distribution images and a better appreciation of ventilation heterogeneity. Gallgas with PET is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of ventilation distribution.