982 resultados para local minimum spanning tree (LMST)


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The global behavior of the extratropical tropopause transition layer (ExTL) is investigated using O3, H2O, and CO measurements from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) on Canada’s SCISAT-1 satellite obtained between February 2004 and May 2007. The ExTL depth is derived using H2O-O3 and CO-O3 correlations. The ExTL top derived from H2O-O3 shows an increase from roughly 1–1.5 km above the thermal tropopause in the subtropics to 3–4 km (2.5–3.5 km) in the north (south) polar region, implying somewhat weaker tropospherestratosphere- transport in the Southern Hemisphere. The ExTL bottom extends ~1 km below the thermal tropopause, indicating a persistent stratospheric influence on the troposphere at all latitudes. The ExTL top derived from the CO-O3 correlation is lower, at 2 km or ~345 K (1.5 km or ~335 K) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere. Its annual mean coincides with the relative temperature maximum just above the thermal tropopause. The vertical CO gradient maximizes at the thermal tropopause, indicating a local minimum in mixing within the tropopause region. The seasonal changes in and the scales of the vertical H2O gradients show a similar pattern as the static stability structure of the tropopause inversion layer (TIL), which provides observational support for the hypothesis that H2O plays a radiative role in forcing and maintaining the structure of the TIL.


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A set of random variables is exchangeable if its joint distribution function is invariant under permutation of the arguments. The concept of exchangeability is discussed, with a view towards potential application in evaluating ensemble forecasts. It is argued that the paradigm of ensembles being an independent draw from an underlying distribution function is probably too narrow; allowing ensemble members to be merely exchangeable might be a more versatile model. The question is discussed whether established methods of ensemble evaluation need alteration under this model, with reliability being given particular attention. It turns out that the standard methodology of rank histograms can still be applied. As a first application of the exchangeability concept, it is shown that the method of minimum spanning trees to evaluate the reliability of high dimensional ensembles is mathematically sound.


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The occurrence of destructive mesoscale ‘polar low’ cyclones in the subpolar North Atlantic is projected to decline under anthropogenic change, due to an increase in atmospheric static stability. This letter reports on the role of changes in ocean circulation in shaping the atmospheric stability. In particular, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is projected to weaken in response to anthropogenic forcing, leading to a local minimum in warming in this region. The reduced warming is restricted to the lower troposphere, hence contributing to the increase in static stability. Linear correlation analysis of the CMIP3 climate model ensemble suggests that around half of the model uncertainty in the projected stability response arises from the varied response of the AMOC between models.


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It is shown that in quantum gravity at finite temperature, the effective potential evaluated in the tadpole approximation can have a local minimum below a certain critical temperature. However, when the leading higher order thermal loop corrections are included, one finds that no static solution exists at high temperature. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an ensemble MML approach for the discovery of causal models. The component learners are formed based on the MML causal induction methods. Six different ensemble causal induction algorithms are proposed. Our experiential results reveal that (1) the ensemble MML causal induction approach has achieved an improved result compared with any single learner in terms of learning accuracy and correctness; (2) Among all the ensemble causal induction algorithms examined, the weighted voting without seeding algorithm outperforms all the rest; (3) It seems that the ensembled CI algorithms could alleviate the local minimum problem. The only drawback of this method is that the time complexity is increased by δ times, where δ is the ensemble size.


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This paper presents a novel method of target classification by means of a microaccelerometer. Its principle is that the seismic signals from moving vehicle targets are detected by a microaccelerometer, and targets are automatically recognized by the advanced signal processing method. The detection system based on the microaccelerometer is small in size, light in weight, has low power consumption and low cost, and can work under severe circumstances for many different applications, such as battlefield surveillance, traffic monitoring, etc. In order to extract features of seismic signals stimulated by different vehicle targets and to recognize targets, seismic properties of typical vehicle targets are researched in this paper. A technique of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is applied to the recognition of seismic signals for vehicle targets. An improved back propagation (BP) algorithm and ANN architecture have been presented to improve learning speed and avoid local minimum points in error curve. The improved BP algorithm has been used for classification and recognition of seismic signals of vehicle targets in the outdoor environment. Through experiments, it can be proven that target seismic properties acquired are correct, ANN is effective to solve the problem of classification and recognition of moving vehicle targets, and the microaccelerometer can be used in vehicle target recognition.


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This paper is concerned with leader-follower finite-time consensus control of multi-agent networks with input disturbances. Terminal sliding mode control scheme is used to design the distributed control law. A new terminal sliding mode surface is proposed to guarantee finite-time consensus under fixed topology, with the common assumption that the position and the velocity of the active leader is known to its neighbors only. By using the finite-time Lyapunov stability theorem, it is shown that if the directed graph of the network has a directed spanning tree, then the terminal sliding mode control law can guarantee finite-time consensus even under the assumption that the time-varying control input of the active leader is unknown to any follower.


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This paper poses and solves a new problem of consensus control where the task is to make the fixed-topology multi-agent network, with each agent described by an uncertain nonlinear system in chained form, to reach consensus in a fast finite time. Our development starts with a set of new sliding mode surfaces. It is proven that, on these sliding mode surfaces, consensus can be achieved if the communication graph has the proposed directed spanning tree. Next, we introduce the multi-surface sliding mode control to drive the sliding variables to the sliding mode surfaces in a fast finite time. The control Lyapunov function for fast finite time stability, motivated by the fast terminal sliding mode control, is used to prove the reachability of the sliding mode surface. A recursive design procedure is provided, which guarantees the boundedness of the control input.


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Optimizing broadcasting process in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is considered as a main challenge due to many problems, such as Broadcast Storm problem and high complexity in finding the optimal tree resulting in an NP-hard problem. Straight forward techniques like simple flooding give rise to Broadcast Storm problem with a high probability. In this work, genetic algorithm (GA) that searches over a population that represents a distinguishable ‘structure’ is adopted innovatively to suit MANETs. The novelty of the GA technique adopted here to provide the means to tackle this MANET problem lies mainly on the proposed method of searching for a structure of a suitable spanning tree that can be optimized, in order to meet the performance indices related to the broadcasting problem. In other words, the proposed genetic model (GM) evolves with the structure of random trees (individuals) ‘genetically’ generated using rules that are devised specifically to capture MANET behaviour in order to arrive at a minimal spanning tree that satisfies certain fitness function. Also, the model has the ability to give different solutions depending on the main factors specified such as, ‘time’ (or speed) in certain situations and ‘reachability’ in certain others.


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Significant world events often cause the behavioral convergence of the expression of shared sentiment. This paper examines the use of the blogosphere as a framework to study user psychological behaviors, using their sentiment responses as a form of ‘sensor’ to infer real-world events of importance automatically. We formulate a novel temporal sentiment index function using quantitative measure of the valence value of bearing words in blog posts in which the set of affective bearing words is inspired from psychological research in emotion structure. The annual local minimum and maximum of the proposed sentiment signal function are utilized to extract significant events of the year and corresponding blog posts are further analyzed using topic modeling tools to understand their content. The paper then examines the correlation of topics discovered in relation to world news events reported by the mainstream news service provider, Cable News Network, and by using the Google search engine. Next, aiming at understanding sentiment at a finer granularity over time, we propose a stochastic burst detection model, extended from the work of Kleinberg, to work incrementally with stream data. The proposed model is then used to extract sentimental bursts occurring within a specific mood label (for example, a burst of observing ‘shocked’). The blog posts at those time indices are analyzed to extract topics, and these are compared to real-world news events. Our comprehensive set of experiments conducted on a large-scale set of 12 million posts from Livejournal shows that the proposed sentiment index function coincides well with significant world events while bursts in sentiment allow us to locate finer-grain external world events.


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The Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm is one of the most effective algorithms in speeding up the convergence rate of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) with Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) architectures. However, the LM algorithm suffers the problem of local minimum entrapment. Therefore, we introduce several improvements to the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm by training the ANNs with meta-heuristic nature inspired algorithm. This paper proposes a hybrid technique Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization using Levenberg Marquardt (APSO_LM) to achieve faster convergence rate and to avoid local minima problem. These techniques are chosen since they provide faster training for solving pattern recognition problems using the numerical optimization technique.The performances of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using some bench mark of classification’s datasets. The results are compared with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm using Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) algorithm and other hybrid variants. Based on the experimental result, the proposed algorithms APSO_LM successfully demonstrated better performance as compared to other existing algorithms in terms of convergence speed and Mean Squared Error (MSE) by introducing the error and accuracy in network convergence.


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Researches on Physarum polycephalum show that methods inspired by the primitive unicellular organism can construct an efficient network and solve some complex problems in graph theory. Current models simulating the intelligent behavior of Physarum are mainly based on Hagen-Poiseuille Law and Kirchhoff Law, reaction-diffusion, Cellular Automaton and multi-agent approach. In this paper, based on an assumption that the plasmodium of Physarum forages for food along the gradient of chemo-attractants on a nutrient-poor substrate, a new model is proposed to imitate its intelligent foraging behavior. The key point of the model is that the growth of Physarum is determined by the simple particle concentration field relating the distance to food source and the shape of food source on a nutrient-poor substrate. To verify this model, numerical experiments are conducted according to Adamatzky[U+05F3]s experiment. Results in spanning tree construction by this model are almost the same as those of Physarum and Oregonator model. The proposed model can also imitate Physarum to avoid repellents. Furthermore, the Euclidean Spanning tree built by this model is similar to its corresponding Minimal Euclidean Spanning tree.


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Certain tasks in image processing require the preservation of fine image details, while applying a broad operation to the image, such as image reduction, filtering, or smoothing. In such cases, the objects of interest are typically represented by small, spatially cohesive clusters of pixels which are to be preserved or removed, depending on the requirements. When images are corrupted by the noise or contain intensity variations generated by imaging sensors, identification of these clusters within the intensity space is problematic as they are corrupted by outliers. This paper presents a novel approach to accounting for spatial organization of the pixels and to measuring the compactness of pixel clusters based on the construction of fuzzy measures with specific properties: monotonicity with respect to the cluster size; invariance with respect to translation, reflection, and rotation; and discrimination between pixel sets of fixed cardinality with different spatial arrangements. We present construction methods based on Sugeno-type fuzzy measures, minimum spanning trees, and fuzzy measure decomposition. We demonstrate their application to generating fuzzy measures on real and artificial images.


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The Multiobjective Spanning Tree is a NP-hard Combinatorial Optimization problem whose application arises in several areas, especially networks design. In this work, we propose a solution to the biobjective version of the problem through a Transgenetic Algorithm named ATIS-NP. The Computational Transgenetic is a metaheuristic technique from Evolutionary Computation whose inspiration relies in the conception of cooperation (and not competition) as the factor of main influence to evolution. The algorithm outlined is the evolution of a work that has already yielded two other transgenetic algorithms. In this sense, the algorithms previously developed are also presented. This research also comprises an experimental analysis with the aim of obtaining information related to the performance of ATIS-NP when compared to other approaches. Thus, ATIS-NP is compared to the algorithms previously implemented and to other transgenetic already presented for the problem under consideration. The computational experiments also address the comparison to two recent approaches from literature that present good results, a GRASP and a genetic algorithms. The efficiency of the method described is evaluated with basis in metrics of solution quality and computational time spent. Considering the problem is within the context of Multiobjective Optimization, quality indicators are adopted to infer the criteria of solution quality. Statistical tests evaluate the significance of results obtained from computational experiments