996 resultados para macroalgal species indicators


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Ocean acidification (OA), resulting from increasing dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) in surface waters, is likely to affect many marine organisms, particularly those that calcify. Recent OA studies have demonstrated negative and/or differential effects of reduced pH on growth, development, calcification and physiology, but most of these have focused on taxa other than calcareous benthic macroalgae. Here we investigate the potential effects of OA on one of the most common coral reef macroalgal genera,Halimeda. Species of Halimeda produce a large proportion of the sand in the tropics and are a major contributor to framework development on reefs because of their rapid calcium carbonate production and high turnover rates. On Palmyra Atoll in the central Pacific, we conducted a manipulative bubbling experiment to investigate the potential effects of OA on growth, calcification and photophysiology of 2 species of Halimeda. Our results suggest that Halimeda is highly susceptible to reduced pH and aragonite saturation state but the magnitude of these effects is species specific. H. opuntiasuffered net dissolution and 15% reduction in photosynthetic capacity, while H. taenicola did not calcify but did not alter photophysiology in experimental treatments. The disparate responses of these species to elevated CO2 partial -pressure (pCO2) may be due to anatomical and physiological differences and could represent a shift in their relative dominance in the face of OA. The ability for a species to exert biological control over calcification and the species specific role of the carbonate skeleton may have important implications for the potential effects of OA on ecological function in the future.


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Ocean acidification is expected to alter marine systems, but there is uncertainty about its effects due to the logistical difficulties of testing its large-scale and long-term effects. Responses of biological communities to increases in carbon dioxide can be assessed at CO2 seeps that cause chronic exposure to lower seawater pH over localised areas of seabed. Shifts in macroalgal communities have been described at temperate and tropical pCO2 seeps, but temporal and spatial replication of these observations is needed to strengthen confidence our predictions, especially because very few studies have been replicated between seasons. Here we describe the seawater chemistry and seasonal variability of macroalgal communities at CO2 seeps off Methana (Aegean Sea). Monitoring from 2011 to 2013 showed that seawater pH decreased to levels predicted for the end of this century at the seep site with no confounding gradients in Total Alkalinity, salinity, temperature or wave exposure. Most nutrient levels were similar along the pH gradient; silicate increased significantly with decreasing pH, but it was not limiting for algal growth at all sites. Metal concentrations in seaweed tissues varied between sites but did not consistently increase with pCO2. Our data on the flora are consistent with results from laboratory experiments and observations at Mediterranean CO2 seep sites in that benthic communities decreased in calcifying algal cover and increased in brown algal cover with increasing pCO2. This differs from the typical macroalgal community response to stress, which is a decrease in perennial brown algae and proliferation of opportunistic green algae. Cystoseira corniculata was more abundant in autumn and Sargassum vulgare in spring, whereas the articulated coralline alga Jania rubens was more abundant at reference sites in autumn. Diversity decreased with increasing CO2 regardless of season. Our results show that benthic community responses to ocean acidification are strongly affected by season.


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Ocean acidification may benefit algae that are able to capitalize on increased carbon availability for photosynthesis, but it is expected to have adverse effects on calcified algae through dissolution. Shifts in dominance between primary producers will have knock-on effects on marine ecosystems and will likely vary regionally, depending on factors such as irradiance (light vs. shade) and nutrient levels (oligotrophic vs. eutrophic). Thus experiments are needed to evaluate interactive effects of combined stressors in the field. In this study, we investigated the physiological responses of macroalgae near a CO2 seep in oligotrophic waters off Vulcano (Italy). The algae were incubated in situ at 0.2 m depth using a combination of three mean CO2 levels (500, 700-800 and 1200 µatm CO2), two light levels (100 and 70% of surface irradiance) and two nutrient levels of N, P, and K (enriched vs. non-enriched treatments) in the non-calcified macroalga Cystoseira compressa (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) and calcified Padina pavonica (Phaeophyceae, Dictyotales). A suite of biochemical assays and in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters showed that elevated CO2 levels benefitted both of these algae, although their responses varied depending on light and nutrient availability. In C. compressa, elevated CO2 treatments resulted in higher carbon content and antioxidant activity in shaded conditions both with and without nutrient enrichment-they had more Chla, phenols and fucoxanthin with nutrient enrichment and higher quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and photosynthetic efficiency (alpha ETR) without nutrient enrichment. In P. pavonica, elevated CO2 treatments had higher carbon content, Fv/Fm, alpha ETR, and Chla regardless of nutrient levels-they had higher concentrations of phenolic compounds in nutrient enriched, fully-lit conditions and more antioxidants in shaded, nutrient enriched conditions. Nitrogen content increased significantly in fertilized treatments, confirming that these algae were nutrient limited in this oligotrophic part of the Mediterranean. Our findings strengthen evidence that brown algae can be expected to proliferate as the oceans acidify where physicochemical conditions, such as nutrient levels and light, permit.


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Nitrogen (N) deposition has doubled the natural N inputs received by ecosystems through biological N fixation and is currently a global problem that is affecting the Mediterranean regions. We evaluated the existing relationships between increased atmospheric N deposition and biogeochemical indicators related to soil chemical factors and cryptogam species across semiarid central, southern, and eastern Spain. The cryptogam species studied were the biocrust-forming species Pleurochaete squarrosa (moss) and Cladonia foliacea (lichen). Sampling sites were chosen in Quercus coccifera (kermes oak) shrublands and Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) forests to cover a range of inorganic N deposition representative of the levels found in the Iberian Peninsula (between 4.4 and 8.1 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)). We extended the ambient N deposition gradient by including experimental plots to which N had been added for 3 years at rates of 10, 20, and 50 kg N ha(-1) year(-1). Overall, N deposition (extant plus simulated) increased soil inorganic N availability and caused soil acidification. Nitrogen deposition increased phosphomonoesterase (PME) enzyme activity and PME/nitrate reductase (NR) ratio in both species, whereas the NR activity was reduced only in the moss. Responses of PME and NR activities were attributed to an induced N to phosphorus imbalance and to N saturation, respectively. When only considering the ambient N deposition, soil organic C and N contents were positively related to N deposition, a response driven by pine forests. The PME/NR ratios of the moss were better predictors of N deposition rates than PME or NR activities alone in shrublands, whereas no correlation between N deposition and the lichen physiology was observed. We conclude that integrative physiological measurements, such as PME/NR ratios, measured on sensitive species such as P. squarrosa, can provide useful data for national-scale biomonitoring programs, whereas soil acidification and soil C and N storage could be useful as additional corroborating ecosystem indicators of chronic N pollution.


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Debido al futuro incierto de la mayor parte de los fumigantes edáficos usados actualmente en la Unión Europea, que pueden implicar riesgos para la salud humana/animal y el medio ambiente, es necesario desarrollar programas de manejo integrado para el control de plagas de cultivos. Estos programas se incluyen como obligatorios en el Reglamento (EC) No. 1107/2009. De acuerdo con este Reglamento, es obligatoria la evaluación del riesgo asociado al uso de productos fitosanitarios sobre los organismos edáficos no diana y sus funciones, además de llevar a cabo ensayos con diferentes especies indicadoras para obtener datos de toxicidad que puedan ser usados posteriormente en la evaluación de riesgo. Sin embargo, la baja representatividad de algunas de estas especies indicadoras en el área Mediterránea supone una gran limitación. En esta situación, el Panel Científico de Productos Fitosanitarios y sus Residuos de la Autoridad Europea en Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA), ha señalado la necesidad de modificar los datos ecotoxicológicos requeridos para evaluar los efectos adversos de los productos fitosanitarios de una manera más integrada, incluyendo criterios funcionales y estructurales mediante organismos como bacterias, hongos, protozoos y nematodos. De este modo, la EFSA ha recomendado el uso de los nematodos en la evaluación de la funcionalidad y estructura del suelo. Los nematodos están globalmente distribuidos y son morfológicamente diversos; esto junto con su gran abundancia y diversidad de respuestas a las perturbaciones edáficas, los convierte en indicadores adecuados del estado del suelo. Puesto que los nematodos interaccionan con muchos otros organismos que participan en diferentes eslabones de la red trófica edáfica, jugando papeles importantes en procesos edáficos esenciales en los agroescosistemas, la diversidad de nematodos es, a menudo, usada como indicador biológico de los efectos de las prácticas agrícolas en el estado del suelo. En los últimos años, diferentes índices basados en la comunidad nematológica han facilitado la interpretación de datos complejos sobre la ecología del suelo. Los índices de la red trófica edáfica, basados en la abundancia de grupos funcionales definidos como grupos C-P y grupos tróficos, permiten la evaluación de la funcionalidad de la red trófica edáfica. Por otra parte, la dificultad en la identificación taxonómica de nematodos para explicar su uso limitado como indicadores ecológicos, es ampliamente discutida, y existe cierta controversia en cuanto a la eficacia de los diferentes métodos de identificación de nematodos. Se argumenta que la identificación morfológica es difícil y puede llevar mucho tiempo debido a la falta de expertos especializados, y se afirma que las técnicas moleculares pueden resolver algunas limitaciones de las técnicas morfológicas como la identificación de juveniles. Sin embargo, los métodos de identificación molecular tienen también limitaciones; la mayoría de las bases de datos de secuencias de ADN están fuertemente orientadas hacia los nematodos fitoparásitos, los cuales representan sólo una parte de la comunidad edáfica de nematodos, mientras que hay poca información disponible de nematodos de vida libre a pesar de representar la mayoría de los nematodos edáficos. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de los efectos de fumigantes edáficos en la funcionalidad del suelo a través del uso de diferentes indicadores basados en la comunidad de nematodos, como los índices de la red trófica, índices de diversidad, abundancia de los taxones más relevantes etc. También se han analizado otros indicadores funcionales relacionados con la supresividad edáfica, el ciclo de nutrientes o la actividad de la microfauna del suelo. En el capítulo 1, la diversidad de nematodos estudiada en una explotación comercial de fresa y sus alrededores durante dos campañas consecutivas en el suroeste español, fue baja en los suelos fumigados con fumigantes químicos ambas campañas y, aunque se observó una recuperación a lo largo de la campaña en la zona tratada, los suelos fumigados mostraron una condición perturbada permanente. La comunidad de nematodos estuvo más asociada al ciclo de nutrientes en la zona sin cultivar que en los suelos cultivados, y se observó poca relación entre la biomasa de las plantas y la estructura de la comunidad de nematodos. Los surcos sin tratar dentro de la zona de cultivo funcionaron como reservorio tanto de nematodos fitoparásitos como beneficiosos; sin embargo estas diferencias entre los surcos y los lomos de cultivo no fueron suficientes para mantener la supresividad edáfica en los surcos. Los suelos tratados fueron menos supresivos que los suelos sin tratar, y se observaron correlaciones positivas entre la supresividad edáfica y la estructura de la red trófica edáfica y la diversidad de nematodos. En el capítulo 2, se evaluaron los efectos de dos pesticidas orgánicos con efecto nematicida y dos nematicidas convencionales sobre las propiedades físico químicas del suelo, la diversidad de nematodos y la biomasa de las plantas en condiciones experimentales en dos tipos de suelo: suelos agrícolas poco diversos y suelos provenientes de una zona de vegetación natural muy diversos. El mayor efecto se observó en el tratamiento con neem, el cual indujo un gran incremento en el número de dauerlarvas en los suelos pobres en nutrientes, mientras que el mismo tratamiento indujo un incremento de poblaciones de nematodos bacterívoros, más estables y menos oportunistas, en los suelos del pinar ricos en materia orgánica. En el capítulo 3, se comparó la eficacia de métodos moleculares (TRFLP, Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) y morfológicos (microscopía de alta resolución) para la identificación de diferentes comunidades denematodos de España e Irlanda. Se compararon estadísticamente las diferencias y similitudes en la diversidad de nematodos, otros indicadores ecológicos y de la red trófica edáfica. Las identificaciones mediante el uso de TRFLP sólo detectó un porcentaje de los taxones presentes en las muestras de suelo identificadas morfológicamente, y los nematodos omnívoros y predadores no fueron detectados molecularmente en nuestro estudio. Los índices calculados en base a los nematodos micróboros mostraron más similitud cuando se identificaron morfológica y molecularmente que los índices basados en grupos tróficos más altos. Nuestros resultados muestran que, al menos con la técnica usada en este estudio, la identificación morfológica de nematodos es una herramienta fiable y más precisa que la identificación molecular, puesto que en general se obtiene una mayor resolución en la identificación de nematodos. En el capítulo 4, se estudiaron también los efectos de los nematicidas químicos sobre la comunidad de nematodos y la biomasa de las plantas en condiciones experimentales de campo, donde se aplicaron en una rotación de cultivo judía-col durante un ciclo de cultivo. Se aplicaron dos tipos de enmiendas orgánicas con el objetivo de mitigar el efecto negativo de los productos fitosanitarios sobre la diversidad edáfica. El efecto de los nematicidas sobre las propiedades del suelo y sobre la comunidad de nematodos fue más agudo que el efecto de las enmiendas. La incorporación de los restos de cosecha al final del ciclo de cultivo de la judía tuvo un gran efecto sobre la comunidad de nematodos, y aunque el número total de nematodos incrementó al final del experimento, se observó una condición perturbada permanente de la red trófica edáfica a lo largo del experimento. ABSTRACT Due to the uncertain future of the soil fumigants most commonly used in the EU, that might involve risks for human/animal health and the environment, there is a need to develop new integrated pest management programs, included as mandatory in the Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009, to control crop diseases. According to this Regulation, evaluating the risk associated to the use of the plant production products (PPP) on non-target soil fauna and their function, and developing assays with different indicator species to obtain toxicity data to be used in the risk evaluation is mandatory. However, the low representativeness of some of these indicator species in the Mediterranean area is a relevant limitation. In this situation, the Scientific Panel of Plant Protection Products and their Residues of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has pointed out the necessity of modifying the ecotoxicological data set required to evaluate non-target effects of PPP in a more integrated way, including structural and functional endpoints with organism such as bacteria, fungi, protists and nematodes. Thus, EFSA has recommended the use of nematodes in the assessment of the functional and structural features of the soil. Nematodes are globally distributed and morphologically diverse, and due to their high abundance and diversity of responses to soil disturbance, they are suitable indicators of the soil condition. Since nematodes interact with many other organisms as participants in several links of the soil food web, playing important roles in essential soil processes in agroecosystems, nematode diversity is often used as a biological indicator of the effects of agricultural practices on soil condition. In the last years, various indices based on soil nematode assemblages, have facilitated the interpretation of complex soil ecological data. Soil food web indices based on the abundances of functional guilds defined by C-P groups and trophic groups, permit evaluating soil food web functioning. On the other hand, the difficulty of nematode taxonomical identification is commonly argued to explain their limited used as ecological indicators, and there is a certain controversy in terms of the efficacy of various nematode identification methods. It is argued that the morphological identification is difficult and time consuming due to the lack of specialist knowledge, and it is claimed that molecular techniques can solve some limitations of morphological techniques such as the identification of juveniles. Nevertheless, molecular identification methods are limited too, since most of the DNA-based databases are strongly oriented towards plant-parasitic nematodes that represent only a fraction of the soil nematode community, while there is little information available on free-living nematodes, which represent most soil nematodes. This work focuses on the study of the effects of soil fumigants on soil functioning through the use of different indicators based on soil nematode community as soil food web indices, diversity indices, the abundance of more relevant taxa etc. Other functional indicators related to soil suppressiveness, nutrient cycling, or the activity of soil microfauna have been also studied. In chapter 1, nematode diversity assessed in a commercial strawberry farm and its surroundings for two consecutive growing seasons in southern Spain, was low in fumigated soils with chemical pesticides throughout both seasons and, although yearly recovery occurred within the treated fields, fumigated soils showed a permanent perturbed condition. The nematode community was more closely associated to nutrient cycling in the non-cropped than in the cropped soils, and the link between plant biomass and nematode community structure was weak. Non-treated furrows within the treated fields were a reservoir of both beneficial and plant-parasitic nematodes, but such difference between furrows and beds was not enough to maintain more suppressive soil assemblages in the furrows. Treated soils were less suppressive than unmanaged soils, and there was a positive and significant correlation between soil suppressiveness and soil food web structure and diversity. In chapter 2, the effects of two organic pesticides with nematicide effect and two chemical nematicides on soil physicalchemical properties, soil nematode diversity and plant biomass in experimental conditions were assessed in two types of soils: low diversity soils from an agricultural farm, and high diversity soils from a natural vegetation area. The larger effect was observed on the neem treatment, which induced a large boost of dauer juveniles in the nutrient-depleted soil, while the same treatment induced the increase of more stable, less opportunistic, populations of generalist bacterivore nematodes in the pine forest soil, rich in organic matter. In chapter 3, comparison of the efficiency of molecular (TRFLP, Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) and morphological (microscopy at high magnification) identification methods was carried out in different nematode communities from five sites of different land uses in Spain and Ireland. Differences and similarities on nematode diversity and other ecological and soil food web indices assessed by both methods, were statistically compared. Molecular identification with TRFLP only detected a percentage of the taxa present in the soil samples identified morphologically, and omnivores and predators were not detected molecularly in our study. Indices involving microbial feeding nematodes were more similar between identification methods than indices involving higher trophic links. Our results show that, at least with the technique used in this study, identifying nematodes morphologically is a reliable and more precise identification tool than molecular identification, since a higher taxonomic resolution is in general obtained compared to TRFLP. In chapter 4, the effect of chemical nematicides on nematode community descriptors and plant biomass was also studied in field conditions in an experimental area in which dazomet and dimethyl disulfide was applied in a bean-cabbage rotation system for a single season. Organic amendments were incorporated into the soil with the aim of mitigate the negative effect of the pesticides on soil diversity. The effect of the nematicides was much more noticeable than the effect of the amendments on soil properties and nematode community descriptors. The incorporation of bean crop residues into the soil at the end of bean crop cycle affected soil nematode community descriptors to a great extent, and although total number of nematodes increased at the end of the experiment, a permanent perturbed soil food web condition was observed along the experiment.


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A method was developed to extract adenine nucleotides AMP, ADP, and ATP from marine macroalgal tissue to gain information on the cellular energy charge. Quantification was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three species from the rocky shore of the island of Helgoland (German Bight) were examined: Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta), Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta), and Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). In L. saccharina and C. crispus, the adenylate energy charge (AEC) was determined in different thallus regions. AEC varied in relation to tissue age and function. Higher AEC values typically occurred in thallus regions with meristematic activity. Furthermore, L. saccharina and U. lactuca were exposed to UV-A and elevated UV-B radiation. The AEC was calculated and the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was determined as indicators for UV stress. In both species, the AEC remained at high values (0.72 ± 0.04), while Fv/Fm dropped rapidly. The results show that the photosynthesis of the phaeophyte is more resistant to UV radiation than the chlorophyte.


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Marine plants colonise several interconnected ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef region including tidal wetlands, seagrass meadows and coral reefs. Water quality in some coastal areas is declining from human activities. Losses of mangrove and other tidal wetland communities are mostly the result of reclamation for coastal development of estuaries, e.g. for residential use, port infrastructure or marina development, and result in river bank destabilisation, deterioration of water clarity and loss of key coastal marine habitat. Coastal seagrass meadows are characterized by small ephemeral species. They are disturbed by increased turbidity after extreme flood events, but generally recover. There is no evidence of an overall seagrass decline or expansion. High nutrient and substrate availability and low grazing pressure on nearshore reefs have lead to changed benthic communities with high macroalgal abundance. Conservation and management of GBR macrophytes and their ecosystems is hampered by scarce ecological knowledge across macrophyte community types. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the utility of remote sensing for mapping and monitoring environmental health indicators. The objective of this work was to evaluate IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery for mapping riparian vegetation health indicators in tropical savannas for a section of Keelbottom Creek, Queensland, Australia. Vegetation indices and image texture from IKONOS data were used for estimating percentage canopy cover (r2=0.86). Pan-sharpened IKONOS data were used to map riparian species composition (overall accuracy=55%) and riparian zone width (accuracy within 4 m). Tree crowns could not be automatically delineated due to the lack of contrast between canopies and adjacent grass cover. The ETM+ imagery was suited for mapping the extent of riparian zones. Results presented demonstrate the capabilities of high and moderate spatial resolution imagery for mapping properties of riparian zones, which may be used as riparian environmental health indicators


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Climate change is one of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century. The most sensitive indicators of the effects of the climatic changes are phenological processes of the biota. The effects of climate change which were observed the earliest are the remarkable changes in the phenology (i.e. the timing of the phenophases) of the plants and animals, which have been systematically monitored later. In our research we searched for the answer: which meteorological factors show the strongest statistical relationships with phenological phenomena based on some chosen plant and insect species (in case of which large phenological databases are available). Our study was based on two large databases: one of them is the Lepidoptera database of the Hungarian Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network, the other one is the Geophytes Phenology Database of the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University. In the case of butterflies, statistically defined phenological dates were determined based on the daily collection data, while in the case of plants, observation data on blooming were available. The same meteorological indicators were applied for both groups in our study. On the basis of the data series, analyses of correlation were carried out and a new indicator, the so-called G index was introduced, summing up the number of correlations which were found to be significant on the different levels of significance. In our present study we compare the significant meteorological factors and analyse the differences based on the correlation data on plants and butterflies. Data on butterflies are much more varied regarding the effectiveness of the meteorological factors.


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Investigations were carried out in wet and dry pasture. Coenological recordings were taken in three zones. The first zone (“A”) located 0-50 m near the stable, second zone (“B”) located 50-150 m from the stable, while the third zone (“C”) located farther than 150 m. We have carried out analyses of ecological and environmental factors and life form types. Based on our results for both dry and wet grasslands, quadrates of “A” zone were well isolated from the rest of the zones. Overgrazing, which involves considerable trampling, vanishes differences among vegetations, thereby promotes weed and disturbance tolerant rich vegetation. The lowest species number and diversity could be found here. Due to the nitrogen enrichment due to the constant presence of livestock, drier and less heat demanding habitat developed in the “A” zones, according to the environmental indicators. Because of the change in management, conservation and diversity values of “C” zone increased, however, according to nature protection values it underperformed compared to “B” zone. According to the sample area, wet grasslands from the sandy areas of Kiskunság, preserve nature protection values and grass composition better moving away from stables, due to less grazing pressure. Drier backgrounds tolerate stronger grazing pressure.


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The importance and risk of vector-borne diseases (eg. leishmaniasis, West Nile Virus, Lyme borreliosis) is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. Our previous studies have shown that the potential distribution of Leishmania infantum and some Phlebotomus (sand fly) species – a parasite of leishmaniasis, and its vectors – may be expanded even to the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea by the end of the 21st century. The lowland areas of the Carpathian Basin and the main part of Hungary are projected to be suitable for the studied sand fly vectors in the near future. It is important to find some indicator plants to examine whether the sand flies are able to live in a certain climate at a certain time. We studied several Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean plant species, and we found that the aggregated distribution of three ligneous species (Juniperus oxycedrus L., Quercus ilex L. and Pinus brutia Ten.) shows high correlation with the union distribution of five sand flies (Phlebotomus ariasi Tonn., Ph. neglectus Tonn., Ph. perfiliewi Parrot, Ph. perniciosus Newst. and Ph. tobbi Adler, Theodor et Lourie). Since these Mediterranean species are highly tolerant of the edaphic characteristics of the planting site, they may prove to be good indicators. The present and upcoming climate of Hungary is seen to be suitable for the selected indicator plant species, and it draws attention to and verifies the potential of the expansion of sand flies, which has been proved by some recent observations of the vectors in Southern Hungary.


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The importance and risk of vector-borne diseases (e.g., leishmaniasis, West Nile Virus, Lyme borreliosis) is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. Our previous studies have shown that the potential distribution of Leishmania infantum and some Phlebotomus (sand fly) species – a parasite of leishmaniasis, and its vectors – may be expanded even to the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea by the end of the 21st century. The lowland areas of the Carpathian Basin and the main part of Hungary are projected to be suitable for the studied sand fly vectors in the near future. It is important to find some indicator plants to examine whether the sand flies are able to live in a certain climate at a certain time. We studied several Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean plant species, and we found that the aggregated distribution of three ligneous species (Juniperus oxycedrus L., Quercus ilex L. and Pinus brutia Ten.) shows high correlation with the union distribution of five sand flies (Phlebotomus ariasi Tonn., Ph. neglectus Tonn., Ph. perfiliewi Parrot, Ph. perniciosus Newst. and Ph. tobbi Adler, Theodor et Lourie). Since these Mediterranean species are highly tolerant of the edaphic characteristics of the planting site, they may prove to be good indicators. The present and upcoming climate of Hungary is seen to be suitable for the selected indicator plant species, and it draws attention to and verifies the potential of the expansion of sand flies, which has been proved by some recent observations of the vectors in Southern Hungary.