997 resultados para marine sediment


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We reconstructed the surface hydrography of the South Equatorial Current in the western Indian Ocean for the last 65,000 years using a marine sediment core record. Results show that tropical Indian Ocean temperatures resemble temperatures from Antarctic ice cores with warm and cold fluctuations synchronous with the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Antarctic warm events A1-A4. The most likely thermal link involves Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) which forms north of the subpolar frontal zone and spreads northward into the Indian Ocean. This subsurface water mass is the prime suspect because of a stronger temperature response in the thermocline (recorded by the foraminifer N. dutertrei) than in surface water (G. ruber).


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Detailed information about the sediment properties and microstructure can be provided through the analysis of digital ultrasonic P wave seismograms recorded automatically during full waveform core logging. The physical parameter which predominantly affects the elastic wave propagation in water-saturated sediments is the P wave attenuation coefficient. The related sedimentological parameter is the grain size distribution. A set of high-resolution ultrasonic transmission seismograms (-50-500 kHz), which indicate downcore variations in the grain size by their signal shape and frequency content, are presented. Layers of coarse-grained foraminiferal ooze can be identified by highly attenuated P waves, whereas almost unattenuated waves are recorded in fine-grained areas of nannofossil ooze. Color -encoded pixel graphics of the seismograms and instantaneous frequencies present full waveform images of the lithology and attenuation. A modified spectral difference method is introduced to determine the attenuation coefficient and its power law a = kF. Applied to synthetic seismograms derived using a "constant Q" model, even low attenuation coefficients can be quantified. A downcore analysis gives an attenuation log which ranges from -700 dB/m at 400 kHz and a power of n=1-2 in coarse-grained sands to few decibels per meter and n :s; 0.5 in fine-grained clays. A least squares fit of a second degree polynomial describes the mutual relationship between the mean grain size and the attenuation coefficient. When it is used to predict the mean grain size, an almost perfect coincidence with the values derived from sedimentological measurements is achieved.


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Increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere are causing a rise in pCO2 concentrations in the ocean surface and lowering pH. To predict the effects of these changes, we need to improve our understanding of the responses of marine primary producers since these drive biogeochemical cycles and profoundly affect the structure and function of benthic habitats. The effects of increasing CO2 levels on the colonisation of artificial substrata by microalgal assemblages (periphyton) were examined across a CO2 gradient off the volcanic island of Vulcano (NE Sicily). We show that periphyton communities altered significantly as CO2 concentrations increased. CO2 enrichment caused significant increases in chlorophyll a concentrations and in diatom abundance although we did not detect any changes in cyanobacteria. SEM analysis revealed major shifts in diatom assemblage composition as CO2 levels increased. The responses of benthic microalgae to rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to have significant ecological ramifications for coastal systems.


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The South American summer monsoon (SASM) is the main source of precipitation for the most densely populated and agriculturally productive regions of tropical and subtropical South America. Here we investigate the impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on the SASM using ~4500 yr long proxy records of the discharge variability of the La Plata River Drainage Basin (PRDB), subtropical South America. We measured the stable oxygen composition of planktic foraminifera (related to the extension of the PRDB plume), and Ti intensity in bulk sediment (related to the source of the terrigenous sediments) from a marine sediment core. Spectral and wavelet analyses of our records indicate an oscillation with period of ~64 yr. We conclude that the observed oscillation reflects variability in the SASM activity associated to the AMO. Sea surface temperature and atmospheric circulation anomalies triggered by the AMO would control the variability in SASM activity.


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Surface currents and sediment distribution of the SE South American upper continental margin are under influence of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) and the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB). Both climatic systems determine the meridional position of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and probably also of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC). We reconstruct the changing impact of the SAMS and the SWWB on sediment composition at the upper Rio Grande Cone off southern Brazil during the last 14 cal kyr combining sedimentological, geochemical, micropaleontological and rock magnetic proxies of marine sediment core GeoB 6211-2. Sharp reciprocal changes in ferri- and paramagnetic mineral content and prominent grain-size shifts give strong clues to systematic source changes and transport modes of these mostly terrigenous sediments. Our interpretations support the assumption that the SAMS over SE South America was weaker than today during most of the Late Glacial and entire Early Holocene, while the SWWB was contracted to more southern latitudes, resembling modern austral summer-like conditions. In consequence, the STSF and the BMC were driven to more southern positions than today's, favoring the deposition of Fe-rich but weakly magnetic La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. During the Mid Holocene, the northern boundary of the SWWB migrated northward, while the STSF reached its northernmost position of the last 14 cal kyr and the BMC most likely arrived at its modern position. This shift enabled the transport of Antarctic diatoms and more strongly magnetic Argentinean shelf sands to the Rio Grande Cone, while sediment contributions from the La Plata River became less important. During the Late Holocene, the modern El Niño Southern Oscillation set in and the SAMS and the austral tradewinds intensified, causing a southward shift of the STSF to its modern position. This reinforced a significant deposition of La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. These higher magnetic silts with intermediate Fe contents mirror the modern more humid terrestrial climatic conditions over SE South America.


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A multiproxy record including benthic foraminifera, diatoms and XRF data of a marine sediment core from a SW Greenland fjord provides a detailed reconstruction of the oceanographic and climatic variations of the region during the last 4400 cal. years. The lower part of our record represents the final termination of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. After the onset of the 'Neoglaciation' at approximately 3.2 ka cal. BP, the fjord system was subject to a number of marked hydrographical changes that were closely linked to the general climatic and oceanographic development of the Labrador Sea and the North Atlantic region. Our data show that increased advection of Atlantic water (Irminger Sea Water) from the West Greenland Current into the Labrador Sea was a typical feature of Northeast Atlantic cooling episodes such as the 'Little Ice Age' and the 'European Dark Ages', while the advection of Irminger Sea Water decreased significantly during warm episodes such as the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and the 'Roman Warm Period'.Whereas the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' was characterized by relatively cool climate as suggested by low meltwater production, the preceding 'Dark Ages' display higher meltwater runoff and consequently warmer climate. When compared with European climate, these regional climate anomalies indicate persisting patterns of advection of colder, respectively warmer air masses in the study region during these periods and thus a long-term seesaw climate pattern between West Greenland and Europe.


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Ice loss from the marine-based, potentially unstable West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) contributes to current sea-level rise and may raise sea level by up to 3.3 to 5 meters in the future. Over the past few decades, glaciers draining the WAIS into the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) have shown accelerated ice flow, rapid thinning and grounding-line retreat. However, the long-term context of this ice-sheet retreat is poorly constrained, limiting our ability to accurately predict future WAIS behaviour. Here we present a new chronology for WAIS retreat from the inner continental shelf of the eastern ASE based on radiocarbon dates from three marine sediment cores. The ages document a retreat of the grounding line to within ~93 km of its modern position before 11.7±0.7 kyr BP (thousand years before present). This early deglaciation is consistent with ages for grounding-line retreat from the western ASE. Our new data demonstrate that, other than in the Ross Sea, WAIS retreat in the ASE has not continued progressively since the Last Glacial Maximum. Furthermore, our results suggest that the grounding-line position in the ASE was predominantly stable throughout the Holocene, and that any episodes of fast retreat similar to that observed today must have been short-lived. Alternatively, today's rapid retreat was unprecedented during the Holocene. Therefore, the current ice loss must originate in recent changes in regional climate, ocean circulation or ice-sheet dynamics. Incorporation of these results into models is essential to produce robust predictions of future ice-sheet change and its contribution to sea-level rise.


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Water depth zonation of fifty nine benthonic foraminiferal species in marine sediment surfaces has been described. Some species are combined to groups which mark particular depth zones: an upper and lower shelf-fauna, an upper and lower slope fauna, and a shelf-slope fauna. Dependence on latitude could be ascertained for Textularia panamensis, and submergence effects for Hyalinea balthica.