988 resultados para modular junctions


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El proyecto consiste en la realización de una agenda web modular, utilizando para ello las tecnologías de la plataforma J2EE mediante frameworks (Hibernate y Spring) y un patrón de arquitectura (MVC). La agenda se ha realizado para ser gestionada por un servidor Apache Tomcat y sus datos almacenados en MySQL.


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There is increasing evidence that modular neck stems are prone to corrosion-related complications. Recent studies showed elevated metal ions levels and occasional pseudotumor formation in patients with such implants. The purpose of this study was to compare systemic metal-ion levels in patients after primary THA with modular neck stems to those of patients after non-modular implants. To our knowledge, this is the first cohort study including a control group, THA without CoCr heads and dry-assembled neck-stem connections. Methods: 50 patients after THA at a minimum follow-up of 1 year have been selected for the study. Patients with multiple prosthesis or other implants have been deselected. All received a cementless SPS stem from Symbios (Ti6Al4V). 40 patients have the modular neck (CoCr) version and 10 a monobloc version. All bearings were either ceramic-ceramic or ceramic-polyethylene to minimize other sources of CoCr ion release. In the modular group, the neck was chosen pre-operatively based on a 3D planning, allowing for a dry assembly of the stem and neck on the back table before implantation. A plasma system coupled to mass spectrometry was used for a complete elementary quantification in blood and serum separately. Clinical outcome was measured using the Oxford Hip Score. Results : Complete data sets of 29 patients (24 in the modular neck-group (10male, mean age 63y, 35-84y) and 5 in the monobloc-group (3 male, 69 y, 51-83y) are available to date. Mean Co blood levels were .95 ug/L (.14-12.4) in the modular group vs .27 ug/L (.10-.73) in the monobloc group (p=.2). Respective values for Cr were significantly higher in the modular group (.99 g/L; range .75-1.21) compared to those in the monobloc group (.74 g/L ;.62-.86; p=.001). No significant difference was found when comparing serum levels. 5/24 patients had Co levels above 1 g/L (12/24 for Cr), which is by some considered as a relevant elevation. The maximum Co level was measured in an asymptomatic patient. The Oxford Hip Scores were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Cr levels were significantly elevated in the modular neck group compared to those in the monobloc group. 1/24 patients with a modular prosthesis exhibited Co levels, which are beyond the threshold accepted even for metal-on-metal bearing couples. These results have contributed to our decision to abandon the use of modular neck stems. Routine follow-up including annual measurements of systemic CoCr concentrations should be considered.


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L'objectiu principal del TFC consisteix en la creació d'una complexa estructura modular J2EE basada i mantinguda per Maven, amb la utilització com frameworks Spring, Hibernate i Flex principalment. Aquesta estructura permet reprendre el desenvolupament inicial, nous desenvolupaments i manteniments d'una aplicació, amb un cost temporal mínim per la part de l'equip de desenvolupament.


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En aquest treball presentem una proposta d’avaluació per competències en una estructura modular que és fruit de la nostra experiència com a professors universitaris. Volem oferir un instrument d’avaluació conjunta per a tot l’equip de professors de mòdul que sigui vàlid, àgil i operatiu i que permeti donar feedback a cada estudiant del seu procés d’aprenentatge. Després de presentar els trets més singulars de la nostra institució i exposar alguns referents teòrics en relació a l’avaluació de competències, indiquem quines són les competències que hem seleccionat i aprofundim en la metodologia de treball i avaluació de les mateixes. Aquesta metodologia varia segons els espais acadèmics: gran grup, grup mig i seminari. A cadascun d’aquests espais es treballen i s’avaluen unes competències determinades, tot i que d’una forma més genèrica totes es desenvolupen conjuntament ens els tres àmbits. Considerem que és fonamental assenyalar que no es tracta d’avaluar “per assignatures” ni “per activitats”, sinó d’avaluar les competències que es desenvolupen a través de les matèries i de les propostes de treball que s’especifiquen en el pla docent.. L’ instrument d’avaluació que presentem possibilita la participació de tot el professorat implicat en el mateix mòdul i alhora permet que cada professor utilitzi els seus propis indicadors d’avaluació, aconseguint harmonitzar les dinàmiques de treball individuals i de grup.


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Complications related to the neck-stem junction of modular stems used for total hip arthroplasty (THA) are generating increasing concern. A 74-year-old male had increasing pain and a cutaneous reaction around the scar 1 year after THA with a modular neck-stem. Imaging revealed osteolysis of the calcar and a pseudo-tumour adjacent to the neck-stem junction. Serum cobalt levels were elevated. Revision surgery to exchange the stem and liner and to resect the pseudo-tumour was performed. Analysis of the stem by scanning electron microscopy and by energy dispersive X-ray and white light interferometry showed fretting corrosion at the neck-stem junction contrasting with minimal changes at the head-neck junction. Thus, despite dry assembly of the neck and stem on the back table at primary THA, full neck-stem contact was not achieved, and the resulting micromotion at the interface led to fretting corrosion. This case highlights the mechanism of fretting corrosion at the neck-stem interface responsible for adverse local tissue reactions. Clinical and radiological follow-up is mandatory in patients with dual-modular stems.


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Una eficaz acción educativa obliga necesariamente a plantearse en profundidad la autoevaluación como modelo de cambio y la participación de todos los estamentos de la comunidad educativa. Un mayor o menor grado de participación viene a ser un indicador que nos permite valorar cualquier propuesta de «calidad», «reforma» o «innovación». El modelo B.A.D.I. yen especial su instrumento modular, responde a las exigencias particulares de reflexión, análisis y toma de decisiones que se realiza en cada centro para responder adecuadamente a cualquier planteamiento innovador. Los principios fundamentales de este modelo se resumen en: A. Es un modelo de concepción organicista, estamental, con definición ideológica. B. Responde a un enfoque fundamentalmente rogeriano. C. Participa de los enfoques social, abierto, dinámico, cultural y positivo. Comparte la teoría moderna de la organización y sus indicadores se agrupan en cuatro fases: Criterial, presupuestaria, metodológica e informativa. D. Se identifica con los modelos centrados en la evaluación de cambio, de forma especial con la autoevaluación. La flexibilidad que caracteriza al modelo viene dado por el instrumento modular de área o de criterio, como resultado de la participación y el consenso de todos los estamentos de la institución educativa.


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How proteins migrate through the interconnected organelles of the endolysosomal system is poorly understood. A piece of the puzzle has been added with the identification of a complex of tethering factors that functions in the recycling of proteins towards the cell surface.


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Neurons and astrocytes, the two major cell populations in the adult brain, are characterized by their own mode of intercellular communication--the synapses and the gap junctions (GJ), respectively. In addition, there is increasing evidence for dynamic and metabolic neuroglial interactions resulting in the modulation of synaptic transmission at the so-called "tripartite synapse". Based on this, we have investigated at the ultrastructural level how excitatory synapses (ES) and astroglial GJ are spatially distributed in layer IV of the barrel cortex of the adult mouse. We used specific antibodies for connexin (Cx) 30 and 43 to identify astroglial GJ, these two proteins are known to be present in the majority of astroglial GJ in the cerebral cortex. In electron-microscopic images, we measured the distance between two ES, between two GJ and between a GJ and its nearest ES. We found a ratio of two GJ per three ES in the hollow and septal areas. Taking into account the size of an astrocyte domain, the high density of GJ suggests the occurrence of reflexive type, i.e. GJ between processes of the same astrocyte. Interestingly, the distance between an ES and an astroglial GJ was found to be significantly lower than that between either two synapses or between two GJ. These observations indicate that the two modes of cell-to-cell communication are not randomly distributed in layer IV of the barrel cortex. Consequently, this feature may provide the morphological support for the recently reported functional interactions between neuronal circuits and astroglial networks.


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Työn tavoitteena on analysoida KONEen hissien ovituoteperheitä ja harmonisoida modulaarista ovituotevalikoimaa niin, että tulos olisi mahdollisimman suotuisa KONEelle sekä sen sidosryhmille. Harmonisointi toteutetaan, koska KONEen tuotevalikoima on erittäin laaja ja monimutkainen ja siitä syystä erittäin kallis ja vaikea hallita ja ylläpitää. Tavoitteena on selvittää myös termejä modulaarisuus ja tuotealusta olennaisen kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Nykyään yritysten täytyy kehittää tuotevalikoimaa jatkuvasti. Yrityksen koko tuotevalikoiman varioituvuus tulisi kuitenkin pitää järkevissä rajoissa. Moduuleita ja tuotealustoja pitäisi käyttää jakamaan tuotteiden avainelementtejä ja lisäämään varioituvuutta helposti hallittavalla tavalla. Kannattamattomat ja matalavolyymiset tuotteet kuluttavat yrityksen niukkoja resursseja. Tällaiset tuotteet tulisi poistaa tuotevalikoimasta, mutta ei ilman harkintaa. Kannattama-tonkin tuote voi olla erittäin arvokas asiakkaalle ja tällaisen tuotteen hylkääminen voi olla yritykselle pitkällä tähtäimellä erittäin kohtalokasta. Työn tuloksena oli harmonisointiehdotus KONEen AMD-oville ja selvitys harmonisoinnin vaikutuksista. Harmonisointi KONEella päätettiin toteuttaa siten, että matalavolyymiset tuotteet siirrettiin erikoistuotteiden valikoimaan. Myös kustannusanalyysi tukee harmonisointipäätöstä laskentajärjestelmän puutteista huolimatta.


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Lähitulevaisuudessa langattomien järjestelmien kaupalliset mahdollisuudet tulevat olemaan valtavia. Tutkiaksemme tulevia tarpeita, tässä diplomityössä esitellään kuinka voidaan suunnitella ja toteuttaa avoin langaton asiakas-palvelin järjestelmä. Järjestelmänä päätettiin käyttää Bluetooth:ia. Tutkituista langattomista standardeista Bluetooth sopii parhaiten akkukäyttöiselle laitteelle, jonka tulee olla monipuolinen. Lisäksi Bluetooth:iin on liitetty suuria kaupallisia odotuksia ja yksi työn tavoitteista olikin tutkia, ovatko nämä odotukset realistisia. Bluetooth:iin havaittiin liittyvän paljon ylimainontaa ja, sen todettiin olevan monimutkainen. Sillä on kuitenkin paljon ominaisuuksia ja erilaisten käyttöprofiilien avulla sitä voidaan käyttää monenlaisiin tehtäviin. Suunniteltu järjestelmä ajaa socket-palvelinta Bluetooth-yhteyden päällä. Tietyntyyppiseen liikenteeseen erikoistuneet socket:t tarjoavat vaaditun laajennattavuuden. Palvelin toteutetiin Linux-säikeenä ja se hallitsee Bluetooth protokollapinoa sekä sovelluksia, joita suoritetaan palvelimella. Näiden sovelluksien palvelut ovat muiden käytössä Bluetooth:n kautta.


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We present tunneling experiments on Fe~001!/MgO~20 Å!/FeCo~001! single-crystal epitaxial junctions of high quality grown by sputtering and laser ablation. Tunnel magnetoresistance measurements give 60% at 30 K, to be compared with 13% obtained recently on ~001!-oriented Fe/amorphous-Al2O3 /FeCo tunnel junctions. This difference demonstrates that the spin polarization of tunneling electrons is not directly related to the density of states of the free metal surface Fe~001! in this case but depends on the actual electronic structure of the entire electrode/barrier system.


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Chromatin state variation at gene regulatory elements is abundant across individuals, yet we understand little about the genetic basis of this variability. Here, we profiled several histone modifications, the transcription factor (TF) PU.1, RNA polymerase II, and gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines from 47 whole-genome sequenced individuals. We observed that distinct cis-regulatory elements exhibit coordinated chromatin variation across individuals in the form of variable chromatin modules (VCMs) at sub-Mb scale. VCMs were associated with thousands of genes and preferentially cluster within chromosomal contact domains. We mapped strong proximal and weak, yet more ubiquitous, distal-acting chromatin quantitative trait loci (cQTL) that frequently explain this variation. cQTLs were associated with molecular activity at clusters of cis-regulatory elements and mapped preferentially within TF-bound regions. We propose that local, sequence-independent chromatin variation emerges as a result of genetic perturbations in cooperative interactions between cis-regulatory elements that are located within the same genomic domain.


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We describe methods for the fast production of highly coherent-spin-squeezed many-body states in bosonic Josephson junctions. We start from the known mapping of the two-site Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian to that of a single effective particle evolving according to a Schrödinger-like equation in Fock space. Since, for repulsive interactions, the effective potential in Fock space is nearly parabolic, we extend recently derived protocols for shortcuts to adiabatic evolution in harmonic potentials to the many-body BH Hamiltonian. A comparison with current experiments shows that our methods allow for an important reduction in the preparation times of highly squeezed spin states.