624 resultados para irregularities waived


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This paper presents Yagada, an algorithm to search labelled graphs for anomalies using both structural data and numeric attributes. Yagada is explained using several security-related examples and validated with experiments on a physical Access Control database. Quantitative analysis shows that in the upper range of anomaly thresholds, Yagada detects twice as many anomalies as the best-performing numeric discretization algorithm. Qualitative evaluation shows that the detected anomalies are meaningful, representing a com- bination of structural irregularities and numerical outliers.


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Background: Tissue MicroArrays (TMAs) represent a potential high-throughput platform for the analysis and discovery of tissue biomarkers. As TMA slides are produced manually and subject to processing and sectioning artefacts, the layout of TMA cores on the final slide and subsequent digital scan (TMA digital slide) is often disturbed making it difficult to associate cores with their original position in the planned TMA map. Additionally, the individual cores can be greatly altered and contain numerous irregularities such as missing cores, grid rotation and stretching. These factors demand the development of a robust method for de-arraying TMAs which identifies each TMA core, and assigns them to their appropriate coordinates on the constructed TMA slide.

Methodology: This study presents a robust TMA de-arraying method consisting of three functional phases: TMA core segmentation, gridding and mapping. The segmentation of TMA cores uses a set of morphological operations to identify each TMA core. Gridding then utilises a Delaunay Triangulation based method to find the row and column indices of each TMA core. Finally, mapping correlates each TMA core from a high resolution TMA whole slide image with its name within a TMAMap.

Conclusion: This study describes a genuine robust TMA de-arraying algorithm for the rapid identification of TMA cores from digital slides. The result of this de-arraying algorithm allows the easy partition of each TMA core for further processing. Based on a test group of 19 TMA slides (3129 cores), 99.84% of cores were segmented successfully, 99.81% of cores were gridded correctly and 99.96% of cores were mapped with their correct names via TMAMaps. The gridding of TMA cores were also extensively tested using a set of 113 pseudo slide (13,536 cores) with a variety of irregular grid layouts including missing cores, rotation and stretching. 100% of the cores were gridded correctly.


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An Automated Interpulse Duration Assessment system (AIDA) is described which permits detection of irregularities in cardiac rhythms in selected invertebrates. The sensitivity of AIDA was demonstrated by its ability to detect handling stress in mussels (Mytilus edulis) that was not evident when measuring heart rate alone. Changes in cardiac activity patterns of crabs (Carcinus maenas) held in the laboratory for up to 10 wk was also examined using the new technique. The frequency distribution of interpulse duration changed significantly as the nutritional state changed. Potential applications of the AIDA system are discussed.


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Aims. To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements in patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas obtained from affected and non-affected areas. Methods. 15 patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas were prospectively recruited. When both eyes were affected, only the right eye was analysed. Tono-Pen readings of IOP were obtained sequentially from the affected and non-affected corneal surface. Additionally, Goldmann applanation tonometry was attempted. Results. Determination of IOP with the Tono-Pen was possible in all cases, while Goldmann tonometry was not performed in three patients because of severe corneal irregularities. The average of the Tono-Pen readings obtained from the affected cornea (34.8 (SD 14.0) mmHg) was consistently and significantly higher (p <0.001) than mean IOP obtained by the Tono-Pen from the non-affected area (14.8 (4.3) mmHg). The average of Goldmann tonometry readings (14.4 (6.1) mmHg) did not differ significantly from the Tono-Pen values obtained from the non-affected corneal area (p = 0.47) but was significantly lower than the Tono-Pen measurements obtained from the affected area (p <0.001) Conclusion. In patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas determination of IOP by Tono-Pen tonometry varies from affected to non-affected area. The Tono-Pen overestimates the level of IOP when it is applied to areas with band keratopathy or with glue.


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Larsen and Toubro (L&T) Limited is India’s largest construction conglomerate. L&T’s expertise is harnessed to execute high value projects that demand adherence to stringent timelines in a scenario where disparate disciplines of engineering are required to be coordinated on a critical path. However, no company can acquire such a feat without systematic management of its human resource. An investigation on the human resource management practices in orienting L&T’s success can help to identify some of the ethical human resource practices, especially in the context of Indian market. Accordingly, a well-designed employee satisfaction survey was conducted for assessment of the HRM practices being followed in L&T. Unlike other companies, L&T aims to meet the long-term needs of its employees rather than short-term needs. There were however few areas of concerns, such as yearly appraisal system and equality to treat the employees. It is postulated that the inequality to treat the male and female employees is primarily a typical stereotype due to the fact that construction is conventionally believed to be a male dominant activity. A periodic survey intended to provide 360° feedback system can help to avoid such irregularities. This study is thus expected to provide healthy practices of HRM to nurture the young talents of India. This may help them to evaluate their decisions by analyzing the complex relationship between HRM practices and output of an organization.


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Boundary layer transition estimation and modelling is essential for the design of many engineering products across many industries. In this paper, the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes are solved in conjunction with three additional transport equations to model and predict boundary layer transition. The transition model (referred to as the kTkT–kLkL–ωω model) is based on the kk–ωω framework with an additional transport equation to incorporate the effects low-frequency flow oscillations in the form of a laminar kinetic energy (kLkL). Firstly, a number of rectifications are made to the original kTkT–kLkL–ωω framework in order to ensure an appropriate response to the free-stream turbulence level and to improve near wall predictions. Additionally, the model is extended to incorporate the capability to model transition due to surface irregularities in the form of backward-facing steps with maximum non-dimensional step sizes of approximately 1.5 times the local displacement thickness of the boundary layer where the irregularity is located (i.e k/δ∗⪅1.5k/δ∗⪅1.5) at upstream turbulence intensities in the range 0.01<Tu(%)<0.80.01<Tu(%)<0.8. A novel function is proposed to incorporate transition sensitivity due to aft-facing steps. This paper details the rationale behind the development of this new function and demonstrates its suitability for transition onset estimation on a flat plate at zero pressure gradient.


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Recent literature has drawn a parallel between the discriminatory application of counterterrorism legislation to the Irish population in the United Kingdom during the Northern Ireland conflict and the targeting of Muslims after September 2001. Less attention has been paid to lessons that can be drawn from judicial decision making in terrorism-related cases stemming from the Northern Ireland conflict. This Article examines Northern Ireland Court of Appeal (“NICA”) jurisprudence on miscarriages of justice in cases regarding counterterrorism offenses. In particular, the Article focuses on cases referred after the 1998 peace agreements in Northern Ireland from the Criminal Cases Review Commission (“CCRC”), a relatively new entity that investigates potential wrongful convictions in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Although the NICA’s human rights jurisprudence has developed significantly in recent years, the study of CCRC-referred cases finds that judges have retained confidence in the integrity of the conflict-era counterterrorism system even while acknowledging abuses and procedural irregularities that occurred. This study partially contradicts contentions that judicial deference to the executive recedes in a post-conflict or post-emergency period. Despite a high rate of quashed convictions, the NICA’s decisions suggest that it seeks to limit a large number of referrals and demonstrate a judicial predisposition to defend the justness of the past system’s laws and procedure. This perspective is consistent with what social psychologists have studied as “just-world thinking,” in which objective observers, although motivated by a concern with justice, believe—as a result of cognitive bias—that individuals “got what they deserved.” The Article considers other potential interpretations of the jurisprudence and contends that conservative decision making is particularly dangerous in the politicized realm of counterterrorism and in light of the criminalization of members of suspect communities.


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Historically, drusen, which are recognized as the hallmark of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), have been described in terms of size, margins, and texture, and several studies have emphasized the importance of large soft drusen particularly when combined with focal pigmentary irregularities in determining the risk of progression to neovascular AMD. However, recent developments in imaging over the past decade have revealed a further distinct phenotype strongly associated with the development of late AMD, namely, reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) or reticular drusen. Reticular pseudodrusen appear as yellowish interlacing networks in the fundus and, although visible on color photography, are better visualized using infrared imaging or spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Studies correlating spectral domain optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy have shown that RPD are subretinal deposits located internal to the retinal pigment epithelium in contrast to traditional drusen, which are located external to the retinal pigment epithelium. As multiple longitudinal studies have revealed RPD are strong predictors for progression to both neovascular AMD and geographic atrophy, the interest in understanding the role that RPD play in the pathogenesis of AMD has grown. This review focuses on the current literature concerning RPD and considers what is currently known regarding their epidemiology, risk factors, appearance in both retinal imaging and histology, impact on visual function, relationship to other AMD lesions, and association with the development of late AMD.


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The chromosomal speciation hypothesis suggests that irregularities in synapsis, recombination, and segregation in heterozygotes for chromosome rearrangements may restrict gene flow between karyotypically distinct populations and promote speciation. Ctenomys talarum is a South American subterranean rodent inhabiting the coastal regions of Argentina, whose populations polymorphic for Robertsonian and tandem translocations seem to have a very restricted gene flow. To test if chromosomal differences are involved in isolation among its populations, we examined chromosome pairing, recombination, and meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin in male meiosis of simple and complex translocation heterozygotes using immunolocalization of the MLH1 marking mature recombination nodules and phosphorylated histone γH2A.X marking unrepaired double-strand breaks. We observed small asynaptic areas labeled by γH2A.X in pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes involved in the trivalents and quadrivalents. We also observed a decrease of recombination frequency and a distalization of the crossover distribution in the heterozygotes and metacentric homozygotes compared to acrocentric homozygotes. We suggest that the asynapsis of the pericentromeric regions are unlikely to induce germ cell death and decrease fertility of the heterozygotes; however, suppressed recombination in pericentromeric areas of the multivalents may reduce gene flow between chromosomally different populations of the Talas tuco-tuco.


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OBJECTIVE: The antitumor effects of FK506-binding protein like (FKBPL) and its extracellular role in angiogenesis are well characterized; however, its role in physiological/developmental angiogenesis and the effect of FKBPL ablation has not been evaluated. This is important as effects of some angiogenic proteins are dosage dependent. Here we evaluate the regulation of FKBPL secretion under angiogenic stimuli, as well as the effect of FKBPL ablation in angiogenesis using mouse and zebrafish models.

APPROACH AND RESULTS: FKBPL is secreted maximally by human microvascular endothelial cells and fibroblasts, and this was specifically downregulated by proangiogenic hypoxic signals, but not by the angiogenic cytokines, VEGF or IL8. FKBPL's critical role in angiogenesis was supported by our inability to generate an Fkbpl knockout mouse, with embryonic lethality occurring before E8.5. However, whilst Fkbpl heterozygotic embryos showed some vasculature irregularities, the mice developed normally. In murine angiogenesis models, including the ex vivo aortic ring assay, in vivo sponge assay, and tumor growth assay, Fkbpl(+/-) mice exhibited increased sprouting, enhanced vessel recruitment, and faster tumor growth, respectively, supporting the antiangiogenic function of FKBPL. In zebrafish, knockdown of zFkbpl using morpholinos disrupted the vasculature, and the phenotype was rescued with hFKBPL. Interestingly, this vessel disruption was ineffective when zcd44 was knocked-down, supporting the dependency of zFkbpl on zCd44 in zebrafish.

CONCLUSIONS: FKBPL is an important regulator of angiogenesis, having an essential role in murine and zebrafish blood vessel development. Mouse models of angiogenesis demonstrated a proangiogenic phenotype in Fkbpl heterozygotes.


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BACKGROUND: The month of diagnosis in childhood type 1 diabetes shows seasonal variation.

OBJECTIVE: We describe the pattern and investigate if year-to-year irregularities are associated with meteorological factors using data from 50 000 children diagnosed under the age of 15 yr in 23 population-based European registries during 1989-2008.

METHODS: Tests for seasonal variation in monthly counts aggregated over the 20 yr period were performed. Time series regression was used to investigate if sunshine hour and average temperature data were predictive of the 240 monthly diagnosis counts after taking account of seasonality and long term trends.

RESULTS: Significant sinusoidal pattern was evident in all but two small centers with peaks in November to February and relative amplitudes ranging from ±11 to ±38% (median ±17%). However, most centers showed significant departures from a sinusoidal pattern. Pooling results over centers, there was significant seasonal variation in each age-group at diagnosis, with least seasonal variation in those under 5 yr. Boys showed greater seasonal variation than girls, particularly those aged 10-14 yr. There were no differences in seasonal pattern between four 5-yr sub-periods. Departures from the sinusoidal trend in monthly diagnoses in the period were significantly associated with deviations from the norm in average temperature (0.8% reduction in diagnoses per 1 °C excess) but not with sunshine hours.

CONCLUSIONS: Seasonality was consistently apparent throughout the period in all age-groups and both sexes, but girls and the under 5 s showed less marked variation. Neither sunshine hour nor average temperature data contributed in any substantial way to explaining departures from the sinusoidal pattern.


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Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Civis), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014


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In the Sparse Point Representation (SPR) method the principle is to retain the function data indicated by significant interpolatory wavelet coefficients, which are defined as interpolation errors by means of an interpolating subdivision scheme. Typically, a SPR grid is coarse in smooth regions, and refined close to irregularities. Furthermore, the computation of partial derivatives of a function from the information of its SPR content is performed in two steps. The first one is a refinement procedure to extend the SPR by the inclusion of new interpolated point values in a security zone. Then, for points in the refined grid, such derivatives are approximated by uniform finite differences, using a step size proportional to each point local scale. If required neighboring stencils are not present in the grid, the corresponding missing point values are approximated from coarser scales using the interpolating subdivision scheme. Using the cubic interpolation subdivision scheme, we demonstrate that such adaptive finite differences can be formulated in terms of a collocation scheme based on the wavelet expansion associated to the SPR. For this purpose, we prove some results concerning the local behavior of such wavelet reconstruction operators, which stand for SPR grids having appropriate structures. This statement implies that the adaptive finite difference scheme and the one using the step size of the finest level produce the same result at SPR grid points. Consequently, in addition to the refinement strategy, our analysis indicates that some care must be taken concerning the grid structure, in order to keep the truncation error under a certain accuracy limit. Illustrating results are presented for 2D Maxwell's equation numerical solutions.


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The top velocity of high-speed trains is generally limited by the ability to supply the proper amount of energy through the pantograph-catenary interface. The deterioration of this interaction can lead to the loss of contact, which interrupts the energy supply and originates arcing between the pantograph and the catenary, or to excessive contact forces that promote wear between the contacting elements. Another important issue is assessing on how the front pantograph influences the dynamic performance of the rear one in trainsets with two pantographs. In this work, the track and environmental conditions influence on the pantograph-catenary is addressed, with particular emphasis in the multiple pantograph operations. These studies are performed for high speed trains running at 300 km/h with relation to the separation between pantographs. Such studies contribute to identify the service conditions and the external factors influencing the contact quality on the overhead system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho teve como propósito fazer uma avaliação do desempenho energético e da qualidade do ar no interior das instalações de uma Piscina Municipal Coberta, localizada na zona norte de Portugal, sendo estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos: caracterização geral da piscina, no que respeita aos seus diferentes espaços e equipamentos, cálculo dos consumos térmicos e elétricos bem como o registo das concentrações de elementos poluentes para controlo da qualidade do ar no interior da piscina, tendo como base a legislação atualmente em vigor. A caracterização geral da piscina permitiu verificar algumas inconformidades como a temperatura da água nos tanques de natação que tem valores superiores aos recomendados e a sala de primeiros socorros que não possui acesso direto ao exterior. Acrescente-se que o pavimento nos chuveiros da casa de banho feminina e os valores de pH para água do tanque grande e pequeno não estão sempre dentro da gama de recomendação. O caudal da renovação de ar está a ser operado manualmente e quando está a funcionar a 50% da sua capacidade máxima, que acontece numa parte do dia, apenas consegue renovar 77,5% do caudal recomendado pelo RSECE. Para se obter o valor recomendado é necessário ter pelo menos 7 horas com o caudal a 100% da capacidade máxima. A avaria na UTA2 originou que 40% dos registos diários da humidade relativa interior estivessem fora da gama de valores recomendados e que esta é fortemente dependente da humidade no exterior e pode ser agravada quando as portas dos envidraçados da nave são abertas. Analisando ainda a quantidade de água removida na desumidificação do ar com a água evaporada em condições de Outono-Inverno ou Primavera-Verão, este estudo permitiu concluir que todas as combinações demonstraram a necessidade de desumidificação salvo a combinação Outono-Inverno e UTA2 a funcionar a 100% da sua capacidade máxima. Os isolamentos das tubagens na sala das caldeiras foram observados e comparados com as soluções recomendadas pelas empresas especialistas e verificou-se que alguns estão mal colocados com parcial ou total degradação, promovendo perdas térmicas. No caso das perdas calorificas por evaporação, estas representaram cerca de 67,78% das perdas totais. Como tal, estudou-se a aplicação de uma cobertura sobre o plano de água durante o período de inatividade da piscina (8 horas) e verificou-se que o resultado seria uma poupança de 654,8 kWh/dia, na ausência de evaporação da água, mais 88,00 kWh/dia do período da UTA2 a funcionar a 50% da sua capacidade, perfazendo um total de 742,8 kWh/dia. A aplicação da cobertura permite obter um VAL de valor positivo, uma TIR de 22,77% e sendo este valor superior ao WACC (Weight Average Cost of Capital), o projeto torna-se viável com um Pay-Back de 3,17 anos. Caracterizou-se também o consumo total diário em eletricidade, e verificou-se que as unidades de climatização, as bombas de circulação de água, a iluminação, e outros equipamentos representam, respetivamente, cerca de 67,81, 25,26, 2,68 e 3,91% da energia elétrica total consumida. Por fim, a análise à qualidade do ar no interior da nave em Maio e Setembro identificou que as concentrações de ozono apresentavam valores no limite do aceitável em Maio e superiores ao valor de emissão em Setembro. Os compostos orgânicos voláteis também apresentavam valores em Maio 4,98 vezes superior e em Setembro 6,87 vezes superior aos valores máximos exigidos pelo D.L. nº 79/2006. Houve ainda altas concentrações de radão registadas na casa dos filtros, em Maio com um valor 11,49 vezes superior, no entanto esse valor desceu em Setembro para 1,08 vezes, mesmo assim superior ao exigido pelo D.L. nº 79/2006.