423 resultados para multiplexing tecniques
In this paper, we introduce a pilot-aided multipath channel estimator for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Typical estimation algorithms assume the number of multipath components and delays to be known and constant, while theiramplitudes may vary in time. In this work, we focus on the more realistic assumption that also the number of channel taps is unknown and time-varying. The estimation problem arising from this assumption is solved using Random Set Theory (RST), which is a probability theory of finite sets. Due to the lack of a closed form of the optimal filter, a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) implementation of the channel estimator is derived. Simulation results demonstrate the estimator effectiveness.
En aquest article es presenten els primers resultats d'un projecte d'arqueologia experimental, que s'està desenvolupant en un laboratori a l'aire lliure on se sotmeten a experimentació sistemàtica diversos aspectes de l'arquitectura i tecniques constructives tradicionals aplicables a la protohistòria de la Mediterrania nord-occidental, per tal de verificar les hipotesis de reconstrucció proposades en els darrers anys per a diversos jaciments.
El present treball es proposa l'estudi fonnal de I'habitat construtt amb materials duradors a Catalunya durant el Bronze Final i la Primera Edat del Ferro, i se centra en l'aninisi dels materials i tecniques de construcció emprats, així com en l' estructura de la casa (planta, dimensions, superfície). Els elements definidors d'aquests habitacles en els períodes estudiats consisteixen en l'ús sistematic de la pedra i la terra com a materials de construcció i la disposició d'habitacions de planta rectangular compartint parets mitgeres, amb poca compartimentació interna i pocs agenc¡:aments al seu interior (llar, forn, banquetes). Les dimensions maximes d'aquestes habitacions no superen, per nonna general, els 20 metres quadrats. La unifonnitat d'aquestes construccions, unida a la poca compartimentació de l'espai, suggereix que ens trobem davant una arquitectura poc especialitzada, que podria correspondre a una societat amb una organització socio-política poc complexa.
El present treball ofereix una revisió de les pintures murals de la basílica de «Es Cap des Port» (Fornells, Menorca), així com un estudi de caracterització arqueometrica deIs materials i tecniques per microscopia optica, tant amb lupa binocular com amb micro scopi petrografic mitjanliant ¡¡lmina prima, difracció de raigs X i microscopia electronica de rastreig. Els resultats han permes identificar els pigments emprats, així com la seva tecnica d'aplicació. Igua!ment, han permes caracteritzar els morters i han desvelat l' existencia de dos tipus diferents de suporto Malgrat aquestes diferencies en els morters, els pigments són sempre els mateixos per a tots els conjunts pictorics caracteritzats.
La traducció de la Catalunya dins 1'Espanya moderna la veig ara com un fet a la vegada remot i actual. Remot per les circumstincies polítiques que enmarcaren la publicació de l'obra; actual perquè continua essent un pilar fonamental de la historiografia catalana. L'edició original fou publicada a París l'any 1962; les gestions per a publicar-la en catali s'iniciaren de seguida a partir dels volums enviats per Vilar al meu pare, Agusti Duran i Sanpere, amb qui l'unia una bona amistat des dels anys trenta. En aquell moment estava iniciant les seves activitats Edicions 62; tot i el risc que comportava la publicació, que no podia ser entesa sinó com una obra de resistencia per part de ].a censura franquista, decidirem tirar-la endavant i que jo m'encarregués de la traducció, ja que disposava del temps necessari, coneixia i admirava Pierre Vilar i m'era ficil mantenir contactes amb ell per a les imprescindibles consultes tecniques.
We describe an improved multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) scheme for genotyping Staphylococcus aureus. We compare its performance to those of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and spa typing in a survey of 309 strains. This collection includes 87 epidemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains of the Harmony collection, 75 clinical strains representing the major MLST clonal complexes (CCs) (50 methicillin-sensitive S. aureus [MSSA] and 25 MRSA), 135 nasal carriage strains (133 MSSA and 2 MRSA), and 13 published S. aureus genome sequences. The results show excellent concordance between the techniques' results and demonstrate that the discriminatory power of MLVA is higher than those of both MLST and spa typing. Two hundred forty-two genotypes are discriminated with 14 VNTR loci (diversity index, 0.9965; 95% confidence interval, 0.9947 to 0.9984). Using a cutoff value of 45%, 21 clusters are observed, corresponding to the CCs previously defined by MLST. The variability of the different tandem repeats allows epidemiological studies, as well as follow-up of the evolution of CCs and the identification of potential ancestors. The 14 loci can conveniently be analyzed in two steps, based upon a first-line simplified assay comprising a subset of 10 loci (panel 1) and a second subset of 4 loci (panel 2) that provides higher resolution when needed. In conclusion, the MLVA scheme proposed here, in combination with available on-line genotyping databases (including http://mlva.u-psud.fr/), multiplexing, and automatic sizing, can provide a basis for almost-real-time large-scale population monitoring of S. aureus.
En aquest article es presenten els primers resultats d'un projecte d'arqueologia experimental, que s'està desenvolupant en un laboratori a l'aire lliure on se sotmeten a experimentació sistemàtica diversos aspectes de l'arquitectura i tecniques constructives tradicionals aplicables a la protohistòria de la Mediterrania nord-occidental, per tal de verificar les hipotesis de reconstrucció proposades en els darrers anys per a diversos jaciments.
Aquest article recull un mateix procés metodològic en el qual s'emmarquen diverses investigacions presentades en aquest volum de la revista, amb un mateix objectiu: la construcció de tipologies en diferents àmbits temàtics. L'article especifica el marc general del disseny, descriu el seu procés metodològic i d'anàlisi de dades que pot caracteritzar-se per: (1) La font de dades prové d'una gran enquesta sobre hàbits i condicions de vida de la població, l'Enquesta Metropolitana de Barcelona 1990. (2) El plantejament d'un objecte d'estudi concret dins d'una realitat multivariable. (3) La utilització de tecniques d'anàlisi multivariables, en concret,l'Anàlisi de Correspondències Múltiples i les Tècniques de Classificació Automàtica.
Radioiodinated recombinant human interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) bound to human monocytes, U937, and HL60 cells in a specific, saturable, and reversible manner. At 4 degrees C, the different cell types bound 3,000-7,000 molecules of IFN gamma, and binding was of comparable affinity (Ka = 4-12 X 10(8) M-1). No change in the receptor was observed after monocytes differentiated to macrophages or when the cell lines were pharmacologically induced to differentiate. The functional relevance of the receptor was validated by the demonstration that receptor occupancy correlated with induction of Fc receptors on U937. Binding studies using U937 permeabilized with digitonin showed that only 46% of the total receptor pool was expressed at the cell surface. The receptor appears to be a protein, since treatment of U937 with trypsin or pronase reduced 125I-IFN gamma binding by 87 and 95%, respectively. At 37 degrees C, ligand was internalized, since 32% of the cell-associated IFN gamma became resistant to trypsin stripping. Monocytes degraded 125I-IFN gamma into trichloroacetic acid-soluble counts at 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C, at an approximate rate of 5,000 molecules/cell per h. The receptor was partially characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of purified U937 membranes that had been incubated with 125I-IFN gamma. After cross-linking, the receptor-ligand complex migrated as a broad band that displayed an Mr of 104,000 +/- 18,000 at the top and 84,000 +/- 6,000 at the bottom. These results thereby define and partially characterize the IFN gamma receptor of human mononuclear phagocytes.
Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) is a widely used approach for transcript identification. Random clone selection from the RACE mixture, however, is an ineffective sampling strategy if the dynamic range of transcript abundances is large. To improve sampling efficiency of human transcripts, we hybridized the products of the RACE reaction onto tiling arrays and used the detected exons to delineate a series of reverse-transcriptase (RT)-PCRs, through which the original RACE transcript population was segregated into simpler transcript populations. We independently cloned the products and sequenced randomly selected clones. This approach, RACEarray, is superior to direct cloning and sequencing of RACE products because it specifically targets new transcripts and often results in overall normalization of transcript abundance. We show theoretically and experimentally that this strategy leads indeed to efficient sampling of new transcripts, and we investigated multiplexing the strategy by pooling RACE reactions from multiple interrogated loci before hybridization.
Mendelian cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias are characterized by an important genetic heterogeneity, rendering Sanger sequencing very laborious and expensive. As a proof of concept, we explored multiplex targeted high-throughput sequencing (HTS) as a fast and cost-efficient diagnostic method for individuals suffering from Mendelian cardiac disorders. We designed a DNA capture assay including all exons from 130 genes involved in cardiovascular Mendelian disorders and analysed simultaneously four samples by multiplexing. Two patients had familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and two patients suffered from long QT syndrome (LQTS). In patient 1 with HCM, we identified two known pathogenic missense variants in the two most frequently mutated sarcomeric genes MYH7 and MYBPC. In patient 2 with HCM, a known acceptor splice site variant in MYBPC3 was found. In patient 3 with LQTS, two missense variants in the genes SCN5A and KCNQ were identified. Finally, in patient 4 with LQTS a known missense variant was found in MYBPC3, which is usually mutated in patients with cardiomyopathy. Our results showed that multiplex targeted HTS works as an efficient and cost-effective tool for molecular diagnosis of heterogeneous disorders in clinical practice and offers new insights in the pathogenesis of these complex diseases.
This paper presents a Bayesian approach to the design of transmit prefiltering matrices in closed-loop schemes robust to channel estimation errors. The algorithms are derived for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. Two different optimizationcriteria are analyzed: the minimization of the mean square error and the minimization of the bit error rate. In both cases, the transmitter design is based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the conditional mean of the channel response, given the channel estimate. The performance of the proposed algorithms is analyzed,and their relationship with existing algorithms is indicated. As withother previously proposed solutions, the minimum bit error rate algorithmconverges to the open-loop transmission scheme for very poor CSI estimates.
This paper proposes a spatial filtering technique forthe reception of pilot-aided multirate multicode direct-sequencecode division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems such as widebandCDMA (WCDMA). These systems introduce a code-multiplexedpilot sequence that can be used for the estimation of thefilter weights, but the presence of the traffic signal (transmittedat the same time as the pilot sequence) corrupts that estimationand degrades the performance of the filter significantly. This iscaused by the fact that although the traffic and pilot signals areusually designed to be orthogonal, the frequency selectivity of thechannel degrades this orthogonality at hte receiving end. Here,we propose a semi-blind technique that eliminates the self-noisecaused by the code-multiplexing of the pilot. We derive analyticallythe asymptotic performance of both the training-only andthe semi-blind techniques and compare them with the actual simulatedperformance. It is shown, both analytically and via simulation,that high gains can be achieved with respect to training-onlybasedtechniques.
Cooperative transmission can be seen as a "virtual" MIMO system, where themultiple transmit antennas are in fact implemented distributed by the antennas both at the source and the relay terminal. Depending on the system design, diversity/multiplexing gainsare achievable. This design involves the definition of the type of retransmission (incrementalredundancy, repetition coding), the design of the distributed space-time codes, the errorcorrecting scheme, the operation of the relay (decode&forward or amplify&forward) and thenumber of antennas at each terminal. Proposed schemes are evaluated in different conditionsin combination with forward error correcting codes (FEC), both for linear and near-optimum(sphere decoder) receivers, for its possible implementation in downlink high speed packetservices of cellular networks. Results show the benefits of coded cooperation over directtransmission in terms of increased throughput. It is shown that multiplexing gains areobserved even if the mobile station features a single antenna, provided that cell wide reuse of the relay radio resource is possible.
The subject of the thesis was the digital audio broadcasting technology developed in the Eureka project 147. The research was based on the literature on the subject. At first, some reasons for the digitisation of broadcasting technology were given. Next, the channel multiplexing and channel coding methods employed by digital radio were discussed. The design of these methods is based on certain phenomena related to the propagation of radio-frequency signals, and these phenomena were also described. After that, audio and data transfer mechanisms as well as the structure of digital radio network were explained. Furthermore, digital audio and data services were considered. Finally, the digital radio was examined from marketing and administrative aspects. From a merely technical point of view, the digital radio technology offers several improvements in comparison with analogue technology. However, the digital radio has not become as widespread as it was perhaps originally expected during its development.