932 resultados para laser cut, light excluding venetians


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Purpose: In light of the concept of minimally invasive dentistry, erbium lasers have been considered as an alternative technique to the use of diamond burs for cavity preparation. The purpose of this study was to assess the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiated dentin using irradiation settings specific for cavity preparation. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four midcoronal dentin surfaces, obtained from sound human molars, were irradiated with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser or prepared with a diamond bur using a high-speed turbine. One etch-and-rinse (Optibond FL/Kerr) and three self-etching adhesives (Adper Prompt L-Pop/3M ESPE, Clearfil SE Bond/Kuraray, and Clearfil S-3 Bond/Kuraray) were used to bond the composite to dentin. The microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) was determined after 24 h of storage in water at 37 degrees C. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine pairwise statistical differences (p < 0.05). Prepared dentin surfaces, adhesive interfaces, and failure patterns were analyzed using a stereo microscope and Field-emission gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (Feg-SEM). Results: Significantly lower mu TBS was observed to laser-irradiated than to bur-cut dentin (p < 0.05), irrespective of the adhesive employed. Feg-SEM photomicrographs of lased dentin revealed an imbricate patterned substrate and the presence of microcracks at the dentin surface. Conclusion: Morphological alterations produced by Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiation adversely influence the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to dentin. Keywords: dentin, adhesion, adhesives, laser, ErCr:YSGG.


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Different light sources and power densities used on the photoactivation process may provide changes in the degree of conversion (DC%) and temperature ( T) of the composite resins. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the DC (%) and T (degrees C) of the microhybrid composite resin (Filtek (TM) Z-250, 3M/ESPE) photoactivated with one argon laser and one LED (light-emitting diode) with different power densities. For the KBr pellet technique, the composite resin was placed into a metallic mould (2-mm thickness, 4-mm diameter) and photoactivated as follows: a continuous argon laser (CW) and LED LCUs with power density values of 100, 400, 700, and 1000 mW/cm(2) for 20 s. The measurements for DC (%) were made in a FTIR spectrometer Bomen ( model MB 102, Quebec, Canada). Spectroscopy ( FTIR) spectra for both uncured and cured samples were analyzed using an accessory of the reflectance diffusion. The measurements were recorded in absorbance operating under the following conditions: 32 scans, 4 cm(-1) resolution, 300 to 4000-cm(-1) wavelength. The percentage of unreacted carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1638 cm(-1)) against an internal standard before and after the curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1608 cm(-1)). For T (degrees C), the samples were created in a metallic mould (2-mm thickness, 4-mm diameter) and photoactivated for 20 s. The thermocouple was attached to the multimeter allowing temperature readings. The DC (%) and T (degrees C) were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test (p < 0.05). The degree of conversion values varied from 35.0 to 50.0% ( 100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an argon laser and from 41.0 to 49% (100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an LED. The temperature change values varied from 1.1 to 13.1 degrees C (100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an argon laser and from 1.9 to 15.0 degrees C (100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an LED. The power densities showed a significant effect on the degree of conversion and changes the temperature for both light-curing units.


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Objective: To evaluate the flexural strength, microleakage, and degree of conversion of a microhybrid resin polymerized with argon laser and halogen lamp. Method and Materials: For both flexural test and degree of conversion analysis, 5 bar samples of composite resin were prepared and polymerized according to ISO 4049. The halogen light-curing unit was used with 500 MW/cm(2) for 20 seconds and the argon laser with 250 mW for 10 and 20 seconds. Samples were stored in distilled water in a dark environment at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. The flexural property was quantified by a 3-point loading test. For the microleakage evaluation, 60 bovine incisors were used to prepare standardized Class 5 cavities, which were restored and polished. Specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37 degrees C and thermocycled 500 times (6 degrees C to 60 degrees C). Specimens were then immersed in art aqueous solution of basic fuchsin for 24 hours. Longitudinal sections of each restoration were obtained and examined with a stereomicroscope for qualitative evaluation of microleakage. Fourier transform (FT)-Raman RFS 100/S spectrometer (Bruker) was used to analyze the degree of conversion. Results: ANOVA showed no statistically significant differences of flexural strength between the photoactivation types evaluated in the flexural study. Microleakage data were statistically analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Enamel margins resulted in a statistically lower degree of leakage than dentin margins. No statistically significant difference was found among the 3 types of photocuring studied. ANOVA also showed no statistically significant difference in the degree of conversion among the studied groups. Conclusion: According to the methodology used in this research, the argon laser is a possible alternative for photocuring, providing the same quality of polymerization as the halogen lamp. None of the photocured units tested in this study completely eliminated microleakage.


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The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the performance of laser fluorescence (LF) comparing different cut-off limits for occlusal caries detection. One hundred and thirty first permanent molars were selected. Visual examination and LF assessments were performed independently. The extent of caries was assessed after operative intervention. New cut-off limits were established and compared with those proposed by the manufacturer and by Lussi et al. (Eur J Oral Sci 109:14-19, 2001). Similar sensitivity and higher specificity was found at D(2) (considering as disease only dentin caries) when the LF cut-off limits proposed by Lussi et al. and the new one were compared. At the D(3) threshold (considering as disease only deep dentin caries), no statistically significant difference among the cut-off limits for sensitivity was found. However, the new cut-off limits showed higher specificity. The LF device provided good ability to detect dentin caries lesions. Furthermore, the new cut-off limits and the values proposed by Lussi et al. could be suggested for the in vivo detection of occlusal caries.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the laser radiation (685 nm) associated with photosensitizers on viability of different species of Candida genus. Suspensions of Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis, containing 106 viable cells per milliliter were obtained with the aid of a Neubauer's chamber. From each species, 10 samples of the cell suspension were irradiated with diode laser (685 nm) with 28 J/cm(2) in the presence of methylene blue (0.1 mg/ml), 10 samples were only treated with methylene blue, 10 samples were irradiated with laser in the absence of the dye, 10 samples were treated with the dye and irradiated with laser light and 10 samples were exposed to neither the laser light nor to the methylene blue dye. From each sample, serial dilutions of 10(-2) and 10(-3) were obtained and aliquots of 0.1 ml of each dilution were plated in duplicate on Sabouraud dextrose agar. After incubation at 37 degrees C for 48 h, the number of colony-forming units (CFU/ml) was obtained and data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Laser radiation in the presence of methylene blue reduced the number of CFU/ml in 88.6% for C. albicans, 84.8% for C. dubliniensis, 91.6% for C krusei and 82.3% for C tropicalis. Despite of this, only laser radiation or methylene blue did not reduce significantly the number of CFU/ml of Candida samples, except for C tropicalis. It could be concluded that the photo activation of methylene blue by the red laser radiation at 685 nm presented fungicide effect on all Candida species studied. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present work is to analyze the histological changes on hamster buccal mucosa caused by the topical use of 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) and exposition to a 220 μJ/pulse nitrogen laser light (@ 337 nm) at an average power of 2,3 mW. Twenty-one hamsters divided into two experimental groups were treated six times with DMBA. One hamster was kept as control. Group I was composed by ten hamsters and was submitted only to DMBA. Group II, also with ten hamsters, received the same treatment as group I and was exposed to the laser radiation. The time duration of each irradiation section was 10 seconds. All the treatment happened in alternated days. The histological analysis took place twice, after the end of the treatment and after sixty days. Both experimental groups presented dilatation of vessels, thickening of the epithelial tissue and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates. The preliminary results indicates that in group II the number of dilated vessels and its new area are much more significant than in group I.


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A variety of effects is attributed to the photo stimulation of tissues, such as improved healing of ulcers, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of the proliferation of cells of different origins and stimulation of bone repair. Some investigations that make qualitative evaluations, like wound healing and evaluation of pain and edema, can be conducted in human subjects. However, deeper investigations on the mechanisms of action of the light stimulus and other quantitative works that requires biopsies or destructive analysis has to be carried out in animal models or in cell cultures. In this work, we propose the use of planarians as a model to study laser-tissue interaction. Contrasting with cell cultures and unicellular organisms, planarians are among the simplest organism having tissue layers, central nerve system, digestive and excretory system that might have been platforms for the evolution of the complex and highly organized tissues and organs found in higher organisms. For the present study, 685 nm laser radiation was employed. Planarians were cut transversally, in a plane posterior to the auricles. The body fragments were left to regenerate and the proliferation dynamics of stem cells was studied by using histological analysis. Maximum cell count was obtained for the laser treated group at the 4th experimental day. At that experimental time, we also had the largest difference between the irradiated and the non-irradiated control group. We concluded that the studied flatworm could be an interesting animal model for in vivo studies of laser-tissue interactions.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Refractive and profilometric measurements of lenses were performed through holography with a photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal as the recording medium. Two properly aligned diode lasers emitting in the red region were employed as light sources. Both lasers were tuned in order to provide millimetric and sub-millimetric synthetic wavelengths. The surfaces of the test lens were covered by a 25-μm opaque plastic tape in order to allow the lens profilometry upon illuminating them with a collimated beam. The resulting holographic images appear covered by interference fringes corresponding to the wavefront geometry of the wave scattered by the lens. For refractive index measurement a diffusely scattering flat surface was positioned behind the uncovered lens which was also illuminated by a plane wave. The resulting contour interferogram describes the form of the wavefront after the beam traveled back and forth through the lens. The fringe quantitative evaluation was carried out through the four-stepping technique and the resulting phase map and the Branch-cut method was employed for phase unwrapping. The only non-optical procedure for lens characterization was the thickness measurement, made by a dial caliper. Exact ray tracing calculation was performed in order to establish a relation between the output wavefront geometry and the lens parameters like radii of curvature, thickness and refractive index. By quantitatively comparing the theoretical wavefront geometry with the experimental results relative uncertainties bellow 3% for refractive index and 1 % for focal length were obtained. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The subject of the presented thesis is the accurate measurement of time dilation, aiming at a quantitative test of special relativity. By means of laser spectroscopy, the relativistic Doppler shifts of a clock transition in the metastable triplet spectrum of ^7Li^+ are simultaneously measured with and against the direction of motion of the ions. By employing saturation or optical double resonance spectroscopy, the Doppler broadening as caused by the ions' velocity distribution is eliminated. From these shifts both time dilation as well as the ion velocity can be extracted with high accuracy allowing for a test of the predictions of special relativity. A diode laser and a frequency-doubled titanium sapphire laser were set up for antiparallel and parallel excitation of the ions, respectively. To achieve a robust control of the laser frequencies required for the beam times, a redundant system of frequency standards consisting of a rubidium spectrometer, an iodine spectrometer, and a frequency comb was developed. At the experimental section of the ESR, an automated laser beam guiding system for exact control of polarisation, beam profile, and overlap with the ion beam, as well as a fluorescence detection system were built up. During the first experiments, the production, acceleration and lifetime of the metastable ions at the GSI heavy ion facility were investigated for the first time. The characterisation of the ion beam allowed for the first time to measure its velocity directly via the Doppler effect, which resulted in a new improved calibration of the electron cooler. In the following step the first sub-Doppler spectroscopy signals from an ion beam at 33.8 %c could be recorded. The unprecedented accuracy in such experiments allowed to derive a new upper bound for possible higher-order deviations from special relativity. Moreover future measurements with the experimental setup developed in this thesis have the potential to improve the sensitivity to low-order deviations by at least one order of magnitude compared to previous experiments; and will thus lead to a further contribution to the test of the standard model.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of CO2 laser treatment through topically applied amine fluoride solution on demineralised enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty extracted human molar crowns were selected and cut longitudinally into half. One half was subjected to a 10-day pH-cycling procedure to create caries-like lesions, whereas the other was left non-demineralised. The following treatments were randomly assigned (one treatment per tooth, on respective non-demineralised and demineralised matched specimens): exposure to a 1% amine fluoride solution for 15 s without irradiation (group I), irradiation for 15 s with a continuous-wave CO2 laser (group II), or laser-treatment for 15 s through the amine fluoride solution applied immediately beforehand (group III). Fluoride uptake (n = 30) and acid resistance (n = 30) were determined after treatment. Enamel surface alterations after laser irradiation were monitored using scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: In groups I and III, an increased fluoride uptake was detected (p < or = 0.05). Laser irradiation through topical fluoride resulted in an increased acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel specimens in deeper layers (p < or = 0.05). In addition, less surface alterations were observed in SEM examination of specimens irradiated through the amine fluoride solution compared with counterparts treated with laser only. CONCLUSIONS: CO2 laser light application through an amine fluoride solution may be instrumental in enhancing acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel.